51 research outputs found


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    *ABSTRAK* Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat model latihan tendangan mawashi geri menggunakan media hurdle pada atlet karate. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Dojo Anak Emas, Gor TOP cibeureum kabupaten Bogor. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) dengan tahap pengembangan model ADDIE. Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan produk model latihan tendangan mawashi geri menggunakan media hurdle pada atlet karate dojo anak emas kelas junior. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan melalui validasi ahli kepelatihan dan ahli karate dan implementasi terhadap subjek penelitian. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet yang berada di kelas pertandingan junior sebanyak 10 orang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa model tendangan mawashi geri menggunakan media hurdle pada atlet karate dojo anak emas kelas junior. Mampu memberikan kontribusi yang baik dan menjadi media dalam proses latihan karate. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa model latihan tendangan mawashi geri menggunakan media hurdle pada atlet karate dojo anak emas kelas junior. Kata Kunci : Mawashi geri, hurdle, Atlet karate *ABSTRACT* This study aims to create a model of the mawashi geri kick training using the media hurdle for karate athletes. This research was conducted at the Golden Child Dojo, Gor TOP cibeureum, Bogor district. The research method used is research and development (R&D) with the ADDIE model development stage. The results of this study produced a model product for the mawashi geri kick training using hurdle media for junior class karate dojo athletes. Data collection in this study was carried out by validating training experts and karate experts and implementing the research subjects. The research subjects in this study were 10 athletes who were in the junior competition class. Based on the results of the research, it shows that the mawashi geri kick model uses the media hurdle in the junior class karate dojo athletes. Able to make a good contribution and become a medium in the karate training process. So it can be concluded that the mawashi geri kick training model uses hurdle media on junior class karate dojo athletes. Keyword : Mawashi Geri , hurdle, karate athlete

    The Role of Information Management Systems in the Implementation of the Digital Economy Development Strategy

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to demonstrate the role that management information systems can play in developing the digital economy.   Theoretical framework. The theory of optimal discrete-continuous control, the principles of Pontryagin, Bellman and Markov and the theory of the development of digital interactions were used.   Design/methodology/approach: The systematic literature review was built from the content analysis of papers from the Web of Science and Scopus database. The papers were analyzed from descriptive, bibliographic, methodological, results and citation characteristics.   Findings: From the results, it was noted that Russia is the absolute position in studies related to digital economies and the role that management information systems can play in developing and achieving strategic development, growth and efficiency.   Research, Practical & Social implications: Many more publications could not be included for  generalisation  reasons  because  the  study  included  data  from  two  databases. Additionally, our research shows that there aren’t many journals that have written about cause-related digital economy.   Originality/value. A model of digital control and development of digital interactions has been proposed and investigated, which takes into account the influence of the "white noise" effect in the system

    Genealogy of Capacity Building Through English Language Learning Implementation for Elementary Schools in the Digitalization Era

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    The digitalization era deals with the rapid developments of technology and information, making the role of the English language very important for success in today’s globalized competition. This condition affects capacity building through English in the era of globalization, which should be prioritized by the government, especially in local content in elementary schools in Indonesia. This can be traced back to 1993 through the Decree of the Minister of Education, who authorized the schools to teach English, as one of the subjects in the field of local content, at elementary level. This is done to provide benefits to students so they can learn English with the idea of developing the skills they have in dealing with the current era. However, geography proves that English education in elementary schools needs to adapt its implementation to changes in policies and curricula set by the government. Keywords: Geanology, capacity building, English languag

    Atan Bina Hardware Sdn Bhd: It's expansion plan

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    It was early morning of 5th January, 2016. Nurul Zalikha (subsequently known as Nurul) was driving her car very fast to reach office before 8am. She had to attend one important meeting at 10am with her father Mr Ab. Rahim Bin Ab. Muthalib (subsequently known as Mr. Ab Rahim), the director of Atan Bina Hardware Sdn Bhd located at Masai, Johor Darul Takzim - West Malaysia.Atan Bina used to sell household hardware and construction materials.Nurul was driving and thinking about the discussion agenda.She whispered herself: Yes, I know that the sales is declining, but I also know that there will be a solution to this situation.We can't just postpone our expansion plan for this reason! Who knows, it might turn out to be a better option to boost up sales? May be our location is not strategic to attract the customers! May be we need to open different outlets in different places with better strategic location! We can't leave the situation like this... We must find way out to increase sales..

    Seropositivity of Anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

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    Introduction. An estimated one-third of people worldwide are thought to be affected by toxoplasmosis, a common tropical disease with a wide geographic spread. The most common form of DM, namely type 2 diabetes arises from a combination of insulin resistance and inadequate compensatory insulin secretion. Methods. A case-control study was conducted from November 2022 to January 2023 from type 2 diabetic patients who attended outpatient clinics. Overall 96 patients who diabetes patients were screened for T. gondii seroprevalence. Results. By the ELISA method, the IgG antibodies in those were 90.63% and compared with a control group which the positive for T. gondii IgG antibodies 28%. The seropositivity of T. gondii IgG revealed that the patients living in urban areas were slightly higher than those in rural areas 58.3%, and 32.3%. The results showed that diabetic patients >60 years old had the highest rate of seropositive T. gondii infections (40.23%), while those ≤30 years old had the lowest rate (4.60%) with the mean of T2DM patients is 7.15 ± 1.94. Conclusion The current study revealed a high prevalence of T. gondii IgG among T2DM patients. The rate of seropositivity for T. gondii among patients living in the urban areas was slightly higher than in those in rural areas. The objective of the research was to ascertain whether T. gondii seropositivity and type 2 diabetes might be related

    Brucella epididymo-orchitis: A single-center experience with a review of the literature

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    Brucella epididymo-orchitis (BEO) is a rare complication of brucellosis. Despite the high incidence of brucellosis in developing countries, few case series on BEO are available. This study focuses on the clinical presentations, diagnosis, and treatment of BEO with a review of the literature. This study included consecutive BEO patients diagnosed and treated at Smart Health Tower between 2021 and 2023. The required data were retrospectively collected from patients' profiles. The BEO diagnosis was established through scrotal Doppler ultrasound in cases with a positive Rose Bengal test and positive IgG and IgM results for brucellosis, in addition to scrotal pain and swelling. This study included 11 cases whose ages ranged from 22 to 55 years. Most of the cases presented with testicular pain (72.7%), followed by fever (63.6%) and arthralgia (63.6%). The right side (54.5%) was slightly more affected than the left side (45.5%). The major abnormal laboratory finding was an elevated C-reactive protein (82%). The treatment was conservative, in which a combination of gentamicin, doxycycline, and rifampicin was administered to the patients for about 6-8 weeks. One case underwent an orchiectomy due to the abscess formation. All the patients responded well to the treatment, with no recurrence. In the Middle East, brucellosis remains a concerning infectious disease. Early diagnosis, aimed at preventing abscess formation and other complications, takes first priority to avoid invasive interventions

    Occupational hazard in urolithiasis patients in Qatar: a single-center cross-sectional study

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    Background: Urolithiasis is one of the most prevalent urological diseases and is associated with a substantial economic burden. Its prevalence varies according to geographical location. Qatar is a Middle Eastern country located in the Afro-Asian Stone Belt. It has a dry and hot climate, which may predispose individuals working in these environments to form kidney stones (KSs). Methods: A population sample of 4204 patients was categorized into five occupational classes. The frequencies and correlations of these occupations with KS formation were calculated. Results: Among the total cases, 2000 presented with KSs, with the majority being of Asian descent (49%), followed by individuals of Middle Eastern descent (35.1%). Technicians accounted for 35.15% of KS cases followed by clerks (29.2%) and executives (14.6%). Among KS cases, 44% had a single stone, 30% had multiple stones, and 26% had two stones. In comparing both KS and non-KS groups, age, gender, occupation, and race were significantly associated with KS formation (p-value 0.05). Asian males aged 31-40, working as technicians, were significantly more prone to urolithiasis. In comparing age, BMI, and gender with stone characteristics, only age was found significantly associated with stone size (p-value 500 HU in executives and clerks (p-value < 0.001). Conclusions: Our findings revealed an elevated risk of urolithiasis among certain occupational groups, particularly technicians, who frequently work outdoors in high-temperature environments. Alternatively, the sedentary nature of clerical and executive positions can also contribute to the risk of urolithiasis