3 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Violent Media, Pornography, and Cyber Dating Abuse Among Adolescents

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    The current study examined the relationship between exposure to violent media and pornography, and the perpetration and experience of sexual cyber dating abuse among adolescents. The study also assessed the relationship between violence-tolerant attitudes with dating abuse outcomes, and examined the mediating role of attitudes in the relationship between violent media and pornography consumption and dating abuse perpetration and victimization. Participants were 113 adolescent boys and girls who reported currently being in a romantic relationship or having been in one during the past year. Participants completed an anonymous paper-pencil survey. Results highlighted pornography and gender as risk factors for the perpetration of sexual cyber dating abuse. Gender moderated the relationship between pornography and perpetration. Violence-tolerant attitudes predicted cyber dating abuse victimization. Contradictory findings were evident for violent media. Implications for school-based dating violence, parenting, and community-based interventions are discussed, as well as policy implications

    The Relationship Between Indirect Aggression and Loneliness for Emerging Adults: What Does Interpersonal Competence Have to Do with Wellbeing?

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    The present study investigated the mediating role of interpersonal competence in the relationship between indirect aggression and loneliness for emerging adults. One hundred and sixty-seven Canadian undergraduate students aged 18-25 participated and completed an anonymous, online survey. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the mediating role of interpersonal competence in the relationship between indirect aggression and loneliness. The findings revealed that interpersonal competence mediated the relationship between indirect aggression for targets and loneliness. These findings have implications for mental health researchers and practitioners and can inform the development of prevention and intervention programs for young adults dealing with indirect aggression. Keywords: indirect aggression, emerging adults, interpersonal competence, loneliness, psychosocial functioning La présente étude porte sur le rôle de médiation de la compétence interpersonnelle dans le lien entre l’agression indirecte et le sentiment de solitude chez les adultes émergents. Cent soixante-sept étudiants canadiens de premier cycle et âgés de 18 à 25 ans ont complété un sondage anonyme en ligne. Nous avons eu recours à la modélisation par équation structurelle pour analyser le rôle de médiation de la compétence interpersonnelle dans le lien entre l’agression indirecte et le sentiment de solitude. Les résultats indiquent que la compétence interpersonnelle joue un rôle de médiation dans le lien entre l’agression indirecte et le sentiment de solitude. Ces résultats ont des implications pour les chercheurs et les praticiens en santé mentale et ils peuvent contribuer à l’élaboration de programmes de prévention et d’intervention visant les jeunes adultes aux prises avec l’agression indirecte. Mots clés : agression indirecte; adultes émergents; compétence interpersonnelle; sentiment de solitude; fonctionnement psychosocia