1,844 research outputs found

    Residential Segregation

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    This study explores the influences of socioeconomic factors on residential integration. Data was collected through an internet questionnaire and respondents were gathered by snowball technique. Residential integration is measured by the percentage of White individuals living in the respondent's specific ZIP Code based off information from the U.S. Census Bureau. The author proposes that an increase in socioeconomic status will lead to an increase in residential integration. Despite having mixed results, a significant positive correlation was found between one's level of education and residential integration, supporting a part of the author's original hypothesis

    Examining the Relationship Between LEP Status and Delinquency Amongst High Schools Across America

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    This research is intended to examine the relationship between the enrollment of Limited English Proficient (LEP) students in American high schools and the rate of delinquency on campus. While the stigma and general belief that immigrants and criminality are correlated has existed throughout American History, empirical research findings have generally indicated the inverse to be true and often find that immigrants engage in lower rates of delinquency in comparison to their non-immigrant counterparts. Previous work in the field has primarily identified immigrants by legal or technical categorization, primarily nativity and immigrant status. Fewer are the studies who identify this group through cultural variables, such as acculturation variables. With the intention of furthering the understanding of the proposed immigrant-crime nexus, this study seeks to add a unique and missing element to the current body of knowledge that is immigrant criminality – examining the role that Limited English Proficient (LEP) status plays on delinquency in high schools. Using a secondary data analysis, this study examines the impact that LEP enrollment has on the rates of delinquency in high schools in a multi-state analysis. The results of this study determine that the rate of LEP enrollment in a high school did not impact the rate of arrests or referrals on campus and LEP students are less likely than non-LEP students to be arrested or referred to law enforcement, The findings from this study yield insight into the understudied relationship between LEP students and delinquency across high schools in America as well as contribute to the ever-expanding field of immigrant crime schools in a multi-state analysis. The results of this study determine that the rate of LEP enrollment in a high school did not impact the rate of arrests or referrals on campus and LEP students are less likely than non-LEP students to be arrested or referred to law enforcement, The findings from this study yield insight into the understudied relationship between LEP students and delinquency across high schools in America as well as contribute to the ever-expanding field of immigrant crime

    Begomovirus quasispecies adapt to hosts by exploring different sequence space without changing their consensus sequences

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    Geminiviruses possess single-stranded circular DNA genomes that depend on cellular polymerases for replication in the host nucleus. In plant hosts, geminivirus populations behave as ensembles of mutant and recombinant genomes. This favours the emergence of new geminivirus strains able to produce new diseases or overcome the genetic resistance of cultivars. In warm and temperate areas several whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses of the genus Begomovirus cause the tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD) with important economic consequences. TYLCD is frequently controlled in commercial tomato production using the Ty-1 resistance gene. Over a 45 day period we studied the evolution of infectious clones from three TYLCD-associated begomoviruses: Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus, Tomato yellow leaf curl virus and the recombinant Tomato yellow leaf curl Axarquia virus. The evolution of their viral progeny was examined in susceptible tomato (ty1/ty1), resistant tomato (Ty1/ty1), common bean, and the wild reservoir Solanum nigrum. We found that in addition to affecting viral accumulation kinetics, the host influenced the sequence space explored by these begomoviruses. In tomato, viral dynamics was not influenced by the presence of the Ty-1 gene. Interestingly, positive adaptation of the coat protein gene was only observed in the common bean and S. nigrum, which correlates with these plants having viral quasispecies with the highest degree of complexity and heterogeneity. Our results underline the importance of analysing the mutant spectra of begomovirus infections, especially in wild reservoirs, which have the potential to give rise to large numbers of emergent variants in spite of the invariance of their consensus sequences.Junta de Andalucía proyecto: P10-CVI-6561. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Digital Divide Across the European Union

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    Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de InformaçãoOur research analyzes the digital divide within the European Union 27 (EU-27). To achieve this objective we use multivariate statistical methods, more specifically factor and cluster analysis, to address the disparities in the digital development levels between EU countries. Our results lead to an identification of two latent dimensions and five groups of countries when it comes to the digital development. We conclude that a digital gap does, in fact, exist within the EU. Moreover our results suggest that there is a relation with the entrance year to the Union with the digital development stage, considering that newer member presents lower digital developments


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    Neste estudo apresentaremos os resultados parciais de uma investigação sobre as dinâmicas registadas ao nível das medidas e estratégias político-culturais dos municípios de Bragança e Chaves, entre os anos 2005 a 2011, identificando as principais áreas e públicos a que as autarquias deram destaque. Sublinhe-se que há uma ausência total no que concerne a estudos científicos e independentes nesta área sobre os concelhos em estudo. Nada se sabe sobre a forma, as estratégias, os planos e os resultados que as políticas públicas para a cultura tiveram e têm nestes municípios. Os estudos existentes tratam a região Norte de Portugal como um todo homogéneo, sem considerar as especificidades e a diversidade cultural, económica e social que lhe é inerente. Só após esse estudo será possível chegar a conclusões mais detalhadas e rigorosas no que concerne às efetivas conceções, orientações e prioridades que têm fundamentado, quer de forma consciente quer a um nível intuitivo, as políticas culturais adotadas nos diferentes municípios e, neste caso específico, nos municípios de Bragança e Chaves. Com este trabalho pretendemos analisar precisamente que políticas culturais emergiram nesse período, identificando as dimensões contempladas, os setores privilegiados e os desfavorecidos, os domínios e os níveis culturais que se foram promovendo nestes pelouros da cultura. Procurar-se-á ainda compreender de que forma as diretrizes definidas pelo governo português e pela Comunidade Europeia influenciaram as estratégias político-culturais dos municípios em estudo, sendo que posteriormente serão caracterizadas as principais linhas de influência, bem como, as diretrizes governamentais ignoradas por estas autarquias
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