16 research outputs found

    Translation from Braille Music Mark-up Language to DAISYXML

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    As result of the Contrapunctus European project the design of the Braille Music Mark-up as an XML representation of a music scores in Braille has been carried out. We propose a design of a prototype system for translating these kinds of files into spoken music encoded in DAISYXML. In this way any blind musician may be able to memorize any Braille score using a DAISY reader. Therefore the dependency of reading BMML files in front of a computer would be eliminated. This is a first work on feasibility which will be improved and managed by a working group

    Adaptations et interactions gestuelles et haptiques, ciblées utilisateurs (vers plus d'utilisabilité et d'accessibilité)

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    TOULOUSE3-BU Sciences (315552104) / SudocNANCY-INRIA Lorraine LORIA (545472304) / SudocSudocFranceF

    TaBGO : Programmation par blocs tangibles Résumé

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    International audienceIn this article, we describe the solution TaBGO (Tangible Block Goes Online), which makes a visual programming language like Scratch more accessible to blind and visually impaired people. This system contains some tangible objects representing the different blocks and the different variables and a software recognizing these objects automatically in order to generate and to execute the program produced by the user.Dans cet article, nous décrivons la solution TaBGO (Tangible Block Goes Online) permettant de rendre accessible par des non-voyants l’utilisation d’un langage de programmation par blocs de type Scratch. Ce dispositif comprend des objets tangibles représentant les différents blocs et les différentes variables et un logiciel automatique de reconnaissance de ces objets permettant de générer et d’exécuter le programme conçu par l’utilisateur

    Translation from Braille Music Mark-up Language to DAISYXML

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    As result of the Contrapunctus European project the design of the Braille Music Mark-up as an XML representation of a music scores in Braille has been carried out. We propose a design of a prototype system for translating these kinds of files into spoken music encoded in DAISYXML. In this way any blind musician may be able to memorize any Braille score using a DAISY reader. Therefore the dependency of reading BMML files in front of a computer would be eliminated. This is a first work on feasibility which will be improved and managed by a working group

    TaBGO : Programmation par blocs tangibles

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    International audienceDans cet article, nous décrivons la solution TaBGO (Tangible Block Goes Online) permettant de rendre accessible par des non-voyants l'utilisation d'un langage de programmation par blocs de type Scratch. Ce dispositif comprend des objets tangibles représentant les différents blocs et les différentes variables et un logiciel automatique de reconnaissance de ces objets permettant de générer et d'exécuter le programme conçu par l'utilisateur

    Translation from Braille Music Mark-up Language to DAISYXML

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    As result of the Contrapunctus European project the design of the Braille Music Mark-up as an XML representation of a music scores in Braille has been carried out. We propose a design of a prototype system for translating these kinds of files into spoken music encoded in DAISYXML. In this way any blind musician may be able to memorize any Braille score using a DAISY reader. Therefore the dependency of reading BMML files in front of a computer would be eliminated. This is a first work on feasibility which will be improved and managed by a working group

    Quelle modélisation des profils utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux numériques ?

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    Introduction L’analyse des rĂ©seaux sociaux est menĂ©e dans le domaine des sciences sociales depuis les annĂ©es 1930 (Breslin, Decker, 2007). Cette analyse vise d’une part, Ă  identifier les structures sociales distinctes dans les rĂ©seaux, et d’autre part, Ă  expliquer le comportement des individus au sein ces structures sociales, au moyen de modĂšles mathĂ©matiques ou d’élĂ©ments de la sociomĂ©trie. L’avĂšnement du Web social ou Web 2.0 a Ă©normĂ©ment favorisĂ© le dĂ©veloppement des rĂ©seaux sociaux en lig..

    Examining Students’ Behavior in a Digital Simulation Game for Nurse Training

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    International audienceDigital educational games have evolved in recent years due to the need to support education and training focused on non-technical skills. Data gathered through interaction with the graphical user interface are explored and exploited to analyze the players' experience. Many researchers have pointed to the importance of analysis of players' in-game behavior, which can help to enhance the learning process, identify learners' strategies, and improve the effectiveness of the serious game. This study is devoted to the analysis of students' behavior in a simulation game called CLONE, which targets work scheduling, situation awareness, and decision-making. The students performance and their behavioral strategies are examined based on sequences analysis of players' in-game actions. Moreover, outlier detection is proposed as an instrument for obtaining information that might help better understand students behavior. The findings of the study have shown that such indicators as time spent on planning schedule, time spent on inspecting additional information, and intensity of delegation activity are significantly higher for successful games than for lost ones. The sequences analysis and clustering have revealed students' prevailing in-game strategies, which mostly consist of inspection, reading medical records, delegation, and scheduling. Eventually, outlier detection has disclosed the game sessions with uncertain strategies and unstructured scheduling

    Data accessibility on social networking sites

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    Social networks have been an object of analysis by the social sciences since the 1930s. The first challenge in performing these analyses is to gather information on the structure of these networks and on their activities. With the advent of Web 2.0 and semantic Web technologies, several different mechanisms can be used for this. However, few users are aware of how easy it is to access and manipulate the traces left by their activities and, especially on the social networks, by their personal data, which is becoming increasingly public. In this article, we look into the different ways of accessing data on the social networks, and – on Facebook in particular – into the quality and quantity of the information available and therefore the potential risks of users finding that third parties are accessing and manipulating their personal information. An experiment conducted via API Facebook (7 081 user profiles) shows that a great deal of information is accessible that can be used to automatically reconstruct a user’s actual network from their profile.L’analyse des rĂ©seaux sociaux est menĂ©e dans le domaine des sciences sociales depuis les annĂ©es 1930. Le premier enjeu pour rĂ©aliser ces analyses se situe dans la collecte de l’information sur la structure de ces rĂ©seaux et sur leurs activitĂ©s. Avec l’avĂšnement du Web 2.0 et des technologies du Web sĂ©mantique, plusieurs mĂ©canismes de collecte d’information sont dĂ©sormais envisageables. Cependant, trĂšs peu d’utilisateurs sont conscients des facilitĂ©s d’atteinte et de manipulation de leurs traces d’activitĂ©s et de leurs donnĂ©es personnelles de plus en plus rendus publics sur les rĂ©seaux socionumĂ©riques en particulier. Dans cet article, nous Ă©tudions les diffĂ©rentes approches permettant l’accĂšs aux donnĂ©es dans les rĂ©seaux socionumĂ©riques, en nous intĂ©ressant − dans le cas prĂ©cis de Facebook − Ă  la qualitĂ© et la quantitĂ© de l’information accessible, et par consĂ©quent, aux risques potentiels d’atteinte et de manipulation des donnĂ©es personnelles des utilisateurs par des tiers. Une expĂ©rimentation menĂ©e via l’API Facebook (sur 7 081 profils) dĂ©montre l’accessibilitĂ© Ă  un nombre important d’informations pouvant permettre de reconstruire automatiquement le rĂ©seau rĂ©el d’un utilisateur Ă  partir de son profil