928 research outputs found

    Subsurface characterization of structural traps in the Outer Nunchia Foothills, Colombia

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    Master's thesis in Petroleum geosciences engineeringThe integration and interpretation of 2D and 3D seismic data, well information, geological maps and public information was used to identify the structural configuration of the outer Nunchia Foothills, to define the structural style and to evaluate the hydrocarbon prospectivity in terms of the structural configuration. A stack of hinterland-dipping monocline to imbricate structures were recognized. Based on the lower detachment levels, the outer Nunchia foothills were divided into three sub-divisions. The basal structures, with detachment in Gacheta Formation and involves Cretaceous rocks to León Formation. The Intermediate structures, with detachment level in Lower to Middle Carbonera, which involves rocks of Carbonera and León Formations; and the upper to surface structures, where the lower detachment is located in the Upper Carbonera and involves the younger rocks. In the outer Nunchia foothills, the reservoir units are involved only in the basal structures, where the southern structure was tested by the Tangara-1 well. The area is therefore classified to be of low hydrocarbon potential in terms of structural traps

    Consistency Testing for Data-Flow Circuits

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    One means of making VLSI design tractable is to proceed from a high-level specification of a circuit in terms of functionality, to the circuit level. A notable error which may occur in a topdown design starting with a data-flow graph representation of a circuit is a design inconsistency due to deadlock. This paper attempts to further develop the theoretical basis for algorithms which analyze the deadlock property of circuits on the basis of their data-flow graph representations. A systematic scheme to verify the absence of deadlock in data-flow graphs is also presented

    First records of the genera Macunahyphes and Microphlebia (insect: ephemeroptera) from Colombia.

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    El conocimiento adquirido sobre la distribución de Ephemeroptera en Colombia en los últimos años ha contribuido a cerrar las brechas de información a este respecto. Este trabajo de investigación registró por primera vez en Colombia los géneros Macunahyphes y Microphlebia. Además, se amplía la distribución de Macunahyphes australis en América del Sur, y existe un primer registro de esta especie para el Departamento de Vaupés en la Región Amazónica de Colombia. Estos hallazgos actualizan los registros de los géneros Macunahyphes y Microphlebia en la zona neotropical.The knowledge gained about the distribution of Ephemeroptera in Colombia in recent years have contributed to bridge the information gaps in this regard. This work of research recorded the Macunahyphes and Microphlebia genera for the first time in Colombia. Additionally, the distribution of Macunahyphes australis in South America is extended, and there is a first record of this species for the Vaupés Department in the Colombian Amazon Region. These findings update the records of the Macunahyphes and Microphlebia genera in the neotropical zone

    Perancangan Prototype SIMRS Rawat Jalan Menggunakan Metode FAST (Framework For The Application Of System Thinking) Guna Simulasi E-RM di RSU Deli Medan Tahun 2023

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    Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit adalah suatu sistem informasi dengan rangkaian proses pelayanan yang terorganisir, mengintegrasikan seluruh alur proses untuk menghasilkan informasi atau data secara tepat dan akurat untuk pelayanan rawat jalan. RSUD Deli Medan sudah memiliki Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit, namun belum terintegrasi antara satu unit dengan unit lainnya dan unit poliklinik masih menggunakan sistem manual atau Rekam Medis berbasis kertas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Deli Medan yang memberikan gambaran integrasi data mulai dari unit pendaftaran, unit poliklinik, hingga unit apoteker. Pengembangan sistem ini menggunakan metode FAST (Framework For The Application Of System Thinking) dengan proses tahapan desain sistem. Pengumpulan data berupa kualitatif atau wawancara, pengujian sistem menggunakan Black Box Testing, dan bahasa program PHP dengan framework gabungan dan sebagai database MySQL. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Umum Deli Medan yang dirancang sesuai dengan kebutuhan rumah sakit, pengujian sistem yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa semua menu dan alat pada sistem tersebut berjalan dengan baik. Data yang tersimpan telah terhubung atau terintegrasi dengan unit lain, sehingga memudahkan petugas dalam mengelola data terkait pelayanan kepada pasien dan menghasilkan data yang akurat dan berkesinambungan. Dengan kesimpulan dapat diterapkan baik di rumah sakit khususnya untuk peningkatan mutu pelayanan rawat jalan, maupun sebagai bahan masukan referensi pembelajaran dalam perancangan sistem informasi manajemen rawat jalan di rumah saki

    Influence of boron content on the fracture toughness and fatigue crack propagation kinetics of bainitic steels

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    The relatively good combination of high strength and ductility makes bainitic steels a candidate to replace many other steels in industrial applications. However, in service, ductility and strength are not up to standard requirements. In many industrial components, toughness and fatigue performance are also very relevant. In the present study, bainitic steels with varying content of boron were fabricated, with the aim of analyzing the fracture toughness and changes in the fatigue life. The results show that a relatively small change in the boron content can cause a notable variation in the fracture toughness of bainitic steels. The maximum value obtained in fracture toughness was for the steel with the highest boron content. It was observed that the amount of interlath martensite constituents decreases in steels with the addition of boron, leading to the promotion of the presence of void coalescence and a remarkable rise in the toughness of bainitic steels. An increase on the fatigue life of the bainitic steels with an increase in the boron content was also observed, through analysis by means of Paris’ law. A comprehensive micrographic study was carried out in order to examine the mechanics of fatigue crack growth in the bainitic steels, revealing small longitudinal cracks in bainitic steels that lack boron. These cracks tend to disappear in bainitic steels that contain boron. To elucidate this behavior, micrographs of the surfaces generated by the crack growth process were taken, showing that several nano-cracks appeared between the bainite laths. It is finally argued that this high-energy consumption process of nano-crack nucleation and growth is the reason for the improved toughness and fatigue life observed in bainitic steels.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft


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    Background: Awareness of the environmental impact of waste continues to grow and effective waste management is currently a key target in environmental policies around the world, because of how the waste that is managed directly affects the local environment and global quality.Methods: The research was conducted in the State of Suli, RT 048 Dusun Wainusalaut. The type of research used is descriptive.Results: The results showed that indicators 1 to 3 with 10 questions received very good responses and appreciation through strongly agree and agree to answers.Conclusion: The community considers that eco-bricks are a method of reducing plastic waste that is very practical and easy and very good to make. Apart from being a creative activity,eco-bricks are also very useful and economical if practiced properly

    Effect of Dry and Wet Storage on Post Harvest Life and Flower Quality in Cut Tulip cv. Cassini

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    Experiments were conducted during 2002-03 and 2003-04 to study the influence of storage methods and duration on post harvest quality of cut tulip cv. Cassini. Cut tulips cv. Cassini stored either dry or wet at 4°C for 0,2,4,6 and 8 days showed that days to flower opening was the lowest in those kept under wet storage for 6 and 8 days. Flower opening was better with 0.2 and 4 days of dry or wet storage whereas flowers stored dry for 8 days did not open at all. Flower size and vase life decreased with the increase in storage period. Larger flowers were obtained with dry and wet storage of 0 and 2 days whereas higher vase life was obtained with zero days of wet and dry storage and 4 and 6 days of wet storage

    Studies on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Pomegranate Cultivars in Kashmir Valley

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    Ten pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cultivars, namely, Kabuli Kandhari, Chawla, Ganesh, Mridula, Jyoti, G-137, Dholka, Bedana, Kandhari and Local Check were evaluated for different physical and chemical characteristics of fruit at the Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture, Srinagar, during 2004. Fruit weight, diameter and volume was significantly higher in cv. Bedana compared to the rest of the cultivars. Cultivar Kandhari recorded significantly less rind thickness when compared to other cultivars. Cultivar Chawla exhibited less cracking per cent followed by Kandhari. Total soluble solids and total sugars were highest in cv. Kandhari whereas less acidity was recorded in cvs. Ganesh and G-137% acidity was lowest in cv. G-137 (0.41) and highest in cv. Bedana (0.81). Highest ascorbic acid content was found in cv. Kabuli Kandhari. The highest anthocyanin content was observed in cv. Ganesh and lowest in cv. Chawla. Juice content was found to be maximum in Bedana. The lowest anar butterfly attack was observed in cv. Bedana. The data revealed overall superior performance of cv. Bedana and Kandhari with regard to physical and chemical characteristics and these can be recommended for commercial cultivation in the Karewa belt of Kashmir valley