(40(1):52-56)Effects of different regimes of photoperiod on the emergence and oviposition of the rice moth (Corcyra cephalonica Stainton)


以8瓦特電擊式捕蚊燈為光源之各種光週期及自然光照處理外米綴蛾幼虫期,自開始有成蛾羽化算起第10、20日及第30日之累計羽化率分別為27.0~31.0%、63.0~87.5%及68.5~92.5%,各處理間皆無明顯差異;每百隻雌蛾的產卵量,自羽化算起第1~3與4~6日分別為0.52~0.75cc與0.15~0.39cc,各處理間亦無明顯的差異,顯示外米綴蛾的羽化率與產卵量不受不同亮燈週期的影響,其羽化高峰期在第10與20日之間,產卵高峰期在羽化起三日內。在大量飼育外米綴蛾時。可以上述光源行全天候之誘捕,作為預防措施或小繭蜂入侵時之輔助防治方法。The rice moth was reared under different regimes of photoperiod using an electric-type light trap as light source only. For the control treatment the larvae received natrual light. The cumulative percentage of emergence up to 10, 20 and 30 days after first moth emergence for each treatment ranged from 27.0~31.0%, 63.0~87.5% and 68.5~92.5%, respectively, and no significant difference was found. The amount of eggs produced by 100 females within 1 to 3 days and 4 to 6 days after emergence were 0.52~0.75cc and 0.15~0.39cc, respectively, and again no significant difference was found. The results revealed that the emergence and oviposition of the rice moth were not affected when the larvae reared under different photoperiods. Peak of emergence for each treatment was between 10 and 20 days after the first female emergence. Peak of oviposition was within the period of first 3 days after female moth emerged. Therefore, it was concluded that the light trap could be operated the whole day for trapping the parasitoid (Bracon hebetor Say) without any adverse effect on mass rearing of the rice moth

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