282 research outputs found

    Hypervelocity impact testing of L-band truss cable meteoroid shielding on Skylab

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    A series of tests was performed to determine the protection provided by the L-band truss cable meteoroid shielding installed on Skylab space station at space environment temperatures of minus 180 F. The damage sustained when three test specimens were impacted by spherical projectiles at hypersonic speed was investigated. It is concluded that the L-band truss cable meteoroid shielding provides adequate protection at the indicated temperature

    Feasibility demonstration for hydrogen chloride detection using a chemisorption technique and a quartz crystal microbalance

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    A method of measuring concentrations of hydrogen chloride between 1 part per billion and 10 parts per million at standard temperature and pressure is presented. The feasibility of a low-cost device incorporating a chemisorption technique coupled with a quartz crystal microbalance was demonstrated in the field at the Viking B launch using a Titan-Centaur vehicle from Kennedy Space Center on August 20, 1975. Hydrogen chloride is a product of solid rocket combustion. The concentration level of hydrogen chloride for this particular launch was measured as approximately 0.2 parts per million at 4 km from the launch site

    Experimentally realizable quantum comparison of coherent states and its applications

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    When comparing quantum states to each other, it is possible to obtain an unambiguous answer, indicating that the states are definitely different, already after a single measurement. In this paper we investigate comparison of coherent states, which is the simplest example of quantum state comparison for continuous variables. The method we present has a high success probability, and is experimentally feasible to realize as the only required components are beam splitters and photon detectors. An easily realizable method for quantum state comparison could be important for real applications. As examples of such applications we present a "lock and key" scheme and a simple scheme for quantum public key distribution.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, version one submitted to PRA. Version two is the final accepted versio

    The effects of solid rocket motor effluents on selected surfaces and solid particle size, distribution, and composition for simulated shuttle booster separation motors

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    A series of three tests was conducted using solid rocket propellants to determine the effects a solid rocket plume would have on thermal protective surfaces (TPS). The surfaces tested were those which are baselined for the shuttle vehicle. The propellants used were to simulate the separation solid rocket motors (SSRM) that separate the solid rocket boosters (SRB) from the shuttle launch vehicle. Data cover: (1) the optical effects of the plume environment on spacecraft related surfaces, and (2) the solid particle size, distribution, and composition at TPS sample locations

    Comparing the states of many quantum systems

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    We investigate how to determine whether the states of a set of quantum systems are identical or not. This paper treats both error-free comparison, and comparison where errors in the result are allowed. Error-free comparison means that we aim to obtain definite answers, which are known to be correct, as often as possible. In general, we will have to accept also inconclusive results, giving no information. To obtain a definite answer that the states of the systems are not identical is always possible, whereas, in the situation considered here, a definite answer that they are identical will not be possible. The optimal universal error-free comparison strategy is a projection onto the totally symmetric and the different non-symmetric subspaces, invariant under permutations and unitary transformations. We also show how to construct optimal comparison strategies when allowing for some errors in the result, minimising either the error probability, or the average cost of making an error. We point out that it is possible to realise universal error-free comparison strategies using only linear elements and particle detectors, albeit with less than ideal efficiency. Also minimum-error and minimum-cost strategies may sometimes be realised in this way. This is of great significance for practical applications of quantum comparison.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. Corrected a misprint on p. 7 and added a few references. Accepted for publication in J Mod Op

    Hypervelocity impact testing of cables

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    The physics and electrical results obtained from simulated micrometeoroid testing of certain Skylab cables are presented. The test procedure, electrical circuits, test equipment, and cable types utilized are also explained

    Functional requirements for the man-vehicle systems research facility

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    The NASA Ames Research Center proposed a man-vehicle systems research facility to support flight simulation studies which are needed for identifying and correcting the sources of human error associated with current and future air carrier operations. The organization of research facility is reviewed and functional requirements and related priorities for the facility are recommended based on a review of potentially critical operational scenarios. Requirements are included for the experimenter's simulation control and data acquisition functions, as well as for the visual field, motion, sound, computation, crew station, and intercommunications subsystems. The related issues of functional fidelity and level of simulation are addressed, and specific criteria for quantitative assessment of various aspects of fidelity are offered. Recommendations for facility integration, checkout, and staffing are included

    Measurement induced chaos with entangled states

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    The dynamics of an ensemble of identically prepared two-qubit systems is investigated which is subjected to the iteratively applied measurements and conditional selection of a typical entanglement purification protocol. It is shown that the resulting measurement-induced non-linear dynamics of the two-qubit state exhibits strong sensitivity to initial conditions and also true chaos. For a special class of initially prepared two-qubit states two types of islands characterize the asymptotic limit. They correspond to a separable and a maximally entangled two-qubit state, respectively, and their boundaries form fractal-like structures. In the presence of incoherent noise an additional stable asymptotic cycle appears.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Symmetric functions of qubits in an unknown basis

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    Consider an n qubit computational basis state corresponding to a bit string x, which has had an unknown local unitary applied to each qubit, and whose qubits have been reordered by an unknown permutation. We show that, given such a state with Hamming weight |x| at most n/2, it is possible to reconstruct |x| with success probability 1 - |x|/(n-|x|+1), and thus to compute any symmetric function of x. We give explicit algorithms for computing whether or not |x| is at least t for some t, and for computing the parity of x, and show that these are essentially optimal. These results can be seen as generalisations of the swap test for comparing quantum states.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; v2: improved results, essentially published versio

    Localization and diffusion in Ising-type quantum networks

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    We investigate the effect of phase randomness in Ising-type quantum networks. These networks model a large class of physical systems. They describe micro- and nanostructures or arrays of optical elements such as beam splitters (interferometers) or parameteric amplifiers. Most of these stuctures are promising candidates for quantum information processing networks. We demonstrate that such systems exhibit two very distinct types of behaviour. For certain network configurations (parameters), they show quantum localization similar to Anderson localization whereas classical stochastic behaviour is observed in other cases. We relate these findings to the standard theory of quantum localization.Comment: 12 page