695 research outputs found

    Towards a feasible income equality

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    To reach perfect income equality, factors that determine individual income, such as intelligence, inherited wealth, personalities, and social skills, should be identical for everyone. That is an infeasible ideal. Chae Un Kim and Ji-Won Park propose a more feasible and realistic concept of income equality that could be incorporated in the Gini coefficient, the most widely used measure of inequality, guaranteeing the maximisation of overall social welfare without hampering overall economic efficacy

    How lessons learned from the 2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome outbreak affected the response to coronavirus disease 2019 in the Republic of Korea

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    The Republic of Korea (ROK) experienced a public health crisis due to Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) in 2015 and is currently going through the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Lessons learned from the disastrous MERS outbreak were reflected in the preparedness system, and the readiness capabilities that were subsequently developed enabled the country to successfully flatten the epidemic curve of COVID-19 in late February and March 2020. In this review, we summarize and compare the epidemiology and response of the ROK to the 2015 MERS outbreak and the COVID-19 epidemic in early 2020. We emphasize that, because further COVID-19 waves seem inevitable, it is urgent to develop comprehensive preparedness and response plans for the worst-case scenarios of the COVID-19 pandemic. Simultaneously strengthening healthcare capacity to endure the peak demand and implementing smart strategies to sustain social distancing and public hygiene are necessary until safe and effective therapeutics and vaccines against COVID-19 are available.Peer reviewe

    The Boltzmann fair division for distributive justice

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    Fair division is a significant, long-standing problem and is closely related to social and economic justice. The conventional division methods such as cut-and-choose are hardly applicable to real-world problems because of their complexity and unrealistic assumptions about human behaviors. Here we propose a fair division method from a completely different perspective, using the Boltzmann division. The mathematical model of the Boltzmann division was developed for both homogeneous and heterogeneous cake-cutting problems, and the realistic human factors (contributions, needs, and preferences) of the multiple participating players could be successfully integrated. The Boltzmann division was then optimized by maximizing the players' total utility. We show that the Boltzmann fair division is a division method favorable to the socially disadvantaged or underprivileged, and it is drastically simple yet highly versatile and can be easily fine-tuned to directly apply to a variety of social, economic, and political division problems

    The Boltzmann fair division for distributive justice

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    Fair division is a significant, long-standing problem and is closely related to social and economic justice. The conventional division methods such as cut-and-choose are hardly applicable to real-world problems because of their complexity and unrealistic assumptions about human behaviors. Here we propose a fair division method from a completely different perspective, using the Boltzmann division. The mathematical model of the Boltzmann division was developed for both homogeneous and heterogeneous cake-cutting problems, and the realistic human factors (contributions, needs, and preferences) of the multiple participating players could be successfully integrated. The Boltzmann division was then optimized by maximizing the players' total utility. We show that the Boltzmann fair division is a division method favorable to the socially disadvantaged or underprivileged, and it is drastically simple yet highly versatile and can be easily fine-tuned to directly apply to a variety of social, economic, and political division problems

    Analysis of triterpenoids, carotenoids, and phenylpropanoids in the flowers, leaves, roots, and stems of white bitter melon (Cucurbitaceae, Momordica charantia)

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    Purpose: To evaluate the contents of carotenoids, triterpenoids, and phenylpropanoids in different parts of white bitter melon.Methods: We evaluated the accumulation of 2 triterpenoids, 10 carotenoids, and 11 phenylpropanoids in different parts of white bitter melon, including fruits at four different developmental stages using HPLC.Results: Charantin, lutein, and rutin were the main triterpenoids, carotenoids, and phenylpropanoids, respectively. The accumulation of triterpenoids (momordicine and charantin), carotenoids (antheraxanthin, lutein, violaxanthin, α-carotene, and β-carotene), and phenylpropanoids (caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, epicatechin, gallic acid, p-coumaric acid, rutin, and trans-cinnamic acid) was high inthe leaves and/or flowers, which are exposed to direct sunlight, but low in the roots.Conclusion: Most of the analyzed components were accumulated at high levels in the leaves and/or flowers. These results will help exploit the compounds in various parts of white bitter melon that are beneficial for human health. Keywords: Momordica charantia, Bitter melon, Triterpenoid, Carotenoid, Phenylpropanoi

    Influence of pectin on phenylpropanoid accumulation in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) sprout

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    Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Monech) contains several secondary metabolites like phenolic chemicals. Pectin has been demonstrated to be an efficient elicitor from the biotic group for triggering the defensive response, which enhances the production of secondary metabolites. In this study, the effect of pectin on the growth of buckwheat sprouts and the production of phenylpropanoid compounds in common buckwheat sprouts was investigated by using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Pectin treatments of 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 mg/L were administered on buckwheat sprouts for ten days to assess the growth characteristics and optimum concentrations. In comparison to the control treatment, 2 mg/L pectin enhances the shoot length by 24%. But when pectin concentration continued to rise, a tendency toward shorter shoots was seen. Pectin treatment decreased the fresh weight of the sprout as compared to the control treatment. The phenylpropanoid accumulation in buckwheat sprouts varied depending on the amount of pectin utilized. Pectin treatment at 6 mg/L resulted in a 15.10% increase in total phenylpropanoid accumulation. The findings of this study indicate that pectin is a possible elicitor, however, more research on how pectin affects the buildup of phenylpropanoids in buckwheat sprouts would be more intriguing to examine the implications of this work

    Determination of Risk Factors for Predicting Bladder-Urethra Injury in Cases of Pelvic Bone Fracture: A Retrospective Single Center Study

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    Purpose Pelvis fractures are associated with bladder and urethral injury (BUI). The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors associated with BUI in patients with pelvic fracture. Methods Patients (> 18 years) with pelvic injury (N = 314) at our hospital between January 2015 and June 2020 were retrospectively analyzed for age, sex, cause of injury, initial vital signs, urine red blood cell (RBC) count, Glasgow Coma Scale and Abbreviated Injury Scale score, Injury Severity Score, preperitoneal pelvic packing, and femur, lumbar spine, and pelvic fractures. Results Compared with the BUI-absent group, the BUI-present group had a greater percentage of patients who were male (79.2% vs. 55.9%; p = 0.026), had a urine RBC count/high power field (HPF) ≥ 30 (94.4% vs. 38.8%; p < 0.001), underwent preperitoneal pelvic packing (37.5% vs. 18.6%; p = 0.035), had symphysis pubis diastasis (33.3% vs. 11.7%; p = 0.008), and had sacroiliac joint dislocation (54.2% vs. 23.4%; p = 0.001). Independent risk factors associated with BUI were symphysis pubis diastasis [odds ratio (OR) was 3.958 (95% confidence interval: 1.191–13.154); p = 0.025] and a urine RBC count/HPF ≥ 30 [OR = 25.415 (95% confidence interval: 3.252–198.637); p = 0.006]. Of those with BUI, 15 patients were diagnosed at the trauma bay, and 9 had a delayed diagnosis. Conclusion Patients with pelvic injury who display symphysis pubis diastasis or have a urine RBC count/HPF ≥ 30 are at higher risk of BUI, therefore, further BUI investigations should be considered

    Enhanced metabolic flux of methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway by overexpression of Ginkgo biloba 1-Hydroxy-2-methyl-2-(E)-butenyl 4-diphosphate Reductase 1 (GbHDR1) gene in poplar

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    Terpenoids are of great interests in a broad range of health-beneficial biological activities and various industrial applications. In plants, terpenoids are synthesized by two distinct pathways, methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) and mevalonate pathways in a separate location. MEP pathway supplies isoprene precursors isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and its isomer dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP) of terpenoid biosynthesis in plant plastids. The MEP pathway has been an engineering target to increase the metabolic flux towards higher terpenoid production in plants. 1-Hydroxy-2-methyl-2-(E)-butenyl-4-diphosphate reductase (HDR) is the terminal step of the MEP pathway to regulate the terpenoid biosynthesis and is encoded by three paralogous genes in Ginkgo biloba. In this study, we assessed the effect of overexpression of GbHDR1 on terpenoid metabolism in poplar plants. Overexpression of GbHDR1 in poplar plants accelerated growth and delayed winter-bud formation. Transcript levels of gibberellin, chlorophylls, and carotenoid biosynthetic genes in GbHDR1-overexpressing (GbHDR1ox) poplars were up-regulated, suggesting metabolic flux enhancement. Moreover, enhanced contents of chlorophylls and carotenoids in the leaves of the GbHDR1ox plants resulted in a higher photosynthetic rate as a consequence. Therefore, we expect the GbHDR1 overexpression will be a desirable engineering point of the MEP pathway for enhancing terpenoid metabolic flux and production in plants.This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant (2021R1A5A8029490); the Korea Foundation for Women In Science, Engineering and Technology (WISET) Returners into R&D Program grant; the intramural grant (2Z06670) from the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Republic of Korea

    Titanium dioxide nanoparticles oral exposure to pregnant rats and its distribution

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    Background: Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles are among the most manufactured nanomaterials in the industry, and are used in food products, toothpastes, cosmetics and paints. Pregnant women as well as their conceptuses may be exposed to TiO2 nanoparticles; however, the potential effects of these nanoparticles during pregnancy are controversial, and their internal distribution has not been investigated. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the potential effects of oral exposure to TiO2 nanoparticles and their distribution during pregnancy. TiO2 nanoparticles were orally administered to pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats (12 females per group) from gestation days (GDs) 6 to 19 at dosage levels of 0, 100, 300 and 1000 mg/kg/day, and then cesarean sections were conducted on GD 20. Results: In the maternal and embryo-fetal examinations, there were no marked toxicities in terms of general clinical signs, body weight, food consumption, organ weights, macroscopic findings, cesarean section parameters and fetal morphological examinations. In the distribution analysis, titanium contents were increased in the maternal liver, maternal brain and placenta after exposure to high doses of TiO2 nanoparticles. Conclusion: Oral exposure to TiO2 during pregnancy increased the titanium concentrations in the maternal liver, maternal brain and placenta, but these levels did not induce marked toxicities in maternal animals or affect embryo-fetal development. These results could be used to evaluate the human risk assessment of TiO2 nanoparticle oral exposure during pregnancy, and additional comprehensive toxicity studies are deemed necessary considering the possibility of complex exposure scenarios and the various sizes of TiO2 nanoparticles