686 research outputs found

    Speeding up Fault Simulation using Parallel Fault Simulation

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    AbstractIn this paper, a novel approach is introduced on accelerating the fault simulation speed on field programmable gate array (FPGA). The approach is based on parallel simulation methodology. More than one faulty circuit is handled in the fault simulation system, but the relative area overhead is low and it will accelerate the simulation process. A new metrics – Speedup relative to the Ratio of Hardware Overhead (SRHO) is introduced, by which the experimental results are evaluated. Experimental results in terms of simulation time, hardware overhead and SRHO for ISCAS-85 benchmark circuits are compared to a previous work to show its advantage

    Analysis of Design Philosophy and Utility Function of Library Building

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    The design of most modern library buildings is based on the characteristics and service objects of library, for which the latest achievements of modern technology are made full use of. Usually, modern libraries are designed to be with various different functional zones and boundaries, and uncrossed reader, book and librarian transportation streamline. The design ideas of “openness, factualism, containment, innovation, and people and service first” are reflected in library services via construction planning and design. Besides, library buildings are given certain functions in combination with the actual situation of library and readers’ needs. This paper is intended to, in combination with the author’s several years of work experience, discuss the design philosophy and utility functions of the library building from the aspects of design of major structure of building, foundation facilities design, furniture design, and color design, which is of certain reference value.

    Synthesis and luminescence properties of Eu3+ -doped silicate nanomaterial

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    AbstractIn this paper, we introduce a sol-gel process for preparing Y 2Si2O7:Eu3+ nanocrystals. The rare earth compounds were dispersed in the SiO2 colloids and the monodisperse nano-scale composite materials were prepared. The reactant mass fraction and heat treatment temperatures could affect the structures and emission spectrum properties of as-synthesized samples. The samples emit the strong red light upon excitation under the ultraviolet. The main peaks originate from 5D0−7F2 electric dipole transition of Eu3+. With regard to the samples treated at different temperatures, the emission spectra obtained under 266 nm excitation show different shapes of spectra lines and relative intensities, indicating that the Eu3+ ions have been located in different local environments

    Optimal Estimation under a Semiparametric Density Ratio Model

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    In many statistical and econometric applications, we gather individual samples from various interconnected populations that undeniably exhibit common latent structures. Utilizing a model that incorporates these latent structures for such data enhances the efficiency of inferences. Recently, many researchers have been adopting the semiparametric density ratio model (DRM) to address the presence of latent structures. The DRM enables estimation of each population distribution using pooled data, resulting in statistically more efficient estimations in contrast to nonparametric methods that analyze each sample in isolation. In this article, we investigate the limit of the efficiency improvement attainable through the DRM. We focus on situations where one population's sample size significantly exceeds those of the other populations. In such scenarios, we demonstrate that the DRM-based inferences for populations with smaller sample sizes achieve the highest attainable asymptotic efficiency as if a parametric model is assumed. The estimands we consider include the model parameters, distribution functions, and quantiles. We use simulation experiments to support the theoretical findings with a specific focus on quantile estimation. Additionally, we provide an analysis of real revenue data from U.S. collegiate sports to illustrate the efficacy of our contribution


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    The purpose of the article. The article deals with the peculiarities of artistic intonation on the piano, namely, the analysis of its two entities: as a single universal instrument of music and as a musical instrument with its own intonational specificity, a wide range of performing possibilities, as well as limitations. The methodology of the research is the dialectical and systematic methodologies used in the field of cultural studies. General scientific and logical methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction, historical and comparative studies of the problem are used. The author applied a hermeneutical approach to the study of the essence of the phenomenon of artistic intonation on the piano as a sound-forming phenomenon of culture. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the deepening of ideas about the multicomponent and complexity of piano mechanics, by which the pianist's playing actions are directed towards the achievement of a sound goal; set of piano-intonation ideas, and criteria of pianistic intonation, which are relevant in modern piano-performing practice. Conclusions. Piano intonation is first and foremost understood as a clear-conscious performance of the main melodic line. However, given the polyphonic specificity of the instrument, we distinguish the following specific features of piano intonation: full intonation on the piano implies awareness and realization of all components of the musical process; taking into account the intonation features of various invoices for piano, which include accurate music; taking into account the features of the complex interconnection of expressiveness, which is a necessary component of such interpretative aspects as texture-style and genre features of musical composition.Мета роботи. Стаття присвячена особливостям художнього інтонування на фортепіано, а саме здійсненню аналізу двох його сутностей: як єдиного універсального інструменту музики та як музичного інструменту, що має власну інтонаційну специфіку, широке коло виконавських можливостей, а також обмежень. Методологічну основу дослідження становлять діалектична та системна методології, що застосовуються в області культурологічних досліджень. Використано загальнонаукові та логічні методи аналізу, синтезу, індукції і дедукції, історичного і компаративістського дослідження проблеми. Автором застосований герменевтичний підхід до вивчення сутності феномена художнього інтонування на фортепіано як звукового змістоутворюючого явища культури. Наукова новизна роботи полягає в поглибленні уявлень про багатокомпонентність та складність фортепіанної механіки, за допомогою якої ігрові дії піаніста спрямовуються на досягнення звукової мети; сукупність фортепіанно-інтонаційних уявлень та критеріїв піаністичної інтонаційності, які є актуальними в сучасній фортепіанно-виконавській практиці. Висновки. Під фортепіанним інтонуванням перш за все розуміється виразно-усвідомлене виконання головної мелодичної лінії. Проте, враховуючи багатоголосну специфіку інструменту, виокремлюємо наступні специфічні особливості фортепіанного інтонування: повноцінне інтонування на фортепіано має на увазі усвідомлення та реалізацію всіх компонентів музичного процесу; врахування інтонаційних особливостей різних фактур для фортепіано, до яких відноситься й токатна музика; врахування особливостей комплексного взаємозв’язку засобів виразності, що є необхідним компонентом таких інтерпретаційних аспектів, як фактурно-стильові та жанрові особливості музичної композиції