20 research outputs found

    (62(1):1-10)Assessment of the Suitability of Bactricera dorsalis Hendel and Bactricera cucurbitae Coquillett (Diptera: Tephritidae) Eggs as Alternative Food of Lemnia biplagiata (Swartz) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)

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    本研究於室內溫度25℃ ± 1℃,75% ± 10% RH,光照14 h:10 h (L:D) 條件下,評估東方果實蠅(Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel) 與瓜實蠅 (Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett) 卵作為錨紋瓢蟲 [Lemnia biplagiata (Swartz)] 代用食物的合適性,並以棉蚜 (Aphis gossypii Glover) 為對照食物。結果顯示,取食東方果實蠅及瓜實蠅卵之幼蟲發育時間、初羽化成蟲體重的表現不如取食棉蚜者,但供試之40 隻幼蟲能完成發育為成蟲的數量與取食棉蚜者相近,分別為35、34 與36 隻。錨紋瓢蟲成蟲取食此二種蠅卵的每雌一生總產卵量分別有512.2、405.2 粒。因此,可認為此二種蠅卵為錨紋瓢蟲適合的食物。由於日齡-齡期別生殖力 (fx,每雌產卵量)≥ 日齡別生殖力 (mx,每成蟲產卵量),若雄性族群未被納入考量,可能會高估族群的增殖力。 The suitability of Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel and Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett eggs served as alternative food of the lady beetle [Lemnia biplagiata (Swartz)] was evaluated. Experiments were carried out under laboratory conditions at 25℃ ± 1℃, 75% ± 10% RH, and a photoperiod of 14 h:10 h (L:D). Results showed that the developmental period and adult body weight for the larvae raised on both flies eggs are inferior to that raised on the reference diet, Aphis gossypii Glover, with 35, 34 and 36 individuals completed into adulthood, respectively. Total number of eggs laid per female were 512.2 and 405.2 eggs when the adult were reared on eggs of both two fly species, respectively. Thus, eggs of both flies can be considered as the “adequate” food for rearing L. biplagiata. Since the age-stage specific fecundity (fx, number of egg produced per female) was almost larger than the age specific fecundity (mx, number of egg produced per individual) obtained in this study, the increase potential of a population may possibly be overestimated if male population is not taken into consideration

    Resistance to Aphis gossypii Glover among muskmelon cultivars ct on the development and fecundity of parasitoid, Aphelinus mali Haldman

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    Resistance to cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover was compared among muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) cultivars, Tainan 8 (TN.8), Tainan 9 (TN.9) and Autumn favor (C.T.), to assess the possibility of controlling cotton aphid by using aphid- resistant cultivar and parasitoid, Aphelinus mali Haldeman. Results revealed that TN.8 was the most susceptible cultivar, while TN.9 and C.T. were resistant with antibiosis effect of the development and reproduction of cotton aphid by no choice test. In free choice test, the highest population score was found on TN.8 for each aphid colony, and the lowes was on TN.9 at 5 days after aphid released. Results from these two tests suggested that TN.9 was more resistant that C.T.. Both of them could delay the population increment of cotton aphid with antibiosis and antixenosis. The influence of preconditioning host cultivars showed significant difference among various aphid conlonies which tamed from three different mudkmelon cultivars, respectively. on the longevity and body weight of apterous adult when tested on C.T., number of progeny produced per adult on TN.8, and survival rate of progeny on all cultivars. Host conditioning influenced antixenosis of C.T. by exhibiting the same level as Tn.9 when tested with preconditioned aphid colony of TN.8. but was lower than TN.9 when tested with the other two colonies, and the odor preference to host plant cultivars. Population growth ofsypii in field showed the slowest on TN.9, may delay the population increment of the cotton aphid. Aphid-resistant muskmelon cultivars had no negative impact on A. mali. No matter the host aphids werer from aphid-resistant or suscceptible mudkmelon cultivars.Resistant cultivars may complement the activity of the parasitoid in reducing cotton aphid. The compatibility between aphid-resistant mudkmelon cultivars and parasitoid is good, therefore, it can be incorporated in the integrated pest management program for controllong the cotton aphid population on muskmelon.本研究已分別在洋香瓜(Cucumis melo L.)台南八號、台南九號及秋香品 種上累代飼育6-8代後之棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover)蚜群 (colony)作 為測試蟲源,進行洋香瓜品種對棉蚜之抗性測試,及抗蚜品種與日光蜂( Aphelinus mali Haldeman) 之相容性試驗。於室內25C下,均以台南九號 對棉蚜最具抗生性及抗棲性,秋香為次。但測試蟲源先期寄主品種的不同 會影響無選擇法、自由選擇法及對寄主植物氣味偏好的測試結果。抗蚜品 種在田間亦有延緩棉族群的效果。以不同棉蚜蚜群為寄主對日光蜂之第一 代無重大影響,而抗蚜品種與日光蜂之間有良好的相容性,可發揮互補作 用,在未來棉蚜綜合防治體系中具利用價值

    Demographic Analyses of the Predatory Potential and Mass Rearing of Harmonia dimidiata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) Based on Life Table Theory with Comparison of Bootstrap and Jackknife Methods

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    小十三星瓢蟲 [Harmonia dimidiata (F.)] 是具有防治蚜蟲潛力的天敵。本論文應用年齡齡期兩性生命表 (age-stage, two-sex life table),探討其族群特性、捕食能力以及代用飼料的合適性,並討論jackknife與bootstrap兩種技術應用在估計族群介量平均值與變異性的適用性。首先研究小十三星瓢蟲的天然食餌之一的棉蚜 (Aphis gossypii Glover) 在不同定溫下取食甜瓜 (Cucumis melo L.) 的生命表。結果顯示發育速率隨溫度而變化,在15~30°C溫度範圍內的發育最適溫為30°C。內在增殖率 (r) 顯示棉蚜的族群增長適溫範圍在20~30°C之間。雖然棉蚜行孤雌生殖 (parthenogenesis),但仍應採用兩性生命表分析,以正確描述齡期的分化與重疊。小十三星瓢蟲取食棉蚜的淨增殖率 (R0) 在15、20與25°C下分別為147.4、98.7與62.5 粒卵,在30°C下無產卵。本瓢蟲的捕食率以在25ºC時為最高,其雌、雄蟲一生分別可捕食20,081與21,408隻棉蚜。淨捕食率 (C0) 在15、20與25 ºC分別為10,963、13,050與 7,492隻棉蚜,以在20 ºC下最高。為能更適當地比較捕食潛能,本研究結合終極增長率 (finite rate, λ) 與穩定族群捕食率 (stable predation rate, ψ) 計算得15、20與25 ºC下的終極捕食率(finite predation rate, ω)分別為95.2、183.3及177.0隻棉蚜。此結果顯示,小十三星瓢蟲應用於防治棉蚜時,20與25ºC比在15ºC適合。在估計族群介量的平均值與變異方面,用jackknife方法時,若捨棄的個體為雄性或成蟲前期即死亡者,會得到R0值為0的無意義結果,且估計之樣本值不符合常態分布,故不應再使用jackknife方法。而用bootstrap技術所估得R0與其他介量的平均值,符合常態分布,且不會高估變異性。本論文亦採用年齡齡期兩性生命表於室內25°C下,在幼蟲期或成蟲期分別供應東方果實蠅卵或棉蚜,評估東方果實蠅卵做為小十三星瓢蟲食物的合適性。實驗結果顯示,以幼蟲與成蟲皆取食棉蚜的內在增殖率、淨增殖率最高,分別為0.1124 d-1、260.7粒卵。雖然幼蟲與成蟲分別取食低壓冷凍乾燥與新鮮東方果實蠅卵的r與R0最低,分別為0.0615 d-1、38.6粒卵,但小十三星瓢蟲幼蟲仍可完成發育,成蟲亦有生殖力,考慮東方果實蠅卵可用人工飼料大量飼養,且可不必栽種植物與飼育蚜蟲,仍可視為小十三星瓢蟲合適的食物。The ladybird beetle Harmonia dimidiata (F.) is a potential natural enemy for aphid control. Based on the age-stage, two-sex life table, the beetle’s population characteristics, predation capacity, and prey suitability were investigated. The application of both jackknife and bootstrap sampling techniques for the estimation of population parameters was also discussed. The life table of Aphis gossypii Glover at different temperatures was firstly studied. Results showed the temperature- dependent development rate of A. gossypii reared on Cucumis melo L. and 30°C was the optimal temperature for the range 15-30°C. However, there was no significant difference among 20, 25, and 30°C in the intrinsic (r) and finite (λ) rate of natural increase. Thus, the temperature range 20-30°C can be considered as optimal for population growth of A. gossypii. Although A. gossypii reproduce parthenogenetically, the age-stage, two-sex life table should be used to take the variable developmental rate among individuals into account and to describe the stage overlapping properly. Secondly, the life histories and predation rates of the ladybird beetle H. dimidiata were compared among beetles kept at 15, 20, and 25°C. The beetles were fed on A. gossypii and were maintained at 70 ± 10% RH and a 14:10 (L:D) h photoperiod. According to the age-stage, two-sex life table, the net reproduction rates (R0) were 147.4, 98.7, and 62.5 offspring for beetles kept at 15, 20, and 25°C, respectively. Additionally, we employed both the jackknife and bootstrap techniques for estimating the means, variances, and standard errors of the population parameters. The sample means of R0 and the other population parameters obtained using the bootstrap technique fit a normal distribution, but the jackknife technique generated biologically meaningless zero values for R0. The net predation rates were 10,963, 13,050, and 7,492 aphids for beetles kept at 15, 20, and 25ºC, respectively. For a comprehensive comparison of predation potential, we incorporated both the finite rate (λ) and the stable predation rate (ψ) into the finite predation rate (ω). When both the growth rate and the predation rate were considered, our results showed that H. dimidiata is a more efficient biological control agent for A. gossypii at 20 and 25ºC than at 15ºC. Lastly, the suitability of the eggs of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) for rearing the ladybird beetle H. dimidiata was analysed based on the age-stage, two-sex life table and compared with those reared on the natural prey A. gossypii. Four combinations of rearing media prepared from B. dorsalis eggs and living A. gossypii for the larvae and adults of H. dimidiata were studied in the laboratory at 25°C, 70 ± 10% RH, and a photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D) h. The highest intrinsic rates of increase (r = 0.1124 d-1) and net reproductive rates (R0 = 260.7 offspring) were observed when both larval and adult stages of H. dimidiata were reared on A. gossypii. When both larvae and adults were reared on B. dorsalis eggs, the values of r and R0 were 0.0615 d-1 and 38.6 offspring, respectively. Despite the lower net reproductive rates, our results showed that B. dorsalis eggs can be considered as an adequate and less expensive alternative diet for rearing H. dimidiata. Our results demonstrated that the age-stage, two-sex life table offers meaningful analytical results and is an invaluable tool for the evaluation of diet.Contents Abstract i 中文摘要 iii List of Tables and Figures vii General Introduction 1 Chapter 1. Population Parameters of Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Reared on Muskmelon Leaves at Different Temperatures 4 Abstract 5 Introduction 6 Materials and Methods 7 Results 10 Discussion 11 Acknowledgments 14 References 15 Tables 20 Figures 22 Chapter 2. Comparison of the Life Table and Predation Efficiency of Harmonia dimidiata (F.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) Fed on Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae) at Different Temperatures 25 Abstract 26 Introduction 27 Materials and Methods 28 Results 32 Discussions 35 Conclusion 41 Acknowledgments 41 References 42 Tables 47 Figures 50 Chapter 3. Demographic Assessment of Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) Eggs for Rearing Harmonia dimidiata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) 54 Abstract 55 Introduction 56 Materials and Methods 58 Results 62 Discussion 64 Conclusion 68 Acknowledgments 68 References 69 Tables 73 Figures 75 General Conclusion 8

    The Utilization of Non Synthetic Chemicals for Crops IPM in Net House

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    對於農作物病蟲害的防治,可以運用對環境友善之非化合農藥,結合田間管理、監測等技術,設計出有效可行的整合性管理策略,成功達到完全不用化學合成農藥的蔬果生產目的。首先,從防堵病蟲害入侵設施的主要途徑著手,入侵途徑有五:設施的漏洞、設施內留民 (病蟲害)、介質夾帶、苗的攜帶以及人員機械的攜帶。另外,藉由田間病蟲害監測,及早發現入侵的病蟲害也是重點工作。依據病蟲發生種類與程度、調整適當的方法與強度,掌握防治時機。作物定植後,即應懸掛黃色黏紙,可監測並輔助防治。每週噴佈一次「植物油混方」或「乳化葵花油」400–500 倍水稀釋液,可減緩白粉病以及較小體形害蟲的坐大。落實預防勝於治療、及早發現及早治療的精神,許多作物的病蟲害管理,真的可以擺脫化學合成農藥。 For the pests control on crops, we can use friendly non synthetic chemicals, combined farm management, field monitoring and other technologies to design a workable integrated pests management (IPM) strategies. Achieve the purpose of producing fruits and vegetables without synthetic pesticides. The first, by preventing the pest invasion ways that are five: loopholes on net house, Resident pests, The foreign medium, Carried by seedlings and Carried by human and farm tools. In addition, by field monitoring, early detection of invasive pests is also the focus of work. According to the species and abundance of pests, the appropriate control methods and intensity can be adjusted to work in time. Hanging yellow sticky paper after planting can play monitoring and assisted control. The powdery mildew and smaller body size pests as aphids, spider mites, silver leaf white fly etc. will be slow down if spray "vegetable oil mixture" or "emulsified sunflower oil" 400-500 folds of water dilution weekly. However, all of above acts are intended to fulfill the spirit of prevention rather than treatment, early detection and early treatment. The synthetic pesticides can be really gotten rid of in many crop pests management

    (50(1):68-74)Effect of Concealment and Rearing Density on the Development and Survival of Lemnia biplagiata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)

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    於室內25℃下,評估12公升裝養虫罐中添加隱蔽物與調整飼養密度對集體飼育錨紋瓢虫之效果。結果顯示有添加隱蔽物處理之幼虫、前蛹及蛹之存活率分別為51.4~56.0%、80.3~81.6%及83.4~93.7%,比對照無添加處理之41.8、77.0及78.9%高,但幼虫與蛹之發育時間及成虫體重均無顯著差異。以瓦楞紙或瓦楞塑膠片為隱蔽物之效果相近,皆能提高存活率。不同飼育密度對發育所需時間與成虫體重亦無顯著影響,幼虫與前蛹存活率以低密度每罐100隻者最高,達74.3%與91.8%,蛹存活率則不同飼育密度之間差異不顯著,介於93.5~94.6%之間。考量空間利用與操作方便,幼虫飼育密度以每罐100~200隻為宜。集體飼育以幼虫期之死亡率最高,為主要死亡時段,前蛹期次之,蛹期最低。Experiments were conducted to assess the effect of adding concealments and regulating density on the development and survival of Lemnia biplagiata (Swartz) by rearing larvae with a 12-litre container at 25℃ in laboratory. Results showed that adding concealments increased the survival rate of larva, prepupa and pupa were 51.4-56.0%, 80.3-81.6 and 83.4-93.7%, respectively, which was 41.8%, 77.0% and 78.9% respectively higher than the control without adding concealments. But there was no significant effect on the development time of larva and pupa, and body weight of adult. Adding corrugated paper or plastics as concealments had similar effect that increased the survival rate, but the pupal survival rate of the former was slightly higher. Low rearing density, 100 larva per container, had the highest survival rate of 74.3% and 91.8% for larva and prepupa, respectively. There was no significant difference among three rearing densities in terms of pupal survival rate which was 93.5-94.6%. Rearing 100-200 larvae in a container was appropriate when space and facility were considered. In general, larva having the lowest survival rate was the main fatal stage during group rearing following by prepupa and pupa

    (58(4):265-272)Aphicidal Efficacy of Emulsified Soybean Oil Against Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae)

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    大豆油及其乳化劑對棉蚜的致死試驗於室內25℃±1℃下進行。結果顯示大豆油乳化液確有殺死棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover)的效果,大豆油對棉蚜的LC50與LC90分別為1.09-1.28與3.96-5.78mL/L。乳化劑亦具殺蚜效果,可以0.25:1的比例與大豆油混合,其效果與高用量的2:1差異不顯著。本試驗比較Sigma-Aldrich Co之R&D級與市售3種品牌的大豆油對棉蚜之致死效果,四者間差異不顯著。由此可知以Tween 80與Span 80乳化的食用大豆油用於防治棉蚜具有潛力。A study on the mortality of cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover) treated with soybean oil and its emulsifier was conducted in laboratory under 25℃±1℃. Results revealed that the aphicidal efficacy of soybean oil emulsion was available. The LC50 and LC90 of soybean oil were 1.09-1.28 and 3.96-5.78mL/L, respectively. The emulsifier was also effective against cotton aphid. The emulsifier and soybean oil in the ratio of 0.25 to 1 had no significant difference from 2:1, and there was no difference among Sigma-Aldrich R&D grade and 3 market products of soybean oil comparing their aphicidal efficacy. However, the edible soybean oil emulsified with Tween 80 and Span 80 is potentially preventable for A. gossypii control

    Comparison of the life tables and predation rates of Harmonia dimidiata (F.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) fed on Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae) at different temperatures

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    The life histories and predation rates of the ladybird beetle Harmonia dimidiata (F.) were compared among beetles kept at 15, 20, and 25 °C. The beetles were fed on Aphis gossypii Glover and were maintained at 70 ± 10% RH and a 14:10 (L:D) h photoperiod. According to the age-stage, two-sex life table, the net reproductive rates (R0) were 147.4, 98.7, and 62.5 offspring for beetles kept at 15, 20, and 25 °C, respectively. Additionally, we employed both the jackknife and bootstrap techniques for estimating the means, variances, and standard errors of the population parameters. The sample means of R0 and the other population parameters obtained using the bootstrap technique fit a normal distribution, but the jackknife technique generated biologically meaningless zero values for R0. The net predation rates were 10963, 13050, and 7492 aphids for beetles kept at 15, 20, and 25 °C, respectively. For a comprehensive comparison of predation potential, we incorporated both the finite rate and the predation rate into the finite predation rate. When both the growth rate and the predation rate were considered, our results showed that H. dimidiata is a more efficient biological control agent for A. gossypii at 20 and 25 °C than at 15 °C

    (40(1):52-56)Effects of different regimes of photoperiod on the emergence and oviposition of the rice moth (Corcyra cephalonica Stainton)

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    以8瓦特電擊式捕蚊燈為光源之各種光週期及自然光照處理外米綴蛾幼虫期,自開始有成蛾羽化算起第10、20日及第30日之累計羽化率分別為27.0~31.0%、63.0~87.5%及68.5~92.5%,各處理間皆無明顯差異;每百隻雌蛾的產卵量,自羽化算起第1~3與4~6日分別為0.52~0.75cc與0.15~0.39cc,各處理間亦無明顯的差異,顯示外米綴蛾的羽化率與產卵量不受不同亮燈週期的影響,其羽化高峰期在第10與20日之間,產卵高峰期在羽化起三日內。在大量飼育外米綴蛾時。可以上述光源行全天候之誘捕,作為預防措施或小繭蜂入侵時之輔助防治方法。The rice moth was reared under different regimes of photoperiod using an electric-type light trap as light source only. For the control treatment the larvae received natrual light. The cumulative percentage of emergence up to 10, 20 and 30 days after first moth emergence for each treatment ranged from 27.0~31.0%, 63.0~87.5% and 68.5~92.5%, respectively, and no significant difference was found. The amount of eggs produced by 100 females within 1 to 3 days and 4 to 6 days after emergence were 0.52~0.75cc and 0.15~0.39cc, respectively, and again no significant difference was found. The results revealed that the emergence and oviposition of the rice moth were not affected when the larvae reared under different photoperiods. Peak of emergence for each treatment was between 10 and 20 days after the first female emergence. Peak of oviposition was within the period of first 3 days after female moth emerged. Therefore, it was concluded that the light trap could be operated the whole day for trapping the parasitoid (Bracon hebetor Say) without any adverse effect on mass rearing of the rice moth

    (38(4):458-462)Anagrus incarnatus Haliday臺灣新記錄之褐飛蝨卵寄生蜂

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    Anagrus incarnatus Haliday, an egg parasitoid of rice brown planthopper (BPH), is a new record from Taiwan. Its morphology was described and compared to A. flaveolus Waterhouse and A. optabilis (Perkins) which are the only two species of BPH egg parasitoids identified in Taiwan. Its biology was also studied and described. Running head: Chen & Yu: Egg parasitoid of brown planthopper. Anagrus incarnatus Haliday為水稻褐飛蝨之有效卵寄生蜂,係臺彎新記錄種,本文記述該種之形態與習性,並與臺灣已記錄之A. flaveolus Waterhouse與A. optabilis (Perkins)進行分類特徵之比較A. incarnatus每雌蜂最多可產卵31粒,平均約14粒,從卵到成蜂約需13─16天,雄蜂先羽化而出生,再守在羽化孔,待雌蜂羽化時,立即交尾,雌蜂交尾後,即找尋褐飛蝨卵進行產卵寄生

    The Major Arthropod Pests on Rice and The Essential Ways of Their Control

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    台灣地區水稻的害蟲種類繁多,主要種類因水稻栽植品種、季節、地域、耕作方式及防治策略等因素而有更迭,因此有六大、五大害蟲等的稱謂。現代的害蟲防治,其精神在不必將害蟲完全滅絕,而是與之共存,並且將之控制在經濟危害基準以下。是一種以生態永續為前題兼數生活品質,以三生的總體效益為原則的生產方式。防患於未然,瞭解害蟲、確實監測是害蟲防治的三要領。基於與生態環境共生、預防勝於治療的理念,可以透過耕作方式及田間管理等栽培作業,減少害蟲的入侵與增殖,並增加天敵的存活與立足,再配合對害蟲的了解與確實的監測,在適當時機於有效蟲期與棲息部位,適度地實施防治,達到害蟲族群密度維持在經濟危害基準以下的目標。但在必要時,不違反三生總體效益的原則下,不排除化學農藥的適當使用。 Species of the arthropod pests on rice are numerous in Taiwan. The major species are alternate owing to the different cultural cultivars, seasons, areas, farming types, and stratagems of pest control, and this the name of the 5 or 6 primary pests. The essence of modern arthropod pests control is that the pests are not to be completely wiped out but controlled so that their population densities are under the economic injury level and we can live with them. It is a type of agricultural production to practice the overall effectiveness of sustainable ecology, life quality, and good production. Precautions, fully understanding of arthropod pests, and reliable monitoring are the three essential ways of controlling arthropod pests. Based on the ideas of ecological living and prevention better than cure, we can use such cultural practices as framing types and field management to reduce the quantities of invading and increasing arthropod pests. By the same token we also enhance the surviving opportunities of natural enemies and their establishment. Further, along with the understanding and monitoring of arthropod pests, we carry out the proper control way on weak stages and habitats of arthropod pests during suitable times to maintain the population density of arthropod pest under economic injury level. We do not object the proper use of chemical pesticides if the principle of overall effectiveness is not violated