175 research outputs found

    A mechanism of carbapenem resistance due to a new insertion element (ISPa133) in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    This study explored the evolutionary mechanism by which the clinical isolate PA110514 yields the imipenemresistantderivative PA116136. Both isolates were examined by PFGE and SDS-PAGE, which led to the identification of a new insertion sequence, ISPa133. This element was shown to have distinct chromosomal locations in each of the original isolatesthat appeared to explain the differences in imipenem susceptibilty. In strain PA110514, ISPa133 is located 56 nucleotides upstream of the translational start codon, which has no effect on expression of the porin OprD. However, in strain PA116136 ISPa133 it is located in front of nucleotide 696 and, by interrupting the coding region, causes a loss of OprD expression, thus conferring imipenem resistance. In vitro experiments mimicking the natural conditions of selective pressure yielded imipenem- resistant strains in which ISPa133 similarly interrupted oprD. Amechanism is proposed whereby ISPa133 acts as a mobile switch, with its position in oprD depending on the degree of selective pressure exerted by imipenem. [Int Microbiol 2011; 14(1):51-58

    Theoretical‑methodological foundations of identity: A categorical introspection for tourism studies

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    El presente artículo presenta una propuesta teórico‑metodológica que responde al vacío de conocimiento sobre aproximaciones empíricas al tema de la identidad desde la disciplina turística. Para ello analiza tanto los aportes teórico‑conceptuales, como los acercamientos metodológicos en torno al tema. Con base en una profunda revisión de material bibliográfico especializado en ciencias sociales y humanidades, se deconstruyen las aportaciones teóricas sobre la identidad; el propósito fue conocer las subcategorías e indicadores que la conforman, para retomarlas como soporte de esta propuesta de carácter científico. Entre los principales hallazgos se encuentra que la identidad desde los estudios turísticos presenta un vínculo directo con la cultura y sus representaciones patrimoniales. Se concluye que este objeto de estudio presenta una dinámica estructural y funcional que exige redimensionar los paradigmas metodológicos existentes para analizar y comprender la naturaleza de un fenómeno dinámico y complejo.The present article presents a theoretical‑methodological proposal that responds to the emptiness of knowledge about empirical approaches to the theme of identity from the tourist discipline. In order to do so, it analyzes both theoretical and conceptual contributions, as well as methodological approaches to the issue of identity. Based on a thorough review of bibliographic material specialized in social sciences, the theoretical contributions on identity are deconstructed; the purpose was to know the subcategories and indicators that comprise it, to take them back as support for this proposal. Into the principal findings it is showed that the identity of tourist research presents a direct link with culture and it patrimonial representations. The conclusion is that the object of study presents an structural and functional dynamic that demands to resize the existing methodological paradigms to analysed and understand the nature of a dynamic and complex phenomenon

    Improving Functioning, Quality of Life, and Well-being in Patients With Bipolar Disorder

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    People with bipolar disorder frequently experience persistent residual symptoms, problems in psychosocial functioning, cognitive impairment, and poor quality of life. In the last decade, the treatment target in clinical and research settings has focused not only on clinical remission, but also on functional recovery and, more lately, in personal recovery, taking into account patients' well-being and quality of life. Hence, the trend in psychiatry and psychology is to treat bipolar disorder in an integrative and holistic manner. This literature review offers an overview regarding psychosocial functioning in bipolar disorder. First, a brief summary is provided regarding the definition of psychosocial functioning and the tools to measure it. Then, the most reported variables influencing the functional outcome in patients with bipolar disorder are listed. Thereafter, we include a section discussing therapies with proven efficacy at enhancing functional outcomes. Other possible therapies that could be useful to prevent functional decline and improve functioning are presented in another section. Finally, in the last part of this review, different interventions directed to improve patients' well-being, quality of life, and personal recovery are briefly described

    Behavioral addictions in bipolar disorders: A systematic review

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    Clinical and epidemiological research suggests that behavioral addictions (BA) are associated with a wide range of psychiatric disorders. However, the relationship between BA and bipolar disorders (BD) has not been thoroughly explored. The aim of this systematic review was to critically summarize and evaluate the current available evidence regarding a possible association between BA and BD. A systematic review of major electronic databases according to PRISMA guidelines was conducted from inception to 31st December 2017. We sought quantitative studies data concerning prevalence of comorbidity, features and treatment related to BA-BD comorbidity. Data were narratively synthesized. Of the 1250 studies returned from the search, a total of 28 articles were included in this review. BA may be overrepresented in BD samples, and the other way around. Pathological gambling and kleptomania were the most prevalent conditions followed by compulsive buying, compulsive sexual behavior and internet addiction. BA was also associated with other mood disorders, anxiety disorders and substance use disorder. BD-BA comorbidity was related with more severe course of illness. Studies on treatment strategies for BD-BA comorbidity are rather limited; only one randomized controlled trial that fulfilled inclusion criteria was identified. Methodological heterogeneity in terms of design and results among studies was found. BD-BA commonly co-occurs although there is a need for rigorous studies. Routine screening and adequate assessment may be helpful in BD patients to identify individuals at risk for BA and to effectively manage the complex consequences associated with BA-BD comorbidity

    Lifetime psychotic symptoms, subthreshold depression and cognitive impairment as barriers to functional recovery in patients with bipolar disorder

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    Background: bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic disease that often leads to functional impairment. The objective of this study is to elucidate which variables are associated with better functional outcomes in a sample of euthymic patients with BD. (2) Methods: patients were recruited at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona and they underwent a clinical interview, a functional assessment, and a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation. After that, patients were divided into two groups according to the Functioning Assessment Short Test total score: functionally remitted vs. functionally impaired. Following this, a multivariate logistic regression was run in order to identify clinical, demographic and cognitive factors associated with functional remission. (3) Results: a total of 420 euthymic patients with BD were assessed for this study, distributed as follows: functionally remitted (n = 221) and functionally impaired (n = 199). Finally, the multivariate logistic regression revealed that only five variables significantly contributed to the model, including: lifetime history of psychotic symptoms (the variable that contributed the most to the model), followed by the Hamilton Depression total score, and cognitive performance (executive functions and verbal memory). (4) Conclusions: treatments to ensure a good functional outcome in BD should specially prevent psychosis, target subthreshold depressive symptoms and enhance cognition, more specifically executive functions and verbal memory

    Urinary metabolomic fingerprinting after consumption of a probiotic strain in women with mastitis

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    Infectious mastitis is a common condition among lactating women, with staphylococci and streptococci being the main aetiological agents. In this context, some lactobacilli strains isolated from breast milk appear to be particularly effective for treating mastitis and, therefore, constitute an attractive alternative to antibiotherapy. A (1)H NMR-based metabolomic approach was applied to detect metabolomic differences after consuming a probiotic strain (Lactobacillus salivarius PS2) in women with mastitis. 24h urine of women with lactational mastitis was collected at baseline and after 21 days of probiotic (PB) administration. Multivariate analysis (OSC-PLS-DA and hierarchical clustering) showed metabolome differences after PB treatment. The discriminant metabolites detected at baseline were lactose, and ibuprofen and acetaminophen (two pharmacological drugs commonly used for mastitis pain), while, after PB intake, creatine and the gut microbial co-metabolites hippurate and TMAO were detected. In addition, a voluntary desertion of the pharmacological drugs ibuprofen and acetaminophen was observed after probiotic administration. The application of NMR-based metabolomics enabled the identification of the overall effects of probiotic consumption among women suffering from mastitis and highlighted the potential of this approach in evaluating the outcomes of probiotics consumption. To our knowledge, this is the first time that this approach has been applied in women with mastitis during lactation

    Identifying social cognition subgroups in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder: a cluster analytical approach

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    Background: Bipolar Disorder (BD) is associated with social cognition (SC) impairments even during remission periods although a large heterogeneity has been described. Our aim was to explore the existence of different profiles on SC in patients with BD, and further explore the potential impact of distinct variables on SC. Methods: Hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted using three SC domains (Theory of Mind (ToM), Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Attributional Bias (AB)). The sample comprised of 131 individuals, 71 patients with BD and 60 healthy control subjects who were compared in terms of SC performance, demographic, clinical and neurocognitive variables. A logistic regression model was used to estimate the effect of SC associated risk factors. Results: A two-cluster solution was identified with an adjusted performance group (N=48, 67.6%) and a low performance group (N=23, 32.4%) with mild deficits in ToM and AB domains and with moderate difficulties in EI. Patients with low SC performance were mostly males, showed lower estimated IQ, higher subthreshold depressive symptoms, longer illness duration, and poorer visual memory and attention. Low estimated IQ (OR=0.920; 95%CI=0.863-0.981), male gender (OR=5.661; 95%CI=1.473–21.762) and longer illness duration (OR=1.085; 95%CI=1.006–1.171) contributed the most to the patients clustering. The model explained up to 35% of the variance in SC performance. Conclusions: Our results confirmed the existence of two discrete profiles of SC among BD. Nearly two thirds of patients exhibited adjusted social cognitive abilities. Longer illness duration, male gender and lower estimated IQ were associated with low SC performance.

    Bioorthogonal Self-Immolative Linker Based on Grob Fragmentation.

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    A self-immolative bioorthogonal conditionally cleavable linker based on Grob fragmentation is described. It is derived from 1,3-aminocyclohexanols and allows the release of sulfonate-containing compounds in aqueous media. Modulation of the amine pKa promotes fragmentation even at slightly acidic pH, a common feature of several tumor environments. The Grob fragmentation can also occur under physiological conditions in living cells, highlighting the potential bioorthogonal applicability of this reaction

    Cognitive remediation interventions in schizoaffective disorder: A systematic review

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    Background: Patients with schizoaffective disorder (SAD) suffer from cognitive impairment, which negatively influences their functionality. Cognitive remediation (CR) interventions have been shown to be effective in patients with schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BD), but evidence in SAD is limited so far. The aim of this study is to systematically review the published data on CR interventions, either in neurocognition or social cognition, in patients with SAD. Methods: We conducted a comprehensive, computerized literature search using terms related to CR interventions in psychotic and affective disorders, and particularly in SAD. Pubmed, Embase, and Web of Knowledge databases were used up to February 28th, 2018 according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. The search returned 2672 articles of which four were finally selected meeting the inclusion criteria. Results: Cognitive Enhancement Therapy, computerized Cognitive Remediation Therapy and Cognitive Training showed positive results in subsamples of patients with SAD regarding neurocognition and functioning in comparable terms to patients with schizophrenia as well as in a greater extent in quality of life. Benefits in social cognition were also described when Social Cognition Interaction Training was considered in patients with SAD. Conclusions: CR interventions seem to improve neurocognition and social cognition in patients with SAD as well as functioning and quality of life. However, further randomized controlled trials on CR interventions with an optimized design focusing on selected sample of patients with SAD are imperative

    Long-term outcome predictors after functional remediation in patients with bipolar disorder

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    Background: Improving functioning in patients with bipolar disorder (BD) is a main objective in clinical practice. Of the few psychosocial interventions that have been specifically developed to enhance psychosocial outcome in BD, functional remediation (FR) is one which has demonstrated efficacy. The aim of this study was to examine which variables could predict improved functional outcome following the FR intervention in a sample of euthymic or subsyndromal patients with BD. Methods: A total of 92 euthymic outpatients were included in this longitudinal study, with 62 completers. Partial correlations controlling for functional outcome at baseline were calculated between demographic, clinical and neurocognitive variables, and functional outcome at endpoint was assessed by means of the Functioning Assessment Short Test scale (FAST). Next, a multiple regression analysis was run in order to identify potential predictors of functional outcome at 2-year follow-up, using the variables found to be statistically significant in the correlation analysis and other variables related to functioning as identified in previous scientific literature. Results: The regression model revealed that only two independent variables significantly contributed to the model (F(6, 53): 4.003; p=0.002), namely verbal memory and inhibitory control. The model accounted for 31.2% of the variance. No other demographic or clinical variable contributed to the model. Conclusions: Results suggest that patients with better cognitive performance at baseline, especially in terms of verbal memory and executive functions, may present better functional outcomes at long term follow-up after receiving functional remediation
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