62 research outputs found

    Responding to the Conflict of Interest Risks in Central and Eastern Europe: Case of Slovenia

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    Prohibition of conflict of interest prevents abuses of the rule of law in modern constitutional democracies. As a result, is ensures that persons working in state institutions do not use their posts and functions for private gain. The experience from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) illustrates that state authorities have in the past faced challenges in how to internalise the prohibition of conflict of interest. Literature from CEE on the prohibition of conflict of interest has been scarse. Consequently, this paper aims to address this gap by examining the experience of the Slovenian state in coping with the risks arising from conflict of interest. It discusses and analyses on one hand theoretical and normative underpinnings of the prohibition of conflict of interest in the Slovenian, European and international frameworks. On the other hand, it examines the recent practice of administrative and judicial bodies concerning the prohibition of conflict of interest. It finds that normative frameworks in the Slovenian constitutional framework have been reformed in recent years. Nonetheless, there is still a risk of potential and actual conflict of interest for the implementation of the rule of law in state institutions. The normative prohibition appears not to have been fully internalised in the practice of state institutions. As a result, the authors submit that state institutions should not turn a blind eye to the risk of conflict of interest in order to show willingness to strengthen the rule of law in the Slovenian constitutional democracy. The Slovenian normative and empirical experience shows lessons that can be taken up in the constitutional democracies of Central and Eastern Europe experiencing similar challenges

    Mnenja o izobraževanju starejših oseb na kulturno-umetniškem področju

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    The article studies opinions on culture and arts education for elderly people in retirement homes. First, we wanted to discover the importance culture and arts education has for elderly people. Next, we focused on identifying differences in opinions on the importance of education in the cultural and artistic field based on gender, level of education, living environment, and age. Our research sample comprised of 77 people residing in retirement homes in Maribor, Slovenia, who filled in our questionnaire. The research shows that culture and arts education is of high importance to elderly people; it holds greater value to men and to those with a higher level of education. However, there are no significant differences based on age and living environment. The findings can serve as guidelines for planning and further research on education in the field of culture and arts for elderly people in retirement homes.Predstavljamo raziskavo o mnenju stanovalcev domov za starejše o izobraževanju na kulturno-umetniškem področju. V raziskavi nas je uvodoma zanimalo, kakšno je mnenje o pomenu izobraževanja na kulturno-umetniškem področju, v nadaljevanju pa smo posebno pozornost namenili ugotavljanju obstoja razlik v mnenju o pomembnosti izobraževanja na kulturno-umetniškem področju glede na spol, najvišjo stopnjo pridobljene izobrazbe, izvorno okolje in starost. Raziskovalni vzorec je vključeval 77 udeležencev, ki bivajo v domovih za starejše v Mariboru. Izsledki raziskave kažejo, da se velika večina starejših oseb zaveda pomena izobraževanja na kulturno-umetniškem področju. Ob tem se je izkazalo, da moški in osebe z višjo stopnjo izobrazbe izobraževanju na kulturno-umetniškem področju pripisujejo večji pomen kot ženske in tisti z nižjo stopnjo izobrazbe, medtem ko pri kategorijah izvorno okolje in starost ni bilo zaznati večjih razlik. Pridobljene ugotovitve lahko služijo kot smernice za nadaljnje načrtovanje in raziskovanje izobraževanja na kulturno-umetniškem področju pri starejših osebah, ki bivajo v domovih

    Public Policy Design and Implementation in Slovenia

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    Public policy design and implementation is a complex process, and so decision makers try to monitor all of the policy lifecycle stages in a particular policy domain. However, the question of coherent integration of various policy activities arises, including agenda-setting, ex-ante evaluation, formulation, decision-making, implementation, ex-post evaluation of individual policies, sector-specific ones, and even horizontal ones. Therefore, it is important to investigate and understand the reasons why an individual country, such as Slovenia, does not exploit all potential aspects of carrying out policy activities in a systematic and coherent manner. This article explores and analyzes Slovenian practice in policy design based on an in-depth empirical study among key public policyholders and decision makers. Furthermore, the authors identify the key success factors that facilitate or inhibit the development and progress of public policies, programs, and projects (PPPP) in Slovenia. The key findings indicate a particular lack of a professional policy unit to monitor the process holistically and the absence of ex-post evaluation. A need for a systemic solution in public policy design is established, which would merge different authorities’ efforts, epistemic communities, and the public in developing a structural multilevel model for good public governance

    20. maj, svetovni dan čebel

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    Za jutrišnjo hrano v svetu Čebele in drugi opraševalci so zelo pomembni za obstoj človeštva, saj bistveno prispevajo k varnosti preskrbe s hrano v svetu. Tretjina svetovne proizvodnje hrane oziroma vsaka tretja žlica hrane je odvisna od opraševanja, pri katerem imajo čebele najpomembnejšo vlogo. Visoko hranilni proizvodi, kot so med, matični mleček in cvetni prah, prav tako povečujejo hranilno vrednost živil. Živila, ki so odvisna od opraševalcev, prispevajo k zdravi prehrani, saj so bogat vir nujno potrebnih hranil

    Discovering the Unexpected with the Utilization of NGS in Diagnostics of Non-syndromic Hearing Loss Disorders: The Family Case of ILDR1-Dependent Hearing Loss Disorder

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    Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is a heterogeneous family of hearing disabilities with congenital (including genetic) as well as acquired etiology. Congenital SNHL of genetic etiology is further sub-divided into autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive and X-linked SNHL. More than 60 genes are involved in the etiology of autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing loss (ARNSHL) commonly manifesting as heterogeneous pre-lingual profound to severe non-progressive clinical phenotype. ILDR1-dependent ARNSHL (DFNB42, OMIM: # 609646) is a very rare sub-type of hearing disability, with unknown prevalence, caused by function-damaging genetic variants in ILDR1 gene reported in families of Middle-Eastern origin. ILDR1 (Immunoglobulin-Like Domain-containing Receptor 1) is involved in the development of semicircular canal, tricellular tight junction and auditory hair cells. An apparently non-consanguineous family of European ancestry with two affected siblings with profound progressive hearing loss characterized in their infancy and successfully treated with cochlear implants (CI) is presented. Genetic analysis of common ARNSHL genetic causes in the population of origin was negative, thus the next-generation sequencing (NGS) and family segregation analysis to identify underlying causative genetic variant was performed. Unexpectedly and atypical for the population of origin a homozygous non-sense variant ILDR1 c.942C > A (p.Cys314Ter) inherited from both heterozygous parents was identified in both patients. Contrary to the commonly reported phenotype, indices of a progressive hearing loss and potential compensatory mechanism of vestibular function were revealed with the analysis of clinical data. The utilization of NGS was demonstrated as an invaluable tool for the detection of atypical rare variants in diagnostics of unidentified hearing loss disorders

    Plasma-Induced Interfacial Processes in Metal Halides FTIR Gas Cell Windows

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    Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is one of the most widely used vibrational diagnostic techniques to investigate gas-phase reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS). However, the technique carries intrinsic challenges, particularly in relation to interfering peaks in the spectral data. This study explores the interfacial processes that occur when reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generated by a non-equilibrium air plasma interact with the metal halide windows of an FTIR gas cell, leading to the appearance and evolution of spurious absorption peaks which complicate spectral interpretation. Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and attenuated total reflectance-FTIR spectroscopy were used to elucidate the origin of spurious absorption peaks spanning the 1400–1300 cm−1 spectral range as a result of KBr exposure to plasma generated species. It was found that plasma exposed KBr contained a lower atomic fraction of Br which was replaced by the NO3 nitrate group, the main absorbance peak of which progressively evolved with plasma exposure and affected the window transparency over the corresponding FTIR region. A correlation was revealed between KNO3 formation, plasma power and exposure time to a growth and change in molecular vibrational energies corresponding to asymmetric NO3 stretching vibrations in the KNO3 structure

    Depth profiling of Cr-ITO dual-layer sample with secondary ion mass spectrometry using MeV ions in the low energy region

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    This work explores the possibility of depth profiling of inorganic materials with Megaelectron Volt Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry using low energy primary ions (LE MeV SIMS), specifically 555 keV Cu ²⁺ , while etching the surface with 1 keV Ar ⁺ ions. This is demonstrated on a dual-layer sample consisting of 50 nm Cr layer deposited on 150 nm In2O5Sn (ITO) glass. These materials proved to have sufficient secondary ion yield in previous studies using copper ions with energies of several hundred keV. LE MeV SIMS and keV SIMS depth profiles of Cr-ITO dual-layer are compared and corroborated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and time-of-flight elastic recoil detection analysis (TOF-ERDA). The results show the potential of LE MeV SIMS depth profiling of inorganic multilayer systems in accelerator facilities equipped with MeV SIMS setup and a fairly simple sputtering source

    Exploring early DNA methylation alterations in type 1 diabetes: implications of glycemic control

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    BackgroundProlonged hyperglycemia causes diabetes-related micro- and macrovascular complications, which combined represent a significant burden for individuals living with diabetes. The growing scope of evidence indicates that hyperglycemia affects the development of vascular complications through DNA methylation.MethodsA genome-wide differential DNA methylation analysis was performed on pooled peripheral blood DNA samples from individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D) with direct DNA sequencing. Strict selection criteria were used to ensure two age- and sex-matched groups with no clinical signs of chronic complications according to persistent mean glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) values over 5 years: HbA1c<7% (N=10) and HbA1c>8% (N=10).ResultsBetween the two groups, 8385 differentially methylated CpG sites, annotated to 1802 genes, were identified. Genes annotated to hypomethylated CpG sites were enriched in 48 signaling pathways. Further analysis of key CpG sites revealed four specific regions, two of which were hypermethylated and two hypomethylated, associated with long non-coding RNA and processed pseudogenes.ConclusionsProlonged hyperglycemia in individuals with T1D, who have no clinical manifestation of diabetes-related complications, is associated with multiple differentially methylated CpG sites in crucial genes and pathways known to be linked to chronic complications in T1D

    AFM study of roughness development during ToF-SIMS depth profiling of multilayers with a ▫Cs+Cs^+▫ ion beam in a ▫H2H_2▫ atmosphere

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    [Image: see text] The influence of H(2) flooding on the development of surface roughness during time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) depth profiling was studied to evaluate the different aspects of a H(2) atmosphere in comparison to an ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) environment. Multilayer samples, consisting of different combinations of metal, metal oxide, and alloy layers of different elements, were bombarded with 1 and 2 keV Cs(+) ion beams in UHV and a H(2) atmosphere of 7 × 10(–7) mbar. The surface roughness S(a) was measured with atomic force microscopy (AFM) on the initial surface and in the craters formed while sputtering, either in the middle of the layers or at the interfaces. We found that the roughness after Cs(+) sputtering depends on the chemical composition/structure of the individual layers, and it increases with the sputtering depth. However, the increase in the roughness was, in specific cases, approximately a few tens of percent lower when sputtering in the H(2) atmosphere compared to the UHV. In the other cases, the average surface roughness was generally still lower when H(2) flooding was applied, but the differences were statistically insignificant. Additionally, we observed that for the initially rough surfaces with an S(a) of about 5 nm, sputtering with the 1 keV Cs(+) beam might have a smoothing effect, thereby reducing the initial roughness. Our observations also indicate that Cs(+) sputtering with ion energies of 1 and 2 keV has a similar effect on roughness development, except for the cases with initially very smooth samples. The results show the beneficial effect of H(2) flooding on surface roughness development during the ToF-SIMS depth profiling in addition to a reduction of the matrix effect and an improved identification of thin layers

    Long way to the 2014 Istanbul Convention

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    This article investigates the historical aspects of physical violence in intimate relation-ships. The primary purpose is to illustrate the legal aspects and emotional dynamics of physical violence in intimate relationships, focusing on differences in perspective of various historical eras. We analyzed the Istanbul Convention, which represents a base document for preventing physical violence in domestic environments. In addition, we have analysed curriculum in kindergarten. We have discovered that the topics from the Istanbul Convention are incorporated in the kindergarten