1,182 research outputs found

    Relativistic Artificial Molecules Realized by Two Coupled Graphene Quantum Dots

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    Coupled quantum dots (QDs), usually referred to as artificial molecules, are important not only in exploring fundamental physics of coupled quantum objects, but also in realizing advanced QD devices. However, previous studies have been limited to artificial molecules with nonrelativistic fermions. Here, we show that relativistic artificial molecules can be realized when two circular graphene QDs are coupled to each other. Using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS), we observe the formation of bonding and antibonding states of the relativistic artificial molecule and directly visualize these states of the two coupled graphene QDs. The formation of the relativistic molecular states strongly alters distributions of massless Dirac fermions confined in the graphene QDs. Because of the relativistic nature of the molecular states, our experiment demonstrates that the degeneracy of different angular-momentum states in the relativistic artificial molecule can be further lifted by external magnetic fields. Then, both the bonding and antibonding states are split into two peaks

    A Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Model with Action Duration for Goal Recognition in Real Time Strategy Games

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    Multiagent goal recognition is a tough yet important problem in many real time strategy games or simulation systems. Traditional modeling methods either are in great demand of detailed agents’ domain knowledge and training dataset for policy estimation or lack clear definition of action duration. To solve the above problems, we propose a novel Dec-POMDM-T model, combining the classic Dec-POMDP, an observation model for recognizer, joint goal with its termination indicator, and time duration variables for actions with action termination variables. In this paper, a model-free algorithm named cooperative colearning based on Sarsa is used. Considering that Dec-POMDM-T usually encounters multiagent goal recognition problems with different sorts of noises, partially missing data, and unknown action durations, the paper exploits the SIS PF with resampling for inference under the dynamic Bayesian network structure of Dec-POMDM-T. In experiments, a modified predator-prey scenario is adopted to study multiagent joint goal recognition problem, which is the recognition of the joint target shared among cooperative predators. Experiment results show that (a) Dec-POMDM-T works effectively in multiagent goal recognition and adapts well to dynamic changing goals within agent group; (b) Dec-POMDM-T outperforms traditional Dec-MDP-based methods in terms of precision, recall, and F-measure

    Multi-scale analysis of schizophrenia risk genes, brain structure, and clinical symptoms reveals integrative clues for subtyping schizophrenia patients

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    Analysis linking directly genomics, neuroimaging phenotypes and clinical measurements is crucial for understanding psychiatric disorders, but remains rare. Here, we describe a multi-scale analysis using genome-wide SNPs, gene-expression, grey matter volume (GMV) and the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale scores (PANSS) to explore the etiology of schizophrenia. With 72 drug-naive schizophrenic first episode patients (FEPs) and 73 matched heathy controls, we identified 108 genes, from schizophrenia risk genes, that correlated significantly with GMV, which are highly co-expressed in the brain during development. Among these 108 candidates, 19 distinct genes were found associated with 16 brain regions referred to as hot clusters (HCs), primarily in the frontal cortex, sensory-motor regions and temporal and parietal regions. The patients were subtyped into three groups with distinguishable PANSS scores by the GMV of the identified HCs. Furthermore, we found that HCs with common GMV among patient groups are related to genes that mostly mapped to pathways relevant to neural signaling, which are associated with the risk for schizophrenia. Our results provide an integrated view of how genetic variants may affect brain structures that lead to distinct disease phenotypes. The method of multi-scale analysis that was described in this research, may help to advance the understanding of the etiology of schizophrenia

    Differential evolution with two-level parameter adaptation

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    The performance of differential evolution (DE) largely depends on its mutation strategy and control parameters. In this paper, we propose an adaptive DE (ADE) algorithm with a new mutation strategy DE/lbest/1 and a two-level adaptive parameter control scheme. The DE/lbest/1 strategy is a variant of the greedy DE/best/1 strategy. However, the population is mutated under the guide of multiple locally best individuals in DE/lbest/1 instead of one globally best individual in DE/best/1. This strategy is beneficial to the balance between fast convergence and population diversity. The two-level adaptive parameter control scheme is implemented mainly in two steps. In the first step, the population-level parameters F p and CR p for the whole population are adaptively controlled according to the optimization states, namely, the exploration state and the exploitation state in each generation. These optimization states are estimated by measuring the population distribution. Then, the individual-level parameters F i and CR i for each individual are generated by adjusting the population-level parameters. The adjustment is based on considering the individual's fitness value and its distance from the globally best individual. This way, the parameters can be adapted to not only the overall state of the population but also the characteristics of different individuals. The performance of the proposed ADE is evaluated on a suite of benchmark functions. Experimental results show that ADE generally outperforms four state-of-the-art DE variants on different kinds of optimization problems. The effects of ADE components, parameter properties of ADE, search behavior of ADE, and parameter sensitivity of ADE are also studied. Finally, we investigate the capability of ADE for solving three real-world optimization problems

    Local nearly non-strained perovskite lattice approaching a broad environmental stability window of efficient solar cells

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    Twist and fracture of surface lattice tend to occur under harsh condition due to the soft lattice natures of hybrid perovskite materials. Accordingly, surface defects and lattice distortion are produced, which allow the performance loss and notorious degradation in perovskite solar cells (PSCs). In our work, judiciously selected conjugated ligand was employed as the film intermediary, from which rigid and delocalization 4-phenylpyridine (4-pPy) exhibited the most significant improvement on both optoelectrical performance and stability of PSCs. By regulating the film crystallization kinetics, high-quality perovskite films can be obtained with preferable crystal orientation. Moreover, benefiting from the defects passivation and unidirectional bonding effect, coordinated 4-pPy “scaffold” on the lattice surface could mitigate vacancy formation and lattice twist/fracture under severe conditions. The resulted p-i-n planar device shows a considerable PCE of 21.12% (certified 20.2%) with negligible hysteresis, as well as an excellent storage (90% of original PCE after 1000 h at 60% RH), operating (90% of original PCE after 600 h at maximum power point) and thermal stress (89% of original PCE after 500 h at 85 °C) stability. It is hoped that our findings could open a new way to accelerate continued progress on PSCs regimes for efficieny maximization and stability prolongation

    Distribution and spread of tigecycline resistance gene tet(X4) in Escherichia coli from different sources

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    Tigecycline serves as a last-resort antimicrobial agent against severe infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria. Tet(X) and its numerous variants encoding flavin-dependent monooxygenase can confer resistance to tigecycline, with tet(X4) being the most prevalent variant. This study aims to investigate the prevalence and characterize tigecycline resistance gene tet(X) in E. coli isolates from various origins in Yangzhou, China, to provide insights into tet(X) dissemination in this region. In 2022, we tested the presence of tet(X) in 618 E. coli isolates collected from diverse sources, including patients, pig-related samples, chicken-related samples, and vegetables in Yangzhou, China. The antimicrobial susceptibility of tet(X)-positive E. coli isolates was conducted using the agar dilution method or the broth microdilution method. Whole genome sequencing was performed on tet(X)-positive strains using Illumina and Oxford Nanopore platforms. Four isolates from pig or pork samples carried tet(X4) and exhibited resistance to multiple antimicrobial agents, including tigecycline. They were classified as ST542, ST10, ST761, and ST48, respectively. The tet(X4) gene was located on IncFIA8-IncHI1/ST17 (n=2), IncFIA18-IncFIB(K)-IncX1 (n=1), and IncX1 (n=1) plasmids, respectively. These tet(X4)-carrying plasmids exhibited high similarity to other tet(X4)-bearing plasmids with the same incompatible types found in diverse sources in China. They shared related genetic environments of tet(X4) associated with ISCR2, as observed in the first identified tet(X4)-bearing plasmid p47EC. In conclusion, although a low prevalence (0.65%) of tet(X) in E. coli strains was observed in this study, the horizontal transfer of tet(X4) among E. coli isolates mediated by pandemic plasmids and the mobile element ISCR2 raises great concerns. Thus, heightened surveillance and immediate action are imperative to curb this clinically significant resistance gene and preserve the efficacy of tigecycline

    Bis(2-amino-3 H

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    Momentum matching and band-alignment type in van der Waals heterostructures: Interfacial effects and materials screening

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    Momentum-matched type II van der Waals heterostructures (vdWHs) have been designed by assembling layered two-dimensional semiconductors (2DSs) with special band-structure combinations - that is, the valence band edge at the Gamma point (the Brillouin-zone center) for one 2DS and the conduction band edge at the Gamma point for the other [Ubrig et al., Nat. Mater. 19, 299 (2020)]. However, the band offset sizes, band-alignment types, and whether momentum matched or not, all are affected by the interfacial effects between the component 2DSs, such as the quasichemical-bonding (QB) interaction between layers and the electrical dipole moment formed around the vdW interface. Here, based on density-functional theory calculations, first we probe the interfacial effects (including different QBs for valence and conduction bands, interface dipole, and, the synergistic effects of these two aspects) on band-edge evolution in energy and valley (location in the Brillouin zone) and the resulting changes in band alignment and momentum matching for a typical vdWH of monolayer InSe and bilayer WS2, in which the band edges of subsystems satisfy the special band-structure combination for a momentum-matched type II vdWH. Then, based on the conclusions of the studied interfacial effects, we propose a practical screening method for robust momentum-matched type II vdWHs. This practical screening method can also be applied to other band alignment types. Our current study opens a way for practical screening and designing of vdWHs with robust momentum-matching and band alignment type

    Observing atomic layer electrodeposition on single nanocrystals surface by dark field spectroscopy

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    从单颗粒水平研究电化学表面和界面过程,特别是欠电位沉积是电化学领域的一个重要挑战。欠电位沉积通常仅涉及单原子层到亚单原子层的物种,但是能够显著调控金属表面电子结构,是制备高效电催化剂的一个重要的方法。然而目前在电化学环境下表征单个粒子表面单层原子的变化仍然是个巨大的挑战,针对上述挑战,任斌教授课题组发展了一套高灵敏的电化学暗场散射光谱装置,在不使用特殊光源的情况下,可以使得检测的粒径小至10-15 nm,灵敏度提高到亚单层原子。该工作是在任斌教授指导下,主要由化学化工学院已毕业博士生胡树(第一作者)完成。李剑锋教授及其课题组的博士生张月皎在单晶电化学实验上提供了重要帮助。已毕业博士生易骏在理论计算方面提供了有力支持。Underpotential deposition offers a predominant way to tailor the electronic structure of the catalytic surface at the atomic level, which is key to engineering materials with a high activity for (electro)catalysis. However, it remains challenging to precisely control and directly probe the underpotential deposition of a (sub)monolayer of atoms on nanoparticle surfaces. In this work, we in situ observe silver electrodeposited on gold nanocrystals surface from submonolayer to one monolayer by designing a highly sensitive electrochemical dark field scattering setup. The spectral variation is used to reconstruct the optical “cyclic voltammogram” of every single nanocrystal for understanding the underpotential deposition process on nanocrystals, which cannot be achieved by any other methods but are essential for creating novel nanomaterials.The authors thank Dr. Hai-Xin Lin for helpful discussion of nanoparticle synthesis and characterization. The authors acknowledge support from the Natural Science Foundation of China (21633005, 21790354, and 21711530704) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2016YFA0200601).该研究工作得到了国家自然科学基金委和科技部等的资助和支持