603 research outputs found

    Intervención desde terapia ocupacional en un caso clínico de hemiplejia a consecuencia de un ictus hemorrágico

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    Introducción: El Accidente Cerebro Vascular (ACV) o ictus supone una gran tasa de morbilidad y discapacidad en nuestro país. El objetivo desde Terapia Ocupacional en esta área es capacitar a las personas que han sufrido un ACV para que puedan volver a desempeñar sus Actividades de la Vida Diaria (AVD) de la forma más autónoma y funcional posible.Metodología: El caso clínico que se presenta en este trabajo es de un paciente el cual ha sufrido un ACV hemorrágico. A consecuencia de esto presenta una hemiplejia en el lado izquierdo impidiéndole el desempeño autónomo de sus AVD básicas e instrumentales. La rehabilitación se llevó a cabo en el Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet (HUMS) y la intervención se desarrolló teniendo en cuenta el Modelo de Ocupación Humana (MOHO), el Modelo Cinesiológico-Biomecánico y el Modelo Neuromotriz.Desarrollo: Hubo una clara mejoría en el estado funcional del paciente la cual se demostró a través de las siguientes evaluaciones: Medida de Independencia Funcional (FIM), el Índice de Barthel (IB) y la Escala de Lawton y Brody.Conclusiones: Se demuestra la importancia de la intervención desde Terapia Ocupacional para la mejoría de la independencia funcional en pacientes que han sufrido un ACV.Palabras Clave: "accidente cerebro vascular", "ictus", "ACV hemorrágico", "hemiplejia", "terapia ocupacional","actividades de la vida diaria", "desempeño ocupacional"."<br /

    Revisión sistemática: Calidad de vida percibida e impacto psicológico en mayores de 65 años con amputación no traumática de miembros inferiores

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    Introducción: La amputación no traumática de los miembros inferiores es un proceso paralizante, que afecta a la vida del paciente física y mentalmente. La mayoría de las amputaciones de miembro inferior ocurren en mayores de 65 años y presentan importantes comorbilidades. Existen variables que influyen en la calidad de vida y el impacto psicológico tras la amputación, entre las que se encuentra la protetización, sin embargo, su uso en la tercera edad presenta importantes desafíos. Objetivos: Realizar un estudio de revisión de la literatura disponible, para identificar los aspectos más importantes de estudios primarios, con el fin de resumir y analizar la información existente sobre la salud percibida e impacto psicológico en los amputados no traumáticos en personas mayores. Identificar los factores que influyen en la calidad de vida y los factores que determinan el impacto psicológico.Metodología: Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de revisión sistemática según las directrices de The Cochrane Collaboration. Se ha realizado una búsqueda en las bases de datos Pubmed, Scopus, Science Direct y Dialnet Plus. Resultados: Los estudios analizados emplean diferentes cuestionarios de medición de la calidad de vida percibida e impacto psicológico en el paciente amputado. Existen factores que determinan la calidad de vida entre otros se encuentran el dolor, la pérdida de movilidad, incapacidad para realizar las actividades de la vida diaria, la falta de apoyo de familia y profesionales sanitarios, la autoimagen, o la incapacidad de uso de prótesis. Conclusión: Es crucial proporcionar atención biopsicosocial a los pacientes mayores con amputación no traumática de miembros inferiores. Apropiando el tratamiento y la rehabilitación a sus necesidades, con el fin de conseguir mejorar la calidad de vida. Analizar el impacto de los factores en la calidad de vida de las personas después de la amputación de una extremidad puede contribuir a la mejora e introducción de nuevos paradigmas en materia de atención a personas mayores con amputación. Palabras clave: amputación no traumática, miembro inferior, persona mayor, actitud de salud, impacto psicológico. <br /

    Implementation of resuspension from paved roads for the improvement of CALIOPE air quality system in Spain

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    Emissions of resuspensed particles from paved roads (RPR) have received an increasing attention in air quality modeling, since chemistry transport models are generally unable to reproduce particulate levels near road traffic. However, among the models operated in the forecasting mode in Europe, there is a lack of systems including the contribution of RPR on an hourly basis. Therefore, this contribution describes the inclusion of the resuspension of particulate matter within HERMES emission model (operationally implemented in the CALIOPE forecasting system) and the improvements obtained in the simulations of the PM10 mass over a domain covering Spain for a whole year of simulation (2004). The results indicate a remarkable improvement of the PM10 predictions, reducing the biases and errors around 15-18% and 2.6 μg m−3 for the average bias in all Spain. The RPR emission have strong local effects on the modeled particle concentration in or near the largest urban zones (up to 7 μg m−3 as the annual average), albeit those positive effects are more limited in background areas, since the deposition mechanism was found to be a significant sink for RPR in the chemistry transport model. This approach is accurate and effective in order to improve the prediction of the PM10 mass and becomes essential to achieve the standards set in the regulations for modeling applications

    Between historic sites and new tourist destinations: the development of the first periphery in medium-sized andalusian coastal cities (1950-1980)

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    This study aims to analyze the urbangrowth experienced in the third quarter of the 20th century in medium-sized cities (1950-1980). These cities can be considered as relevant referents in their countries, although their population is lower than in regional centres (over 10,000 to 100,000 inhabitants). Furthermore, they have been recently recognized as an opportunity to promote more sustainable territorial strategies. Nevertheless, there are still gaps in many fields. The so-called first urban periphery was built in response to urging quantitative needs of the European existing housing. This was at the end of the mid-century wars, due to massive migration from the countryside to the cities in the whole continent. Sharing many of the morphological and pathological features with their equivalents, Spanish cities would have introduced certain peculiarities in their development because of the socio-political context marked by strong state control. This general framework of housing was completed with the implementation of some policies developed in the 1960s. Tourism was used as one of the growth engines of Spain’s economy. Within this context, this research takes the Andalusian coast as a geographical framework and it intends to identify two different processes that have determined the urban development of these cities. On one hand, there are urban areas that have experienced a progressive demographic growth and have remained within the population range that defines a medium-sized city during this time. On the other hand, many towns have undergone anexponential evolution, moving from the features assimilated to rural settlements, to qualities of a medium-size city. In the final analysis, the purpose of this paper is to examine how historic sites have responded to this duality, as well as to determineif their protection has been decisive in the type of development that they have experienced.Research Plan of the University of Sevill

    On the performance of carbon-based screen-printed electrodes for (in)organic hydroperoxides sensing in rainwater

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    Hydroperoxides play important roles in atmospheric chemical processes since they act as strong oxidants. This paper details with the modification, characterization and performance of different carbon-based screen-printed electrodes to develop a sensor that allows to analyze organic and inorganic hydroperoxides in atmospheric samples. Commercial electrodes made up of graphite, graphene, carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide were electrochemically activated and subsequently modified by layer-by-layer method with a conducting polymer of azure-A and electrodeposited platinum nanoparticles. Characterization of modified electrodes was performed by FE-SEM, XPS, Raman spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and impedance spectroscopy. Even though all modified carbonaceous substrates enabled the development of competitive electrochemical sensors for (in)organic hydroperoxides detection, carbon nanotubes underlying substrate exhibited the best performances in terms of sensitivity, stability, limit of detection and linear range. This amperometric sensor displayed linear responses to hydroperoxides over 0.081–450 μM with detection limits in the range of 24–558 nM and sensitivity values among 0.0628±1.6E-4 and 0.0112±0.71E-4 μA/μM for the different hydroperoxides herein studied. The developed electrochemical sensor was successfully applied to the analysis of (in)organic hydroperoxides in rainwater samples. Measurements in rainwater were performed in a city located in the East of Spain and collected at two different sites (downtown and suburban area) on two different dates (July and November 2020). The presented results demonstrated high sensitivity and selectivity for the detection of hydroperoxides among a plethora of substances naturally present in rainwater.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICINN, https://www.ciencia.gob.es/) with grants PID2019-106468RB-I00 and PID2019-108136RB-C32, the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha with grant SBPLY/17/180501/000276/2, and the UCLM groups research grants 2020-GRIN-28857 and 2020-GRIN-28771, all of them cofounded with FEDER funds, EU

    Mass housing neighbourhoods in medium sized andalusian cities: between historic city centres and new peripheral developments

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    This paper aims to analyse the evolution experienced by the neighbourhoods that comprise the so-called first periphery. Most of them have been thoroughly studied, has led to recognize theirs values and to be included in the catalogues of heritage protection of their respective cities. However, this research shows that is pending an in-depth analysis in cities of intermediate scale. Its significance lies not only in the fact that they are the most significant operations of architecture of the modern movement in their respective cities, but are especially noteworthy the values derived from its strategic location within the urban structure of these intermediate scale cities. Being near to city centre, they have been constituted as transition pieces between historic sites, new peripheral developments, and even, their nearest territory. As method, this research proposes a comparative analysis of traceability among different study cases, from medium-sized cities of the Andalusian Coast (Spain). In this context, it means recording the evolution that these promotions have been experienced since their first designs until their current situation. It attempts to find the characteristics that have resulted in the urban configuration of this periphery and to recognize the sum of all the cultural, economic, social and technological aspects that conditions the ways of life that today are detected in them. Definitely, the knowledge generated by this research allows extracting architectural and urban values of these examples, which justify its necessary dissemination as part of our legacy

    Las bibliotecas públicas ante la brecha digital: tercera edad y discapacidad

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    Ponencias de la Segunda Conferencia internacional sobre brecha digital e inclusión social, celebrada del 28 al 30 de octubre de 2009 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridLa biblioteca pública tiene el deber de implicarse en el desarrollo personal, educativo y cultural de los ciudadanos a los que sirve. Para ello debe ofrecer servicios especiales a los grupos que, en nuestro caso, por edad o por discapacidad, no pueden acceder a los servicios habituales de la biblioteca. Estos servicios les permitirán mejorar su calidad de vida y abrirles nuevas oportunidades en la sociedad. Ocupándonos de estos colectivos evitamos que acaben quedando aislados, y que la brecha digital se vea reducida e incluso eliminada. Para ello las bibliotecas ofrecerán servicios en los que puedan participar activamente, se les dará información en la web y también formación para que puedan consultarla y saber manejarse en ella sin problemas. Por último, la Web pone a nuestro alcance una serie de servicios que hace poco tiempo eran impensables, y se prestan sin problemas de accesibilidad a los mismos. Ofrecemos recursos disponibles en Internet específicos para estos colectivos, aunque también pueden extrapolarse a otros sectores desfavorecidos de la sociedad

    An annual assessment of air quality with the CALIOPE modeling system over Spain

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    The CALIOPE project, funded by the Spanish Ministry of the Environment, aims at establishing an air quality forecasting system for Spain. With this goal, CALIOPE modeling system was developed and applied with high resolution (4 km × 4 km, 1 h) using the HERMES emission model (including emissions of resuspended particles from paved roads) specifically built up for Spain. The present study provides an evaluation and the assessment of the modeling system, coupling WRF-ARW/HERMES/CMAQ/BSC-DREAM8b for a full-year simulation in 2004 over Spain. The evaluation focuses on the capability of the model to reproduce the temporal and spatial distribution of gas phase species (NO2, O3, and SO2) and particulate matter (PM10) against ground-based measurements from the Spanish air quality monitoring network. The evaluation of the modeling results on an hourly basis shows a strong dependency of the performance of the model on the type of environment (urban, suburban and rural) and the dominant emission sources (traffic, industrial, and background). The O3 chemistry is best represented in summer, when mean hourly variability and high peaks are generally well reproduced. The mean normalized error and bias meet the recommendations proposed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) and the European regulations. Modeled O3 shows higher performance for urban than for rural stations, especially at traffic stations in large cities, since stations influenced by traffic emissions (i.e., high-NOx environments) are better characterized with a more pronounced daily variability. NOx/O3 chemistry is better represented under non-limited-NO2 regimes. SO2 is mainly produced from isolated point sources (power generation and transformation industries) which generate large plumes of high SO2 concentration affecting the air quality on a local to national scale where the meteorological pattern is crucial. The contribution of mineral dust from the Sahara desert through the BSC-DREAM8b model helps to satisfactorily reproduce episodic high PM10 concentration peaks at background stations. The model assessment indicates that one of the main air quality-related problems in Spain is the high level of O3. A quarter of the Iberian Peninsula shows more than 30 days exceeding the value 120 μg m−3 for the maximum 8-h O3 concentration as a consequence of the transport of O3 precursors downwind to/from the Madrid and Barcelona metropolitan areas, and industrial areas and cities in the Mediterranean coast

    One-pot electrodeposition of multilayered 3D PtNi/polymer nanocomposite. H2O2 determination in aerosol phase

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    In this work, 3D-structured nanocomposites were synthesized in one pot by electrochemical deposition of alternating layers of an azo type polymer (polyazure-A) with platinum and nickel nanoparticles. The hybrid PtNi/poly(AzA) film was electrochemically deposited on screen-printed carbon electrodes by layer-by-layer assembly as a function of the number of cyclic voltammograms for electrodeposition of the conducting polymer and the electrode potential applied for electro-reduction of the metal salts. The physicochemical characteristics of the resulting films were studied using electrochemical and microscopic techniques. The 3D molecular nanoarchitecture presents a hollow porous structure dependent on the electrode potential set for the electro-reduction of Pt and Ni nanoparticles. The electrochemical sensor was validated in terms of sensitivity, limit of detection, stability and repeatability, exhibiting a highly sensitive H2O2 detection, with LoD 68.5 nM (S/N = 3) at 0.05 V vs. Ag-SPCE for the electrode modified with 20 cycles for the conducting polymer electrodeposition and −2.0 V for metal ions reduction. The aim of this work also included the outcome of the electrochemical sensor after incorporating the room temperature ionic liquid 1‑butyl‑2,3-dimethylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate within the PtNi/poly(AzA) film, which notably improved the analytical parameters of the system, with LoD 14.5 nM at the same potential. Therefore, as proof of concept, the PtNi/poly(AzA) film-based electrode was explored towards the suitability of an electrochemical sensor for the determination of hydrogen peroxide in aerosol phase. The outstanding features of the PtNi/poly(AzA) film-based electrode modified with the aforementioned ionic liquid allowed for the continuous monitoring of H2O2 in an aerosol stream generated with an ultrasonic diffuser at the low applied potential of 0.05 V. In addition, monitoring H2O2 samples through a series of ON/OFF switches for over 3 h, the sensor provided a fast and reproducible response.Grants PID2019–106468RB-I00 and PID2019–108136RB-C32 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and grant 2022‐GRIN‐34199 funded by the own research plan of the UCLM and co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER). RJP is the beneficiary of a postdoctoral contract associated with the first indicated project from the MCIN/AEI. This research was also partially funded by the Next-Generation EU funding (Zambrano21–10, AGB)

    On Real-Time AER 2-D Convolutions Hardware for Neuromorphic Spike-Based Cortical Processing

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    In this paper, a chip that performs real-time image convolutions with programmable kernels of arbitrary shape is presented. The chip is a first experimental prototype of reduced size to validate the implemented circuits and system level techniques. The convolution processing is based on the address–event-representation (AER) technique, which is a spike-based biologically inspired image and video representation technique that favors communication bandwidth for pixels with more information. As a first test prototype, a pixel array of 16x16 has been implemented with programmable kernel size of up to 16x16. The chip has been fabricated in a standard 0.35- m complimentary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) process. The technique also allows to process larger size images by assembling 2-D arrays of such chips. Pixel operation exploits low-power mixed analog–digital circuit techniques. Because of the low currents involved (down to nanoamperes or even picoamperes), an important amount of pixel area is devoted to mismatch calibration. The rest of the chip uses digital circuit techniques, both synchronous and asynchronous. The fabricated chip has been thoroughly tested, both at the pixel level and at the system level. Specific computer interfaces have been developed for generating AER streams from conventional computers and feeding them as inputs to the convolution chip, and for grabbing AER streams coming out of the convolution chip and storing and analyzing them on computers. Extensive experimental results are provided. At the end of this paper, we provide discussions and results on scaling up the approach for larger pixel arrays and multilayer cortical AER systems.Commission of the European Communities IST-2001-34124 (CAVIAR)Commission of the European Communities 216777 (NABAB)Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIC-2000-0406-P4Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIC-2003-08164-C03-01Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2006-11730-C03-01Junta de Andalucía TIC-141