37 research outputs found

    Loess plateau storage of northeastern Tibetan plateau-derived Yellow River sediment

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    Marine accumulations of terrigenous sediment are widely assumed to accurately record climatic- and tectonic-controlled mountain denudation and play an important role in understanding late Cenozoic mountain uplift and global cooling. Underpinning this is the assumption that the majority of sediment eroded from hinterland orogenic belts is transported to and ultimately stored in marine basins with little lag between erosion and deposition. Here we use a detailed and multi-technique sedimentary provenance dataset from the Yellow River to show that substantial amounts of sediment eroded from Northeast Tibet and carried by the river’s upper reach are stored in the Chinese Loess Plateau and the western Mu Us desert. This finding revises our understanding of the origin of the Chinese Loess Plateau and provides a potential solution for mismatches between late Cenozoic terrestrial sedimentation and marine geochemistry records, as well as between global CO2 and erosion records

    Rapid detection of drug metabolites in latent fingermarks

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    Magnetic particles functionalised with anti-cotinine antibody have been used to image latent fingermarks through the detection of the cotinine antigen in the sweat deposited within the fingerprints of smokers. The antibody–magnetic particle conjugates are readily applied to latent fingerprints while excess reagents are removed through the use of a magnetic wand. The results have shown that drug metabolites, such as cotinine, can be detected and used to image the fingermark to establish the identity of an individual within 15 minutes

    Designing the next generation of ocean iron fertilization experiments

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    The first generation of open-ocean iron enrichments (1993 to 2005) have all had broadly the same design. Enrichment of patches of ocean was typically on a 10 km length-scale, and experiments were of a duration of weeks. These scales were dictated by what could conveniently be achieved from research vessels, using tracers to track Lagrangian patches. The extrapolation of experimental findings to the larger scales required for carbon sequestration by ocean iron fertilization (OIF) leaves many uncertainties, to answer which, longer duration (i.e. months) and larger scale observations (100 to 200 km length-scale) are required. However, to extrapolate to a timescale of decades and to the scale of ocean basins, such observations must be conducted in parallel (and where possible assimilated into) detailed models of the physics and biogeochemistry of the fertilized waters. Our present understanding suggests that any carbon sequestration will occur as the net result of changes in the air–sea flux integrated over millions km2 and many years, and can only realistically be assessed by modelling. A central role of the observational studies will be to make such models as accurate as possible in their simulations and predictions. We present a scheme for the design of a second generation of ocean iron-enrichments and discuss the challenges that are evident in linking the modelling and observational components of such studies