114 research outputs found

    Natural ventilation of a small-scale road tunnel by wind catchers: a CFD simulation study

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    Providing efficient ventilation in road tunnels is essential to prevent severe air pollution exposure for both drivers and pedestrians in such enclosed spaces with heavy vehicle emissions. Longitudinal ventilation methods like commercial jet fans have been widely applied and confirmed to be effective for introducing external fresh air into road tunnels that are shorter than 3km. However, operating tunnel jet fans is energy consuming. Therefore, for small-scale (~100m-1km) road tunnels, mechanical ventilation methods might be highly energy expensive and unaffordable. Many studies have found that the use of wind catchers could improve building natural ventilation, but their effect on improving natural ventilation in small-scale road tunnels has, hitherto, rarely been studied. This paper, therefore, aims to quantify the influence of style and arrangement of one-sided flat-roof wind catchers on ventilation performance in a road tunnel. The concept of intake fraction (IF) is applied for ventilation and pollutant exposure assessment in the overall tunnel and for pedestrian regions. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methodology with a standard k-epsilon turbulence model is used to perform a three-dimensional (3D) turbulent flow simulation, and CFD results have been validated by wind-tunnel experiments for building cross ventilation. Results show that the introduction of wind catchers would significantly enhance wind speed at pedestrian level, but a negative velocity reduction effect and a near-catcher recirculation zone can also be found. A special downstream vortex extending along the downstream tunnel is found, helping remove the accumulated pollutants away from the low-level pedestrian sides. Both wind catcher style and arrangement would significantly influence the ventilation performance in the tunnel. Compared to long-catcher designs, short-catchers would be more effective for providing fresh air to pedestrian sides due to a weaker upstream velocity reduction effect and smaller near-catcher recirculation zone. In long-catcher cases, IF increases to 1.13ppm when the wind catcher is positioned 240m away from the tunnel entrance, which is almost twice that in short-catcher cases. For the effects of catcher arrangements, single, short-catcher, span-wise, shifting would not help dilute pollutants effectively. Generally, a design involving a double short-catcher in a parallel arrangement is the most recommended, with the smallest IF, i.e. 61% of that in the tunnel without wind catchers (0.36 ppm)

    Syntheses and luminescent properties of a series of new lanthanide azelates

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    A series of new lanthanide azelates [Ln(aze)(Haze)(H2O)]·H2O {Ln = La (1a), Ce (1b), Pr (1c); H2aze = azelaic acid}, [Ln2(aze)3(phen)2]·H2O [Ln = Nd (2a), Er (2b); phen = 1,10-phenanthroline], [Sm(aze)(Haze)(phen)]·2H2O (3), [Gd(aze)(phen)2]·ClO4 (4) and (Hphen)[Tb2(aze)2(phen)4]·3ClO4 (5) were hydrothermally prepared and structurally characterized.1a-c are isostructural and show 3-D framework based on 1-D infinite [Ln-O-Ln]n chain. 2a-b exhibit sql layer, while 3 displays 1-D chain, where phen ligands locate at both sides of the chain. The Ln3+ ions of 4 and 5 are connected by aze2− into two different types of rare cationic 1-D chains. The luminescent investigations show that both 2a and 2b exhibit interesting NIR luminescence and 5 displays a good potentiality as a luminescent sensor targeted for Fe3+ ion. Of particular interest, lanthanide azelates have not been to date documented, while this work presents the only examples of lanthanide azelates exhibiting luminescent properties. The magnetic properties of some lanthanide azelates were also investigated.publishe

    An adjusted Apriori algorithm to itemsets defined by tables and an improved rule generator with three-way decisions

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    The NIS-Apriori algorithm, which is extended from the Apriori algorithm, was proposed for rule generation from non-deterministic information systems and implemented in SQL. The realized system handles the concept of certainty, possibility, and three-way decisions. This paper newly focuses on such a characteristic of table data sets that there is usually a fixed decision attribute. Therefore, it is enough for us to handle itemsets with one decision attribute, and we can see that one frequent itemset defines one implication. We make use of these characteristics and reduce the unnecessary itemsets for improving the performance of execution. Some experiments by the implemented software tool in Python clarify the improved performance.International Joint Conference on Rough Sets, IJCRS 2020, June 29 – July 3, 2020, Havana, Cuba (COVID-19の感染拡大によるオンライン開催に変更

    Observation of Chern insulator in crystalline ABCA-tetralayer graphene with spin-orbit coupling

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    Degeneracies in multilayer graphene, including spin, valley, and layer degrees of freedom, are susceptible to Coulomb interactions and can result into rich broken-symmetry states. In this work, we report a ferromagnetic state in charge neutral ABCA-tetralayer graphene driven by proximity-induced spin-orbit coupling from adjacent WSe2. The ferromagnetic state is further identified as a Chern insulator with Chern number of 4, and its Hall resistance reaches 78% and 100% quantization of h/4e2 at zero and 0.4 tesla, respectively. Three broken-symmetry insulating states, layer-antiferromagnet, Chern insulator and layer-polarized insulator and their transitions can be continuously tuned by the vertical displacement field. Remarkably, the magnetic order of the Chern insulator can be switched by three knobs, including magnetic field, electrical doping, and vertical displacement field