51 research outputs found

    Reinterpreting Compression in Infinitary Rewriting

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    Departing from a computational interpretation of compression in infinitary rewriting, we view compression as a degenerate case of standardisation. The change in perspective comes about via two observations: (a) no compression property can be recovered for non-left-linear systems and (b) some standardisation procedures, as a ‘side-effect’, yield compressed reductions

    Infinitary Combinatory Reduction Systems: Confluence

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    We study confluence in the setting of higher-order infinitary rewriting, in particular for infinitary Combinatory Reduction Systems (iCRSs). We prove that fully-extended, orthogonal iCRSs are confluent modulo identification of hypercollapsing subterms. As a corollary, we obtain that fully-extended, orthogonal iCRSs have the normal form property and the unique normal form property (with respect to reduction). We also show that, unlike the case in first-order infinitary rewriting, almost non-collapsing iCRSs are not necessarily confluent

    Infinitary Combinatory Reduction Systems: Normalising Reduction Strategies

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    We study normalising reduction strategies for infinitary Combinatory Reduction Systems (iCRSs). We prove that all fair, outermost-fair, and needed-fair strategies are normalising for orthogonal, fully-extended iCRSs. These facts properly generalise a number of results on normalising strategies in first-order infinitary rewriting and provide the first examples of normalising strategies for infinitary lambda calculus

    Facilitating the creation of IoT applications through conditional observations in CoAP

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    With the advent of IPv6, the world is getting ready to incorporate smart objects to the current Internet to realize the idea of Internet of Things. The biggest challenge faced is the resource constraint of the smart objects to directly utilize the existing standard protocols and applications. A number of initiatives are currently witnessed to resolve this situation. One of such initiatives is the introduction of Constrained Application Protocol. This protocol is developed to fit in the resource-constrained smart object with the ability to easily translate to the prominent representational state transfer implementation, hypertext transfer protocol (and vice versa). The protocol has several optional extensions, one of them being, resource observation. With resource observation, a client may ask a server to be notified every state change of the resource. However, in many applications, all state changes are not significant enough for the clients. Therefore, the client will have to decide whether to use a value sent by a server or not. This results in wastage of the already constrained resources (bandwidth, processing power,aEuro broken vertical bar). In this paper, we introduced an alternative to the normal resource observation function, named Conditional Observation, where clients tell the servers the criteria for notification. We evaluated the power consumption and number of packets transmitted between clients and servers by using different network sizes and number of servers. In all cases, we found out that the existing observe option results in excessive number of packets (most of them unimportant for the client) and higher power consumption. We also made an extensive theoretical evaluation of the two approaches which give consistent result with the results we got from experimentation

    Bindings and RESTlets: a novel set of CoAP-based application enablers to build IoT applications

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    Sensors and actuators are becoming important components of Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Today, several approaches exist to facilitate communication of sensors and actuators in IoT applications. Most communications go through often proprietary gateways requiring availability of the gateway for each and every interaction between sensors and actuators. Sometimes, the gateway does some processing of the sensor data before triggering actuators. Other approaches put this processing logic further in the cloud. These approaches introduce significant latencies and increased number of packets. In this paper, we introduce a CoAP-based mechanism for direct binding of sensors and actuators. This flexible binding solution is utilized further to build IoT applications through RESTlets. RESTlets are defined to accept inputs and produce outputs after performing some processing tasks. Sensors and actuators could be associated with RESTlets (which can be hosted on any device) through the flexible binding mechanism we introduced. This approach facilitates decentralized IoT application development by placing all or part of the processing logic in Low power and Lossy Networks (LLNs). We run several tests to compare the performance of our solution with existing solutions and found out that our solution reduces communication delay and number of packets in the LLN

    Sensor function virtualization to support distributed intelligence in the internet of things

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    It is estimated that-by 2020-billion devices will be connected to the Internet. This number not only includes TVs, PCs, tablets and smartphones, but also billions of embedded sensors that will make up the "Internet of Things" and enable a whole new range of intelligent services in domains such as manufacturing, health, smart homes, logistics, etc. To some extent, intelligence such as data processing or access control can be placed on the devices themselves. Alternatively, functionalities can be outsourced to the cloud. In reality, there is no single solution that fits all needs. Cooperation between devices, intermediate infrastructures (local networks, access networks, global networks) and/or cloud systems is needed in order to optimally support IoT communication and IoT applications. Through distributed intelligence the right communication and processing functionality will be available at the right place. The first part of this paper motivates the need for such distributed intelligence based on shortcomings in typical IoT systems. The second part focuses on the concept of sensor function virtualization, a potential enabler for distributed intelligence, and presents solutions on how to realize it

    Efficiently observing Internet of Things resources

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    The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is a lightweight protocol that enables the implementation of RESTful embedded web services. Observe is one of the CoAP extensions, which allow servers to send every resource state change to interested clients. In this paper we present an interesting extension to the observe option, called conditional observation, where clients specify notification criteria along their observation request. We evaluate the feasibility of implementing this on a constrained device and evaluate the correct operation for a simple scenario. It is shown that the use of conditional observations can result in a reduced number of packets and power consumption compared to normal observe in combination with client-side filtering