159 research outputs found

    Person Re-Identification using Deep Convnets with Multi-task Learning

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    Episodic Reasoning for Vision-Based Human Action Recognition

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    Smart Spaces, Ambient Intelligence, and Ambient Assisted Living are environmental paradigms that strongly depend on their capability to recognize human actions. While most solutions rest on sensor value interpretations and video analysis applications, few have realized the importance of incorporating common-sense capabilities to support the recognition process. Unfortunately, human action recognition cannot be successfully accomplished by only analyzing body postures. On the contrary, this task should be supported by profound knowledge of human agency nature and its tight connection to the reasons and motivations that explain it. The combination of this knowledge and the knowledge about how the world works is essential for recognizing and understanding human actions without committing common-senseless mistakes. This work demonstrates the impact that episodic reasoning has in improving the accuracy of a computer vision system for human action recognition. This work also presents formalization, implementation, and evaluation details of the knowledge model that supports the episodic reasoning

    Blind Image Watermark Detection Algorithm based on Discrete Shearlet Transform Using Statistical Decision Theory

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    Blind watermarking targets the challenging recovery of the watermark when the host is not available during the detection stage.This paper proposes Discrete Shearlet Transform as a new embedding domain for blind image watermarking. Our novel DST blind watermark detection system uses a nonadditive scheme based on the statistical decision theory. It first computes the probability density function (PDF) of the DST coefficients modelled as a Laplacian distribution. The resulting likelihood ratio is compared with a decision threshold calculated using Neyman-Pearson criterion to minimise the missed detection subject to a fixed false alarm probability. Our method is evaluated in terms of imperceptibility, robustness and payload against different attacks (Gaussian noise, Blurring, Cropping, Compression and Rotation) using 30 standard grayscale images covering different characteristics (smooth, more complex with a lot of edges and high detail textured regions). The proposed method shows greater windowing flexibility with more sensitive to directional and anisotropic features when compared against Discrete Wavelet and Contourlets

    A Simple Deep Learning Architecture for City-scale Vehicle Re-identification

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    The task of vehicle re-identification aims to identify a vehicle across different cameras with non overlapping fields of view and it is a challenging research problem due to viewpoint orientation, scene occlusions and intrinsic inter-class similarity of the data. In this paper, we propose a simplistic approach for one-shot vehicle re-identification based on a siamese/triple convolutional architecture for feature representation. Our method involves learning a feature space in which the vehicles of the same identities are projected closer to one another compared to those with different identities. Moreover, we provide an extensive evaluation of loss functions, including a novel combination of triplet loss with classification loss, and other network parameters applied to our vehicle re-identification system. Compared to most existing state-of-the-art approaches, our approach is simpler and more straightforward for training, utilizing only identity-level annotations. The proposed method is evaluated on the large-scale CityFlow-ReID dataset

    Non-linear classifiers applied to EEG analysis for epilepsy seizure detection

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    This work presents a novel approach for automatic epilepsy seizure detection based on EEG analysis that exploits the underlying non-linear nature of EEG data. In this paper, two main contributions are presented and validated: the use of non-linear classifiers through the so-called kernel trick and the proposal of a Bag-of-Words model for extracting a non-linear feature representation of the input data in an unsupervised manner. The performance of the resulting system is validated with public datasets, previously processed to remove artifacts or external disturbances, but also with private datasets recorded under realistic and non-ideal operating conditions. The use of public datasets caters for comparison purposes whereas the private one shows the performance of the system under realistic circumstances of noise, artifacts, and signals of different amplitudes. Moreover, the proposed solution has been compared to state-of-the-art works not only for pre-processed and public datasets but also with the private datasets. The mean F1-measure shows a 10% improvement over the second-best ranked method including cross-dataset experiments. The obtained results prove the robustness of the proposed solution to more realistic and variable conditions. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Person Reidentification Using Deep Convnets With Multitask Learning

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