33 research outputs found

    An attempt to assess the modern and the Little Ice Age climatic snowline altitude in the Tatra Mountains

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    An empirical glacio-climatic relation (Ohmura et al., 1992) and meteorological data (temperature and precipitation) are employed to provide the elevation in the Tatra Mts. climate model, where conditions are suitable for hypothetical glacierisation (temperature-precipitation ELA). During the Little Ice Age (LIA) it is to have been 1.5C^{\circ} colder than during the warmest decades of the 20th century (Niedźwiedź, 2004); however, some scenarios are used to define precipitation amounts related to the vertical distribution in climate model and temporal variability. The results indicate that during both considered periods - the warmest decades of the 20th century and the coolest period of LIA - the climatic snowline (cSL) was placed in most cases above the highest Tatra Mts. summits and crests. However, its spatial arrangement was unequal. In the vicinity of Kasprowy Wierch, the modern cSL is assessed to be at ca. 2,450-2,650 m a.s.l. and that during LIA at ca. 2,300-2,450 m a.s.l. In the case of Lomnicky Štit (2,634 m) it was at the level of ca. 2,700-2,800 m a.s.l. (modern times) and ca. 2,600-2,700 m a.s.l. (LIA). The discrepancies in the cSL altitude between these two locations can be explained in part by exposition to the prevailing moisture transport and orographically-induced precipitation

    Critical remarks on reconstruction of surface geometry of glaciers in the Polish High Tatra Mts.

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    The paper presents critical remarks on reconstruction by Makos and Nowacki (2009). The authors worked out a model of ice-surface geometry and equilibrium line altitude (ELA) of glacier which existed in the Białka Valley system (High Tatra Mts.) during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), utilizing mapped trimlines in accumulation areas and literature data about glacier extent in ablation areas. Some palaeoclimate implications from this study indicate LGM-modern temperature amplitude ca 5.5grade C from ELA depression and prevailing southern atmospheric circulation pattern during the LGM in the Tatra Mts. The reconstruction does not comprise the whole former glacier system of the valley and therefore the use of arbitrary assumed accumulation area ratio (AAR) resulted in considerable error in determinations of ELA. It is concluded that ELA calculated for 1400 m a.s.l. was obtained with AAR 0.77 value instead of intended 0.65–0.67. Critical remarks also concern ice-surface geometry which is in some places inconsistent with glaciological conformities. The LGM modern temperature amplitude was calculated without considering precipitation changes between LGM and modern time and on the basis of questionable position of modern ELA position, therefore it can not be treated as a valuable one. Similarly, the thesis about southern atmospheric circulation is here discussed in detail. It is concluded that the evidences presented by Makos and Nowacki (2009) can not support nor contradict this thesis. It should be treaded as a speculation made under the influence of Alpine results

    Late Pleistocene glaciation in the headwaters of the Ceremuşul Alb valley (Maramureş Mountains, Romania)

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    The Late Pleistocene Jupania palaeoglacier (area 0.85 km2, 1.7 km long) was reconstructed in the headwaters of the Ceremuşul Alb/Bilyj Cheremosh valley (Maramureş Mountains). The study area represents one of the most inaccessible natural areas in the Romanian part of the Eastern Carpathians where the legacy of the Pleistocene glaciation has recently been discovered. Based on mapping of glacial landforms and deposits, we reconstruct glacier dimension and ice-surface geometry, as well as estimate equilibrium line altitude (ELA) during the maximal ice extent (MIE). Well-preserved terminal moraines mark the extent of glacier front at ~1400 m a.s.l. Sedimentological analysis documents that the lateral moraines are sometimes overbuilt by 1-1.5 m thick colluvial deposits. The ELA for the Jupania palaeoglacier calculated with the Area-Altitude- Balance-Ratio (AABR) 1.6 was 1630 m. However, the gentle-sloping mountain-top could serve as an important snow contribution area to glacier mass balance; therefore, the ELA could potentially exist even higher at 1676 m. The resulting climatic ELA (1630-1676 m) in the south-eastern part of the Maramureş Mountains fits well with the rising trend of ELA towards the southeast observed between Chornohora (ELA = 1516 m) and Rodna Mountains (ELA = 1697 m). The SE rising trend of the ELA corresponds well with the dominant palaeowind direction suggested in the Carpathian region and supports the prevalence of zonal circulation pattern in Central Eastern Europe during the culumination of the last glaciation

    Mała Epoka Lodowa w Alpach : jej zapis w osadach glacjalnych i formowaniu lodowców gruzowych

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    Climatic fluctuations of glaciers of the Little Ice Age (LIA)-rank used to show comparable magnitudes during the Holocene. That is why the extent of maximal LIA moraines in the Alps attains similar position as those of the previous LIA-type Holocene advances. Consequently, the LIA moraines represent a massive and frequently multi-ridge depositional system. Certain differences in reaction to climatic changes and in moraine development result from the glacier size, percentage of debris-covered ice surfaces, and topography of alimentary areas. Such differences are particularly spectacular regarding "pure ice" and debris-covered glaciers. Another system represent rock glaciers which, however, frequently accompany regular glaciers. Some rock glaciers originated due to one-time transformation of a "glacial" glacier during its recession, while others formed owing to long-term accumulation of rock debris within glacial cirques during successive oscillations of small cirque glaciers in the Holocene, given suitable topographic and topoclimatic conditions. The relationship between the ELA and altitude of cirque bottom and/or debris supply from surrounding walls is of key importance in this case

    The Tatra Mountains during the Last Glacial Maximum

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    The Tatra Mountains extend along the border between Slovakia and Poland in the Western Carpathians. It is the highest and formerly one of the most glaciated massifs in the entire Carpathian mountain chain. We present a paleoglaciological map of the Tatra Mts. and its foreland (ca. 1270 km^2) for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) at the scale 1:50 000. We re-evaluate geomorphological evidence for all Tatra glacial systems identified in the literature based on new field mapping and remote sensing data analysis. Utilizing geographic information systems (GIS) and 10 m resolution digital elevation model (DEM) as a base topography, we have reconstructed, for the first time, the detailed extent and surface geometry of all Tatra LGM glaciers (55 glacier systems, total area ca. 280 km^2) based on the distribution of glacial erosional and depositional landforms. Our research results confirm stronger glaciation on the southern slopes of the Tatras due to local topography. We also conclude that distinct morainic amphitheaters, which predominate on the southern side of the highest, eastern part of the Tatras, were formed by debris-covered glaciers