15 research outputs found

    Progressive Failure Reactivation of La Conchita Landslide in 2005

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    The application of SAR data to the interpretation of landslide

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    Fall AGU, American Geophysical Union Meeting- S. Francisco, CA, US


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    Le bassin supdricur de la riviC:re San Carlos, situd sur le flanc est de la Cordill~re Centrale de Colombie, a dtd aft'ectd par un << ~vdnemertt convulsif ,, le 2I septembre 1990. Une averse de 208 ram. ~,ans 6.quiva/enl historique dans ia zone, a cau.,,6 lu mort de 20 personnes et d'importants ddgfits. Plus de cent couldcs boueuses se sont produites sur les versants les plus 61evds et les plus inclinds, quelle que soil la nature du sol. Dans les zones moyennes du bassin Its lits des torrents ont did dlurgis et approfondis p~u" le creusement d'anciens ddp6ts torrentiels et de versants et de la granodiorite mdtdorisde. Une grande quantit6, de matdriau a dt~. drod~e, y compris des blocs d'un diametre atteignant 8 m. Les d@6ts montrent une diffdrenciation classique : les blocs accumules sur la pattie haute, les sables sur le cours moyen, et les argiles ont dr6. transport6es jusqu'au rdservoir de Punchin'a, environ 20 km en aval. Une couche de cendres volcaniques qui recouvre les ddp6ts torrentiels anciens montre des associations mindralogiques qui pet, vent etre corrdldes avec d'autres cendres trouvdes plus 5, I'est, dont I'&ge radiomdtrique cst de I0.500 ans BP enviro

    An open repository of earthquake-triggered ground-failure inventories:data release collection

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    Earthquake-triggered ground failure, such as landsliding and liquefaction, can contribute significantly to losses, but our current ability to accurately include them in earthquake-hazard analyses is limited. The development of robust and widely applicable models requires access to numerous inventories of ground failures triggered by earthquakes that span a broad range of terrains, shaking characteristics, and climates. We present an openly accessible, centralized earthquake-triggered groundfailure inventory repository in the form of a ScienceBase Community to provide open access to these data with the goal of accelerating research progress. The ScienceBase Community hosts digital inventories created by both U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and non-USGS authors. We present the original digital inventory files (when available) as well as an integrated database with uniform attributes. We also summarize the mapping methodology and level of completeness as reported by the original author(s) for each inventory. This document describes the steps taken to collect, process, and compile the inventories and the process for adding additional ground-failure inventories to the ScienceBase Community in the future