51 research outputs found

    Anglo-saxon institutes in International tran sport conventions referring to the carriers’ liability and the position of continental lawyers

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    The institutes of Anglo-Saxon legal system regarding the liability of the carrier are demonstrably particular, which is the main reason why it is difficult to find their correlative institutes in the Continental legal system. In the 20th century there was a significant progress toward unifying the law. A number of international conventions were adopted that facilitate solutions regarding the relationships of international elements, but on the other hand created some problems when they contained institutes from one legal system unknown to the lawyers of other legal systems. The institutes of recklessness, willful misconduct and actual fault or privity, which take part in many international conventions dealing with the carriers liability are institutes of that kind. The main mistake which is made by Continental lawyers is that they very often try at every cost to correlate institutes from the Anglo-Saxon legal system to those of the Continental legal system although there exist differences which can not be ignored. From the point of view, the best way to understand this institutes, is to study and understand them as they are perceived in the Anglo-Saxon legal system. Up to present, any another comprehension has not appeared on the international level, and there are no prospects that this may happen. The main reason for that, is in the last century the Anglo-Saxon law has had much greater influence on the Continental law than inversely, what is particularly evident in the field of the transport

    Neka pitanja iz rada i socijalna pitanja u lučkom sektoru Europske unije

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    In the nineteen nineties the port sector experienced considerable transformation. The common point of this transformation is liberalisation of access to the market of port services. This event has touched all stakeholders in ports, one of them are also dock workers. O�ne of the main questions which accompanied the liberalisation of access to the market of port services was whether different organising of dock workers with the intent to protect their labour and social rights is not contrary to the European Treaty and other EU competition laws. The answer to this question is negative due to the fact they do not constitute an undertaking in conformity to the provisions of EC Treaty, and therefore, they cannot be a subject of its competition provisions. Although the labour and social status of dock workers is quite complex matter there is no special legislation to regulate it. In this respect the EC Treaty and general EU legislation regarding labour and social area shall be respected. There were some attempts to adopt special legislation for the market of port services which contained also provisions regarding the labour and social status of dock workers, however, all these attempts failed. The last EU’s document in the area of the market of port services is Communication on the European Ports Policy. It contains also some topics regarding the labour and social status of dock workers, for which is recommendable to be respected by EU member states and joining states in their creation of labour and social policy for dock workers.Devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća lučki sektor je doživio značajne promjene. Dodirna je točka ovih promjena liberalizacija u pristupu tržištu lučkih usluga. Ova je pojava utjecala na sve zainteresirane strane koje imaju veze s lukama, između ostalog i na lučke radnike. Nije li različito organiziranje lučkih radnika kako bi zaštitili svoja radna i socijalna prava u suprotnosti s Ugovorom o Europskoj zajednici i drugim EU propisima o tržišnom natjecanju bilo je jedno od glavnih pitanja koje je pratilo liberalizaciju pristupa tržištu lučkih usluga. Odgovor na ovo pitanje je negativan budući da ne spadaju u poduzetništvo prema odredbama Ugovora o Europskoj zajednici te se na njih ne mogu primjenjivati niti odredbe o tržišnom natjecanju tog Ugovora. Iako je radni i socijalni status lučkih radnika uistinu složen ne postoji posebno zakonodavstvo koje bi ga reguliralo. U tom se pogledu trebaju primijeniti odredbe Ugovora o Europskoj zajednici i opće zakonodavstvo Europske unije iz područja rada i socijalnih pitanja. Postojali su neki pokušaji usvajanja posebnog zakonodavstva za tržište lučkih usluga koje je također sadržavalo odredbe o radnom i socijalnom statusu lučkih radnika, no svi su ti pokušaji propali. Posljednji EU dokument iz područja tržišta lučkih usluga je Priopćenje o europskoj lučkoj politici. U sebi sadrži neke teme koje se odnose na radni i socijalni status lučkih radnika. Tako je državama članicama i državama u postupku pridruživanja predloženo da vode računa o radnom i socijalnom statusu lučkih radnika prilikom kreiranja svojih radnih i socijalnih politika

    Ports Sustainability: A life cycle assessment of Zero Emission Cargo Handling Equipment

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    The goal of this paper is to present and evaluate the latest trends in the cargo handling equipment (CHE) industry, aimed at mitigating the environmental impact of container terminal operations and contributing to the sustainability of ports. The most common machines for handling containers are described and dealt with separately, with a focus on electric CHE, usually referred to as 'zero emission' CHE. In a separate chapter, recommendations on methodologies suitable for investigation of the environmental footprint of CHE without on-site measuring are reviewed. The life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology as a tool for comparison of conventional and 'zero emission' technology is emphasised with examples. The conventional diesel rubber-tired gantry (RTG) crane and utility tractor rig (UTR) are compared with an electric RTG and UTR using an LCA approach

    Force Measurement System for Roller-Ski Skating

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    For a detailed biomechanical analysis of roller-ski skating a precise measurement of ground reaction forces is needed in addition to the measurement of the kinematic parameters. An innovative portable force measuring system was developed from processed roller-skis and ski poles equipped with strain gauges. The measuring system can measure normal (with respect to the upper surface of the roller-ski) and transverse forces (in the axial direction of the wheel) on each wheel, and axial forces in the ski poles. Force sensors are connected by cables to the data acquisition system carried in a backpack by the runner. In case of terrain usage, also a portable computer and a power supply are carried in the backpack. Calibration procedure for this measurement system is presented and measurement uncertainty of the sensors is calculated. The estimated measurement uncertainty of the entire measuring chain of individual roller-ski sensor, at a confidence level of 95 %, is up to ± 2,34 % of the maximum calibration forces. For the sensors of the poles this value makes up to ± 1,47 % of the maximum calibration force. Sample data from a roller-ski skating trial on a treadmill is presented and interpreted

    A Novel Autonomous Vehicle-based Storage and Retrieval System with Movable Lifts

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    This paper presents a novel autonomous vehicle-based storage and retrieval system with movable lifts (AVS/RS/ML) as an alternative automated warehousing technology to tier-captive shuttle-based storage and retrieval systems (SBS/RS). The proposed system aims to provide a cost-effective, highly efficient, and adaptable solution for warehouse operations utilizing automated guided vehicles (AGVs) capable of travelling both inside and outside the warehouse. We simulate and analyse the system\u27s performance based on its initial investment cost, throughput capacity, and average utilization of AGVs and movable lifts (MLs) under different warehouse designs

    An Analysis of Continuous Sandwich Panels with Profiled Faces

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    Structural sandwich panels made of two thin steel facings that are bonded to a thick mineral wool core are often used as roofing material. This paper explores an application of numerical simulations in the investigation of structural behaviour of long span, continuous roof sandwich panels with profiled faces. Because of the required higher load-bearing capacity and strict deflection limitations, roof sandwich panels usually have one of the cover faces strongly profiled. A finite element analysis and an experimental study of a long span sandwich panel (with an inner strongly profiled and a flat outer face) in two-span configuration with transverse loading were conducted with a special attention given to the failure modes and bearing capacity prediction. The results obtained from the experiment confirmed the finite element analysis results

    Dynamics of the mathematical pendulum suspended from a moving mass

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    Njihanje tereta uveliko doprinosi dinamičkom opterećenju dizalica. Brži prijenos tereta dovodi do pojaćanog njihanja, većih dinamičkih sila i problema s upravljanjem. Zbog toga je ispitivanje ove pojave postalo vrlo aktualno. U ovom se radu horizontalne inercijske sile koje stvara teret kod linearnog gibanja okretne točke proučavaju pomoću odgovarajućeg matematičkog modela. Određen je dijagram koeficijenta horizontalnih inercijskih sila mase visećeg tereta pri različitim radnim uvjetima. Razvijene krivulje se uspoređuju sa standardnim krivuljama. Ustanovljeno je da u nekim slučajevima standardne krivulje nisu konzervativne.The swinging of the payload is one of the most important contributors to the dynamic loading of cranes. Faster transport of the payload brings up increased swinging, larger dynamic forces, and bigger control issues. That is the reason which makes the investigation of this phenomenon an increasingly actual theme. In the paper, the horizontal inertial forces imparted by the load in the case of the linear motion of the pivot are studied by means of an appropriate mathematical model. The diagram of the factor of the horizontal inertial forces of a swinging payload mass for different conditions of operation is determined. The developed curves are compared with standard curves. It is found out that in some of the cases the standard curves are not conservative

    Dynamics of the mathematical pendulum suspended from a moving mass

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    Njihanje tereta uveliko doprinosi dinamičkom opterećenju dizalica. Brži prijenos tereta dovodi do pojaćanog njihanja, većih dinamičkih sila i problema s upravljanjem. Zbog toga je ispitivanje ove pojave postalo vrlo aktualno. U ovom se radu horizontalne inercijske sile koje stvara teret kod linearnog gibanja okretne točke proučavaju pomoću odgovarajućeg matematičkog modela. Određen je dijagram koeficijenta horizontalnih inercijskih sila mase visećeg tereta pri različitim radnim uvjetima. Razvijene krivulje se uspoređuju sa standardnim krivuljama. Ustanovljeno je da u nekim slučajevima standardne krivulje nisu konzervativne.The swinging of the payload is one of the most important contributors to the dynamic loading of cranes. Faster transport of the payload brings up increased swinging, larger dynamic forces, and bigger control issues. That is the reason which makes the investigation of this phenomenon an increasingly actual theme. In the paper, the horizontal inertial forces imparted by the load in the case of the linear motion of the pivot are studied by means of an appropriate mathematical model. The diagram of the factor of the horizontal inertial forces of a swinging payload mass for different conditions of operation is determined. The developed curves are compared with standard curves. It is found out that in some of the cases the standard curves are not conservative