4 research outputs found

    Small business in Ukraine as the engine of national economic development

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    У статті розглянуто стан малого підприємництва в Україні, охарактеризовано слабкі сторони його діяльності та чинники, що впливають на даний сектор економіки. Для переконливішого пояснення зроблених висновків, наведено статистичну інформацію щодо частки малих підприємств України в загальній кількості підприємств і їх розподіл за регіонами.This article examines the state of small business in Ukraine, gives a description of the weaknesses of its activities; describes factors that affect this sector of the economy. For a more convincing explanation of the findings, statistics on the share of small business in Ukraine, the total number of companies and their distribution by region are presented

    MOESM1 of Transcriptomic characterization of Caecomyces churrovis: a novel, non-rhizoid-forming lignocellulolytic anaerobic fungus

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    Additional file 1: Table S1. Alignment results for transcriptomes of A. robustus, N. californiae, and P. finnis [5]. Shown are # of transcripts (% of transcriptome) in the transcriptome of the fungus listed on the left side successfully aligned to the transcriptome of the fungus listed across the top row using blastn analysis. Table S2. Alignment of scaffoldin amino acid sequences from P. finnis [13] to the transcriptome of C. churrovis by tblastn identifies scaffoldin transcripts. Only results with an alignment E value of 0 are shown. Figure S1. ITS1 Phylogeny of Caecomyces strains shows C. churrovis is significantly different compared to other strains. ITS1 phylogeny of only Caecomyces fungal strains identified a clear separation of C. churrovis from other isolated strains. Figure S2. Full ITS Phylogeny confirms observations about C. churrovis. Phylogeny of ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 regions confirmed the observations that C. churrovis represents a new species in the Caecomyces genus. Figure S3. Catabolic pathways for biomass derived sugars were reconstructed using transcriptome annotations. Enzyme commission numbers and BLAST alignments were used to identify complete sugar pathways present in the transcriptome of C. churrovis. This analysis revealed catabolic routes for glucose, xylose, and fructose, but not mannose, sucrose, and arabinose. Catabolism of ι-d-galactose was identified using BLAST annotations, but not EC numbers. Figure S4. The secretomes of anaerobic gut fungi display free enzymes and multi enzymes complexes (cellulosomes). The same amount of secreted proteins (determined by BCA assay) of P. finnis (F), N. californiae (G1), A. robustus (S4) and C. churrovis (C) were loaded on Native (A) and SDS (B) PAGE. While the Native PAGE (stained by silver staining) shows strong bands indicative of cellulosomes around 1200 kDa, the SDS PAGE (stained by SYPRO Ruby) shows many bands in dissociated cellulosome complexes