158 research outputs found

    Polskie Archiwum Karmelitów Bosych: historia, wybitne postaci, metoda i zbiory

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    In accordance with the old custom of monasteries, important documents, books and precious objects were assembled in arca trium clavium – a three-key chest. It served as a home archive. The 16th and the 17th centuries were not very good periods for the Carmelite archives. Most of the Discalced Carmelite monasteries were founded in the eastern territories of the Polish Commonwealth, which were lost as the result of numerous wars. However, over the centuries there were plenty of friars who undertook an effort to collect and describe archival materials. They were Fr Wawrzyniec of the Blessed Virgin Mary (d. 1682), Fr Jan Kanty Osierda (1878–1948), Fr Benignus Wanat (1934–2013), Fr Honorat Gil (1934–2015) and Fr Kajetan Furmanik (1929–1990). The contemporary archives of the Polish Discalced Carmelites were organised and ordered by Fr Wanat. According to the canon, which is binding in archival science, he described each unit in the Archives of the Province of Czerna adopting the following scheme: team name, reference number, unit title, earliest and latest dates, language, external description, number of cards/pages, notes, information about available microfilms, scans or extra information about the unit. In 2012, the archives of the Province were moved from the monastery in Czerna to the monastery in Kraków, at 5 Zygmunta Glogera Street.In accordance with the old custom of monasteries, important documents, books and precious objects were assembled in arca trium clavium – a three-key chest. It served as a home archive. The 16th and the 17th centuries were not very good periods for the Carmelite archives. Most of the Discalced Carmelite monasteries were founded in the eastern territories of the Polish Commonwealth, which were lost as the result of numerous wars. However, over the centuries there were plenty of friars who undertook an effort to collect and describe archival materials. They were Fr Wawrzyniec of the Blessed Virgin Mary (d. 1682), Fr Jan Kanty Osierda (1878–1948), Fr Benignus Wanat (1934–2013), Fr Honorat Gil (1934–2015) and Fr Kajetan Furmanik (1929–1990). The contemporary archives of the Polish Discalced Carmelites were organised and ordered by Fr Wanat. According to the canon, which is binding in archival science, he described each unit in the Archives of the Province of Czerna adopting the following scheme: team name, reference number, unit title, earliest and latest dates, language, external description, number of cards/pages, notes, information about available microfilms, scans or extra information about the unit. In 2012, the archives of the Province were moved from the monastery in Czerna to the monastery in Kraków, at 5 Zygmunta Glogera Street

    Is inhaled heparin a viable therapeutic option in inhalation injury?

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    Inhalation injury is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with burns. Presence of airways injury adds to the need of fluid supplementation, increases risk of pulmonary complications. Due to many mechanisms involved in pathophysiology the treatment is complex. Among them the formation of fibrin casts inside airways constitutes a prominent element. The material residing in tracheobronchial tree causes ventilation-perfusion mismatch, complicates mechanical ventilation, provides a medium for bacterial growth. Many studies of animal models and single centre human studies investigated inhaled anticoagulation regimens employing heparin in management of inhalation injury. Simultaneously safety, especially in connection with possible bleeding risk, was the subject of research. The results suggest positive impact on treatment results, with low risk of side effects. This paper revise the available clinical data on inhaled heparin use in patients with burns

    Musculosceletal tuberculosis with involvement of tendon sheaths and formation of synovial cyst

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    Due to an increasing amount of patients on immunosuppressive treatment, the number of tuberculosis (TB) of atypical course and extrapulmonary tuberculosis cases increase. Locomotor system is a place of every fifth case of extrapulmonary TB. Because of lack of characteristic symptoms, as well as rare co-occurrence of active lung lesions in radiological imaging, proper diagnosis is hard to establish. We present a case of patient on immunosuppressive therapy due to myositis, in whom we diagnosed musculoskeletal tuberculosis in form of involvement of tendon sheath and formation of synovial cyst.Due to an increasing amount of patients on immunosuppressive treatment, the number of tuberculosis (TB) of atypical course and extrapulmonary tuberculosis cases increase. Locomotor system is a place of every fifth case of extrapulmonary TB. Because of lack of characteristic symptoms, as well as rare co-occurrence of active lung lesions in radiological imaging, proper diagnosis is hard to establish. We present a case of patient on immunosuppressive therapy due to myositis, in whom we diagnosed musculoskeletal tuberculosis in form of involvement of tendon sheath and formation of synovial cyst

    Occurrence of alert pathogens in patients hospitalised in the department of lung diseases

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    Wstęp: Zakażenia spowodowane przez patogeny wielolekooporne stają się coraz częściej wyzwaniem terapeutycznym dla klinicystów. Problem ten dotyczy również pacjentów z przewlekłymi chorobami płuc wymagających wielokrotnych hospitalizacji. Celem pracy była analiza częstości występowania patogenów alarmowych wyizolowanych od chorych oddziału chorób płuc, w podziale na trzy grupy: kwalifikowanych do przeszczepienia płuca, leczonych z powodu choroby nowotworowej oraz leczonych z powodu przewlekłych chorób płuc.Materiał i metody: Analiza dotyczyła wyników badań mikrobiologicznych 3950 materiałów pochodzących od 3521 chorych: w tym 200 chorych — kwalifikowanych do przeszczepienia płuca, 1292 — leczonych z powodu choroby nowotworowej i 2029 — leczonych z powodu przewlekłej choroby płuc.Wyniki: Zakażenia patogenem alarmowym stwierdzono u 155 spośród 3521 chorych (4.4%). Najczęściej izolowanym czynnikiem infekcyjnym był P. aeruginosa, który stanowił 27% wszystkich zakażeń, kolejno to A. Baumanii ESBL(−) (13%), S. pneumoniae (12%), E. cloacae ESBL(+) (10%), K. pneumoniae ESBL(+) (10%), S. aureus MRSA (8%), E. faecalis (7%), E. coli ESBL(+) (6%), S. maltophilia ESBL(+) (5%) i E. kobei ESBL(+) (2%). Patogeny alarmowe stwierdzono u 31 (15%) spośród 200 chorych kwalifikowanych do przeszczepienia płuc, 89 (4,4%) spośród 2029 chorych na przewlekłe choroby płuc i 35 (2.7%) spośród 1292 chorych leczonych z powodu choroby nowotworowej. Różnica pomiędzy częstością zakażeń w grupie chorych kwalifikowanych do przeszczepienia a pozostałymi grupami chorych była istotna statystycznie (p < 0.01). We wszystkich grupach chorych dominowało zakażenia P. aeruginosa. Stanowiło ono: w grupie chorych kwalifikowanych do przeszczepienia — 35%, w grupie chorych leczonych z powodu nowotworu — 29%, w grupie chorych z przewlekłą chorobą płuc — 22%.Wnioski: Zakażenie bakteriami alarmowymi dotyczyło ponad 4% chorych hospitalizowanych na oddziale chorób płuc w latach 2007−2011. Występowało ono istotnie częściej u chorych kwalifikowanych do przeszczepienia płuc niż w pozostałych dwóch grupach analizowanych chorych. We wszystkich grupach najczęściej izolowaną bakterią alarmową była pałeczka ropy błękitnej (27% wszystkich zakażeń).Introduction: Infections caused by multiple drug-resistant pathogens represent an increasingly often encountered challenge in clinical practice. The problem particularly applies to patients with chronic lung diseases resulting in multiple hospitalisations. The aim of this paper was to analyse the incidence of alert pathogens isolated from patients hospitalised in the department of lung diseases, who were divided into three groups: patients qualified for lung transplantation, patients treated for neoplastic diseases and patients with chronic lung diseases.Materials and methods: Analysis involved microbiological test results of 3950 samples obtained from 3521 patients divided into: 200 patients being qualified for lung transplantation, 1292 patients treated for neoplastic diseases and 2029 patients with chronic lung diseases.Results: Infection with alert pathogen was found in 155 of 3521 patients (4.4%). Most often isolated infectious agent was P. aeruginosa, which accounted for 27% of infections. Other pathogens were as follows A. baumanii ESBL(−) (13%), S. pneumoniae (12%), E. cloacae ESBL(+) (10%), K. pneumoniae ESBL(+) (10%), S. aureus MRSA (8%), E. faecalis (7%), E. coli ESBL(+) (6%), S. maltophilia ESBL(+) (5%) and E. kobei ESBL(+) (2%). Alert pathogens were found in 31 (15%) of 200 patients being qualified for lung transplantation, 89 (4.4%) of 2029 patients with chronic lung diseases and 35 (2.7%) of 1292 patients treated for neoplastic diseases. Difference between infection frequency in patients being qualified for lung transplantation and the remaining groups was statistically significant (p < 0.01). P. aeruginosa infection was the most frequent in all groups. It constituted 35% in patients being qualified for lung transplantation, 29% in patients treated for neoplastic diseases and 22% in patients with chronic lung diseases.Conclusions: Infections caused by alert pathogens were found in more than 4% of patients hospitalised in the department of lung diseases between 2007 and 2011. Their frequency was significantly higher in patients being qualified for lung transplantation than in other analysed groups. In all examined groups the most frequently isolated bacteria was P. aeruginosa (27% of all isolates)

    Pulmonary lesions in the course of gastric cancer — two cases of Bard’s syndrome

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    The Bard’s syndrome is a medical condition related to miliary dissemination of gastric cancer to the lungs. Difficulties in diagnosis are associated with the need of differentiation between numerous diseases, which may manifest as disseminated lesions in the lung parenchyma on chest X-ray. Despite the advanced proliferative process, primary focus of neoplasm frequently remains subclinical. Metastatic lesions cause many symptoms in the respiratory system, suggesting primary pulmonary pathology. The Bard’s syndrome should be always taken into account in differential diagnosis of disseminated lesions, particularly due to prevalence of gastric cancer. The study presents two cases of patients with disseminated pulmonary lesions, corresponding to gastric cancer metastases on radiological imaging.The Bard’s syndrome is a medical condition related to miliary dissemination of gastric cancer to the lungs. Difficulties in diagnosis are associated with the need of differentiation between numerous diseases, which may manifest as disseminated lesions in the lung parenchyma on chest radiograph. Despite the advanced proliferative process, primary focus of neoplasm frequently remains subclinical. Metastatic lesions cause many symptoms in the respiratory system, suggesting primary pulmonary pathology. The Bard’s syndrome should be always taken into account in differential diagnosis of disseminated lesions, particularly due to prevalence of gastric cancer. The study presents two cases of patients with disseminated pulmonary lesions, corresponding to gastric cancer metastases on radiological imaging

    Nowe trendy i technologie

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    Celem rozdziału jest zapoznanie czytelnika z kluczowymi zagadnieniami dotyczącymi nowych technologii teleinformatycznych, które w znaczącym stopniu wpływają i będą wpływać na sposób, w jaki organizacje i zwykli ludzie gromadzą, przetwarzają i wykorzystują dane

    Tamarix duezenlii (Tamaricaceae) - a species new to science from southern Turkey

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    Patterns of year-to-year variation in haemoglobin and glucose concentrations in the blood of nestling Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca

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    Physiological tools can be used to identify the sources and consequences of stressors on animals. Understanding the influences of variation in habitat quality and anthropogenic disturbance on organism condition and health may improve future management and conservation. We present results concerning variation in haemoglobin and glucose concentrations in the blood of about 14-day-old nestling Pied FlycatchersFicedula hypoleuca in central Poland over a 4-year period, 2011–2014, in a deciduous forest. The most important findings of the study are: (1) the concentration of haemoglobin and glucose of the nestlings from the same brood tended to be consistently similar, with much variation occurring among broods; (2) repeatability of haemoglobin concentration was higher than repeatability of glucose concentration; (3) mean levels of haemoglobin and glucose varied among years; (4) haemoglobin and glucose concentrations were negatively correlated; and (5) there was a positive relationship between haemoglobin levels and breeding success.All procedures were approved by the Local Ethical Committee and the State Office for Environment Protection. We thank A. Jaksa, D. Man´kowska, M. Janiszewska and J. Białek for their help and consent in conducting research in the areas under their administration. The study was founded by a grant from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. N N304 045136 and University of Ło´dz´ (No. 506/829). We are obliged to P. Procter for linguistic consultation. We thank both reviewers for their valuable and constructive comments

    Cytological response of palatal epithelium to TiN-coated CoCr alloy denture

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    The aim of this study was to assess the impact of titanium nitride coatings on CoCr alloy metal parts in framework dentures on human palatal epithelium cytology compared to framework dentures made with the same alloy but without titanium nitride coating, and to acrylic dentures. Every prosthetic restoration introduced into the oral cavity and remaining in direct contact with the palate exhibits a varied and harmful effect on the state of the palatal epithelium by disturbing its keratinization. CoCr alloy dentures produce a significantly greater perturbation of keratinization compared to acrylic dentures. There is no evidence showing that a titanium nitride coating of the CoCr alloy plays a protective role in the environment of the oral cavity