Resistance to Aphis gossypii Glover among muskmelon cultivars ct on the development and fecundity of parasitoid, Aphelinus mali Haldman


Resistance to cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover was compared among muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) cultivars, Tainan 8 (TN.8), Tainan 9 (TN.9) and Autumn favor (C.T.), to assess the possibility of controlling cotton aphid by using aphid- resistant cultivar and parasitoid, Aphelinus mali Haldeman. Results revealed that TN.8 was the most susceptible cultivar, while TN.9 and C.T. were resistant with antibiosis effect of the development and reproduction of cotton aphid by no choice test. In free choice test, the highest population score was found on TN.8 for each aphid colony, and the lowes was on TN.9 at 5 days after aphid released. Results from these two tests suggested that TN.9 was more resistant that C.T.. Both of them could delay the population increment of cotton aphid with antibiosis and antixenosis. The influence of preconditioning host cultivars showed significant difference among various aphid conlonies which tamed from three different mudkmelon cultivars, respectively. on the longevity and body weight of apterous adult when tested on C.T., number of progeny produced per adult on TN.8, and survival rate of progeny on all cultivars. Host conditioning influenced antixenosis of C.T. by exhibiting the same level as Tn.9 when tested with preconditioned aphid colony of TN.8. but was lower than TN.9 when tested with the other two colonies, and the odor preference to host plant cultivars. Population growth ofsypii in field showed the slowest on TN.9, may delay the population increment of the cotton aphid. Aphid-resistant muskmelon cultivars had no negative impact on A. mali. No matter the host aphids werer from aphid-resistant or suscceptible mudkmelon cultivars.Resistant cultivars may complement the activity of the parasitoid in reducing cotton aphid. The compatibility between aphid-resistant mudkmelon cultivars and parasitoid is good, therefore, it can be incorporated in the integrated pest management program for controllong the cotton aphid population on muskmelon.本研究已分別在洋香瓜(Cucumis melo L.)台南八號、台南九號及秋香品 種上累代飼育6-8代後之棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover)蚜群 (colony)作 為測試蟲源,進行洋香瓜品種對棉蚜之抗性測試,及抗蚜品種與日光蜂( Aphelinus mali Haldeman) 之相容性試驗。於室內25C下,均以台南九號 對棉蚜最具抗生性及抗棲性,秋香為次。但測試蟲源先期寄主品種的不同 會影響無選擇法、自由選擇法及對寄主植物氣味偏好的測試結果。抗蚜品 種在田間亦有延緩棉族群的效果。以不同棉蚜蚜群為寄主對日光蜂之第一 代無重大影響,而抗蚜品種與日光蜂之間有良好的相容性,可發揮互補作 用,在未來棉蚜綜合防治體系中具利用價值

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