18 research outputs found

    Compound semiconductor nanotube materials grown and fabricated

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    A new GaAs/InGaAs/InGaP compound semiconductor nanotube material structure was designed and fabricated in this work. A thin, InGaAs-strained material layer was designed in the nanotube structure, which can directionally roll up a strained heterostructure through a normal wet etching process. The compound semiconductor nanotube structure was grown by gas-source molecular beam epitaxy. A good crystalline quality of InGaP, InGaAs, and GaAs materials was obtained through optimizing the growth condition. The fabricated GaAs/InGaAs/InGaP semiconductor nanotubes, with a diameter of 300 to 350 nm and a length of 1.8 to 2.0 μm, were achieved through normal device fabrication

    Chemical ordering suppresses large-scale electronic phase separation in doped manganites

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    For strongly correlated oxides, it has been a long-standing issue regarding the role of the chemical ordering of the dopants on the physical properties. Here, using unit cell by unit cell superlattice growth technique, we determine the role of chemical ordering of the Pr dopant in a colossal magnetoresistant (La1-yPry)1-xCaxMnO3 (LPCMO) system, which has been well known for its large length-scale electronic phase separation phenomena. Our experimental results show that the chemical ordering of Pr leads to marked reduction of the length scale of electronic phase separations. Moreover, compared with the conventional Pr-disordered LPCMO system, the Pr-ordered LPCMO system has a metal–insulator transition that is ~100 K higher because the ferromagnetic metallic phase is more dominant at all temperatures below the Curie temperature

    High-efficiency V-shaped phase gratings to suppress high order diffractions

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    We propose a V-shaped phase grating to simultaneously improve the diffraction efficiency of the 1st order diffraction mode and suppression of high order modes. An analytic description is given that indicates the 0th, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th order diffractions can be completely suppressed while the 1st order absolute diffraction efficiency can reach a theoretical maximum of 27.72%, which is much higher than that reported from single order gratings, such as sinusoidal amplitude transmission gratings. The dependencies of the 1st order diffraction efficiency on the wavelength and depth deviations are also discussed. The experimental results show that the absolute efficiency of the 1st order diffraction is 25.85% while the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th order diffractions disappear completely, confirming the theoretical predictions. The diffraction patterns of a xenon lamp demonstrate the suppression of the high order diffractions from our quartz phase grating. The unique dispersive properties of the V-shaped phase grating make it attractive for broad spectroscopy and high-accuracy monochromatization applications

    Wafer-Scale Fabrication of Ultra-High Aspect Ratio, Microscale Silicon Structures with Smooth Sidewalls Using Metal Assisted Chemical Etching

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    Silicon structures with ultra-high aspect ratios have great potential applications in the fields of optoelectronics and biomedicine. However, the slope and increased roughness of the sidewalls inevitably introduced during the use of conventional etching processes (e.g., Bosch and DRIE) remain an obstacle to their application. In this paper, 4-inch wafer-scale, ultra-high aspect ratio (>140:1) microscale silicon structures with smooth sidewalls are successfully prepared using metal-assisted chemical etching (MacEtch). Here, we clarify the impact of the size from the metal catalytic structure on the sidewall roughness. By optimizing the etchant ratio to accelerate the etch rate of the metal-catalyzed structure and employing thermal oxidation, the sidewall roughness can be significantly reduced (average root mean square (RMS) from 42.3 nm to 15.8 nm). Simulations show that a maximum exciton production rate (Gmax) of 1.21 × 1026 and a maximum theoretical short-circuit current density (Jsc) of 39.78 mA/cm2 can be obtained for the micropillar array with smooth sidewalls, which have potential applications in high-performance microscale photovoltaic devices