373 research outputs found

    Análisis del desempeño e integración de los criterios ESG en el sector bancario español

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    El propósito de este trabajo es examinar la situación de las entidades del sector bancario español en relación con el proceso de incorporación de los factores ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (ASG o ESG, por sus siglas en inglés) en su modelo de negocio. Previamente, se presentará una breve introducción a la evolución de los principales conceptos y planteamientos que han llevado al establecimiento de los criterios ESG, como los relativos a la responsabilidad social corporativa o los referidos a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), formulados en el seno de Naciones Unidas. Para realizar este análisis, se ha tomado en consideración la calificación en sostenibilidad en el año 2021 para 110 entidades del sector bancario con sede en España, proporcionadas por una agencia evaluadora independiente. Los resultados nos permiten concluir que el sector está en una etapa temprana en este proceso, apreciándose todavía mucho margen de mejora en la integración en su modelo de negocio del compromiso con cuestiones ESG, que contribuyan a encontrar soluciones a los problemas globales de sostenibilidad.Grado en Finanzas, Banca y Seguro

    Reconfiguration of a smart surface using heteroclinic connections

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    A reconfigurable smart surface with multiple equilibria is presented, modelled using discrete point masses and linear springs with geometric nonlinearity. An energy-efficient reconfiguration scheme is then investigated to connect equal-energy unstable (but actively controlled) equilibria. In principle zero net energy input is required to transition the surface between these unstable states, compared to transitions between stable equilibria across a potential barrier. These transitions between equal-energy unstable states therefore form heteroclinic connections in the phase space of the problem. Moreover, the smart surface model developed can be considered as a unit module for a range of applications, including modules which can aggregate together to form larger distributed smart surface systems

    Self-Aligned Concave Curve: Illumination Enhancement for Unsupervised Adaptation

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    Low light conditions not only degrade human visual experience, but also reduce the performance of downstream machine analytics. Although many works have been designed for low-light enhancement or domain adaptive machine analytics, the former considers less on high-level vision, while the latter neglects the potential of image-level signal adjustment. How to restore underexposed images/videos from the perspective of machine vision has long been overlooked. In this paper, we are the first to propose a learnable illumination enhancement model for high-level vision. Inspired by real camera response functions, we assume that the illumination enhancement function should be a concave curve, and propose to satisfy this concavity through discrete integral. With the intention of adapting illumination from the perspective of machine vision without task-specific annotated data, we design an asymmetric cross-domain self-supervised training strategy. Our model architecture and training designs mutually benefit each other, forming a powerful unsupervised normal-to-low light adaptation framework. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our method surpasses existing low-light enhancement and adaptation methods and shows superior generalization on various low-light vision tasks, including classification, detection, action recognition, and optical flow estimation. Project website: https://daooshee.github.io/SACC-Website/Comment: This paper has been accepted by ACM Multimedia 202

    Graph Force Learning

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    Features representation leverages the great power in network analysis tasks. However, most features are discrete which poses tremendous challenges to effective use. Recently, increasing attention has been paid on network feature learning, which could map discrete features to continued space. Unfortunately, current studies fail to fully preserve the structural information in the feature space due to random negative sampling strategy during training. To tackle this problem, we study the problem of feature learning and novelty propose a force-based graph learning model named GForce inspired by the spring-electrical model. GForce assumes that nodes are in attractive forces and repulsive forces, thus leading to the same representation with the original structural information in feature learning. Comprehensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Furthermore, GForce opens up opportunities to use physics models to model node interaction for graph learning

    Shifu2 : a network representation learning based model for advisor-advisee relationship mining

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    The advisor-advisee relationship represents direct knowledge heritage, and such relationship may not be readily available from academic libraries and search engines. This work aims to discover advisor-advisee relationships hidden behind scientific collaboration networks. For this purpose, we propose a novel model based on Network Representation Learning (NRL), namely Shifu2, which takes the collaboration network as input and the identified advisor-advisee relationship as output. In contrast to existing NRL models, Shifu2 considers not only the network structure but also the semantic information of nodes and edges. Shifu2 encodes nodes and edges into low-dimensional vectors respectively, both of which are then utilized to identify advisor-advisee relationships. Experimental results illustrate improved stability and effectiveness of the proposed model over state-of-the-art methods. In addition, we generate a large-scale academic genealogy dataset by taking advantage of Shifu2. © 1989-2012 IEEE

    Graph Force Learning

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    Features representation leverages the great power in network analysis tasks. However, most features are discrete which poses tremendous challenges to effective use. Recently, increasing attention has been paid on network feature learning, which could map discrete features to continued space. Unfortunately, current studies fail to fully preserve the structural information in the feature space due to random negative sampling strategy during training. To tackle this problem, we study the problem of feature learning and novelty propose a force-based graph learning model named GForce inspired by the spring-electrical model. GForce assumes that nodes are in attractive forces and repulsive forces, thus leading to the same representation with the original structural information in feature learning. Comprehensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Furthermore, GForce opens up opportunities to use physics models to model node interaction for graph learning. © 2020 IEEE

    Deep graph learning for anomalous citation detection

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    Anomaly detection is one of the most active research areas in various critical domains, such as healthcare, fintech, and public security. However, little attention has been paid to scholarly data, that is, anomaly detection in a citation network. Citation is considered as one of the most crucial metrics to evaluate the impact of scientific research, which may be gamed in multiple ways. Therefore, anomaly detection in citation networks is of significant importance to identify manipulation and inflation of citations. To address this open issue, we propose a novel deep graph learning model, namely graph learning for anomaly detection (GLAD), to identify anomalies in citation networks. GLAD incorporates text semantic mining to network representation learning by adding both node attributes and link attributes via graph neural networks (GNNs). It exploits not only the relevance of citation contents, but also hidden relationships between papers. Within the GLAD framework, we propose an algorithm called Citation PUrpose (CPU) to discover the purpose of citation based on citation context. The performance of GLAD is validated through a simulated anomalous citation dataset. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of GLAD on the anomalous citation detection task. © 2012 IEEE