106 research outputs found

    The upper Valanginian of the Oliva section (Prebetic Zone, Valencia): facies analysis, biostratigraphy, C-isotope stratigraphy and organic geochemistry

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    The Upper Valanginian stratigraphic section of the sierra de la Oliva (Prebetic, Valencia province) records a significant sedimentary episode which has been named as ”Weissert Event”.This event is characterized by a positive excursion in the δ13C profile, which have been considered to be linked to a global perturbation in the carbon cycle, with environmental consequences that have been the object of debate, especially the degree of oxygenation of the sea bottom waters.We studied the sedimentary evolution during the late Valanginian in a shallow platform setting, beginning with the drowning of the early Valanginian carbonate platform, followed by a succession of shallowing- upwards sequences, which define a general deepening-upward evolution. The δ13C profile records a positive excursion during the late Valanginian, and the biomarker study has revealed the episodic development of anoxia, coeval to the deposition of organic rich facies, occurred during the episode of maximum deepening of the platform.This study has demonstrated that the “Weissert Event” has been recorded in the Prebetic platform, and that the environmental perturbations gave place to the occasional development of anoxia in a context of high organic productivityLa sección estratigráfica del Valanginiense superior de la sierra de la Oliva (Prebético, provincia de Valencia) registra un interesante episodio sedimentario que ha sido denominado “Evento Weissert”. Este evento está caracterizado por una excursión positiva en los valores del δ13C, que se considera ligada a una perturbación global en el ciclo del carbono, cuyas consecuencias ambientales son objeto de discusión, especialmente las condiciones de oxigenación en los fondos marinos. El estudio presentado aquí muestra la evolución sedimentaria del Valanginiense superior en un ámbito de plataforma somera, que comienza con el drowning de la plataforma carbonatada del Valanginiense inferior, y continúa con una sucesión de secuencias de somerización, que en conjunto definen una evolución general de profundización. El perfil de δ13C registra una excursión positiva durante el Valanginiense superior, y el estudio de los biomarcadores ha puesto de manifiesto el desarrollo puntual de anoxia, simultáneo al depósito de facies ricas en materia orgánica, ocurrido en el momento de mayor profundización de la plataforma. Este estudio demuestra que el denominado “EventoWeissert” quedó reflejado en la plataforma Prebética, y que las perturbaciones ambientales locales dieron lugar al desarrollo puntual de anoxia en un contexto de elevada productividad orgánic

    P systems simulations on massively parallel architectures

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    Membrane Computing is an emergent research area studying the behaviour of living cells to de ne bio-inspired computing devices, also called P systems. Such devices provide polynomial time solutions to NP-complete problems by trading time for space. The e cient simulation of P systems poses challenges in three di erent aspects: an intrinsic massively parallelism of P systems, an exponential computational workspace, and a non-intensive oating point nature. In this paper, we analyze the simulation of a family of recognizer P systems with active membranes that solves the Satis ability (SAT) problem in linear time on three di erent architectures: a shared memory system, a distributed memory system, and a set of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). For an e cient handling of the exponential workspace created by the P systems computation, we enable di erent data policies on those architectures to increase memory bandwidth and exploit data locality through tiling. Parallelism inherent to the target P system is also managed on each architecture to demonstrate that GPUs o er a valid alternative for high-performance computing at a considerably lower cost: Considering the largest problem size we were able to run on the three parallel platforms involving four processors, execution times were 20049.70 ms. using OpenMP on the shared memory multiprocessor, 4954.03 ms. using MPI on the distributed memory multiprocessor and 565.56 ms. using CUDA in our four GPUs, which results in speed factors of 35.44x and 8.75x, respectively.Fundación Séneca 00001/CS/2007Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–13192European Community CSD2006- 00046Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-02109Junta de Andalucía P08–TIC-0420

    The GPU on the simulation of cellular computing models

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    Membrane Computing is a discipline aiming to abstract formal computing models, called membrane systems or P systems, from the structure and functioning of the living cells as well as from the cooperation of cells in tissues, organs, and other higher order structures. This framework provides polynomial time solutions to NP-complete problems by trading space for time, and whose efficient simulation poses challenges in three different aspects: an intrinsic massively parallelism of P systems, an exponential computational workspace, and a non-intensive floating point nature. In this paper, we analyze the simulation of a family of recognizer P systems with active membranes that solves the Satisfiability problem in linear time on different instances of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). For an efficient handling of the exponential workspace created by the P systems computation, we enable different data policies to increase memory bandwidth and exploit data locality through tiling and dynamic queues. Parallelism inherent to the target P system is also managed to demonstrate that GPUs offer a valid alternative for high-performance computing at a considerably lower cost. Furthermore, scalability is demonstrated on the way to the largest problem size we were able to run, and considering the new hardware generation from Nvidia, Fermi, for a total speed-up exceeding four orders of magnitude when running our simulations on the Tesla S2050 server.Agencia Regional de Ciencia y Tecnología - Murcia 00001/CS/2007Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–13192Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009-14475-C04European Commission Consolider Ingenio-2010 CSD2006-0004

    Implementing P Systems Parallelism by Means of GPUs

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    Software development for Membrane Computing is growing up yielding new applications. Nowadays, the efficiency of P systems simulators have become a critical point when working with instances of large size. The newest generation of GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) provide a massively parallel framework to compute general purpose computations. We present GPUs as an alternative to obtain better performance in the simulation of P systems and we illustrate it by giving a solution to the N-Queens problem as an example.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006-13425Junta de Andalucía P08–TIC-0420

    Simulation of P systems with active membranes on CUDA

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    P systems or Membrane Systems provide a high-level computational modelling framework that combines the structure and dynamic aspects of biological systems in a relevant and understandable way. They are inherently parallel and non-deterministic computing devices. In this article, we discuss the motivation, design principles and key of the implementation of a simulator for the class of recognizer P systems with active membranes running on a (GPU). We compare our parallel simulator for GPUs to the simulator developed for a single central processing unit (CPU), showing that GPUs are better suited than CPUs to simulate P systems due to their highly parallel nature.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006-13425Junta de Andalucía P08–TIC-0420

    Simulating a P system based efficient solution to SAT by using GPUs

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    P systems are inherently parallel and non-deterministic theoretical computing devices defined inside the field of Membrane Computing. Many P system simulators have been presented in this area, but they are inefficient since they cannot handle the parallelism of these devices. Nowadays, we are witnessing the consolidation of the GPUs as a parallel framework to compute general purpose applications. In this paper, we analyse GPUs as an alternative parallel architecture to improve the performance in the simulation of P systems, and we illustrate it by using the case study of a family of P systems that provides an efficient and uniform solution to the SAT problem. Firstly, we develop a simulator that fully simulates the computation of the P system, demonstrating that GPUs are well suited to simulate them. Then, we adapt this simulator to the GPU architecture idiosyncrasies, improving the performance of the previous simulator.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–13192Junta de Andalucía P08–TIC-0420

    A massively parallel framework using P systems and GPUs

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    Since CUDA programing model appeared on the general purpose computations, the developers can extract all the power contained in GPUs (Graphics Processing Unit) across many computational domains. Among these domains, P systems or membrane systems provide a high level computational modeling framework that allows, in theory, to obtain polynomial time solutions to NP-complete problems by trading time for space, and also to model biological phenomena in the area of computational systems biology. P systems are massively parallel distributed devices and their computation can be divided in two levels of parallelism: membranes, that can be expressed as blocks in CUDA programming model; and objects, that can be expressed as threads in CUDA programming model. In this paper, we present our initial ideas of developing a simulator for the class of recognizer P systems with active membranes by using the CUDA programing model to exploit the massively parallel nature of those systems at maximum. Experimental results of a preliminary version of our simulator on a Tesla C1060 GPU show a 60X of speed-up compared to the sequential code.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006-13425Junta de Andalucía P08–TIC-0420

    Simulation of Recognizer P Systems by Using Manycore GPUs

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    Software development for cellular computing is growing up yielding new applications. In this paper, we describe a simulator for the class of recognizer P systems with active membranes, which exploits the massively parallel nature of the P systems computations by using a massively parallel computer architecture, such as Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) from Nvidia, to obtain better performance in the simulations. We illustrate it by giving a solution to the N-Queens problem as an example.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006–13425Junta de Andalucía P08–TIC0420

    Analysis of P systems simulation on CUDA

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    GPUs (Graphics Processing Unit) have been con- solidated as a massively data-parallel coprocessor to develop many general purpose computations, and en- able developers to utilize several levels of parallelism to obtain better performance of their applications. The massively parallel nature of certain computa- tions leads to use GPUs as an underlying architec- ture, becoming a good alternative to other paral- lel approaches. P systems or membrane systems are theoretical devices inspired in the way that liv- ing cells work, providing computational models and a high level computational modeling framework for biological systems. They are massively parallel dis- tributed, and non-deterministic systems. In this pa- per, we evaluate the GPU as the underlying archi- tecture to simulate the class of recognizer P systems with active membranes. We analyze the performance of three simulators implemented on CPU, CPU-GPU and GPU respectively. We compare them using a pre- sented P system as a benchmark, showing that the GPU is better suited than the CPU to simulate those P systems due to its massively parallel nature.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006-13425Junta de Andalucía P08–TIC0420

    Dificultades en la enseñanza de mapas geológicos: Causas, propuestas de solución y desarrollo de material didáctico

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    Las prácticas de identificación e interpretación cartográfica de estructuras geológicas y la elaboración de perfiles geológicos están presentes en numerosas asignaturas de Geología de titulaciones de la Universidad de Jaén. Básicamente, su dificultad radica en los problemas de comprensión y visualización tridimensional de estructuras geológicas (estratificación, fallas, pliegues…) a partir de la información de superficie que proporcionan los mapas geológicos (Fig. 1). Esto se halla muy relacionado con la falta de conocimiento sobre sistemas de proyección.Fuera del ámbito universitario de la licenciatura en Ciencias Geológicas, situación en la que nos encontramos en la Universidad de Jaén, el problema se agrava, ya que el diseño de los planes de estudios determina una disponibilidad muy limitada de tiempo para su impartición. Esto lleva a los alumnos a que interpreten, erróneamente, que se trata de conocimientos accesorios sin relación directa con su futuro desarrollo profesional generando una desmotivación generalizada, que se traduce en un problema adicional para el desarrollo de las prácticas