1,390 research outputs found

    Graph Homomorphism Revisited for Graph Matching

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    In a variety of emerging applications one needs to decide whether a graph G matches another G p , i.e. , whether G has a topological structure similar to that of G p . The traditional notions of graph homomorphism and isomorphism often fall short of capturing the structural similarity in these applications. This paper studies revisions of these notions, providing a full treatment from complexity to algorithms. (1) We propose p-homomorphism (p -hom) and 1-1 p -hom, which extend graph homomorphism and subgraph isomorphism, respectively, by mapping edges from one graph to paths in another, and by measuring the similarity of nodes . (2) We introduce metrics to measure graph similarity, and several optimization problems for p -hom and 1-1 p -hom. (3) We show that the decision problems for p -hom and 1-1 p -hom are NP-complete even for DAGs, and that the optimization problems are approximation-hard. (4) Nevertheless, we provide approximation algorithms with provable guarantees on match quality. We experimentally verify the effectiveness of the revised notions and the efficiency of our algorithms in Web site matching, using real-life and synthetic data. </jats:p

    A Thermodynamic Model for Genome Packaging in Hepatitis B Virus

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    AbstractUnderstanding the fundamentals of genome packaging in viral capsids is important for finding effective antiviral strategies and for utilizing benign viral particles for gene therapy. While the structure of encapsidated genomic materials has been routinely characterized with experimental techniques such as cryo-electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction, much less is known about the molecular driving forces underlying genome assembly in an intracellular environment and its in vivo interactions with the capsid proteins. Here we study the thermodynamic basis of the pregenomic RNA encapsidation in human Hepatitis B virus in vivo using a coarse-grained molecular model that captures the essential components of nonspecific intermolecular interactions. The thermodynamic model is used to examine how the electrostatic interaction between the packaged RNA and the highly charged C-terminal domains (CTD) of capsid proteins regulate the nucleocapsid formation. The theoretical model predicts optimal RNA content in Hepatitis B virus nucleocapsids with different CTD lengths in good agreement with mutagenesis measurements, confirming the predominant role of electrostatic interactions and molecular excluded-volume effects in genome packaging. We find that the amount of encapsidated RNA is not linearly correlated with the net charge of CTD tails as suggested by earlier theoretical studies. Our thermodynamic analysis of the nucleocapsid structure and stability indicates that ∼10% of the CTD residues are free from complexation with RNA, resulting in partially exposed CTD tails. The thermodynamic model also predicts the free energy of complex formation between macromolecules, which corroborates experimental results for the impact of CTD truncation on the nucleocapsid stability

    K-means based cluster analysis of residential smart meter measurements

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    A clustering module based on the k-means cluster analysis method was developed. Smart meter based residential load profiles were used to validate the clustering module. Several case studies were implemented using daily and segmented load profiles of individual and aggregated smart meters. Simulation results defined in terms of the relationship between the clustering ratio and the segmentation time window reveal that the minimum clustering ratio is obtained for the shortest time window of segmentation. Results also show that a small number of clusters is recommended for highly correlated load profiles

    Evaluation of peer-to-peer energy sharing mechanisms based on a multiagent simulation framework

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    Peer-to-peer (P2P) energy sharing involves novel technologies and business models at the demand-side of power systems, which is able to manage the increasing connection of distributed energy resources (DERs). In P2P energy sharing, prosumers directly trade energy with each other to achieve a win-win outcome. From the perspectives of power systems, P2P energy sharing has the potential to facilitate local energy balance and self-sufficiency. A systematic index system was developed to evaluate the performance of various P2P energy sharing mechanisms based on a multiagent-based simulation framework. The simulation framework is composed of three types of agents and three corresponding models. Two techniques, i.e. step length control and learning process involvement, and a last-defence mechanism were proposed to facilitate the convergence of simulation and deal with the divergence. The evaluation indexes include three economic indexes, i.e. value tapping, participation willing and equality, and three technique indexes, i.e. energy balance, power flatness and self-sufficiency. They are normalised and further synthesized to reflect the overall performance. The proposed methods were applied to simulate and evaluate three existing P2P energy sharing mechanisms, i.e. the supply and demand ratio (SDR), mid-market rate (MMR) and bill sharing (BS), for residential customers in current and future scenarios of Great Britain. Simulation results showed that both of the step length control and learning process involvement techniques improve the performance of P2P energy sharing mechanisms with moderate ramping / learning rates. The results also showed that P2P energy sharing has the potential to bring both economic and technical benefits for Great Britain. In terms of the overall performance, the SDR mechanism outperforms all the other mechanisms, and the MMR mechanism has good performance when with moderate PV penetration levels. The BS mechanism performs at the similar level as the conventional paradigm. The conclusion on the mechanism performance is not sensitive to season factors, day types and retail price schemes

    Multi-objective operation optimization of an electrical distribution network with soft open point

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    With the increasing amount of distributed generation (DG) integrated into electrical distribution networks, various operational problems, such as excessive power losses, over-voltage and thermal overloading issues become gradually remarkable. Innovative approaches for power flow and voltage controls are required to ensure the power quality, as well as to accommodate large DG penetrations. Using power electronic devices is one of the approaches. In this paper, a multi-objective optimization framework was proposed to improve the operation of a distribution network with distributed generation and a soft open point (SOP). An SOP is a distribution-level power electronic device with the capability of real-time and accurate active and reactive power flow control. A novel optimization method that integrates a Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) algorithm and a local search technique – the Taxi-cab method, was proposed to determine the optimal set-points of the SOP, where power loss reduction, feeder load balancing and voltage profile improvement were taken as objectives. The local search technique is integrated to fine tune the non-dominated solutions obtained by the global search technique, overcoming the drawback of MOPSO in local optima trapping. Therefore, the search capability of the integrated method is enhanced compared to the conventional MOPSO algorithm. The proposed methodology was applied to a 69-bus distribution network. Results demonstrated that the integrated method effectively solves the multi-objective optimization problem, and obtains better and more diverse solutions than the conventional MOPSO method. With the DG penetration increasing from 0 to 200%, on average, an SOP reduces power losses by 58.4%, reduces the load balance index by 68.3% and reduces the voltage profile index by 62.1%, all compared to the case without an SOP. Comparisons between SOP and network reconfiguration showed the outperformance of SOP in operation optimization

    Enhanced frequency response from industrial heating loads for electric power systems

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    Increasing penetration of renewable generation results in lower inertia of electric power systems. To maintain the system frequency, system operators have been designing innovative frequency response products. Enhanced Frequency Response (EFR) newly introduced in the UK is an example with higher technical requirements and customized specifications for assets with energy storage capability. In this paper, a method was proposed to estimate the EFR capacity of a population of industrial heating loads, bitumen tanks, and a decentralized control scheme was devised to enable them to deliver EFR. Case study was conducted using real UK frequency data and practical tank parameters. Results showed that bitumen tanks delivered high-quality service when providing service-1-type EFR, but underperformed for service-2-type EFR with much narrower deadband. Bitumen tanks performed well in both high and low frequency scenarios, and had better performance with significantly larger numbers of tanks or in months with higher power system inertia

    Does capillary evaporation limit the accessibility of nonaqueous electrolytes to the ultrasmall pores of carbon electrodes?

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    Porous carbons have been widely utilized as electrode materials for capacitive energy storage. Whereas the importance of pore size and geometry on the device performance has been well recognized, little guidance is available for identification of carbon materials with ideal porous structures. In this work, we study the phase behavior of ionic fluids in slit pores using the classical density functional theory. Within the framework of the restricted primitive model for nonaqueous electrolytes, we demonstrate that the accessibility of micropores depends not only on the ionic diameters (or desolvation) but also on their wetting behavior intrinsically related to the vapor-liquid or liquid-liquid phase separation of the bulk ionic systems. Narrowing the pore size from several tens of nanometers to subnanometers may lead to a drastic reduction in the capacitance due to capillary evaporation. The wettability of micropores deteriorates as the pore size is reduced but can be noticeably improved by raising the surface electrical potential. The theoretical results provide fresh insights into the properties of confined ionic systems beyond electric double layer models commonly employed for rational design/selection of electrolytes and electrode materials