4 research outputs found

    Delovanje spolnih žlez po zdravljenju levkemije v otroštvu

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    Pollutants in air, water and food, oxidative stress and antioxidants

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    Prosti radikali oz. reaktivne kisikove zvrsti (RKZ) endogenega izvora so stranski produkt oksidativne fosforilacije, kjer se energija iz hrane in kisik pretvarjata v ogljikov dioksid, vodo in energijo. V mitohondrijih poteka redukcija molekule kisika v vodo v verigi prenosa štirih elektronov. Ta proces ni idealen, ker med procesom elektronskega verižnega transporta pri oksidativni fosforilaciji iz mitohondrijev “uhajajo” stranski produkti v citosol. Na ta proces žal nimamo vpliva. Drugi vzrok izpostavljenosti organizma RKZ pa je okolje v katerem živimo. Neprestano smo izpostavljeni oksidantom iz okolja, kot so: ozon, dušikovi oksidi, ionizirajoče in UV- sevanje, pesticidi, alkoholi, stranski produkti dezinfekcije vode s klorom, tobačni dim, itd. Na eksogeno izpostavljenost RKZ imamo delni vpliv: (i) lahko se umaknemo v okolje, kjer je manjša koncentracija okoljskih onesnažil, (ii) zaščitimo se lahko s povečanim vnosom antioksidantov. V prispevku bomo predstavili ali se je smiselno z antioksidanti zaščititi pred tistimi okoljskimi onesnažili, ki vplivajo na povečan oksidativni stres organizma.Free radicals and other reactive oxygen species (ROS) are manly formed endogenously during oxidative phosphorylation inside our cells. During this process, energy in the form of ATP is obtained from ingested food. Compounds from the food react with oxygen and carbon dioxide, water and energy are released. More precisely, each molecule of oxygen is reduced in 4 step reaction into water. However, the mentioned reaction is not 100 % efficient due partial reduction of oxygen which leads into formation ROS. Due to their reactivity ROS molecules cause damage to the cell macromolecules. Unfortunately, there is little we can do regarding the formation of ROS from the endogenous source. The second source of ROS-causing damage to human cells originates from the environment we are living. We are constantly exposed to diverse oxidizing products like: ozone, nitrogen oxides, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation (e.g., UVradiation), various pesticides, alcohol, disinfection by-products, cigarette smoke, etc. In the case of exogenous ROS exposure we have partial influence: we can either move to the environment with less ROS-sources or we can protect ourselves with ingestion of antioxidants. In the article, data will be discussed, whether it is reasonable to increase our defense against environmentaly-induced oxidative stress with antioxidants or not

    Dot shape and legibility analysis of multilayer UV ink-jet printed Braille text

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    Multilayer UV ink-jet is recognized as alternative printing technology to traditional embossing, thermo-forming, screen-printing and other Braille printing techniques. Advantages of multilayer printing are extensive possibilities of dot shape and dot height modulation according to the requirements of blind and visually impaired people associations and legislation. Braille used for the pharmaceutical packaging is prescribed according to EU Directive 2004/27/EC, cell and dot dimensions are specified in the Standard EN 15823, in other fields there are only recommendations and specifications in force. Braille is usually adapted to different users, languages, scope, media, and printing processes. A set of samples with different Braille text sizes using conventional rounded dot shape and alternative dot shapes with additional small raised dot over basic dot, dots with incision and other dot shapes were prepared using multilayer UV ink-jet printing technique. Cell and dot dimensions and shape profile were obtained using different profile-meters and image analysis techniques. Legibility test has been carried out at the „Zavod za slepo in slabovidno mladino Ljubljana“ (Centre to help blind and partially sighted persons) and with the help of other blind people of all ages and Braille skills. It is evident from the results that the successful reading of the blind is greatly dependent on the shape and height of the dots of Braille. A survey on their answers and their comments gave us important information and directions for further research

    Gonadal function in patients treated for Hodgkin's disease in childhood

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    BACKGROUND: The long-term survival of patients treated for Hodgkin`s disease (HD) in childhood is high and the chief concern is now being directed toward the late effects of the treatment, including the endocrine dysfunction. PATIENTS AND METHODS. Testicular and ovarian functions were assessed in 64 long term survivors (24 females, 40 males) treated for HD in childhood in Slovenia between 1972 and 1994. At diagnosis they were 3–16 years old and had gonadal evaluation 4–27 years later at the age of 13–34. Fifty-four (84%) patients received chemotherapy (ChT), 49 in combination with radiation therapy (RT), 10 received RT alone. Gonadal function was assessed by the clinical examination and measurement of serum concentrations of estradiol and testosterone. Serum levels of LH and FSH were determined in the basal state and after the stimulation. RESULTS: Primary hypogonadism (PH) was found in 30 (47%) patients. Twenty-four of 40 (60%) males had PH with evidence of damage of germinal epithelium, 4 of them had evidence of damage of Leydig cells (LC) and 10 had evidence of dysfunction of LC as well. PH was found in 6 of 24 (25%) females. CONCLUSIONS: After therapy for HD PH was more frequent in males than in females. Not only RT but also alkylating agents and procarbazine alone caused damage of LC. Age of patient at the time of treatment was not an important risk factor for gonadal toxicity. Pelvic RT in combination with ChT is the most important risk factor of the development PH both, in males and females