4 research outputs found

    Analysis of postoperative findings on dynamic magnetic resonance imaging of patients operated for pituitary tumors by transsfenoidal endonasal approach

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    Exames pós-operatórios de cirurgias intracranianas são difíceis de serem interpretados por apresentarem alterações morfológicas que simulam situações patológicas, como edema e tumores residuais. Com o advento de métodos de ressonância intraoperatória essa interpretação ganhou maior importância, pelo risco de re-intervenções desnecessárias. O presente estudo objetivou estabelecer as características de exames pós-operatórios normais após remoção de tumores hipofisários pela via transesfenoidal endonasal, bem como estabelecer parâmetros de remoção tumoral radical para otimização de exames intraoperatórios. Foram estudados 40 pacientes (22 microadenomas e 18 macroadenomas) operados consecutivamente no Instituto de Neurologia de Curitiba, portadores de adenomas hipofisários, pela via transesfenoidal endonasal, e que realizaram exame de ressonância magnética (RM) dinâmica no pré-operatório, pós-operatório imediato (primeiras 24horas após o término da cirurgia) e após três meses.Foram utilizadas sequências ponderadas em T1, com cortes coronais de 3mm antes da injeção de contraste (gadopentetato dimeglumina Gd-DTPA) e a cada 90 segundos após a injeção rápida do mesmo. Os achados de RM dinâmica no pós-operatório imediato foram analisados quanto ao deslocamento da haste hipofisária, presença de material hiperintenso intrasselar, deslocamento do diafragma selar superiormente (caracterizado pela classificação de Hardy para extensões suprasselares) e quanto ao padrão de captação de contraste na RM dinâmica. Os padrões de captação foram classificados como: 1. ausência de captação de contraste, 2. realce anelar periférico, 3. captação nodular e 4. padrão misto (periférico e nodular coexistentes). No exame pós-operatório tardio, ênfase foi dada na presença de tumor residual, confirmada por alteração hormonal ou re-operação com histopatologia.As alterações de imagem foram descritas em termos de prevalência de ocorrência (porcentagem), e correlacionadas com a existência ou não de tumores residuais no pós-operatório tardio. Observouse deslocamento da haste hipofisária em 95% dos casos (90,9% dos microadenomas e 100% dos macroadenomas). Material hiperintenso intrasselar ocorreu em 77,3% dos microadenomas e 100% dos macroadenomas (87,5% do total). O deslocamento cranial do diafragma selar manteve inalterado em 16 dos 18 casos (88,9%). A padrão de captação de contraste foi o tipo 1 em 90,9% dos microadenomas, com apenas 2 casos (9,1%) com captação periférica (tipo 2) neste grupo. Nos macroadenomas, 66,7% foram tipo 1, 5,5% tipo 2, 16,7% tipo 3 e 11,1% tipo 4. No pós-operatório tardio, o material hiperintenso desapareceu em todos os casos, com a haste hipofisária retornando à posição habitual em 81,8% dos casos. Cinco pacientes apresentavam tumores residuais, confirmados por alteração hormonal em dois casos e reoperação em três. Destes, três apresentavam padrão tipo 4 de captação de contraste, e dois do tipo 3. A correlação entre o padrão de captação nodular, isolado ou combinado, com a presença de tumor residual foi de 100%. Todos os outros achados devem ser considerados normais no pós-operatórioImaging after intracranial surgeries is difficult to evaluate because usual changes often simulates pathological findings, such as edema and residual tumors. Emerging technologies of intraoperative magnetic resonances lead to a greater interest on understanding usual findings, in order to avoid unnecessary revisions. The objective of this study was to establish normal postoperative findings on dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) after resection of pituitary tumors through endonasal transsphenoidal approach, as well as determine parameters of radical resection, thus optimizing intraoperative images. Forty patients (22 microadenomas and 18 macroadenomas) operated on the Instituto de Neurologia de Curitiba for pituitary adenomas through endonasal transsphenoidal approach were evaluated by dMNRI before, within the first 24 hours and after three months of the surgery. T1-weighted images on coronal plane, 3mm slices were performed before and on every 90 seconds after rapid injection of the paramagnetic contrast (gadopentetate dimeglumine GdDTPA). Findings analyzed at early postoperative dMRI were: lateral displacement of the pituitary stalk, hyperintense intraselar material, position of the diafragma selae (as classified by Hardy, for supraselar extensions) and the pattern of contrast enhancement: 1. no enhancement, 2. peripheral ring, 3. nodular enhancement and 4. combined peripheral and nodular. At late postoperative MRI, the regression of early findings was noted, as well as the presence of a residual tumor. This late was confirmed by hormonal essay or hystopathological examination (reoperation). Findings were first described as prevalence (%), and then related to the presence or not of a residual tumor at late postoperative MRI. Displacement of the pituitary stalk was noted in 95% of cases (90,9% in microadenomas, and 100% in macroadenomas). Hyperintense intraselar material was found in 77,3% of microadenomas and 100% of macroadenomas (87,5% of all cases). Supraselar extension remained unaltered in 16 of 18 cases (88,9%). Pattern of enhancement was type 1 in 90,9% of the microadenomas, with only two cases (9,1%) with peripheral ring. Of the macroadenomas, 66,7% had type 1 pattern, 5,5% type 2, 16,7% type 3 and 11,1% type 4. At late postoperative MRI, the hyperintense material disappeared in all cases, with the pituitary stalk returning to the midline in 81,8% of the cases. Five patients had residual tumors, confirmed by hormonal essay in two cases, and re-operated (with hystopathological confirmation) in three. Of these, three had type 4 pattern of enhancement, and two had type 3. When the nodular enhancement, alone or combined, was correlated with the presence of a residual tumor, the association was of 100%. The other findings described should be considered normal finding

    Outcome following lumbar disc surgery: the role of fibrosis

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    Failed-back surgery syndrome remains a challenge for spinal surgeons. It can be related to several causes, including poor surgical indication, misdiagnosis, surgical technique failure, spondilodiscitis and fibrosis. Fibrosis has been associated with a poorer outcome in lumbar disc surgery, although its role in the generation of symptoms is not yet clear. in this study, the authors have analyzed any possible correlation between the clinical outcome and the degree of fibrosis.Forty consecutive patients were enrolled in a prospective study. All of them had operations in the lower lumbar disc in a single level for the first time. Three months after the operation they were submitted to clinical outcome evaluations and questionnaires, including Numeric Pain Rating scales (NPR) for lumbar and leg pain, the McGill Pain Questionnaire, the Quebec Back Pain Disability scale (QBPD) and Straight Leg Raising test. These data were correlated with the degree of fibrosis as revealed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).After 3 months, the NPR values for lumbar and leg pain ranged from 0 to 8 (mean 2.32 and 1.67 respectively). the values of the post-operative QBPD scale ranged from 1 to 71 (mean 25.9). Every patient showed a varied degree of fibrosis on MRI. However, statistical analysis depicted no significant correlation between fibrosis and a poorer clinical outcome for pain and disability.The authors found no correlation between excessive fibrosis with lumbar and leg pain, disability or straight leg resistance. the role of fibrosis in the generation of symptoms in patients who have had lumbar disc surgery should be reevaluated.Inst Neurol Curitiba, CINDOR, BR-80730060 Curitiba, Parana, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilCEDIP, Curitiba, Parana, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Outcome following lumbar disc surgery: the role of fibrosis

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