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    The paper explores the effect of audio-visual perceptual training on Serbian EFL learners’ production of novel phonemic and phonetic contrasts in L2, specifically focused on fricatives. Hence, the paper aims at discovering whether audio-visual training has equal effects at phonemic and phonetic levels, and also, whether the effect is the same at two different age/proficiency levels, 6th grade primary and 4th grade secondary school. In order to explore the phonemic level we concentrated on interdental fricatives, and for the phonetic level differences sibilant contrasts were included, following the predictions of the Perceptual Assimilation Model (Best 1994) and Speech Learning Model (Flege 1995). The testing for relevant acoustic information was per- formed prior to and immediately following the experimental period, when all the participants were recorded pronouncing a prepared sentence list containing target sounds. It consisted of measuring spectral moments, frication duration and comparison of spectrograms. The results of the audio-visual phonetic training proved especially beneficial for phonemic contrasts, i.e. interdental fricatives for both levels of age/proficiency, while sibilant contrasts showed insignificant progress. The age/proficiency level did not appear to be a significant predictor of the effect of audio-visual training. Along with the empirical results, the paper likewise presents pedagogical implications important for pronunciation teaching and highlights the significance of phonetic training in the Serbian EFL context in particular.Publishe

    Perception and Production of Consonants in the Interlanguage Phonology of Serbian and English

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    Disertacija proučava percepciju i produkciju konsonanata izvornih govornika srpskog jezika koji uče engleski kao strani jezik. U istraživanju smo se fokusirali na poteškoće percepcije i produkcije engleskih konsonanata u različitim pozicijama u reči, ali i u više različitih zadataka. Testiranje percepcije sprovedeno je testovima fonemske identifikacije i diskriminacije, dok smo produkciju ispitivali u tri govorna stila različita po formalnosti, korišćenjem tri forme testova: čitanje liste reči kao najformalniji, čitanje pasusa kao prelazni, i intervju kao najneformalniji test. Percepcija je testirana samo kod srpskih govornika, dok smo u produkciji snimali i dvoje izvornih govornika američkog varijeteta engleskog jezika, kako bismo doneli validnije zaključke o odstupanjima u izgovoru kod srpskih govornika. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 72 ispitanika na tercijarnom nivou obrazovanja, studenata prve godine anglistike na Filološko-umetničkom fakultetu, Univerziteta u Kragujevcu. Obrada dobijenih podataka zasnovana je na kvalitativno-kvantitativnoj metodi. Naime, obradom rezultata percepcije dobili smo procente tačnosti odgovora, koje smo kasnije podvrgli daljoj analizi odgovarajućim statističkim testovima. Analizu produkcije bazirali smo na metodama eksperimentalne fonetike, koja podrazumeva analizu akustički relevantnih parametara uz adekvatno oprimeravanje spektrogramima i oscilogramima glasova. Dobijene rezultate smo podvrgli daljoj statističkoj analizi. Rezultati pokazuju relativno visok nivo tačnosti percepcije ciljnih konsonanata uz odstupanja u pojedinačnim kontekstima. Pokazalo se da naši ispitanici imaju više poteškoća u diskriminaciji, nego u identifikaciji glasova, što može biti posledica metodološkog dizajna, odnosno koncepcije samih testova. Moguće je da je sam test identifikacije ispitanicima bio lakši jer su se češće sretali sa testovima tog tipa, te je iznedrio bolje rezultate. Akustička analiza produkcije konsonanata donela nam je saznanja o problematičnim konsonantima, u koje spadaju /θ ð ŋ w/ koje smo klasifikovali kao nove, odnosno glasove kojih nema u fonološkom inventaru maternjeg jezika, i /k p v t d s z ʃ ʒ tʃ dʒ r l/, koje smo klasifikovali kao slične, jer se od glasova maternjeg jezika razlikuju u pojedinim fonetskim karakteristikama, iako se može reći da u oba jezika postoje kao foneme. U međujezičkom sistemu primećen je visok stepen varijabilnosti, kao i srednjih vrednosti ispitivanih parametara, koji nisu ni sasvim engleski, ni sasvim srpski, što zapravo svedoči o međujeziku kao aproksimativnom sistemu. Fonetski kontekst se pokazao kao značajan prediktor varijacija u pojedinim slučajevima, u smislu da može da olakša ili oteža izgovor, dok uticaj formalnosti govornog stila ne možemo uzeti kao siguran prediktor varijacija u svim situacijama. Najčešće se efekat ogleda u akustičkim parametrima kvantiteta, a manje u intrinzičkim osobinama konsonanata. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, zaključili smo da je interferencija maternjeg jezika neizostavni faktor koji određuje nivo percepcije i produkcije konsonanata engleskog jezika od strane srpskih govornika. Asimilacija ciljnih glasova je dominantna, te se prisustvo stranog naglaska gotovo podrazumeva. Čini se da srpski govornici uspevaju da razlikuju glasove na fonološkom nivou, ali da nisu u stanju da uoče razlike na fonetskom nivou, odnosno na nivou alofonskih realizacija. Naročiti problem predstavlja razlikovanje fonetskih finesa diskriminacije sličnih glasova, ali su i glasovi koji ne postoje u maternjem jeziku najčešće zamenjeni maternjim varijantama. U tom smislu, došli smo do zaključka da su, zbog pogrešno pretpostavljene identičnosti sličnih glasova, možda manje šanse za precizno fonetsko definisanje fonoloških kategorija kod sličnih suglasnika, nego formiranje novih kategorija za glasove koji uopšte ne postoje u maternjem jeziku. Diferencijalna supstitucija je prisutna u velikoj meri naročito za nove glasove, ali se neretko uočava i hiperkorekcija. Formalnost govornog stila može igrati značajnu ulogu u predviđanju frekventnosti supstitucije glasova. Poređenjem percepcije i produkcije ustanovili smo linearni odnos međuzavisnosti, što praktično znači da bi poboljšanje nivoa percepcije trebalo da vodi produkciji bližoj izvornim govornicima, što ima važne implikacije za nastavu izgovora. Iako rezultati uglavnom potvrđuju pretpostavke odabranih teorijskih modela, istraživanje ukazuje na nerazrešena pitanja koja bi mogla biti fokus budućih istraživanja, poput npr. longitudinalnih studija u kojima bi se uporedila percepcija i produkcija istih ispitanika u dva različita vremenska perioda.The dissertation investigates the perception and production of consonants in the English-Serbian interlanguage phonology. The research focused on the difficulties in the perception and production of consonants in different positions, and in various tasks. Perception testing was conducted through phoneme identification and discrimination tests, while the production was investigated in three speech styles differing in formality: word list reading, paragraph reading and interview (to elicit spontaneous speech). We only tested perception of non-native speakers, whereas both non-native and two native American English speakers were recorded for production examinations, so that more valid conclusions could be reached. The total of 72 first-year English-major students at the Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, participated in the study. The analysis of the obtained data was based on the combination of qualitative and quantitative interpretation methods. Namely, through the investigation of perception testing results, accuracy percentages were calculated and subjected to further corresponding statistical testing. Production analysis included the methods of experimental phonetics, which assumes the analysis of relevant acoustic parameters with the appropriate illustrations on spectrograms and waveforms. The gathered data were subjected to further statistical analysis. The results demonstrated a relatively high level of perception of target sounds with the deviations in specific contexts. The participants struggled more to discriminate, than to identify consonants, which we interpreted as the possible drawback and limitation of the very methodological design of the testing material. The acoustic analysis of the production revealed problematic consonants, i.e. /θ ð ŋ w/ classified as new, and /k p v t d s z ʃ ʒ tʃ dʒ r l/, classified as similar. A high level of variability was noted in the interlanguage system, as well as the intermediate values of specific phonetic features, resembling neither of the languages actually, which confirms the assumptions about the approximative nature of the interlanguage system. Phonetic context turned out to be a significant predictor of variations in certain cases, in the sense that it might make pronunciation easier, or more difficult for that matter, while we could not regard the formality of speech style as an irrefutable trigger for variations in all the cases. The effect of speech style is mostly reflected in the acoustic cues of duration, while it is less evident in intrinsic features of consonants. Judging by the results of the current study, we concluded that the influence of mother tongue interference must not be disregarded since it determined the level of perception and production of consonants of Serbian speakers at the tertiary level of education. Assimilation of target sounds dominated throughout the corpus, hence the presence of foreign accent was almost inevitable. It appears that Serbian students succeed in differentiating phonological differences, but not subtle phonetic ones, i.e. they fail to perceive/produce the variations in allophonic realizations. A special problem can be ascribed to the discrimination of phonetic contrasts of similar sounds, yet the assimilation of sounds non-existent in the mother tongue is likewise fairly frequent. Having all this in mind, we presume that new sounds have greater chance for new category formation, as opposed to similar sounds. We likewise noticed that differential substitution prevailed for new sounds, however, we also found rather frequent instances of hypercorrection. Speech style could also be relevant for predicting the variability in differential substitution frequency. By comparing perception and production we confirmed the linear interrelationship between the two, meaning that perception enhancement should lead to the improvement in the production, which has significant implications for the teaching practice in Serbian EFL classrooms. Even though the results predominantly confirm the assumptions based on the selected theoretical models, the thesis underscores some unresolved issues that might serve as the focus of future studies

    Perception and Production of Consonants in the Interlanguage Phonology of Serbian and English

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    Disertacija proučava percepciju i produkciju konsonanata izvornih govornika srpskog jezika koji uče engleski kao strani jezik. U istraživanju smo se fokusirali na poteškoće percepcije i produkcije engleskih konsonanata u različitim pozicijama u reči, ali i u više različitih zadataka. Testiranje percepcije sprovedeno je testovima fonemske identifikacije i diskriminacije, dok smo produkciju ispitivali u tri govorna stila različita po formalnosti, korišćenjem tri forme testova: čitanje liste reči kao najformalniji, čitanje pasusa kao prelazni, i intervju kao najneformalniji test. Percepcija je testirana samo kod srpskih govornika, dok smo u produkciji snimali i dvoje izvornih govornika američkog varijeteta engleskog jezika, kako bismo doneli validnije zaključke o odstupanjima u izgovoru kod srpskih govornika. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 72 ispitanika na tercijarnom nivou obrazovanja, studenata prve godine anglistike na Filološko-umetničkom fakultetu, Univerziteta u Kragujevcu. Obrada dobijenih podataka zasnovana je na kvalitativno-kvantitativnoj metodi. Naime, obradom rezultata percepcije dobili smo procente tačnosti odgovora, koje smo kasnije podvrgli daljoj analizi odgovarajućim statističkim testovima. Analizu produkcije bazirali smo na metodama eksperimentalne fonetike, koja podrazumeva analizu akustički relevantnih parametara uz adekvatno oprimeravanje spektrogramima i oscilogramima glasova. Dobijene rezultate smo podvrgli daljoj statističkoj analizi. Rezultati pokazuju relativno visok nivo tačnosti percepcije ciljnih konsonanata uz odstupanja u pojedinačnim kontekstima. Pokazalo se da naši ispitanici imaju više poteškoća u diskriminaciji, nego u identifikaciji glasova, što može biti posledica metodološkog dizajna, odnosno koncepcije samih testova. Moguće je da je sam test identifikacije ispitanicima bio lakši jer su se češće sretali sa testovima tog tipa, te je iznedrio bolje rezultate. Akustička analiza produkcije konsonanata donela nam je saznanja o problematičnim konsonantima, u koje spadaju /θ ð ŋ w/ koje smo klasifikovali kao nove, odnosno glasove kojih nema u fonološkom inventaru maternjeg jezika, i /k p v t d s z ʃ ʒ tʃ dʒ r l/, koje smo klasifikovali kao slične, jer se od glasova maternjeg jezika razlikuju u pojedinim fonetskim karakteristikama, iako se može reći da u oba jezika postoje kao foneme. U međujezičkom sistemu primećen je visok stepen varijabilnosti, kao i srednjih vrednosti ispitivanih parametara, koji nisu ni sasvim engleski, ni sasvim srpski, što zapravo svedoči o međujeziku kao aproksimativnom sistemu. Fonetski kontekst se pokazao kao značajan prediktor varijacija u pojedinim slučajevima, u smislu da može da olakša ili oteža izgovor, dok uticaj formalnosti govornog stila ne možemo uzeti kao siguran prediktor varijacija u svim situacijama. Najčešće se efekat ogleda u akustičkim parametrima kvantiteta, a manje u intrinzičkim osobinama konsonanata. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, zaključili smo da je interferencija maternjeg jezika neizostavni faktor koji određuje nivo percepcije i produkcije konsonanata engleskog jezika od strane srpskih govornika. Asimilacija ciljnih glasova je dominantna, te se prisustvo stranog naglaska gotovo podrazumeva. Čini se da srpski govornici uspevaju da razlikuju glasove na fonološkom nivou, ali da nisu u stanju da uoče razlike na fonetskom nivou, odnosno na nivou alofonskih realizacija. Naročiti problem predstavlja razlikovanje fonetskih finesa diskriminacije sličnih glasova, ali su i glasovi koji ne postoje u maternjem jeziku najčešće zamenjeni maternjim varijantama. U tom smislu, došli smo do zaključka da su, zbog pogrešno pretpostavljene identičnosti sličnih glasova, možda manje šanse za precizno fonetsko definisanje fonoloških kategorija kod sličnih suglasnika, nego formiranje novih kategorija za glasove koji uopšte ne postoje u maternjem jeziku. Diferencijalna supstitucija je prisutna u velikoj meri naročito za nove glasove, ali se neretko uočava i hiperkorekcija. Formalnost govornog stila može igrati značajnu ulogu u predviđanju frekventnosti supstitucije glasova. Poređenjem percepcije i produkcije ustanovili smo linearni odnos međuzavisnosti, što praktično znači da bi poboljšanje nivoa percepcije trebalo da vodi produkciji bližoj izvornim govornicima, što ima važne implikacije za nastavu izgovora. Iako rezultati uglavnom potvrđuju pretpostavke odabranih teorijskih modela, istraživanje ukazuje na nerazrešena pitanja koja bi mogla biti fokus budućih istraživanja, poput npr. longitudinalnih studija u kojima bi se uporedila percepcija i produkcija istih ispitanika u dva različita vremenska perioda.The dissertation investigates the perception and production of consonants in the English-Serbian interlanguage phonology. The research focused on the difficulties in the perception and production of consonants in different positions, and in various tasks. Perception testing was conducted through phoneme identification and discrimination tests, while the production was investigated in three speech styles differing in formality: word list reading, paragraph reading and interview (to elicit spontaneous speech). We only tested perception of non-native speakers, whereas both non-native and two native American English speakers were recorded for production examinations, so that more valid conclusions could be reached. The total of 72 first-year English-major students at the Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, participated in the study. The analysis of the obtained data was based on the combination of qualitative and quantitative interpretation methods. Namely, through the investigation of perception testing results, accuracy percentages were calculated and subjected to further corresponding statistical testing. Production analysis included the methods of experimental phonetics, which assumes the analysis of relevant acoustic parameters with the appropriate illustrations on spectrograms and waveforms. The gathered data were subjected to further statistical analysis. The results demonstrated a relatively high level of perception of target sounds with the deviations in specific contexts. The participants struggled more to discriminate, than to identify consonants, which we interpreted as the possible drawback and limitation of the very methodological design of the testing material. The acoustic analysis of the production revealed problematic consonants, i.e. /θ ð ŋ w/ classified as new, and /k p v t d s z ʃ ʒ tʃ dʒ r l/, classified as similar. A high level of variability was noted in the interlanguage system, as well as the intermediate values of specific phonetic features, resembling neither of the languages actually, which confirms the assumptions about the approximative nature of the interlanguage system. Phonetic context turned out to be a significant predictor of variations in certain cases, in the sense that it might make pronunciation easier, or more difficult for that matter, while we could not regard the formality of speech style as an irrefutable trigger for variations in all the cases. The effect of speech style is mostly reflected in the acoustic cues of duration, while it is less evident in intrinsic features of consonants. Judging by the results of the current study, we concluded that the influence of mother tongue interference must not be disregarded since it determined the level of perception and production of consonants of Serbian speakers at the tertiary level of education. Assimilation of target sounds dominated throughout the corpus, hence the presence of foreign accent was almost inevitable. It appears that Serbian students succeed in differentiating phonological differences, but not subtle phonetic ones, i.e. they fail to perceive/produce the variations in allophonic realizations. A special problem can be ascribed to the discrimination of phonetic contrasts of similar sounds, yet the assimilation of sounds non-existent in the mother tongue is likewise fairly frequent. Having all this in mind, we presume that new sounds have greater chance for new category formation, as opposed to similar sounds. We likewise noticed that differential substitution prevailed for new sounds, however, we also found rather frequent instances of hypercorrection. Speech style could also be relevant for predicting the variability in differential substitution frequency. By comparing perception and production we confirmed the linear interrelationship between the two, meaning that perception enhancement should lead to the improvement in the production, which has significant implications for the teaching practice in Serbian EFL classrooms. Even though the results predominantly confirm the assumptions based on the selected theoretical models, the thesis underscores some unresolved issues that might serve as the focus of future studies