143 research outputs found

    Applying Dijkstras Algorithm in Routing Process

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    Network is defined as a combination of two or more nodes which are connected with each other. It allows nodes to exchange data from each other along the data connections. Routing is a process of finding the path between source and destination upon request of data transmission. There are various routing algorithms which helps in determining the path and distance over the network traffic. For routing of nodes, we can use many routing protocols. Dijkstrarsquos algorithm is one of the best shortest path search algorithms. Our focus and aim is to find the shortest path from source node to destination node. For finding the minimum path this algorithm uses the connection matrix and weight matrix Thus, a matrix consisting of paths from source node to each node is formed. We then choose a column of destination from path matrix formed and we get the shortest path. In a similar way, we choose a column from a mindis matrix for finding the minimum distance from source node to destination node. It has been applied in computer networking for routing of systems and in google maps to find the shortest possible path from one location to another location.nbs

    High Field (14Tesla) Magneto Transport of Sm/PrFeAsO

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    We report high field magneto transport of Sm/PrFeAsO. Below spin density wave transition (TSDW), the magneto-resistance (MR) of Sm/PrFeAsO is positive and increasing with decreasing temperature. The MR of SmFeAsO, is found 16%, whereas the same is 21.5% in case of PrFeAsO, at 2.5 K under applied magnetic field of 14 Tesla (T). In case of SmFeAsO, the variation of isothermal MR with field below 20 K is nonlinear at lower magnetic fields (< 2 Tesla) and the same is linear at moderately higher magnetic fields (H \geq 3.5 T). On the other hand PrFeAsO shows almost linear MR at all temperatures below 20 K. The anomalous behavior of MR being exhibited in PrFeAsO is originated from Dirac cone states. The stronger interplay of Fe and Pr ordered moments is responsible for this distinct behavior. PrFeAsO also shows a hump in resistivity (R-T) with possible conduction band (FeAs) mediated ordering of Pr moments at around 12 K. However the same is absent in SmFeAsO even down to 2 K. Our results of high field magneto-transport of up to 14 Tesla brings about clear distinction between ground states of SmFeAsO and PrFeAsO.Comment: 15 pages Text + Figs ([email protected]

    An overview of vaccine development for COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic continues to endanger world health and the economy. The causative SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has a unique replication system. The end point of the COVID-19 pandemic is either herd immunity or widespread availability of an effective vaccine. Multiple candidate vaccines - peptide, virus-like particle, viral vectors (replicating and nonreplicating), nucleic acids (DNA or RNA), live attenuated virus, recombinant designed proteins and inactivated virus - are presently under various stages of expansion, and a small number of vaccine candidates have progressed into clinical phases. At the time of writing, three major pharmaceutical companies, namely Pfizer and Moderna, have their vaccines under mass production and administered to the public. This review aims to investigate the most critical vaccines developed for COVID-19 to date

    Serendipitous Nebular-phase JWST Imaging of SN Ia 2021aefx: Testing the Confinement of 56-Co Decay Energy

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    We present new 0.3-21 micron photometry of SN 2021aefx in the spiral galaxy NGC 1566 at +357 days after B-band maximum, including the first detection of any SN Ia at >15 micron. These observations follow earlier JWST observations of SN 2021aefx at +255 days after the time of maximum brightness, allowing us to probe the temporal evolution of the emission properties. We measure the fraction of flux emerging at different wavelengths and its temporal evolution. Additionally, the integrated 0.3-14 micron decay rate of Δm0.314=1.35±0.05\Delta m_{0.3-14} = 1.35 \pm 0.05 mag/100 days is higher than the decline rate from the radioactive decay of 56^{56}Co of 1.2\sim 1.2mag/100 days. The most plausible explanation for this discrepancy is that flux is shifting to >14 micron, and future JWST observations of SNe Ia will be able to directly test this hypothesis. However, models predicting non-radiative energy loss cannot be excluded with the present data.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL; 11 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables in two-column AASTEX63 forma

    Queer In AI: A Case Study in Community-Led Participatory AI

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    Queerness and queer people face an uncertain future in the face of ever more widely deployed and invasive artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies have caused numerous harms to queer people, including privacy violations, censoring and downranking queer content, exposing queer people and spaces to harassment by making them hypervisible, deadnaming and outing queer people. More broadly, they have violated core tenets of queerness by classifying and controlling queer identities. In response to this, the queer community in AI has organized Queer in AI, a global, decentralized, volunteer-run grassroots organization that employs intersectional and community-led participatory design to build an inclusive and equitable AI future. In this paper, we present Queer in AI as a case study for community-led participatory design in AI. We examine how participatory design and intersectional tenets started and shaped this community’s programs over the years. We discuss different challenges that emerged in the process, look at ways this organization has fallen short of operationalizing participatory and intersectional principles, and then assess the organization’s impact. Queer in AI provides important lessons and insights for practitioners and theorists of participatory methods broadly through its rejection of hierarchy in favor of decentralization, success at building aid and programs by and for the queer community, and effort to change actors and institutions outside of the queer community. Finally, we theorize how communities like Queer in AI contribute to the participatory design in AI more broadly by fostering cultures of participation in AI, welcoming and empowering marginalized participants, critiquing poor or exploitative participatory practices, and bringing participation to institutions outside of individual research projects. Queer in AI’s work serves as a case study of grassroots activism and participatory methods within AI, demonstrating the potential of community-led participatory methods and intersectional praxis, while also providing challenges, case studies, and nuanced insights to researchers developing and using participatory methods

    Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in South Asia: a systematic review

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    Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is becoming a major public health problem around the world. But the prevalence has not been reported in South Asian region as a whole. This study aimed to systematically review the existing data from population based studies in this region to bridge this gap. Methods Articles published and reported prevalence of CKD according to K/DOQI practice guideline in eight South Asian countries between December 1955 and April 2017 were searched, screened and evaluated from seven electronic databases using the PRISMA checklist. CKD was defined as creatinine clearance (CrCl) or GFR less than 60 ml/min/1.73 m2. Results Sixteen population-based studies were found from four South Asian countries (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal) that used eGFR to measure CKD. No study was available from Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bhutan and Afghanistan. Number of participants ranged from 301 in Pakistan to 12,271 in India. Majority of the studies focused solely on urban population. Different studies used different equations for measuring eGFR. The prevalence of CKD ranged from 10.6% in Nepal to 23.3% in Pakistan using MDRD equation. This prevalence was higher among older age group people. Equal number of studies reported high prevalence among male and female each. Conclusions This systematic review reported high prevalence of CKD in South Asian countries. The findings of this study will help pertinent stakeholders to prepare suitable policy and effective public health intervention in order to reduce the burden of this deadly disease in the most densely populated share of the globe

    The life-course impact of smoking on hypertension, myocardial infarction and respiratory diseases

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    The Author(s) 2017. The objective of this study was to examine the impact of smoking on respiratory diseases, hypertension and myocardial infarction, with a particular focus from a life-course perspective. In this study, 28,577 males from a Chinese longitudinal survey were analysed. The effects of smoking on the risk of respiratory diseases, hypertension and myocardial infarction were assessed from a life-course perspective and a current view separately. No significant associations were found between smoking and the risk of incident respiratory diseases, hypertension and myocardial infarction in the group younger than 35. Among study participants aged between 36-55 and 56-80, smoking was positively associated with the risk of incident respiratory diseases, hypertension and myocardial infarction from the life-course perspective, and the risk increased with age. In contrast, the results from a current view showed inverse associations between smoking and the risk of the diseases mentioned above. Our findings highlight that it is essential to quantify the effects of smoking from a life-course perspective in future research and to suggest that smokers quit smoking as soon as possible, regardless of the temporary side effects of quitting