16 research outputs found

    Nazočnost vrsta iz porodice četverozupki (Tetraodontidae) u središnjem Sredozemlju: novi podaci iz južnog Jadrana

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    This paper presents the first record of the Lessepsian migrant fish Lagocephalus sceleratus (silver-cheeked toadfish) on the Italian side of the south Adriatic Sea. In addition, four specimens of Sphoeroides pachygaster (blunthead puffer) were analysed. Meristic and morphometric data of the silver-cheeked toadfish and blunthead puffer are in accordance with data from the Mediterranean. The specimen of silver-cheeked toadfish was a female with gonad in resting stage and the specimens of blunthead puffer were adults (male and female) with gonads in maturing, mature/spawner and post-spawning stage. The stomach contents of the specimen of silver-cheeked toadfish were composed by Mollusca Opistobranchia and Crustacea Brachyura. Stomach contents analysis of S. pachygaster confirmed that Mollusca are the preferred prey for this species. However, the presence of Crustacea (shrimps, crabs) and fish in the stomachs indicates that the blunthead puffer has a broad and variable diet in the south Adriatic Sea. The present study suggests the presence of an established population of blunthead puffer on the continental shelf of the southeast Adriatic Sea.U radu je predstavljen prvi nalaz lesepsijske migratorne vrste Lagocephalus sceleratus (srebrenopruga napuhača) na talijanskoj strani južnog Jadrana. Uz to, analizirana su i četiri primjerka vrste Sphoeroides pachygaster (napuhača). Meristički i morfometrijski podaci dobiveni analizom primjeraka ovih dviju vrsta su u suglasnosti sa postojećim podacima iz Sredozemlja. Analizirana jedinka srebrenopruge napuhače bila je ženka, s gonadama u stadiju mirovanja, dok su jedinke napuhače bile u stadiju sazrijevanja, zrelom stadiju i izmrještenom stadiju. Sadržaj želudaca srebrenopruge napuhače sastojao se od ostataka skupina Mollusca, Ophistobranchia i Crustacea Brachyura. Sadržaj želudaca jedinki vrste Sphoeroides pachygaster potvrdio je da ova vrsta u prehrani preferira mekušce (Mollusca) kao plijen. Ipak, nazočnost ostataka rakova i kozica (Crustacea) u njihovim želucima ukazuje na raznoliku prehranu ove vrste u južnom Jadranu. Ovo istraživanje ukazuje na postojanje formirane populacije vrste Sphoeroides pachygaster na kontinentalnom šelfu jugoistočne obale Jadranskog mora

    Estabilidad de las relaciones entre las agrupaciones de peces demersales y los factores ambientales-actividad pesquera a gran escala espacio-temporal en el norte del mar Mediterráneo

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    Trawling pressure and environmental changes may affect the composition of fish assemblages. Our knowledge on large spatio-temporal patterns of demersal fish composition remains incomplete for the Mediterranean Sea. We investigated (1) the spatio-temporal stability of demersal assemblages, (2) the relationships between these assemblages and potential structuring factors (trawling pressure and environmental conditions) in order to assess the dynamic of the assemblage structure at the scale of the northern Mediterranean Sea. We analysed a dataset of 18062 hauls from 10 to 800 m depth performed annually during the last two decades across 17 Geographical Sub-Areas (GSAs) (MEDITS program). A multi-table analysis (STATICO-CoA) evidenced a strong inter-GSAs stability in the organization of assemblages, with specificities for some GSAs. The most stable structuring factors were linked to combined gradients of chlorophyll a, phytoplancton carbon biomass and temperature, inversely correlated with depth, salinity and nutrient gradients (axis 1 of the STATICO-CoA compromise, 93.74% of the total variability). A common pattern linking the distribution of species to these environmental gradients was evidenced for most of the 17 GSAs. Estimate of trawling pressure showed a minor role in the organization of the assemblages for the spatial scale and years investigated (axis 2, 4.67%).La presión pesquera y los cambios ambientales pueden afectar a la composición de las agrupaciones de peces. En el Mediterráneo, nuestro conocimiento a gran escala sobre los patrones espacio-temporales de la composición de especies de peces demersales sigue siendo incompleto. Investigamos (1) la estabilidad espacio-temporal de las agrupaciones demersales (2) las relaciones entre dichas agrupaciones y los posibles factores estructurantes (presión pesquera de arrastre y condiciones ambientales) para evaluar la dinámica de la estructura de las agrupaciones en el norte del mar Mediterráneo. Analizamos un conjunto de 18062 lances entre 10 y 800 m. de profundidad realizados anualmente, durante las últimas dos décadas, en 17 sub-áreas geográficas (GSAs) (Proyecto MEDITS). El análisis multi-tablas (STATICO-CoA) evidenció una fuerte estabilidad inter-GSAs en la organización de agrupaciones, con especificidades para algunas GSAs. Los factores estructurantes más estables se relacionaron con los gradientes combinados de clorofila a, fitoplancton, carbono y temperatura, correlacionados inversamente con los gradientes de profundidad, salinidad y nutrientes (eje 1 del STATICO-CoA, 93.74% de la variabilidad total). En la mayoría de las GSAs encontramos un patrón común que vincula la distribución de las especies a estos gradientes ambientales. La estimación de la presión pesquera de arrastre mostró un papel menor en la organización de las agrupaciones para la escala espacial y los años investigados (eje 2, 4.67%)

    An assessment of regulation, education practices and socio-economic perceptions of non-native aquatic species in the Balkans

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    Alongside climate change, the introduction of non-native species (NNS) is widely recognized as one of the main threats to aquatic biodiversity and human wellbeing. Non-native species and biodiversity are generally low priority issues on the political agendas of many countries, particularly in European countries outside the European Union (EU). The objectives and tasks of this study were to address the policy regulation, education level, education practices, and socioeconomic perceptions of NNS in the Balkans. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Turkey (Balkan EU candidate and potential candidate members), in Croatia and Greece (Balkan EU Member States) and Italy (non-Balkan EU Member State). The EU Alien Regulation (1143/2014) concerning NNS is implemented in EU Member States and Montenegro, whereas Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey have not reported specific policy regulations for NNS. Permanent monitoring programmes specifically designed for NNS have not yet been established in the EU Member States. Most countries tackle the issue of NNS through educational activities as part of specific projects. Education level is indicative of the implementation of NNS policy regulation, and efforts are needed for the proper development of relative study programmes. Public awareness and educational preparedness concerning NNS in the Balkans were identified as poor. Strong programmes for management and education should be developed to increase public awareness to prevent further biodiversity losses in the Balkan region

    A holistic approach to the age validation of Mullus barbatus L., 1758 in the Southern Adriatic Sea (Central Mediterranean)

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    Abstract The growth of Mullus barbatus has been widely studied using different methods, but no previous study has focused on age validation. The uncertainty in estimating the age of the red mullet by otolith reading is linked to the number of false-growth increments laid down before the annulus. The capture of red mullets in the early life stage allowed us to estimate their size at the metamorphosis from the pelagic to the demersal phase. The comparison between the metamorphosis size and the back-calculated length of the first growth increment clarified the position of the false growth increment on the otolith. Moreover, the analyses of the otolith marginal increments in adult and juvenile specimens allowed us to define the deposition patterns of their annuli. The modal components of the length–frequency distribution analysis (LFDA) were identified in the winter survey (ELEFAN and Bhattacharya methods), and they did not show significant differences from the length back-calculation of the annuli. Moreover, no significant differences were found between the growth curves calculated by otolith reading (back-calculation and direct otolith reading) and the LFDA. The agreement between the length–frequency results and the otolith age estimation either corroborated or indirectly validated the growth pattern estimated in the otoliths of the red mullet, mainly when the direct validation methods (e.g. mark-recapture, captivity, radiochemical) were difficult to implement, like the case of this species. The comparison of the results of the present work to previous Mediterranean studies showed agreement with the slow growth pattern