42 research outputs found

    Nonparametric Analysis of Yield Stability of some Winter Wheat Varieties

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    U procesu stvaranja novih sorata, vrlo je važna postojanost njihovih svojstava u različitim okolinama. Interakcijom genotipova s okolinama vrijednosti njihovih svojstava se mogu izmijeniti do te mjere da se i poredak genotipova u različitim okolinama mijenja, Å”to znatno može otežati i izbor najboljih genotipova. Zbog toga je za izbor genotipova izuzetno važna stabilnost njihovih svojstava u različitim okolinama. Premda se koriste rjeđe od parametrijskih, neparametrijska mjerila stabilnosti imaju neke prednosti. Njihova primjena ne ovisi o ispunjavanju pretpostavki, jer se zasnivaju na rangovima. U ovom je radu istražena mogućnost primjene neparametrijskih metoda u analizi interakcije genotip x okolina i procjeni stabilnosti na podacima o prinosu dobivenim iz sortnih pokusa s ozimom pÅ”enicom. Testiranje interakcije provedeno je prema četiri neparametrijske metode, te je pomoću njih otkrivena interakcija u svim godinama istraživanja. Nakon toga je procijenjena stabilnost pomoću tri neparametrijska mjerila, te je usporedbom njihovih vrijednosti i vrijednosti parametrijskih mjerila (procijenjenih u ranijem istraživanju na istom materijalu) ustanovljena zadovoljavajuća podudarnost.The important role in the creation of the new varieties has their stability in different environments. Due to genotype x environment interaction, their performance could be altered so much that their ranking order in different environments would be different, which makes the selection of the best varieties difficult. Therefore, it is important to identify the stable genotypes. Nonparametric measures of stability are used less often then parametric measures. However, they have certain advantages. Their use does not depend on any assumption, because they are based on ranks. In this case study, the use of nonparametric methods in analysis of genotype x environment interaction and stability estimation is investigated in winter wheat variety trials yield data set. The presence of interaction is tested using four nonparametric methods, and interaction is detected in each and every year of investigation. Thereafter, the stability of genotypes is estimated using three nonparametric measures, and their values are compared with values of parametric measures estimated in an earlier study on the same data set. Comparison showed satisfactory resemblance between nonparametric and parametric measures of stability

    Book of Abstracts - XIII EUCARPIA Biometrics in Plant Breeding Section Meeting - 30 August - 1 September 2006 - Zagreb, Croatia

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    The Book of Abstracts of the XIII EUCARPIA Biometrics in Plant Breeding Section Meeting held in 2006 in Zagreb, Croatia, contains the abstracts of 40 oral presentations and 22 posters as presented during six sessions: Linkage and LD based QTL Mapping Methodology I and II, Computer Science, Bioinformatics and Analysis of Large Data Sets, Crop Growth Modelling / Modelling GxE, and Collaborative Breeding. All the abstracts have been thoroughly reviewed by the members of Scientific Committee

    Influence of Zeatin on Wheat Regeneration from Immature Embryos

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    Immature embryo culture of nine Croatian winter wheat genotypes were performed in order to determine the influence of zeatin, as an exogenous growth regulator, on regeneration capacity of callus and number of regenerated shoots. Immature embryos 0.5-1.5 mm in size were aseptically isolated and plated with the scutellum exposed on modified MS medium containing MS salts and vitamins supplemented with 2 mg/l 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and 30 g/l sucrose. For shoot initiation, calli were transferred on two different regeneration media: MSZ0 medium (MS salts and vitamins supplemented with 0.2 mg/l 2,4-D and 30 g/l sucrose) and MSZ5 medium (MS salts and vitamins supplemented with 0.2 mg/l 2,4-D, 5 mg/l zeatin and 30 g/l sucrose) and incubated at 26Ā°C with 16/8 h light/dark photoperiod. Mean regeneration capacity of callus was higher on MSZ5 medium compared to MSZ0 medium (48.0% and 33.6% respectively). For all genotypes, except Lipa, regeneration capacity of callus was higher on MSZ5 medium. However, mean number of regenerated shoots was similar on MSZ5 compared to MSZ0 medium (1.6 and 1.3 respectively). The highest number of regenerated shoots per callus induced was found for genotype Žitarka (4.39), followed by genotypes Barbara (2.76), Lipa (2.61), line ZG1 (2.04) and Edita (1.67)

    Comparison of Different Methods for Classification of Gene Bank Accessions

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    The objective of this study was to group common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) accessions originating from different collection sites according to their morphological similarity. Classification based on genetic diversity should improve the maintenance of the collection of bean accessions and enhance its use as a valuable source of desirable traits in plant breeding. Materials used in this study are accessions of common bean, collected at various locations in Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and stored in the Croatian Bank of Plant Genes (HBBG). In order to use a number of qualitative and quantitative morphological traits, scored according to IPGRI (International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome), and HBBG descriptor lists, we followed the method of classification described by Franco and Crossa (2003). Results obtained from this study reveal some weaknesses as well as advantages of methods used for classification of gene bank accessions


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    Sa područja zapadne obale Istre na lokacijama Bale i Vižinada izdvojeno je Å”est fenotipova maslina koji se ne nalaze na sortnoj listi RH niti ih spominje dosadaÅ”nja literatura. Lokalno stanovniÅ”tvo ih naziva Bjelica ( Belica, Zelena, Verdeduraā€¦) iz razloga Å”to im plod prilikom dozrijevanja ne mijenja boju u tamnu, nego ostaje u nijansama zeleno-žutih boja isto kao kod standardne sorte Istarske bjelice. No od standardne sorte Istarska bjelica koja ima karakterističan spiralan list izdvojeni se fenotipovi bitno razlikuju, a isto tako razlika je evidentna i na osnovi morfologije ploda. JednogodiÅ”nji rezultati istraživanja morfoloÅ”kih osobina ploda, koÅ”tice i lista pokazuju različitost na razini značajnosti između Å”est istraživanih fenotipova kao i u odnosu na standardnu sortu Istarsku bjelicu. Identificirani su fenotipovi s najkrupnijim plodom, najužim plodom, najdužom koÅ”ticom, najÅ”irim plodom i najviÅ”om vrijednoŔću između duljine i Å”irine lista.On the west coast of Istria, near places Bale and Vižinada are separatated six phenotypes olives. These phenotypes are not on the cultivar list Republic of Croatia, and not mentioned in previous literature. Local populations called them Bjelica (Belica, Zelena, Verdedura ) for failure to changes the color of fruits in the dark during the maturation, as well as the standard varieties Istarska bjelica. Standard varieties of Istarska bjelica has a distinctive spiral leaf in the comparation with the separate phenotypes are significantly different, and difference is also evident in the morphological characteristics of fruit. The aim of this study was to determine the morphological differences between the separated phenotypes and between the standard cultivar Istarska bjelica. One-year results of investigation of morphological characteristics of fruit, stone and leaf shows the significance diversity between the six studied phenotypes and as well as in relation to the standard cultivar of Istarska bjelica. The research results showed phenotype with a biggest fruit, phenotype with a narrowest fruit, phenotype with the longest stone, phenotype with broad fruit and phenotype with the highest value between the length and width of the leaf


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    Sa područja zapadne obale Istre na lokacijama Bale i Vižinada izdvojeno je Å”est fenotipova maslina koji se ne nalaze na sortnoj listi RH niti ih spominje dosadaÅ”nja literatura. Lokalno stanovniÅ”tvo ih naziva Bjelica ( Belica, Zelena, Verdeduraā€¦) iz razloga Å”to im plod prilikom dozrijevanja ne mijenja boju u tamnu, nego ostaje u nijansama zeleno-žutih boja isto kao kod standardne sorte Istarske bjelice. No od standardne sorte Istarska bjelica koja ima karakterističan spiralan list izdvojeni se fenotipovi bitno razlikuju, a isto tako razlika je evidentna i na osnovi morfologije ploda. JednogodiÅ”nji rezultati istraživanja morfoloÅ”kih osobina ploda, koÅ”tice i lista pokazuju različitost na razini značajnosti između Å”est istraživanih fenotipova kao i u odnosu na standardnu sortu Istarsku bjelicu. Identificirani su fenotipovi s najkrupnijim plodom, najužim plodom, najdužom koÅ”ticom, najÅ”irim plodom i najviÅ”om vrijednoŔću između duljine i Å”irine lista.On the west coast of Istria, near places Bale and Vižinada are separatated six phenotypes olives. These phenotypes are not on the cultivar list Republic of Croatia, and not mentioned in previous literature. Local populations called them Bjelica (Belica, Zelena, Verdedura ) for failure to changes the color of fruits in the dark during the maturation, as well as the standard varieties Istarska bjelica. Standard varieties of Istarska bjelica has a distinctive spiral leaf in the comparation with the separate phenotypes are significantly different, and difference is also evident in the morphological characteristics of fruit. The aim of this study was to determine the morphological differences between the separated phenotypes and between the standard cultivar Istarska bjelica. One-year results of investigation of morphological characteristics of fruit, stone and leaf shows the significance diversity between the six studied phenotypes and as well as in relation to the standard cultivar of Istarska bjelica. The research results showed phenotype with a biggest fruit, phenotype with a narrowest fruit, phenotype with the longest stone, phenotype with broad fruit and phenotype with the highest value between the length and width of the leaf

    Influence of Zeatin on Wheat Regeneration from Immature Embryos

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    Immature embryo culture of nine Croatian winter wheat genotypes were performed in order to determine the influence of zeatin, as an exogenous growth regulator, on regeneration capacity of callus and number of regenerated shoots. Immature embryos 0.5-1.5 mm in size were aseptically isolated and plated with the scutellum exposed on modified MS medium containing MS salts and vitamins supplemented with 2 mg/l 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and 30 g/l sucrose. For shoot initiation, calli were transferred on two different regeneration media: MSZ0 medium (MS salts and vitamins supplemented with 0.2 mg/l 2,4-D and 30 g/l sucrose) and MSZ5 medium (MS salts and vitamins supplemented with 0.2 mg/l 2,4-D, 5 mg/l zeatin and 30 g/l sucrose) and incubated at 26Ā°C with 16/8 h light/dark photoperiod. Mean regeneration capacity of callus was higher on MSZ5 medium compared to MSZ0 medium (48.0% and 33.6% respectively). For all genotypes, except Lipa, regeneration capacity of callus was higher on MSZ5 medium. However, mean number of regenerated shoots was similar on MSZ5 compared to MSZ0 medium (1.6 and 1.3 respectively). The highest number of regenerated shoots per callus induced was found for genotype Žitarka (4.39), followed by genotypes Barbara (2.76), Lipa (2.61), line ZG1 (2.04) and Edita (1.67)

    Utvrđivanje simptoma nedostatka hranjiva u grahu multispektralnom analizom i klorofilnom fluorescencijom

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    Crop production might suffer severe economic losses due to insufficient fertiliser availability. Specific signs of nutrient shortage influence plant morphology and physiology. This study pioneers the non-destructive tracking and characterization of nutrient deficiency symptoms in common beans using multispectral and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging, offering novel insights into the dynamic responses of plant morphology and physiology to specific nutrient shortages. Plants were cultivated in nutrient solutions with and without nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe) and control solution. Measurements were taken every three days for 12 days (MT1-MT4) of growth. K and N deficit plants had the earliest symptoms and most noticeable changes, whereas Fe deficiency plants had the slowest and least noticeable symptoms. Except for Fe, the most responsive chlorophyll fluorescence parameter was electron transport rate, which was reduced in plants from all nutrient deprivation treatments compared to control. All nutrient deficit treatments reduced leaf area at MT2, which was the most affected morphological parameter. The green leaf index, reflection in blue, and specific green were the most affected multispectral traits by nutritional deprivation. These findings demonstrate that plant nutrient deficit can be recognized and tracked non-destructively utilizing multispectral and chlorophyll fluorescence analysis. Overall, our work not only sheds light on the dynamics of nutrient deficiency in common bean plants but also offers practical implications for improving crop management strategies using non-destructive digital technology.Zbog nedovoljne dostupnosti gnojiva uzgoj poljoprivrednih usjeva mogao bi pretrpjeti ozbiljne ekonomske gubitke. Specifični znakovi nedostatka hranjiva utječu na morfologiju i fiziologiju biljke. Koristeći multispektralne analize i klorofilnu fluorescenciju u ovom je radu opisan i kvantificiran razvoj simptoma nedostatka hranjiva (duÅ”ik (N), fosfor (P), kalij (K), magnezij (Mg) i željezo (Fe)) kod graha (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Biljke su uzgajane u hranjivim otopinama sa i bez N, P, K, Mg ili Fe. Mjerenja su provođena svaka tri dana tijekom 12 dana (MT1-MT4) rasta. Biljke s deficitom K i N su prve razvile simptome nedostatka hranjiva i imale su najizraženije fizioloÅ”ke promjene, dok su biljke s nedostatkom Fe zadnje razvile simptome nedostatka hranjiva i imale najmanje izražene simptome. Od parametara klorofilne fluorescencije, u odnosu na kontrolu smanjenje transporta elektrona je najviÅ”e reagirao u svim tretmanima sa nedostatkom hranjiva, osim u slučaju tretmana s nedostatkom Fe. Svi tretmani s nedostatkom hranjivih tvari smanjili su lisnu povrÅ”inu u MT2, Å to predstavlja morfoloÅ”ki parametar koji je bio najviÅ”e pod utjecajem nedostatka hranjiva. Indeks zelenila liŔća, refleksija u plavom spektru svjetlosti i refleksija u specifičnom zelenom spektru svjetlosti bila su multispektralna svojstva koja su najviÅ”e bila pod utjecajem nedostatka hranjiva. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da se nedostatak hranjiva može prepoznati i pratiti nedestruktivno koriÅ”tenjem multispektralnih analiza i klorofilnom fluorescencijom

    Yield and root quality of researched sugar beet hybrids of Županja area

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati trogodiÅ”njih istraživanja prinosa i tehnoloÅ”ke kvalitete korijena deset hibrida Å”ećerne repe na području Županje. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da na prinos korijena i Å”ećera te sadržaj Å”ećera i iskoriÅ”tenje Å”ećera značajan utjecaj ima godina, odnosno vremenske prilike tijekom vegetacije. U suÅ”noj 2017. godini ostvaren je značajno niži prinos korijena i Å”ećera. U 2017. godini je tijekom vegetacije palo manje oborina od viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg prosjeka, uz manjak oborina u svibnju, lipnju, srpnju i kolovozu te izrazito visoke srednje mjesečne temperature zraka u srpnju i kolovozu. NajviÅ”i sadržaj Å”ećera (17,56 %) i iskoriÅ”tenje na repu (15,29 %), ali i visok sadržaj Å”ećera u melasi (1,67 %) ostvareni su u suÅ”noj 2017. godini. NajviÅ”i prinos korijena (67,57 t/ha) i Å”ećera (9,67 t/ha) te iskoriÅ”tenje na digestiju (88,86 %) ostvaren je u 2019. godini koju je karakterizirala veća količina oborina u prvom dijelu vegetacije (travanj ā€“ srpanj), a manja u drugom dijelu vegetacije. Između istraživanih hibrida nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u prinosu i tehnoloÅ”koj kvaliteti korijena, osim u sadržaju kalija. Signifikantno najmanji sadržaj kalija (2,83 mmol/100 g repe) imao je hibrid Melindia KWS.The paper presents the results of three-year research on root yield and technological quality of ten sugar beet hybrids in the area of Županja. The obtained results showed that root and sugar yield as well as sugar content and extractable sugar are significantly influenced by year, ie weather conditions during the growing season. In the dry 2017 year, a significantly lower yield of roots and sugar was achieved. In 2017, less precipitation fell during the vegetation than the long-term average, with a lack of precipitation in May, June, July and August compared to the needs of sugar beet. High average monthly air temperatures were recorded in July and August. The highest sugar content (17.56 %) and extractable sugar content of the beet (15.29 %), but also the high sugar in molasses (1.67 %) were achieved in the dry 2017 year. The highest yield of roots (67.57 t/ha) and sugar (9.67 t/ha) and extractable sugar of sugar content (88.86 %) were achieved in 2019, which was characterized by higher precipitation in the first part of vegetation (April - July), and lower in the second part of vegetation. No statistically significant differences in root yield and technological quality were found among the studied hybrids, except in the potassium content. Significantly the lowest potassium content (2.83 mmol/100 g beet) was found in the Melindia KWS hybrid