23 research outputs found

    Caracterización molecular del banco de germoplasma de vid del Rancho de la Merced

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    La vid (Vitis vinifera L.) es una especie que presenta una gran diversidad genética que se conserva fundamentalmente en bancos de germoplasma. Sin embargo, la identificación genotípica de las accesiones puede reducir bastante el número de variedades distintas, debido a la gran abundancia de sinonimias y homonimias que existe entre el material vegetal conservado. Tradicionalmente la caracterización de las variedades de vid se ha basado en la descripción morfológica de las plantas. La ampelografía presenta una serie de limitaciones, que le sitúan en desventaja frente a otras técnicas de reciente desarrollo. Una de las más importantes es el tiempo que se requiere para realizar la descripción completa de una variedad, ya que la planta debe ser adulta, lo que se puede traducir en cuatro años desde que se inicia la plantación, y además porque hay que describir caracteres que abarcan un ciclo vegetativo completo de la planta y, como se ha comentado, las descripciones deben realizarse durante al menos dos años. Otras limitaciones de la ampelografía están relacionadas con la dificultad para obtener descriptores universales debido a la variabilidad con que se manifiestan ciertos caracteres en distintos ambientes (clima, suelo, etc.) y también a la subjetividad que introduce el propio descriptor. Una alternativa al uso de marcadores morfológicos son los marcadores moleculares. En concreto, los marcadores moleculares denominados microsatélites o SSRs son los de mayor diversidad y fiabilidad para la identificación de variedades y portainjertos de vid. Los microsatélites son regiones de la secuencia de ADN que presentan repeticiones simples de 2, 3 ó 4 nucleótidos. El número de repeticiones de cada una de estas secuencias simples puede variar en distintos individuos de una especie y es un carácter heredable. El IFAPA en su Centro Rancho de la Merced, conserva una de las colecciones de vid más importantes de Europa. Las colecciones tienen como fin la conservación de la máxima diversidad genética posible, su caracterización y su puesta a disposición de los investigadores o productores que lo soliciten. El objetivo general de esta tesis es ¿La caracterización molecular del banco de germoplasma de vid del Rancho de la Merced¿, con el fin de contribuir a la gestión y conservación eficaz de sus variedades. Para ello se han caracterizado un total de 702 accesiones de vid conservadas en este banco con marcadores moleculares tipo microsatélites lo que ha permitido identificar 405 genotipos no redundantes. Este análisis ha permitido además identificar 35 posibles nuevas sinonimias, 11 posibles variantes somáticas y 4 homonimias. Además se ha detectado un 11,4% de errores de denominación dentro de la colección. Por otro lado, el análisis genético de variedades recolectadas en Andalucía ha permitido aclarar la identidad del 81,6% de las variedades y recuperar nueve variedades en riesgo de extinción, no conservadas hasta ahora en bancos de germoplasma. Por último, se han identificado relaciones de parentesco entre los genotipos no redundantes incluidos en la colección. Ello ha permitido confirmar 59 pedigríes varietales descritos en la literatura y determinar 24 nuevos

    Identification and Characterization of White Grape Varieties Autochthonous of aWarm Climate Region (Andalusia, Spain)

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    The high sensitivity of one of the most important crops in the world, such as vine (Vitis vinifera L.), to particular changes caused by the phenomena associated with global warming, is encouraging the wine industry to place value on grape varieties that are autochthonous to each production area. These are generally conserved in germplasm banks and may pose a useful tool to counteract the effects of climate change. In order to determine the actual resource that such varieties constitute, this research has carried out a genetic identification, a morphological characterization, and an analysis of the grape musts obtained from four autochthonous varieties (Cañocazo, Castellano, Mantúo de Pilas, and Palomino Fino). This genetic analysis has allowed the identification of autochthonous varieties with different genotypes. However, all of them had similar phenotypic characteristics in terms of high hair density in adult leaves. With respect to the physicochemical composition of the musts, significant differences have been observed between the autochthonous varieties, with respect to the control variety of Palomino Fino. Nevertheless, all of them have exhibited an adequate physicochemical composition to produce quality white wines. For all of the above reasons, these local varieties should be considered suitable for cultivation in areas with warmer and drier climates, such as Andalusia (Spain)

    Cuaderno de Campo

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    Seminario para la elaboración de un Cuaderno de Campo para la asignatura Prácticas Integradas en Viticultura (PIV) del Grado en Enología. Esta presentación se utilizó para dar a conocer las pautas para la correcta elaboración de un Cuaderno de Campo, antes de iniciar las prácticas, durante el curso 2017-18

    Physicochemical and microbiological characterization of the sensory deviation responsible for the origin of the special sherry wines "palo cortado" type

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    The aim of this study was to characterize the biochemical changes and microbiological processes involved in the sensory deviation of “sobretablas” wines during biological aging, which leads to the origin of special or rare “palo cortado” wines. Industrial trials of biological aging of “sobretablas” wines with the potential for the development of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were performed to study this phenomenon. The results showed that sensory deviation was due to the development of malolactic fermentation (MLF) together with an attenuated aerobic metabolism of “flor” yeast. Malolactic fermentation (MLF) was promoted by the presence of malic acid concentrations that were higher than 1 g/L and the coexistence of LAB and “flor” velum yeast. Ethyl lactate, acetoin and 2,3-butanediol are some of the volatile compounds that are responsible for this sensory deviation. Wines with high levels of gluconic and malic acids (> 1 g/L) can cause, with very low probability, the sensory deviation of “palo cortado”. A lysozyme dose of 12 g/hL is an effective treatment to avoid malolactic fermentation (MFL) and sensory deviation. Understanding the biochemical and microbiological changes involved in sensory deviation can be useful to wineries as markers to identify the origin of the special sherry wines "palo cortado" type

    Genetical, Morphological and Physicochemical Characterization of the Autochthonous Cultivar ‘Uva Rey’ (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Uva Rey’ is considered an Andalusian (Spain) ancient autochthonous cultivar with hard white grapes used for the production of wine and raisins and also for raw consumption. Currently, this cultivar is not included in the o cial register of Spanish grapevine varieties and there is neither a description nor a characterization that could facilitate its insertion in this register. In order to study this genetic resource, a genetic and morphological characterization of ’Uva Rey’ has been carried out in comparison with ’Palomino Fino’, the main cultivar in Andalusia (Spain). Additionally, grape must physicochemical characterization and grape berry texture profile analyses were performed. Genetically, ’Uva Rey’ was synonymous with the cultivar ’De Rey’. ’Uva Rey’ grape must physicochemical results showed a lower sugar concentration and a higher malic acid content compared to ’Palomino Fino’ must, while the analysis of the grape berry texture profile proved to be more consistent and cohesive. These results can be attributed to the longer phenological cycle presented by ’Uva Rey’. All these facts could lead to consideration of ’Uva Rey’ as a cultivar for the production of white wines in warm climate regions

    Use of Multiflora Bee Pollen as a Flor Velum Yeast Growth Activator in Biological Aging Wines

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    Flor velum yeast growth activators during biological aging are currently unknown. In this sense, this research focuses on the use of bee pollen as a flor velum activator. Bee pollen influence on viable yeast development, surface hydrophobicity, and yeast assimilable nitrogen has already been studied. Additionally, bee pollen e ects on the main compounds related to flor yeast metabolism and wine sensory characteristics have been evaluated. “Fino” (Sherry) wine was supplemented with bee pollen using six di erent doses ranging from 0.1 to 20 g/L. Its addition in a dose equal or greater than 0.25 g/L can be an e ective flor velum activator, increasing yeast populations and its buoyancy due to its content of yeast assimilable nitrogen and fatty acids. Except for the 20 g/L dose, pollen did not induce any significant e ect on flor velum metabolism, physicochemical parameters, organic acids, major volatile compounds, or glycerol. Sensory analysis showed that low bee pollen doses increase wine’s biological aging attributes, obtaining the highest score from the tasting panel. Multiflora bee pollen could be a natural oenological tool to enhance flor velum development and wine sensory qualities. This study confirms association between the bee pollen dose applied and the flor velum growth rate. The addition of bee pollen could help winemakers to accelerate or reimplant flor velum in biologically aged wines

    Preliminary Study of Somatic Variants of Palomino Fino (Vitis vinifera L.) Grown in aWarm Climate Region (Andalusia, Spain)

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    Vegetative propagation ofVitis viniferacultivars over hundreds of years has led to the accumulation of a large number of somatic variants of the same grapevine variety. These variants are now considered a working tool to cope with changing environmental conditions as a result of, among others, global warming. In this work, three somatic variants of the major grapevine variety of the South West (SW) of Andalusia (Spain), Palomino Fino, have been genetically and morphologically characterized, as well as their grape musts from two different vintages. The genetic analysis at 22 microsatellite loci confirmed the identity of the three somatic variants that presented the same genotype as Palomino Fino, while the morphological study showed differences between the three somatic variants and Palomino Fino, highlighting the somatic variant Palomino Peluson. Regarding the physicochemical analysis of its musts, differences were also observed between the somatic variants and Palomino Fino. As a result of all of the above, the use of grapes from somatic variants can be a viable and natural alternative for the production of quality wines in warm climate areas. On the other hand, promoting the cultivation of the somatic variants could contribute to preventing the loss of Palomino Fino intraspecific variability

    Physicochemical and Nutritional Characterization of Winemaking Lees: A New Food Ingredient

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    Wine lees are defined as the sediment formed at the bottom of the tank or barrel after wine alcoholic fermentation. They have a heterogeneous composition and currently constitute 6% of the byproducts generated by each ton of wine grapes. However, it is the most under-researched of all the byproducts of the winemaking process. Therefore, with the aim of highlighting this byproduct, a physicochemical and nutritional characterization of winemaking lees from three different wine making processes (white, rose, and red winemaking) was carried out. In addition, the technological properties of these winemaking lees were also analyzed. The lees analyzed in this research demonstrated an interesting nutritional and heterogeneous composition. Moreover, wine lees showed high values of emulsifying capacity. Thus, winemaking lees could be considered, in a preliminary way, as a new ingredient to be included in new food formulations

    Effect of Grape Over-Ripening and Its Skin Presence on White Wine Alcoholic Fermentation in a Warm Climate Zone

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    The current trend of rising temperatures and sun irradiation associated to climate change is pushing traditional grape-producing areas with a warm climate towards a very accelerated ripening, leading to earlier harvesting dates and grape must with an unbalanced composition. However, this climatic trend could be exploited to produce other types of wine. In this sense, the increase in temperature could be used to produce wines with overripe grapes. In this regard, the aim of this research work is to evaluate the influence of different degrees and techniques of grape over-ripening to produce wines with the presence or absence of its skins during alcoholic fermentation. To this end, a physicochemical characterization of grape musts and wines obtained from overripe grapes and the monitoring of their fermentation has been performed. Over-ripening grapes by sun-drying has been established as a viable technique viability, producing musts and wines with unique physicochemical and sensory characteristics. In view of the above, it is considered that the production of wines from overripe grapes and in the presence or absence of grape skins is a viable approach to make new white wines taking advantage of the conditions imposed by climate change in a warm climate zone and meet the trends and expectations of current wine consumers.This researchwas funded by PALOMINOSWINES research contract, fund number OT2018-093

    Influence of the Presence of Grape Skins during White Wine Alcoholic Fermentation

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    The production of white wines with the presence of grape skins is a historical technique used in different regions with winemaking tradition. However, the current trend is to maintain the presence of grape skins during white wine making only during the pre-fermentation phase in order to enrich and give greater complexity to the sensory profile of the wines. Given these precedents, this study is the first to consider the effect of the presence of different grape skins doses throughout the alcoholic fermentation process. To this end, the effect of 5 different doses of grape skins (20, 40, 60, 80 and 100%) has been studied with respect to a control (0%) during alcoholic fermentation, the physicochemical composition of the final wines and a preliminary sensory analysis. The presence of grape skins has led to an increase in viable biomass and speed of fermentation with respect to the control. However, no differences have been observed in terms of the consumption of nitrogenous sources by yeasts. The wines produced have not shown great differences in their physicochemical composition, except for the volatile acidity. In addition, the preliminary sensory analysis showed differences between the different grape skins doses studied, where the wine produced with 20% grape skins has been the best evaluated by the tasting panel. In this sense, the production of wines with a 20% grape skins presence during the entire alcoholic fermentation is presented as a viable technique that would allow the diversification of the production of white wines and meet the trends and expectations of current wine consumers