228 research outputs found

    La formación docente en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales a través de los proyectos socioeducativos en contextos de exclusión social

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    Presentamos una experiencia formativa innovadora con los estudiantes de la titulación deMaestro/a de Educación Primaria de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Almería.Se ha realizado en el marco de un Programa Socioeducativo en colegios públicos de un barrio marginal dela ciudad de Almería mediante la metodología de Aprendizaje-Servicio (ApS). Desde la Didáctica de lasCiencias Sociales queremos contribuir a una educación democrática mediante la participación ciudadana.Mostramos algunas valoraciones de nuestros estudiantes en este proceso de investigación-acción. Elbalance positivo de esta evaluación inicial nos motiva para seguir implicados en el desarrollo de proyectoscomo éste donde se vincula universidad, escuela y comunidad.This paper speaks about an innovative training experience with Pre-Service Primary Teacher atthe University of Almeria, Faculty of Education. Carried out in the framework of a social and educationalproject in public schools in a slum in the city of Almeria using service learning methodology. From theteaching of the social sciences our aim seeks to contribute to a democratic education through citizenparticipation. We show some evaluations carried out by our students in the process of action research. Thepositive results of this initial assessment motivates us to keep involved in the development of projects likethis, where University, school and community are linked

    Nuevos avances en el conocimiento sobre el urbanismo de Colonia Patricia Corduba en el sector ocupado por el templo romano

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    We present the results of an excavation undertaked in 1995 in the plot located of tlie María Cristina's street, behind the roman temple of the Claudio Marcelo's street. This archaeological research has confirmed the existence of a kar-do of the roman city in agreement with the María Cristina's street and also has provided the remains of a sewer with the same type as recently recognized with the kardo ntaxirnus.Presentamos los resultados de la excavación arqueológica realizada en 1995 en el solar de la calle María Cristina, situado a espaldas del templo romano de la calle Claudio Marcelo. Esta intervención ha confirmado la existencia de un kardo de la ciudad romana coincidente con la actual calle María Cristina y ha propiciado el descubrimiento de una cloaca de similares características a la recientemente identificada con el kardo rna,uinzus

    A systematic literature review on the use of artificial intelligence in energy self-management in smart buildings

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    Buildings are one of the main consumers of energy in cities, which is why a lot of research has been generated around this problem. Especially, the buildings energy management systems must improve in the next years. Artificial intelligence techniques are playing and will play a fundamental role in these improvements. This work presents a systematic review of the literature on researches that have been done in recent years to improve energy management systems for smart building using artificial intelligence techniques. An originality of the work is that they are grouped according to the concept of "Autonomous Cycles of Data Analysis Tasks", which defines that an autonomous management system requires specialized tasks, such as monitoring, analysis, and decision-making tasks for reaching objectives in the environment, like improve the energy efficiency. This organization of the work allows us to establish not only the positioning of the researches, but also, the visualization of the current challenges and opportunities in each domain. We have identified that many types of researches are in the domain of decision-making (a large majority on optimization and control tasks), and defined potential projects related to the development of autonomous cycles of data analysis tasks, feature engineering, or multi-agent systems, among others.European Commissio

    Menopausia, andropausia, cuestión de género

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    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar la influencia de género en las vivencias en torno a la sexualidad durante la menopausia y andropausia. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, transversal, con una muestra de 167 hombres y mujeres. En la recopilación de datos, se les pasaron dos cuestionarios, uno con variables sociodemográficas, y la escala validada del Índice de Satisfacción Sexual (ISF). Los datos han sido recogidos en diferentes Centros de Salud de Sevilla y su provincia, durante los meses de febrero a abril de 2016. Se identificó que existe una marcada influencia de género en las vivencias asociadas a la sexualidad en las mujeres menopáusicas y hombres andropáusicos, por lo que creemos que es necesario más educación sanitaria para romper los estereotipos de género marcados en esta etapa de la vida.This study aimed to explore the influence of gender on the experiences around sexuality during menopause and andropause. It is a transversal, descriptive study with a sample of 167 men and women. In data collection, they spent two questionnaires, one with sociodemographic variables, and validated scale of Sexual Satisfaction Index (ISF). Data have been collected at different health centers in Seville and its province, during the months of February to April 2016. It was identified that there is a marked influence of gender on the experiences related to sexuality in menopausal women and andropausal men, so we believe that more health education is needed to break gender stereotypes marked at this stage of life

    Interdisciplinary initiative and tran sversal approach in the teaching of analytical chemistry

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    El proceso de aprendizaje puede favorecerse mediante el uso de metodologías docentes que fomenten el tratamiento transversal de los temas, resultando más adecuado para el estudiante si es abordado desde diferentes vertientes. Este tratamiento implica el trabajo conjunto de profesores con distintas formaciones que muestren la solución del problema de forma interdisciplinar. La disciplina Análisis Químico está en relación continua con otras áreas de conocimiento lo que la hace idónea para la implementación de experiencias docentes mediante las cuales los alumnos experimenten la parte aplicada de la asignatura con el fin de favorecer la comprensión desde un punto de vista global. Este trabajo se ha desarrollado en un contexto real, poniendo en contacto a los alumnos con un proyecto de investigación con el fin de conseguir su implicación en la comprensión de la asignatura permitiendo una visión real del planteamiento y resolución de problemas analíticos y favoreciendo la adquisición de competencias específicas y trasversales. Se ha contado con la participación de diferentes profesores y se ha desarrollado en varias etapas: Impartición de charlas, establecimiento del problema analítico, colocación de material en plataforma virtual, análisis de muestras reales, información de resultados, encuesta opinión/satisfacción, evaluación y calificación. La utilización de esta herramienta de aprendizaje ha permitido fomentar en los alumnos la capacidad de aplicar los conocimientos teóricos adquiridos a la práctica, el trabajo en grupo, la identificación y resolución de problemas, la interdisciplinariedad y la colaboración. Y a los profesores evaluar los resultados del aprendizaje expresados en términos de competencias.The learning process can be favoured by using teaching methodologies that encourage the transversal treatment of the issues, resulting more adequate for the student if it is approached from different aspects. This treatment implies the joined work of professors with different trainings showing the solution of the problem from an interdisciplinary way. Analytical Chemistry is continuously related to other knowing areas which make it suitable for the implementation of teaching experiences that favours the students to know the applied part of the subject with the aim of facilitating the comprehension from a global point of view. This work has been developed in a real context, putting the students in contact with a research project with the aim of getting their implication in the comprehension of the subject and favouring the acquisition of specific and transversal competencies. The initiative has relied on the participation of different professors and has been developed in several stages: oral teaching, setting the analytical problem, putting material in the virtual platform, analysis of real samples, giving information of the results, evaluation and grading. The use of this learning tool has allowed to encourage the students the ability to apply the theoretical knowing to the practice, the making of decisions, the identification and solving of problems, the interdisciplinary and the collaboration. And to the professors to evaluate the results of the learning process in terms of competencies

    Resolution of practical cases in small groups in the teaching of “general and analytical chemistry” subject of degree in pharmacy

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    El Proyecto realizado por el equipo docente del Departamento de Química Analítica de la Facultad de Farmacia de Sevilla, ha utilizado la técnica de enseñanza en pequeños grupos (EPG) que constituye una faceta esencial en la renovación de las metodologías docentes para la incorporación y adaptación de las enseñanzas universitarias al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. La actividad propuesta se ha llevado a cabo en la asignatura “Química General y Analítica” del Grado en Farmacia. Con el objetivo de mejorar el aprendizaje del alumno y fomentar el trabajo en equipo del mismo, se ha subdividido en tres cada uno de los seis grupos asignados a “Clases Prácticas en el aula”, logrando un número de alumnos presentes en la misma (20 alumnos) que permite la impartición de la docencia con una dinámica distinta a la lección magistral. La actividad desarrollada ha tenido una gran acogida por parte de los alumnos donde un alto porcentaje de los mismos consigue superar sin grandes dificultades el apartado del examen destinado a casos prácticos.The Project developed by the Educational Team of the Department of Analytical Chemistry (Faculty of Pharmacy, Seville), has used the technique of Small Groups Learning (SGL) that constitutes an essential facet in the renovation of the educational methodologies for the incorporation and adaptation of the university lessons to the European Space for Higher Education. The proposed activity has been carried out in the “General and Analytical Chemistry” subject of the Degree in Pharmacy. With the aim of improving the learning of the student and fomenting the work in equipment of the same, it has been subdivided in three each one of the six assigned groups to “Practical exercises in the classroom”, obtaining a number of present students in the same (20 students) that allows the imparting of teaching with a dynamic different from the magisterial lesson. The developed activity has presented a great reception by the students and a high percentage of the same is able to surpass without great difficulties the section of the examination destined to practical cases

    Is possible to train health professionals in prevention of high-risk pathogens like the Ebola by using the mobile phone?

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    Health professionals are a concerning risk population because of the high prevalence of exposure to biological, especially during training that involves procedures implying direct contact with bodily fluids. Notwithstanding, the considerable advance of information and communication technologies (ICTs) during the last decades has provided with the divergence of new paths of research applied to training in the health field, allowing it integration in the field of biological risk prevention. The objectives of this study are: firstly, to estimate the level of knowledge about risk situations and the immediate response capacity of future professionals, prepare health professionals before different scenarios that can be presented in health care, and contribute to the appropriate decision making in possible scenarios. Secondly, to design and develop a mobile web application that, in a fast and ever-present manner, allows the healthcare professional, to have a quick response system that is clear and concise; and to evaluate by health students’ and professionals’ opinions the effectiveness of the technology developed. This study has been structured in two phases: first, to determine the degree of knowledge and compliance of biosecurity measures; and second, to perform a dual evaluation of the application. The survey of graduating students concerning practices has shown that the knowledge of risk prevention is adequate; meanwhile, a dynamic and efficient platform has been obtained, and its double assessment is satisfactory. It has been shown that the incidence of biological accidents is in the mean of the results of previous studies. An upgradeable web platform, ubiquitous and capable of being used in any electronic device available in the market, was obtaine

    Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344, a cyanide‑degrading bacterium with by‑product (polyhydroxyalkanoates) formation capacity

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    Background: Cyanide is one of the most toxic chemicals produced by anthropogenic activities like mining and jewelry industries, which generate wastewater residues with high concentrations of this compound. Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 is a model microorganism to be used in detoxification of industrial wastewaters containing not only free cyanide (CN−) but also cyano-derivatives, such as cyanate, nitriles and metal-cyanide complexes. Previous in silico analyses suggested the existence of genes putatively involved in metabolism of short chain length (scl-) and medium chain length (mcl-) polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) located in three different clusters in the genome of this bacterium. PHAs are polyesters considered as an alternative of petroleum-based plastics. Strategies to optimize the bioremediation process in terms of reducing the cost of the production medium are required. Results: In this work, a biological treatment of the jewelry industry cyanide-rich wastewater coupled to PHAs production as by-product has been considered. The functionality of the pha genes from P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 has been demonstrated. Mutant strains defective in each proposed PHA synthases coding genes (Mpha−, deleted in putative mcl-PHA synthases; Spha−, deleted in the putative scl-PHA synthase) were generated. The accumulation and monomer composition of scl- or mcl-PHAs in wild type and mutant strains were confirmed by gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GC–MS). The production of PHAs as by-product while degrading cyanide from the jewelry industry wastewater was analyzed in batch reactor in each strain. The wild type and the mutant strains grew at similar rates when using octanoate as the carbon source and cyanide as the sole nitrogen source. When cyanide was depleted from the medium, both scl-PHAs and mcl-PHAs were detected in the wild-type strain, whereas scl-PHAs or mcl-PHAs were accumulated in Mpha− and Spha−, respectively. The scl-PHAs were identified as homopolymers of 3-hydroxybutyrate and the mcl-PHAs were composed of 3-hydroxyoctanoate and 3-hydroxyhexanoate monomers. Conclusions: These results demonstrated, as proof of concept, that talented strains such as P. pseudoalcaligenes might be applied in bioremediation of industrial residues containing cyanide, while concomitantly generate by-products like polyhydroxyalkanoates. A customized optimization of the target bioremediation process is required to gain benefits of this type of approaches

    Autonomic management of a building's multi-HVAC system start-up

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    Most studies about the control, automation, optimization and supervision of building HVAC systems concentrate on the steady-state regime, i.e., when the equipment is already working at its setpoints. The originality of the current work consists of proposing the optimization of building multi-HVAC systems from start-up until they reach the setpoint, making the transition to steady state-based strategies smooth. The proposed approach works on the transient regime of multi-HVAC systems optimizing contradictory objectives, such as the desired comfort and energy costs, based on the "Autonomic Cycle of Data Analysis Tasks" concept. In this case, the autonomic cycle is composed of two data analysis tasks: one for determining if the system is going towards the defined operational setpoint, and if that is not the case, another task for reconfiguring the operational mode of the multi-HVAC system to redirect it. The first task uses machine learning techniques to build detection and prediction models, and the second task defines a reconfiguration model using multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. This proposal is proven in a real case study that characterizes a particular multi-HVAC system and its operational setpoints. The performance obtained from the experiments in diverse situations is impressive since there is a high level of conformity for the multi-HVAC system to reach the setpoint and deliver the operation to the steady-state smoothly, avoiding overshooting and other non-desirable transitional effects.European CommissionJunta de Comunidades de Castilla-La ManchaMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovació