81 research outputs found

    Is there a confidence interval for that? A critical examination of null outcome reporting in accounting research

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    This study evaluates how null outcomes are analyzed and reported by accounting researchers based on an examination of two years of publications in The Accounting Review. As null outcomes reflect an inability to reject a null they, unlike rejections, do not lend themselves to specifically conclusive interpretations. Rather, substantive descriptive analyses are needed to draw useful inferences from such outcomes. In the 35 articles we identify as presenting substantive null outcomes, however, inappropriately conclusive interpretations of these outcomes border on monolithic while scant attention is given to providing the descriptive analyses needed to draw useful insights from them. Moreover, these deficiencies span articles published across all of the major accounting research areas (i.e., financial, managerial, audit, and tax) and encompass both archival and experimental designs. The analysis also proposes the use of descriptive techniques, particularly interval based analyses (e.g., Dyckman and Zeff, 2014; Dyckman, 2016)), as a desriable alternative for interpreting null outcomes

    Splitting of surface defect partition functions and integrable systems

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    We study Bethe/gauge correspondence at the special locus of Coulomb moduli where the integrable system exhibits the splitting of degenerate levels. For this investigation, we consider the four-dimensional pure N=2\mathcal{N}=2 supersymmetric U(N)U(N) gauge theory, with a half-BPS surface defect constructed with the help of an orbifold or a degenerate gauge vertex. We show that the non-perturbative Dyson-Schwinger equations imply the Schr\"odinger-type and the Baxter-type differential equations satisfied by the respective surface defect partition functions. At the special locus of Coulomb moduli the surface defect partition function splits into parts. We recover the Bethe/gauge dictionary for each summand.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures; v2. published versio

    Experimental Study on the Thermal Response of PCM Energy Storage Block with Hole Ventilation

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    Under the condition of Nanjing, the effect by the velocity variation of night ventilation on the thermal response of the south wall built by phase-change materials (PCMs) blocks with different configurations has been investigated and analyzed. It shows that the thermal performance when the PCM is placed nearby inner side in hollow block is better than that of the outer side. Meanwhile, the maximum amplitude of the temperature on the interior surface when the PCM is placed at the inner side is 58.3% higher than that of the outer side. The optimal flow velocity of both A and B is 2 m/s. Meanwhile, the minimum amplitudes of the temperature on the interior surface are 1.74°C and 3.72°C as well as the retardation coefficients are 8 h and 7 h. Compared to the structure configuration without ventilation, the heat flow was reduced 38.2% and 29.3%, respectively, and the equivalent heat resistance increased by 115.8% and 88.6%

    Povezanost polimorfizma pojedinačnog nukleotida gena ARID4A i kvalitete sperme kineskog vodenog bivola

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    ARID4A (AT-rich interaction domain 4A) is closely related to animal sperm quality traits. In the present study, the association between ARID4A gene polymorphisms of Chinese water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) with sperm quality traits was examined, including ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, post-thaw sperm motility, and sperm abnormality of buffalo semen. Seven single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of ARID4A gene were detected in 156 Chinese water buffaloes by Sanger sequencing and identifying overlap peaks. Among the SNPs, six were associated with at least one sperm quality trait. In brief, g.21192G>C, g.21285C>G, and g.21364A>G could be used as potential markers for selecting semen with low sperm abnormality, high ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, and sperm motility. Furthermore, 10 haplotypes (H1: -CTCGG, H2: GTGGCA, H3: GCGGCA, H4: GCTGCA, H5: GCTCGA, H6: GTGGGG, H7: GCTCCG, H8: -CGGGA, H9: GCGGCG, and H10: GTTGCA) were formed by the six SNPs through linkage disequilibrium analysis, and then 14 different combined haplotypes were collected. Correlation analysis showed that the combined H1H2 haplotype had the highest genotype frequency. Notably, the combined H1H2 haplotype had low sperm concentration, low sperm motility, and high sperm abnormality. The combined H2H3 haplotype could be used as a potential molecular marker for selecting semen with high sperm motility. In general, we illustrated a significant correlation between SNPs in ARID4A and sperm quality traits of Chinese water buffalo, which may be useful in the marker-assisted selection of buffalo breeding. This study was the first to analyze the genetic polymorphisms of ARID4A and association with sperm qualities of Chinese buffalo.Gen ARID4A (engl AT-rich interaction domain 4A) usko je povezan s kvalitetom sperme. U ovom je radu istraživana povezanost polimorfizma gena ARID4A u kineskih vodenih bivola (Bubalus bubalis) s kvalitetom sperme, uključujući volumen ejakulata, koncentraciju sperme, pokretljivost spermija nakon odmrzavanja i abnormalnost spermija u sjemenu bivola. U 156 kineskih vodenih bivola otkriveno je sedam polimorfizama pojedinačnog nukleotida (SNPs) gena ARID4A Sangerovim sekvenciranjem i identifikacijom preklopljenih vrhova. Među SNP-ovima njih je šest bilo povezano s barem jednim svojstvom kvalitete spermija. Ukratko, g. 21192G>C, g. 21285C>G i g. 21364A>G mogu se upotrijebiti kao potencijalni markeri za selekciju sjemena s niskom abnormalnošću spermija, većim volumenom ejakulata, većom koncentracijom i pokretljivošću spermija. Nadalje, šest SNP-ova formiralo je 10 haplotipova (H1: -CTCGG, H2: GTGGCA, H3: GCGGCA, H4: GCTGCA, H5: GCTCGA, H6: GTGGGG, H7: GCTCCG, H8: -CGGGA, H9: GCGGCG i H10: GTTGCA) analizom povezanosti nepodudarnosti te je ustanovljeno 14 različitih kombiniranih haplotipova. Analiza korelacije pokazala je da kombinirani haplotip H1H2 ima najveću učestalost. Kombinirani haplotip H1H2 imao je najmanju koncentraciju sperme, slabu pokretljivost seprmija i znatnu abnormalnost spermija. Kombinirani haplotip H2H3 može se upotrijebiti kao potencijalni molekularni marker za odabir sjemena s većom pokretljivošću. Općenito je pokazana znakovita korelacija između SNP-ova u ARID4A i kvalitete sperme kineskog vodenog bivola, što može biti korisno u selekciji bivola potpomognutoj markerima. Ovo je prvo istraživanje koje je analiziralo genske polimorfizme ARID4A i njihovu povezanost s kvalitetom sjemena kineskih vodenih bivola

    The Genetic Associations and Epistatic Effects of the CCR5 Promoter and CCR2-V64I Polymorphisms on Susceptibility to HIV-1 Infection in a Northern Han Chinese Population

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    The outcome of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 infection and course to AIDS are variable among individuals. Both chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) and CCR2 gene polymorphisms play essential roles in the susceptibility of HIV-1 infection. To investigate the main and epistatic effects of the CCR5 promoter and CCR2-V64I polymorphisms on HIV-1 infection in the Northern Han Chinese, subjects of 91 HIV-1-infected patients and 91 health controls were recruited. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the CCR5 promoter region and CCR2-V64I variants were genotyped. In the single-locus analysis, CCR5 58755-G and CCR5 59653-T alleles were significantly associated with HIV-1 infection (odds ratio [OR]=0.529, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.295-0.948; OR=1.710, 95% CI: 1.039-2.814). After adjustment with age and gender, subjects with the CCR5 59653-CT genotype showed the increased risk of HIV-1 infection compared with those with the wild-type CC genotype (adjusted OR=2.502; 95% CI: 1.332-4.698). No positive association was observed in other SNPs. Haplotype-based association analysis revealed that the haplotype TATGC was associated with the susceptibility to HIV-1 infection (p=0.003). Besides, we found the significant epistatic effects between the CCR5 58755-A/G and CCR5 59029-A/G polymorphisms associated with the lower risk of HIV-1 infection. In addition, we also identified the best three-factor interaction model, including the CCR5 58755-A/G, 59029-A/G, and CCR2-V64I polymorphisms, indicating that there were also strong gene-gene interactions between the CCR5 promoter and CCR2 polymorphisms on the susceptibility of HIV-1 infection. These findings contribute to understanding the genetic mechanism for the susceptibility of HIV-1 infection in Northern Han Chinese

    Loss of Asxl1 leads to myelodysplastic syndrome-like disease in mice

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    ASXL1 is mutated/deleted with high frequencies in multiple forms of myeloid malignancies, and its alterations are associated with poor prognosis. De novo ASXL1 mutations cause Bohring-Opitz syndrome characterized by multiple congenital malformations. We show that Asxl1 deletion in mice led to developmental abnormalities including dwarfism, anophthalmia, and 80% embryonic lethality. Surviving Asxl1(-/-) mice lived for up to 42 days and developed features of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), including dysplastic neutrophils and multiple lineage cytopenia. Asxl1(-/-) mice had a reduced hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) pool, and Asxl1(-/-) HSCs exhibited decreased hematopoietic repopulating capacity, with skewed cell differentiation favoring granulocytic lineage. Asxl1(+/-) mice also developed mild MDS-like disease, which could progress to MDS/myeloproliferative neoplasm, demonstrating a haploinsufficient effect of Asxl1 in the pathogenesis of myeloid malignancies. Asxl1 loss led to an increased apoptosis and mitosis in Lineage(-)c-Kit(+) (Lin(-)c-Kit(+)) cells, consistent with human MDS. Furthermore, Asxl1(-/-) Lin(-)c-Kit(+) cells exhibited decreased global levels of H3K27me3 and H3K4me3 and altered expression of genes regulating apoptosis (Bcl2, Bcl2l12, Bcl2l13). Collectively, we report a novel ASXL1 murine model that recapitulates human myeloid malignancies, implying that Asxl1 functions as a tumor suppressor to maintain hematopoietic cell homeostasis. Future work is necessary to clarify the contribution of microenvironment to the hematopoietic phenotypes observed in the constitutional Asxl1(-/-) mice

    Characteristics of Familial Lung Cancer in Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau of China

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    Background: Lung cancer has inherited susceptibility and show familial aggregation, the characteristics of familial lung cancer exhibit population heterogeneity. Despite previous studies, familial lung cancer in China's Yunnan-Guizhou plateau remains understudied.Methods: Between 2015 and 2017, 1,023 lung cancer patients (residents of Yunnan-Guizhou plateau) were enrolled with no limitation on other parameters, 152 subjects had familial lung cancer. Clinicopathologic parameters were analyzed and compared, 4,754 lung cancer patients from NCI-GDC were used to represent a general population.Results: Familial lung cancer (FLC) subjects showed unique characters: early-onset; increased rate of female, adenocarcinoma, stage IV and other cancer history; unbalance in anatomic sites; all ruling out significant difference in smoking status. Unbalanced distribution of co-existing diseases or symptoms was also discovered. FLC patients were more likely to develop benign lesions (polyps, nodules, cysts) early in life, especially early-growth of multiple pulmonary nodules at higher frequency. Typical diseases with family history like diabetes and hypertension were also increased in FLC population. Compared to GDC data, our subject population was younger: the age peak of our FLC group was in 50–59; our sporadic group had an age peak around 60; while GDC patients' age peak was in 60–69. Importantly, the biggest difference happened in age 40–49: our FLC group and sporadic group had 3 times and 2 times higher ratio than GDC population, respectively. Moreover, the age peaks of our FLC males and FLC females were both in 50–59; while our sporadic females had the age peak in 50–59, much earlier than sporadic males (around 60–69); reflecting gender-specific or age-specific characters in our subject population.Conclusions: Familial lung cancer in China's Yunnan-Guizhou plateau showed unique clinicopathologic characters, differences were found in gender, age, histologic type, TNM stage and co-existing diseases or symptoms. Identification of hereditary factors which lead to increased lung cancer risk will be a challenge of both scientific and clinical significance

    Lifelike Agility and Play on Quadrupedal Robots using Reinforcement Learning and Generative Pre-trained Models

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    Summarizing knowledge from animals and human beings inspires robotic innovations. In this work, we propose a framework for driving legged robots act like real animals with lifelike agility and strategy in complex environments. Inspired by large pre-trained models witnessed with impressive performance in language and image understanding, we introduce the power of advanced deep generative models to produce motor control signals stimulating legged robots to act like real animals. Unlike conventional controllers and end-to-end RL methods that are task-specific, we propose to pre-train generative models over animal motion datasets to preserve expressive knowledge of animal behavior. The pre-trained model holds sufficient primitive-level knowledge yet is environment-agnostic. It is then reused for a successive stage of learning to align with the environments by traversing a number of challenging obstacles that are rarely considered in previous approaches, including creeping through narrow spaces, jumping over hurdles, freerunning over scattered blocks, etc. Finally, a task-specific controller is trained to solve complex downstream tasks by reusing the knowledge from previous stages. Enriching the knowledge regarding each stage does not affect the usage of other levels of knowledge. This flexible framework offers the possibility of continual knowledge accumulation at different levels. We successfully apply the trained multi-level controllers to the MAX robot, a quadrupedal robot developed in-house, to mimic animals, traverse complex obstacles, and play in a designed challenging multi-agent Chase Tag Game, where lifelike agility and strategy emerge on the robots. The present research pushes the frontier of robot control with new insights on reusing multi-level pre-trained knowledge and solving highly complex downstream tasks in the real world