2,365 research outputs found

    Noncommutative Plurisubharmonic Polynomials Part II: Local Assumptions

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    We say that a symmetric noncommutative polynomial in the noncommutative free variables (x_1, x_2, ..., x_g) is noncommutative plurisubharmonic on a noncommutative open set if it has a noncommutative complex hessian that is positive semidefinite when evaluated on open sets of matrix tuples of sufficiently large size. In this paper, we show that if a noncommutative polynomial is noncommutative plurisubharmonic on a noncommutative open set, then the polynomial is actually noncommutative plurisubharmonic everywhere and has the form p = \sum f_j^T f_j + \sum k_j k_j^T + F + F^T where the sums are finite and f_j, k_j, F are all noncommutative analytic. In the paper by Greene, Helton, and Vinnikov, it is shown that if p is noncommutative plurisubharmonic everywhere, then p has the form above. In other words, the paper by Greene, Helton, and Vinnikov makes a global assumption while the current paper makes a local assumption, but both reach the same conclusion. This paper uses a Gram-like matrix representation of noncommutative polynomials. A careful analysis of this Gram matrix plus the main theorem in the paper by Greene, Helton, and Vinnikov ultimately force the form in the equation above.Comment: 26 page

    The Stellar Haloes of Massive Elliptical Galaxies III: Kinematics at Large Radius

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    We present a 2D kinematic analysis out to ~2-5 effective radii (Re) of 33 massive elliptical galaxies with stellar velocity dispersions larger than 150 km/s. Our observations were taken using the Mitchell Spectrograph (formerly VIRUS-P), a spectrograph with a large 107 x 107 square arcsecond field-of-view that allows us to construct robust, spatially resolved kinematic maps of the mean velocity and velocity dispersion for each galaxy extending to at least 2 Re. Using these maps we study the radial dependence of the stellar angular momentum and other kinematic properties. We see the familiar division between slow and fast rotators persisting out to large radius in our sample. Centrally slow rotating galaxies, which are almost universally characterised by some form of kinematic decoupling or misalignment, remain slowly rotating in their halos. The majority of fast rotating galaxies show either increases in specific angular momentum outwards or no change beyond ReR_e. The generally triaxial nature of the slow rotators suggests that they formed through mergers, consistent with a "two-phase" picture of elliptical galaxy formation. However, we do not observe the sharp transitions in kinematics proposed in the literature as a signpost of moving from central dissipationally-formed components to outer accretion-dominated haloes.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures. 17 Appendix pages, 19 Appendix figure

    All Along the Ivory Tower: Black American Identity as Voiced by Poetic Youths

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    The purpose of the current study was to help amplify and analyze Black American elementary student voice in a post-2020 world. Discussions and writings were conducted at the students’ charter school in spaces where students voiced what it meant to be a Black American youth through both verbal and written means. The current qualitative study focused on using discussions and creative writing to help participants make sense of their identity in their school, community, and the United States. This research provided students’ counternarratives regarding stereotypes associated with being Black American students and focused on how such spaces can positively impact Black American students. The current study used a narrative inquiry via youth participatory action research with critical race theory serving as its theoretical framework. Additionally, the current study also addressed development of critical consciousness as interpreted from a nigrescence framework. When discussing the Black American experience in predominantly White spaces, an analysis of themes revealed fourth- and fifth-grade Black American student participants felt personality mattered most when defining oneself as a Black American. Participants also discussed themes related to both racial battle fatigue and an awareness of how their Blackness in predominantly White spaces had been racially profiled and policed. Participants discussed the United States’ historically violent nature toward Black Americans, wanting to be representatives of representation in predominantly White careers, a desire for equitable treatment from White adults, and an appreciation for trusted adult allies. Through it all, participants noted a desire for changes in their communities and an overall appreciation for engaging in the work with one another also came forth. Findings suggested elementary-aged Black American students wish to work in community with one another and want to share information regarding their experiences to assist educators in cultivating more welcoming spaces in their school communities and beyond

    Sugarcane Aphid as a Pest of Sorghum

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    A new pest of grain and forage sorghum, the sugarcane aphid (Melanaphis sacchari), was found for the first time in South Carolina in October 2014. The insect rapidly became a key pest of sorghum. This publication provides an overview of the insect’s biology and recommended management practices. Melanaphis sacchar

    Considering armed violence in the post-conflict transition: DDR and small arms and light weapons reduction initiatives

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    This briefing paper seeks to increase awareness of and review the linkages between disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) and small arms and light weapons (SALW) reduction in the context of post-conflict reconstruction (PCR). It is targeted at those working on poverty reduction at both the policy and programme level, particularly those with comparatively modest engagement in these areas. Its objective is to outline the types of activities that have been undertaken under these rubrics, the difficulties and constraints encountered at the level of implementation, and, in particular, to identify opportunities in linking SALW programmes and DDR. It also seeks to highlight the problems created by widespread arms availability and usage in PCR. This briefing paper is not intended as a comprehensive review of the state of DDR/SALW/PCR programming and policy, but rather an introduction to some of the core issues

    Noncommutative Plurisubharmonic Polynomials Part I: Global Assumptions

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    We consider symmetric polynomials, p, in the noncommutative free variables (x_1, x_2, ..., x_g). We define the noncommutative complex hessian of p and we call a noncommutative symmetric polynomial noncommutative plurisubharmonic if it has a noncommutative complex hessian that is positive semidefinite when evaluated on all tuples of n x n matrices for every size n. In this paper, we show that the symmetric noncommutative plurisubharmonic polynomials are precisely the noncommutative convex polynomials with a noncommutative analytic change of variables; i.e., a noncommutative symmetric polynomial, p, is noncommutative plurisubharmonic if and only if it has the form p = \sum f_j^T f_j + \sum k_j k_j^T + F + F^T where the sums are finite and f_j, k_j, F are all noncommutative analytic. We also present a theory of noncommutative integration for noncommutative polynomials and we prove a noncommutative version of the Frobenius theorem. A subsequent paper by Greene proves that if the noncommutative complex hessian of p takes positive semidefinite values on a "noncommutative open set" then the noncommutative complex hessian takes positive semidefinite values on all matrix tuples. Thus, p has the form above. The proof in the subsequent paper draws on most of the theorems in this paper together with a very different technique involving representations of noncommutative quadratic functions.Comment: 24 page
