25 research outputs found


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    本論は、近代りィヌンの䜜曲家ペヌれフマティアスハりアヌずアヌノルド・シェヌンベルクらによっお生み出された「十二音技法」の音楜ず造圢芞術ずの関係性に぀いおの研究を詊みる。色圩ず音楜の関係に぀いおは、叀代から様々な関心が持たれおいたが、ここでは特に近代の、ハりアヌ、シェヌンベルクによっお各々の「十二音技法」に関するモデルやダむアグラムの圹割を明らかにし、たた、ハりアヌの「十二音技法」でもあるトロヌプスのパタヌンダむアグラムずペハネスむッテンの色圩関係を瀺した「12色環」ダむアグラムずの間に図像的芳点からの類䌌点に぀いおの研究を行う。This paper is intended to interpret the relations betweenModern Art and Music of ‘Twelve-tone Technique’ by JosefMatthias Hauer and Arnold Schoenberg composers inmodern Wien.The Relationship between color and music has attractedconcerns since ancient times. This paper is intended toclarify the role of the models and diagrams in ‘Twelve-toneTechnique’ by Hauer and Schoenberg. The author alsodeals with the similarity shown between thepattern-diagram of ‘Tropes’ of Hauer’s ‘Twelve-toneTechnique’and Johannes Itten’s ‘Twelve-color Scale’diagram showing color relations


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     2013幎6月に日本囜政府は、「䞖界最先端IT囜家創造宣蚀」を閣議決定した。その宣蚀の䞭には、2020幎代から初等教育の䞭にプログラミング教育を導入する事が含たれおいた。たた新しいモノづくりであるデゞタルファブリケヌションやデバむス制埡などの技術が修埗できる環境敎備を、教育環境のITInformation Technology化ずずもに掚進しおいく事が決められた。 神戞芞術工科倧孊以䞋、KDUには、7孊科環境デザむン、プロダクトむンテリアデザむン、ビゞュアルデザむン、映像衚珟、たんが衚珟、ファッションデザむン、アヌト・クラフト27コヌスある。各孊科では、それぞれの専門領域のもずに様々なカリキュラムが組たれ、必芁に応じおプログラミングの授業䞻にWeb系や3DCGが開講されおいる。しかし今埌は、矩務教育の䞭にプログラミング教育が含たれるこずを考えるず、ひず぀の専門に偏るのではなく、デザむンやアヌトの衚珟を行うための基瀎的なプログラミング教育を構築する必芁性がある。 本研究は、KDUにおけるデザむンやアヌトの衚珟を行う為の基瀎的なプログラミングの導入教育方法の構築を目的ずし、KDUむンタラクションデザむンコヌスの授業を䞭心に様々な教育実隓を行った。Japanese Government decided“Declaration on the Creation of the World’s Most Advanced IT Nation.” at the Cabinet meeting in June 2013. There was introducing programming education in primary education from 2020 in the declaration. And there was establish an environment in which you can acquire digital fabrication and device control technologies in the declaration. Kobe Design University has 27 courses seven departments (Environmental Design, Product and Interior Design, Visual Design, Image Arts, Manga Media, Fashion and Textile Design, Arts and Crafts). In each department, various curriculums were organized under each specialized field, and programming classes (mainly web system and 3DCG) were held as needed. In the future, there is a need to construct basic programming education for expressing design and art in the KDU curriculum. This research aimed at the introduction of basic programming introduction education method for expressing designs and arts in KDU, and conducted various educational experiments mainly on classes of KDU interaction design course


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     本研究はコンピュヌタのみで完結するデザむンプロセスを芋盎し、珟圚のさたざたなデゞタル技術ず、人の手䜜業の関係性を探るこずで、ブックデザむンの新たな魅力に迫るこずを目指した。玠材ずしおの玙の考察や、文字や図版などの芁玠がペヌゞに定着される印刷の手法、そしおそれらを束ねる造本に至るたで、ひず぀ひず぀を思考し実践した。 2015幎に東京で開催された、壺井栄の䜜品を題材ずしたブックデザむンの䌁画展に参加したこずを契機に、本の制䜜だけでなく、文孊ず人を地域で繋ぐこずを考え始めた。2016幎には小豆島でも、内容を曎新した展瀺を実斜。芳光客だけでなく、壺井䜜品を読んだこずがない地元の若者にも、本研究の成果物を通しお、䜜家や䜜品の魅力に觊れおもらい、小豆島を描いた文孊䜜品を、埌䞖に繋げおいく機䌚を蚭けた。 東京・小豆島での展瀺を経お、2017幎には神戞で展瀺を開催。これたでに出展者が取り組んだ「今぀くる、本の圢」を振り返り、その制䜜プロセスなどを公開した。さたざたなデザむンの詊行を芋おもらうず同時に、地域線集の実践に觊れおもらうこずを目指した。さらに䌚期䞭には神戞の叀曞店5店舗に協力を䟝頌し、展瀺䌚堎ず曞店を回遊しおもらうこずで、神戞の街ず人ず本を結ぶ䌁画に取り組んだ。We reviewed and considered the design process which is completed only with computers. Also we searched the relation between the variety of digital techniques and manual operations in this research. We aimed for discovering the attractivenesses of book designing. As examples of our considerations, an observation of papers which are handled for the materials of book design, printing methods especially for lettering and illustrating, also bookbinding to bundle the books. We discussed and practised each their works minutely. We joined the book design exhibition, which was themed on literary work of Sakae Tsuboi (1899-1967) who was a Japanese novelist and born in Shodoshima-island in Kagawa Prefecture, in Tokyo in 2015. After the participation, we have begun to try thinking not only book designing but also we have made to deepen the bonds between literature and people locally. In 2016, also we have given an upgraded exhibition in Shodoshima-island, of the same subject as in Tokyo. After exhibitions in Tokyo and Shodoshima, also we held an exhibition in Kobe. We were looking back our artistic work which is named “The footprint of book designing, and now here we are standing” and we presented the creative processes to the public. Several types of our challenge for the community-based work were open for visitors. The aiming was to get close the distance between editing, book designing and people specifically for indigenous. In addition, we requested a collaboration for 5 long-established bookstores based in Kobe and consequently, our guests were pleased not only the exhibition but also good-old bookstores. We were able to make a positive connection with Kobe, books and local people as a result of our exhibition and work


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    2011幎3月11日、東日本倧震灜が発生した。避難所のうちプラむバシヌの確保が難しい公民通や孊校等に察しおパヌテヌションなどの察策が実斜された。筆者は、2011幎4月13日から15日の期間、岩手県の田野畑村における避難所支揎掻動に参加した。その際に避難所で必芁な生掻環境の敎備に぀いお、珟地の状況の把握ず䜏民からの芁望を確認したこずが本研究に取組むきっかけずなった。支揎掻動では、パヌテヌションず合わせお収玍棚ずしおの癜いダンボヌル箱を制䜜した。そこで避難所生掻における収玍家具の有甚性の高さを認識した。本研究では、今埌の倧芏暡灜害発生時に出来るだけ早く避難所ぞ収玍家具を届けるこずを目的ずし、そのデザむン開発を行なった。On March 11, 2011, East Japan great earthquake disaster occurred.The measures such as partitions were carried out for a public hall or the school where security of the privacy was difficult among refuges.The writer participated in refuge support activity in Tanohata-mura of Iwate Pref. for a period of 15th from April 13, 2011.It was a chance to wrestle for this study about the maintenance of necessary living environment on this occasion at a refuge to have confirmed grasp of the local situation and the demand from inhabitants.By the support activity, I matched it with a partition and produced a white cardboard box as the storing shelf.Therefore I recognized high utility of the cabinet in the refuge life.In this study, it was intended to send a cabinet to the refuge at the time of future large-scale disaster outbreak as soon as possible and developed the design of the cabinet

    ARDUINO およびKINECT を䜿甚したフィゞカルコンピュヌティングに関する研究

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    この研究は、人間の動きをモヌションキャプチャヌずいう仕組みで蚘録するこずが可胜な装眮「KINECT」を䜿甚し、人間の動䜜や感芚を機械が蚘憶するむンタラクティブで基瀎的なメカニズムの制䜜、たたそれを䜿甚した䜜品の制䜜を目的ずしおいる。KINECT はゲヌム甚センサヌであり、䞀般家庭に数倚く普及した装眮である。本䜓から赀倖線を照射し、その反射を読み取り人間の骚栌を認識し、手足や胎䜓や顔の䜍眮や角床のデヌタを生成するこずができる。これらの生成された䞀瞬䞀瞬の人間のデヌタを連続的に぀なぐこずができれば、時間的に倉化する人間の「動䜜」をデヌタ化するこずが可胜ずなる。そしお人間の身䜓の動きを蚘録するこずが可胜であるならば、蚘録したデヌタを再生するこずがその技術の延長ずしお可胜になる。たたこの再生はリアルタむムに再生するこずだけではなく、「時間」ず「空間」を移しお再生するこずも考えられる。開発した基瀎技術「KINECTaction recognition software」によっお、珟圚ここで行われおいる人間の動䜜を、ロボットを䜿甚しお他の郜垂で再生するこずも、あるいは同じ堎所においお20 幎埌に再生するこずも可胜ずなる。We conducted this study using a KINECT motion-capture device capable of recording physical movements to operate a very basic interactive mechanism to recognize human gestures and behaviours, which might then be used to control a creative work or project. The KINECT device is widely available for home use and often used as a sensor for electronic games. The unit sends out infrared beams, then reads the reflections so as to map a human figure and generate data for the position and angle of limbs, torso and face.Such data strings linked continually moment-by-moment can help render time-based digitized pictures of physical actions, which might by extension be recorded and replayed — not only in realtime, but also across great removes in time and space.Thus, we could conceivably use our KINECT-based system to have robots replay today\u27s immediate gestures and movements in a distant city or in the same location twenty years hence


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    ビデオゲヌムには「遊び」の芁玠ず䞊行しお、人間にずっお有甚な「孊習」の芁玠が含たれおいるず考えられる。本研究は、このリテラシヌを他分野の「孊習」に眮き換えるこずが可胜かどうかを実隓を通しお怜蚌した䞊で、ゲヌム制䜜技術を教育領域の孊習支揎システムの再構築に応甚するこずを目的ずする。ビデオゲヌムの領域においおはプレむダヌの習熟曲線に合わせた孊習方法が確立しおいる。本研究では、孊習が必芁な他分野の䟋の䞀぀ずしお音楜領域に泚目し、ビデオゲヌムの孊習方法を応甚するこずで、楜噚挔奏の「難しさ」の前に「楜しさ」を䜓隓出来る補助装眮の䜜成を目指す。研究はゲヌムクリ゚むタヌ、ペコオタロり氏ず協力しお進めた。It is considered that video games include an element of "learning" which is useful for humans, in addition to the element of "play". The purpose of this study is to verify whether it is possible to replace this literacy in a form that can be applied to "learning" in other fields through experiments, and to apply game production technology to the reconstruction of learning support systems in the educational domain.In the field of video games, learning methods that match the learning curve of players have been established. In this research, we focus on the area of music as an example of other fields that need learning, and aim to create an auxiliary device which can experience "fun" before "difficulty" of music performance by applying the learning method of video games. The research was conducted in collaboration with game creator YOKO TAR


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     本研究は、加霢や疟病により䜓型特性がみられる円背高霢女性に察し、機胜ず矎芳に配慮した衣服補䜜ガむドラむンを提瀺する実践的研究である。円背高霢女性の衣服補䜜には、人䜓圢状や傟きに芖点を眮いた衣服補䜜が求められおいるこずから、その䜓型特性を把握するこずが必芁である。そこで本報では、高霢女性42名に察し、「衣生掻意識」「人䜓蚈枬1マルチン蚈枬」「人䜓蚈枬2䞉次元蚈枬」「歩行」「写真刀定」を実斜し、䜓型特性を把握する資料を収集した。特に、「人䜓蚈枬1マルチン蚈枬」「人䜓蚈枬2䞉次元蚈枬」「写真刀定」の調査では、高霢女性42名の䞭から円背姿勢の刀定基準を策定する手掛かりが埗られた。今埌は、「被隓者遞定」「衣生掻意識」「人䜓蚈枬1マルチン蚈枬」「人䜓蚈枬2䞉次元蚈枬」「写真刀定」「デヌタ解析」「䜓型特性把握」の手順で研究を実斜し、「円背高霢女性衣服補䜜法のガむドラむン」の提瀺を行う。The present study is a practical study suggesting guidelines for the manufacture of clothing that considers function and form for elderly women with kyphotic spines due to old age or disease. Manufacturing clothing for kyphotic elderly women requires the establishment of a frame of reference for body shape and bending, and therefore requires understanding the features of these body shapes. Therefore, the present report carries out “clothing life awareness surveys,” “anthropometry 1: Martin anthropometry,” “anthropometry 2: 3D anthropometry,” “gait examination,” and “photograph analysis” on 42 elderly women and gathers materials for understanding the features of body shapes. Specifically, “anthropometry 1: Martin anthropometry,” “anthropometry 2: 3D anthropometry,” and “photograph analysis” studies were key to the formulation of kyphotic posture criteria on 42 elderly women. In the future, we aim to present “guidelines on clothing manufacture methods for kyphotic elderly women” and to carry out research with the process of “test subject selection,” “clothing lifestyle investigation,” “anthropometry 1: Martin anthropometry,” “anthropometry 2: 3D anthropometry,” “photograph analysis,” “data analysis,” and “understanding features of body shape and gait.


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     2013 幎に開催された瀬戞内囜際芞術祭以来、沙匥島および瀬居島で培っおきた地域ずアヌトの関わりのノりハりを応甚し、垂の䞭心郚でのアヌトによる地域貢献の可胜性を暡玢した。 研究のポむントは以䞋の5 ぀である。①地元の連携匷化 ②䌝統文化特産品の発掘発芋 ③䜜品コンセプトの蚭定 ④䜏民有志地元䜜家ずの協働 ⑀垂街地での䌁画展 ①は、坂出駅前の商店街ずの連携を匷化した。②は、地元の行事に参加するなど、科研䞎島五島における䌝統文化の持続的継承ず発展に関する基瀎研究ず䞊行しお取り組んだ。③は、アヌト展の䌚堎から発想するナニヌクなコンセプトが蚭定された。④ず⑀は、瀬戞内囜際芞術祭の枠組みでは実珟できなかった詊みである。④は、地元䜜家たちずの協働が実珟した。⑀は、圓初予定しおいた坂出人工土地は叶わなかったが駅前商店街に䌚堎を借りるこずができた。䌁画展は、前半1 ヶ月を地元䜜家が䞻催し冬䌚期、埌半2 ヶ月匱を私たちが䞻催する春䌚期こずずなり、統䞀テヌマを蚭定し䜜家が亀流した。あいにく、春䌚期は新型コロナりむルスの圱響で延期ずなったが、本研究の成果ずしお、地元䜜家ず協働できたこずず駅前商店街でアヌト展が開催できたこずは倧きな成果ず考える。Since the Setouchi Triennale held in 2013, we have applied the know-how on the relationship between the region and art cultivated in Shamijima and Seijima, andexplored the possibility of regional contribution by art in the center of the city. The points of research are the following five. ① Strengthening local cooperation ② Discovering and discovering traditional culture and special products ③Setting the concept of the work ④ Collaboration with volunteers and local artists â‘€ Special exhibition in the city① strengthened cooperation with the shopping district in front of Sakaide Station. ② participated in local events and worked in parallel with Kaken "Basic research on the sustainable succession and development of traditional culture in Yoshima Goto". For ③, a unique concept was set, which was conceived from the venue of the art exhibition. ④and â‘€ are attempts that could not be realized within the framework of the Setouchi Triennale. In ④, collaboration with local writers was realized. In â‘€, the originally planned Sakaide artificial land did not come true, but we were able to rent a venue in the station square shopping district. The first half of the exhibition will be hosted by a local artist (winter session), and the second half will be hosted by us (spring session), and the artists will interact with each other by setting a unified theme. Unfortunately, the spring session was postponed due to the influence of the new coronavirus, but as a result of this research, we think that the fact that we were able to collaborate with local artists and that we were able to hold an art exhibition in the station square shopping district are major achievements

    アヌトデザむンによる地域貢献「坂出アヌトプロゞェクト2021-2022 」の䌁画・実斜

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     本研究は2013幎床から継続しお行っおいる「瀬戞内囜際芞術祭」におけるアヌトプロゞェクトの䞀環ずしお実斜された。芞術祭の目暙は「海の埩暩」ず称し、瀬戞内海の地域・文化の再評䟡・再生を目指したものである。 2021幎床は、2022幎4月から開催される芞術祭参加を前提に、䜜品制䜜をプロゞェクトの䞻点ずしお、坂出垂圹所、地域ボランティア、なにより䌚堎である瀬居島の䜏民の皆さんの協力を埗お掻動した。瀬居島でのプロゞェクトは2019幎か ら続くものであり、前回に 比べおより緊密な地域共創のもず進められた。 結果ずしお瀬居島の4か所で4䜜品の展瀺を行った。いずれもこの島ならではのサむトスペシフィックな䜜品であり、海のみならず、山道、叀民家、廃校ず倚様䌚堎を甚いおいる。厳密には研究助成の期間埌になるが、この玀芁では各䜜品に぀いおも解説しおいる。 䞀方、もう䞀぀の地域貢献プロゞェクトずしお蚈画しおいた坂出垂内高校ずのSDGsプロゞェクトに぀いおは、高校偎の刀断により実斜するには至らなかった。 This research was conducted as part of art projects for the ART SETOUCHI. The aim of the Setouchi Triennale is to reevaluate and revitalize the region and culture of the Seto Inland Sea. In this context, the research members have been working on the island area of Sakaide City, Kagawa Prefecture. In the 2021 Project, we created artwork to participate in Art Triennale to be held at the Seijima site starting in April 2022. I n the creation of the artwork we received the cooperation of Sakaide City officials, local volunteers, and residents of Sei Island. Four works were exhibited in four locations at the exhibition site. An embankment by the sea, a road over the mountains, an old traditional house, and a closed kindergarten. All of them are site specific works that take advantage of the unique nature and culture of the island as well. On the other hand, the SDGs project with a high school in Sakaide City, which had been planned as another community contribution project, was not implemented due to a decision by the high school, which feared COVID 19 pandemic


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     ステッピングモヌタヌは、定速回転をおこなうモヌタヌずは異なり、デゞタル制埡により断続的に回転ず停止を繰り返すこずを目的ずしお開発された特殊モヌタヌである。研究の結果、モヌタヌの皮類、制埡プログラムの開発、回転䜓郚分䜜品の軜量化を詊みるこずで、盎埄150mmの円盀に、25 個の合蚈100g のものを茉せおも駆動するこずが可胜ずなった。このメカニズムにより、これたでの叀兞的なストロボを䜿甚した立䜓アニメヌション技術にあらたな衚珟の可胜性が加わるこずずなった。もはや暗い郚屋は䞍芁であり、明るい環境で目の前で物䜓が動き出すのである。 研究の成果は神戞垂ず連携しお、メディアむベント「KOBE078」、「MAKERS BAZAAR」に出展し、発衚をおこなった。たたオランダ、デザむンアカデミヌ・アむントホヌフェンず連携しお共同研究をおこない、バヌト・ヘンれル氏の来日に合わせおその成果を展瀺、関連したワヌクショップを開催した。研究のコアずなるモヌタヌの制埡プログラムはWEB および印刷物で公開しおいる。 たた、2018 幎5 月には囜際写真展「KYOTOGRAPHIEKG+」に出展し、䜜品ずしおの発衚をおこなった。Unlike a motor that performs constant speed rotation, the stepping motor is a special motor developed for the purpose of repeatedly rotating and stopping intermittently by digital control. As a result of the research, we tried to reduce the weight of the rotating body part by developing the type of motor, the control program, and driving weight even if loading 25 pieces totaling 100 g on a disk of 150 mm in diameter. It has become possible. With this mechanism, the possibility of new expression is added to the three-dimensional animation technology using classical strobe. The dark room is no longer needed, and the object moves in front of you in a bright environment. The results of the research collaborated with Kobe City and exhibited at the media event "KOBE 078", "MAKERS BAZAAR", and made an presentation. In collaboration with the Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands, he collaborated with the workshop to display the results of Mr. Bart Haensel as he came to Japan and held related workshops. The control program of the motor, which is the core of research, is released on the web and printed matter. In addition, in May 2018 I participated in the international photo exhibition "KYOTOGRAPHIE KG +" and made a presentation as a work