2,646 research outputs found

    Generalised framework of limit equilibrium methods for slope stability analysis

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    A generalised framework is proposed in this paper incorporating almost all of the existing limit equilibrium methods of slices for slope stability analysis with general slip surfaces. The force and moment equilibrium equations are derived in terms of the factor of safety and the initially assumed normal stress distribution over the slip surface, multiplied by a modification function involving two auxiliary unknowns. These equations are then analytically solved to yield explicit expressions for the factor of safety. Various assumptions regarding the interslice forces can be transformed into a unified form of expression for the normal stress distribution along the slip surface. An iterative procedure is developed to expedite the convergence of the solution for the factor of safety. Experience to date indicates that the process generally converges within a few iterations. Computation schemes are suggested to avoid numerical difficulty, especially in computing the factor of safety associated with the rigorous Janbu method. The present framework can be readily implemented in a computer program, giving solutions of slope stability associated with a number of conventional methods of slices.published_or_final_versio

    Vasorelaxant effect of total flavones from Dendranthema morifolium on rat thoracic aorta

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    To investigate the vasorelaxant effect of total flavones from Dendranthema morifolium (Ramat.) Tzvel. cv. Hangju (FDM), tension was recorded from rat thoracic aortic rings. FDM completely relaxed, in a dose-dependent manner, the contractions induced by either phenylephrine (PE) or a high concentration of KCl (60 mM) in rings with intact endothelium. Mechanical removal of the endothelium did not significantly modify the vasorelaxant effect of FDM. In endothelium-denuded aortic rings depolarized by 60 mM KCl, FDM inhibited Ca/sup 2+/-induced contraction. FDM also reduced the transient contraction elicited by PE in Ca/sup 2+/-free medium, but had no effect on active phorbol ester-induced contraction. Pretreatment of endothelium-denuded aorta with propranolol, a beta-adrenoceptor antagonist, significantly attenuated the relaxant effect of FDM. These results indicate that FDM induces an endothelium-independent relaxation in rat aortic rings. The mechanisms may include the activation of beta-adrenergic receptors, reduction in Ca/sup 2+/ influx through the voltage-dependent and receptor-operated channels, and inhibition of intracellular Ca release in vascular smooth muscle cells.published_or_final_versio

    A numerical study of the bearing capacity factor Nγ

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    Values of the bearing capacity factor Nγ are numerically computed using the method of triangular slices. Three assumptions of the value of ψ, the base angle of the active wedge, are analyzed, corresponding to the following three cases: (1) ψ = φ, the internal friction angle; (2) ψ = 45° + φ/2; and (3) ψ has a value such that Nγ is a minimum. The location of the critical failure surface is presented and the numerical solutions to Nγ for the three cases are approximated by simple equations. The influence of the base angle on the value of Nγ is investigated. Comparisons of the present solutions are made with those commonly used in foundation engineering practice.published_or_final_versio

    Establishing production service system and information collaboration platform for mold and die products

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    This paper investigates how the new concept of product service systems can be used and extended to transform, elevate, and revitalize traditional equipment manufacturing industry such as the Mold and Die (MD) sector. A mold and die production service systems (MPSS) framework is established based on recent developments within our industrial collaborators. Within the MPSS framework, MD manufacturers become more specialized in producing MD products and components while sharing and outsourcing manufacturing-oriented services (MOS) from a service provider. Typical services include collaborative order pooling and release, collaborative project progress status tracking, contractor-managed collaborative outsourcing, collaborative product design, collaborative production planning and scheduling, and after-sales technical supports. MOSs are designed, developed, and deployed as SaaS (software as application services) following the service-oriented architecture. Collectively, they form iMPSS-an Information and Collaboration Platform that enables MPSS. The use of iMPSS leads to benefits for stakeholders involved in providing mold and die functionality including better shopfloor decisions and reduced IT investments. © 2010 The Author(s).published_or_final_versionSpringer Open Choice, 21 Feb 201

    Bank Political Connections and Performance in China

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    We examine the effects of bank’s political connection on bank performance and risk in China. We use hand-collected information on CEOs’ professional background to identify their political affiliations, and find that banks whose CEOs have former government experiences have higher return on assets, lower default risk, and lower credit risk. Additionally, politically connected banks have disproportionally higher performance when the CEOs previous worked in the same city where the current bank’s headquarter locates, had past banking experiences, spend more on entertainment and travel costs, and have higher previous administrative rankings (e.g., at the provincial or state level). These results suggest that politically connected banks have better access to lending to politically connected firms, which are high yield assets and more likely to be bailed out when in distress. Our results offer a mechanism of political rent seeking, consistent with the institutional environment of China’s banking and political system

    Science Models as Value-Added Services for Scholarly Information Systems

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    The paper introduces scholarly Information Retrieval (IR) as a further dimension that should be considered in the science modeling debate. The IR use case is seen as a validation model of the adequacy of science models in representing and predicting structure and dynamics in science. Particular conceptualizations of scholarly activity and structures in science are used as value-added search services to improve retrieval quality: a co-word model depicting the cognitive structure of a field (used for query expansion), the Bradford law of information concentration, and a model of co-authorship networks (both used for re-ranking search results). An evaluation of the retrieval quality when science model driven services are used turned out that the models proposed actually provide beneficial effects to retrieval quality. From an IR perspective, the models studied are therefore verified as expressive conceptualizations of central phenomena in science. Thus, it could be shown that the IR perspective can significantly contribute to a better understanding of scholarly structures and activities.Comment: 26 pages, to appear in Scientometric

    A single residue substitution in the receptor-binding domain of H5N1 hemagglutinin is critical for packaging into pseudotyped lentiviral particles

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    © 2012 Tang et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Background: Serological studies for influenza infection and vaccine response often involve microneutralization and hemagglutination inhibition assays to evaluate neutralizing antibodies against human and avian influenza viruses, including H5N1. We have previously characterized lentiviral particles pseudotyped with H5-HA (H5pp) and validated an H5pp-based assay as a safe alternative for high-throughput serological studies in BSL-2 facilities. Here we show that H5-HAs from different clades do not always give rise to efficient production of H5pp and the underlying mechanisms are addressed. Methodology/Findings: We have carried out mutational analysis to delineate the molecular determinants responsible for efficient packaging of HA from A/Cambodia/40808/2005 (H5Cam) and A/Anhui/1/2005 (H5Anh) into H5pp. Our results demonstrate that a single A134V mutation in the 130-loop of the receptor binding domain is sufficient to render H5Anh the ability to generate H5Anh-pp efficiently, whereas the reverse V134A mutation greatly hampers production of H5Cam-pp. Although protein expression in total cell lysates is similar for H5Anh and H5Cam, cell surface expression of H5Cam is detected at a significantly higher level than that of H5Anh. We further demonstrate by several independent lines of evidence that the behaviour of H5Anh can be explained by a stronger binding to sialic acid receptors implicating residue 134. Conclusions: We have identified a single A134V mutation as the molecular determinant in H5-HA for efficient incorporation into H5pp envelope and delineated the underlying mechanism. The reduced binding to sialic acid receptors as a result of the A134V mutation not only exerts a critical influence in pseudotyping efficiency of H5-HA, but has also an impact at the whole virus level. Because A134V substitution has been reported as a naturally occurring mutation in human host, our results may have implications for the understanding of human host adaptation of avian influenza H5N1 virusesThis work was supported by grants from the Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases of Hong Kong (RFCID#08070972), the Area of Excellence Scheme of the University Grants Committee (grant AoE/M-12/-06 of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China), the French Ministry of Health, and the RESPARI project of the Institut Pasteur International Network

    In Vitro Assembly of Multiple DNA Fragments Using Successive Hybridization

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    Construction of recombinant DNA from multiple fragments is widely required in molecular biology, especially for synthetic biology purposes. Here we describe a new method, successive hybridization assembling (SHA) which can rapidly do this in a single reaction in vitro. In SHA, DNA fragments are prepared to overlap one after another, so after simple denaturation-renaturation treatment they hybridize in a successive manner and thereby assemble into a recombinant molecule. In contrast to traditional methods, SHA eliminates the need for restriction enzymes, DNA ligases and recombinases, and is sequence-independent. We first demonstrated its feasibility by constructing plasmids from 4, 6 and 8 fragments with high efficiencies, and then applied it to constructing a customized vector and two artificial pathways. As SHA is robust, easy to use and can tolerate repeat sequences, we expect it to be a powerful tool in synthetic biology

    Numerical study of inflow equivalence ratio inhomogeneity on oblique detonation formation in hydrogen-air mixtures

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    In this study, numerical simulations using Euler equations with detailed chemistry are performed to investigate the effect of fuel-air composition inhomogeneity on the oblique detonation wave (ODW) initiation in hydrogen-air mixtures. This study aims for a better understanding of oblique detonation wave engine performance under practical operating conditions, among those is the inhomogeneous mixing of fuel and air giving rise to a variation of the equivalence ratio (ER) in the incoming combustible flow. This work focuses primarily on how a variable equivalence ratio in the inflow mixture affects both the formation and characteristic parameters of the oblique detonation wave. In this regard, the present simulation imposes initially a lateral linear distribution of the mixture equivalence ratio within the initiation region. The variation is either from fuel-lean or fuel-rich to the uniform stoichiometric mixture condition above the oblique shock wave. The obtained numerical results illustrate that the reaction surface is distorted in the cases of low mixture equivalence ratio. The so-called &quot;V-shaped&quot; flame is observed but differed from previous results that it is not coupled with any compression or shock wave. Analyzing the temperature and species density evolution also shows that the fuel-lean and fuel-rich inhomogeneity have different effects on the combustion features in the initiation region behind the oblique shock wave. Two characteristic quantities, namely the initiation length and the ODW surface position, are defined to describe quantitatively the effects of mixture equivalence ratio inhomogeneity. The results show that the initiation length is mainly determined by the mixture equivalence ratio in the initiation region. Additional computations are performed by reversing ER distribution, i.e., with the linear variation above the initiation region of uniform stoichiometric condition and results also demonstrate that the ODW position is effectively determined by the ER variation before the ODW, which has in turn only negligible effect on the initiation length. (C) 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.</p