69 research outputs found

    4-Amino­phenyl­sulfur penta­fluoride

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    In the title compound, C6H6F5NS, the environment of the S atom is roughly octa­hedral. The axial F—S bond appears slightly elongated with respect to the four equatorial F—S bonds. Equatorial F atoms are staggered with respect to the benzene ring. The N atom is displaced from the benzene plane by 0.154 (4) Å. The F—S—C—C torsion angles differ greatly from the values observed in the related structure of 4-acetamido­phenyl­sulfur penta­fluoride. The packing is stabil­ized by weak N—H⋯F contacts

    Decoration of MoSI Nanowires with Platinum Nanoparticles and Transformation into Molybdenum-nanowire Nased Networks

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    In this communication, we present solution-based coating procedure of MoSI nanowires (NW) with platinum nanoparticles. The average particle diameter was found to be around 2.82 nm, showing a narrow size distribution. This single-step in situ reduction method at room temperature in water solution can easily be applied for large-scale applications. We also prepared two-dimensional networks of MoSI NW bundles by deposition via spraying from a purified stable dispersion in acetonitrile onto NaCl crystals and nonconductive silicon wafer with pre-assembled molybdenum electrodes. The formation of a conductive molybdenum network was achieved by annealing in hydrogen due to coalescence of the templates MoSI bundles during transformation. Stable water dispersion of molybdenum NW network was prepared by simply dissolving the NaCl substrate with molybdenum network on the surface. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3516

    Decoration of MoSI Nanowires with Platinum Nanoparticles and Transformation into Molybdenum-nanowire Nased Networks

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    In this communication, we present solution-based coating procedure of MoSI nanowires (NW) with platinum nanoparticles. The average particle diameter was found to be around 2.82 nm, showing a narrow size distribution. This single-step in situ reduction method at room temperature in water solution can easily be applied for large-scale applications. We also prepared two-dimensional networks of MoSI NW bundles by deposition via spraying from a purified stable dispersion in acetonitrile onto NaCl crystals and nonconductive silicon wafer with pre-assembled molybdenum electrodes. The formation of a conductive molybdenum network was achieved by annealing in hydrogen due to coalescence of the templates MoSI bundles during transformation. Stable water dispersion of molybdenum NW network was prepared by simply dissolving the NaCl substrate with molybdenum network on the surface. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3516

    Third Party Funding in International Commercial Arbitration and its Impact on Arbitrators’ Conflict of Interests

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    Financiranje s strani tretjih oseb (TPF) je v mednarodni gospodarski arbitraži nov pojav, ki je vse bolj pogost ter vedno bolj reguliran. K taki obliki financiranja se zateka vse več strank, med katerimi niso samo take, ki si stroškov arbitraže ne morejo privoščiti, ampak tudi premožnejše, ki le želijo ohraniti neovirano poslovanje kljub udeležbi v arbitraži. TPF se od ostalih oblik financiranja sporov razlikuje predvsem po tem, da je financer udeležen tako pri dobičku kot pri izgubi – če stranka spor izgubi, financer svojega vložka ne dobi povrnjenega. Uporaba TPF v postopku ima več pozitivnih kot negativnih učinkov, pri čemer prevlada omogočanje dostopa do pravice manj premožnim strankam. Za ustrezno obravnavo problematik, povezanih s pojavom TPF, kot je denimo vprašanje konfliktov interesov arbitrov, je potrebno pojav ustrezno definirati – najustreznejša je široka definicija, ki zajame tudi oblike financiranja, ki imajo enak učinek, kot TPF. Za presojanje konfliktov interesov arbitrov v mednarodni gospodarski arbitraži je potrebno vsako potencialno problematično situacijo pogledati z vidika standarda za izključitev arbitrov, ki je v arbitražnih pravilih vsebovan. Večina vodilnih arbitražnih pravil vsebuje standard utemeljenega dvoma o arbitrovi nepristranskosti in neodvisnosti. Povezave med arbitri in financerji lahko pripeljejo do izpolnitve takšnega standarda, zaradi česar se v mednarodni gospodarski arbitraži vse bolj zahteva vnaprejšnje razkritje prisotnosti TPF. Takšna pravila o obveznosti razkritja vsebujejo tako nekatere nacionalne zakonodaje kakor tudi arbitražna pravila in nekatera pravila mehkega prava. Na koncu magistrske diplomske naloge se avtor ozre v prihodnost in poda predlog za bodočo enotno ureditev obveznosti razkritja TPF. Pri tem se zavzema za ozko razkritje, pri katerem se v največji možni meri ohrani zaupnost razmerja med financerjem in financirano stranko.Third Party Funding (TPF) is a relatively new phenomenon in international commercial arbitration. It is also increasingly popular and regulated. Parties to arbitrations are ever so inclined to take advantage of TPF, which does not apply only to the financially struggling ones, but to wealthier ones as well, as they wish to conduct their business normally, despite being a party to the arbitration proceedings. TPF differs from other forms of dispute funding in that the funder shares not only the profits, but the losses as well – if the funded party loses the dispute, funder’s investment is lost. TPF brings more positives than negatives into the world of arbitration, with its most prominent feature being enabling the parties to have access to justice. To address issues related to TPF, such as arbitrators’ conflict of interests, adequately, it has to be properly defined – a broad definition of TPF, which covers funding methods with same effects as TPF, is the most appropriate one. In order to assess arbitrators’ conflicts of interest in international commercial arbitration, any potentially problematic situation must be viewed in the light of the standard for the disqualification of arbitrators contained in arbitration rules. Most leading arbitration rules contain the standard of a reasonable doubt as to the arbitrator\u27s impartiality and independence. Connections between arbitrators and funders may meet such disqualification standard, which is why disclosure of TPF is increasingly required in international commercial arbitration. Such rules on disclosure obligation are contained in national laws, as well as arbitration rules, and certain soft law rules. At the end of the master\u27s thesis, the author looks into the future and proposes a uniform regulation of disclosure obligation. In doing so, author advocates for a narrow disclosure, which preserves the confidentiality of the funder-funded party relationship as much as possible

    ChemInform Abstract: Single Crystal Investigations on AgF2.

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    Izhodišča: Hemodializno zdravljenje in težave, ki takšnega pacienta spremljajo zelo vplivajo na kakovost njegovega življenja. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti težave s katerimi se srečujejo pacienti med zdravljenjem s hemodializo in ugotoviti kako pogosto se te težave pri sodelujočih pacientih pojavljajo. Raziskovalne metode: Uporabljena je bila kvantitativna metodologija raziskovanja. Kot instrument raziskovanja je bil uporabljen anketni vprašalnik. Vzorec raziskave je zajemal 114 pacientov zdravljenih s hemodializo. Rezultati: Ugotovljeno je bilo, da ima 73,7 % anketiranih težave in zaplete med zdravljenjem s hemodializo od tega je 57,1 % navedlo, da se jim težave pojavljajo občasno. Najpogostejša fizična težava, ki so jo pacienti opredelili je nizek krvni tlak kar smo pričakovali, saj hemodializa vpliva na zmanjšanje volumna krvi kar privede do dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na srce in ožilje. Kot najpogostejše psihične težave so navedli občutek jeze, občutek krivde in depresijo saj se hemodializnim pacientom in njegovi družini življenje korenito spremeni. Več kot polovica pacientov se je srečala s socialnoekonomskimi težavami na začetku hemodializnega zdravljenja, predvsem s slabšim vključevanjem v socialne aktivnosti. Diskusija in zaključek: Ugotovljeno je bilo, da imajo boljšo kakovost življenja mlajši pacienti, ki imajo socialno podporo družine in prijateljev. Pacienti menijo, da je njihova kakovost življenja, tako pred zdravljenjem, kot tudi sedaj med zdravljenjem, zadovoljiva. Na samem začetku zdravljenja je bila kakovost življenja slabša, kot danes, saj so se srečevali s številnimi spremembami. S podporo družine in zdravstvenega osebja so se hemodializni pacienti naučili živeti z boleznijo in njihovimi omejitvami, zato se je njihova kakovost življenja izboljšala.Introduction: Hemodialysis and all the problems and complications that accompany the patient has a great impact on the quality of their life. The purpose of this thesis is to present all the problems and complications of hemodialysis treatment and to find out how often the problems appear. Research methods: We applied a descriptive and quantitative study method for our research. The medium used for acquisition of information was a survey questionare. The sample size of the survey is 114 hemodialisis patients. Results: Our study has shown that 73,7 % patients has problems and complications during the hemodialysis, and that in 57,1 % of the cases the complications accure occasionally. The most common physical complication is low blood pressure that we expected, because hemodialysis influences on decreasing of blood volume, which leads to a group of cardiovascular factors. The most common psychological problems were cited as anger, guilty feelings and depression, which is acceptable since life drasticly changes for the hemodialysis patients and his family. More then half of patients experienced socioeconomic problems at the beginning of hemodialysis treatment, such as poorer involvement in social activitis. Discussion and conclusion: We find that younger patients with social support such as family and friends have a better quality of life. Patients felt that their quality of life was satisfactory even before treatment, but at the very beginning of treatment, the quality of life was worse as they were undergoing many changes. With the support of family and medical staff, hemodialysis patients learn to live with the disease and their limitations, and so it improves their quality of life