583 research outputs found

    Genome sequence of the chromate-resistant bacterium Leucobacter salsicius type strain M1-8T

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    Leucobacter salsicius M1-8(T) is a member of the Microbacteriaceae family within the class Actinomycetales. This strain is a Gram-positive, rod-shaped bacterium and was previously isolated from a Korean fermented food. Most members of the genus Leucobacter are chromate-resistant and this feature could be exploited in biotechnological applications. However, the genus Leucobacter is poorly characterized at the genome level, despite its potential importance. Thus, the present study determined the features of Leucobacter salsicius M1-8(T), as well as its genome sequence and annotation. The genome comprised 3,185,418 bp with a G+C content of 64.5%, which included 2,865 protein-coding genes and 68 RNA genes. This strain possessed two predicted genes associated with chromate resistance, which might facilitate its growth in heavy metal-rich environments.

    Treatment of non-odontogenic orofacial pain using botulinum toxin-A: a retrospective case series study

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    Background The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcomes of treatment of non-odontogenic atypical orofacial pain using botulinum toxin-A. Methods This study involved seven patients (seven females, mean age 65.1 years) who had non-odontogenic orofacial pain (neuropathic pain and atypical orofacial pain) and visited the Seoul National University Bundang Hospital between 2015 and 2017. All medication therapies were preceded by botulinum toxin-A injections, followed by injections in the insignificant effects of medication therapies. Five of the seven patients received intraoral injections in the gingival vestibule or mucosa, while the remaining two received extraoral injections in the masseter and temporal muscle areas. Results In five of the seven patients, pain after botulinum toxin-A injection was significantly reduced. Most of the patients who underwent surgery for dental implantation or facial nerve reconstruction recovered after injections. However, the pain did not disappear in two patients who reported experiencing persistent pain without any cause. Conclusions The use of botulinum toxin-A for the treatment of non-odontogenic neuropathic orofacial pain is clinically useful. It is more effective to administer botulinum toxin-A in combination with other medications and physical therapy to improve pain

    Vestibular dysfunction in lateral semicircular canal dysplasia

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    IntroductionLateral semicircular canal (LSCC) dysplasia is the most common inner ear malformation. The severity of dysplasia can appear in various spectrums, from a short and broad LSCC with normal or small-sized central bony island (CBI) to a single fluid-filled cavity confluent with the vestibule without CBI. However, reports on the association between LSCC dysplasia and the loss of vestibular function are still lacking. In this study, the results of vestibular function tests [caloric test and video-head impulse test (vHIT)] in patients with LSCC dysplasia were analyzed and compared between groups with and without CBI.MethodsThis study retrospectively enrolled 17 patients (23 ears) who had LSCC dysplasia following computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging and underwent vestibular function tests.ResultsLSCC dysplasia was observed unilaterally in 11 patients and bilaterally in six patients. Nine of 23 ears had CBIs, and 14 ears had no CBI. Three of 17 patients experienced dizziness. Abnormal caloric tests were detected in 11 of the 16 patients who underwent the caloric tests (69%); in contrast, 11 of 12 patients who underwent the vHIT (92%) had normal LSCC vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) gain on vHIT. A significant correlation was found between the maximum slow-phase velocity of the caloric test and LSCC VOR gain of the vHIT (correlation coefficient 0.792, p = 0.004). The CBI-absent group showed significantly lower SPV and LSCC VOR gains than the CBI-present group (p = 0.001 and 0.004, respectively).DiscussionLSCC dysplasia impairs VOR function, especially in the absence of CBI

    Clinical Characteristics of Patients Diagnosed With Odontogenic Rhinosinusitis After Dental Implants

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    Background and Objectives With the ongoing development of intraoral surgical treatment and invasive dental treatments such as implants, odontogenic rhinosinusitis (ORS) is on the rise. ORS related to dental implants accounts for 8% to 37% of cases. The purpose of this study is to define the characteristics of patients with ORS related to dental implants. Methods From 2015 to 2019, the medical records of 15 patients who developed maxillary sinus disease after receiving dental implants were retrospectively analyzed among patients who visited the ear nose and throat and dentistry departments. We reviewed the chief complaint, assessment, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of these patients. Results Of the 15 patients, all were diagnosed with ORS. One patient with a post-operative cheek cyst, 1 with fungal sinusitis, 1 with an inverted papilloma, 1 with chronic rhinosinusitis, and 1 with a radicular cyst were diagnosed after surgery. Endoscopic sinus surgery was performed in 14 patients and 2 patients underwent a combined operation. One patient improved after medical treatment. The follow-up period was about 8.6 months. No recurrence was found in any of the patients. Conclusion If an implant problem is suspected based on history-taking and physical examination, active consultation with dentistry is needed to diagnose ORS

    Barrier protection via Toll-like receptor 2 signaling in porcine intestinal epithelial cells damaged by deoxynivalnol

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    Additional file 2. IPEC-J2 cells pretreated with TLR2 ligand maintained the expression of MCP-1, GM-CSF and TLR2 against DON exposure. IPEC-J2 cells pretreated with or without TLR2 ligand for 24 h were exposed to DON. (A) The bar graph showed the mRNA levels of porcine mcp-1, gm-csf measured using real time-PCR at 1 and 6 h after DON exposure (n = 3). (B) The mRNA levels of porcine tlr2 were measured using real-time quantitative PCR analysis at 6 h. NT represents no treatment. Expression of each mRNA was presented relative to the expression of housekeeping gene, gapdh (n = 3). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001, determined by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s posttest

    Pediatric Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation: Results of Initial 100 Consecutive Cases Including Congenital Heart Anomalies

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    Radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) has recently become a management option for pediatric tachycardia. We reviewed the records of a total of 100 patients (aged 10 months to 19 yr) who had undergone RFCA, from March 2000 to June 2004. Types of arrhythmia (age, acute success rate) were as follows: atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia (AVRT, 9.0±3.7 yr, 66/67), atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT, 13±2.5 yr, 16/16), ectopic atrial tachycardia (6.4±3.3 yr, 5/5), junctional ectopic tachycardia (10 month, 1/1), ventricular tachycardia (12±4.9 yr, 6/6), postsurgical intraatrial reentrant tachycardia (15.6±4.1 yr, 2/3), twin node tachycardia (4 yr, 0/1), and His bundle ablation (9 yr, 1/1). The age of AVNRT was older than that of AVRT (p=0.002). Associated cardiac disease was detected in 17 patients, including 6 univentricular patients, and 3 Ebstein's anomaly patients. RFCA for multiple accessory pathways required longer fluoroscopic times than did the single accessory pathway (53.9±4.8 vs. 36.2±24.1 min; p=0.03), and was associated with a higher recurrence rate (3/9 vs. 3/53; p=0.03). Regardless of the presence or absence of cardiac diseases, the overall acute success rate was 97% without major complications, the recurrence rate was 8.2%, and the final success rate was 97%. This experience confirmed the efficacy and safety of RFCA in the management of tachycardia in children

    Assessment of organic acid and sugar composition in apricot, plumcot, plum, and peach during fruit development

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    Variation in content of organic acids and soluble sugars, and in physical characteristics was evaluated in apricot (P. armeniaca L. cv. Harcot), plumcot (plum-apricot hybrid, P. salicina ⅹ P. armeniaca L. cv. Harmony), plum (P. salicina Lindl. cv. Formosa), and peach (P. persica L. Batsch cv. Jinmi). The content of organic acids and sugars, as well as parameters of fruit quality (weight, dimensions, firmness, total soluble solids, and total acidity) in Prunus fruits during fruit development were determined. Organic acids, including oxalic acid, quinic acid, malic acid, shikimic acid, citric acid, and quinic acid, sugars, including sucrose, fructose, glucose, and sugar alcohol (sorbitol), were identified and quantified using HPLC. Organic acid mostly increased during the early stages of fruit growth (30 - 60 days after full bloom) and decreased until fruits were fully ripened. In general, plum was the highest in most organic acids compared with the other fruits, while apricot contained the lowest acid content except for citric acid. Sucrose, fructose, and glucose content increased with fruit development, unlike content of sorbitol. Plumcot contained the highest fructose, and peach showed the maximum content of sucrose at full maturation stages. Total soluble solids averaged 17.5, 14.8, 11.9, and 10.6 ºBrix in apricot, plumcot, plum, and peach, respectively, whereas total acidity was 0.9, 1.4, 0.5, and 0.3% in four Prunus cultivars at ripened stages. Shikimic acid was significantly correlated with oxalic acid in apricot, plumcot, and plum, but not in peach. Fructose and glucose were highly correlated in plumcot, plum, and peach.