538 research outputs found

    SNP allele calling of Illumina Infinium Omni5-4 data using the butterfly method

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    We introduce a within-sample SNP calling method, called the “butterfly method”, that improves the quality of SNP calling with the Illumina Infinium Omni5-4 SNP Kit. This was done by improving how no-calls are determined from allele signal intensities. High confidence of SNP allele calling is extremely important in forensic genetics and clinical diagnostics. This paper is accompanied by two open-source R packages, omni54manifest and snpbeadchip that make SNP calling easy by helping with bookkeeping and giving easy access to meta-information about the SNPs typed with the Illumina Infinium Omni5-4 Kit (including chromosome, probe type, and SNP bases). We compared the results from our method with those obtained with the Illumina GenomeStudio software (which does not provide sample and SNP specific genotype probabilities or other quality measures), and with whole-genome sequencing (WGS). Given the signal intensities, the SNP calling quality was optimised using a threshold for the a posteriori probability of a SNP belonging to a SNP cluster. By lowering the a posteriori probability threshold for no-calls, we obtained a higher call rate than GenomeStudio. Using a higher a posteriori probability threshold, we achieved a higher concordance with the WGS data than GenomeStudio. Our method had SNP call and concordance rates with WGS data of approximately 99%

    Explainable artificial intelligence model to predict acute critical illness from electronic health records

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    We developed an explainable artificial intelligence (AI) early warning score (xAI-EWS) system for early detection of acute critical illness. While maintaining a high predictive performance, our system explains to the clinician on which relevant electronic health records (EHRs) data the prediction is grounded. Acute critical illness is often preceded by deterioration of routinely measured clinical parameters, e.g., blood pressure and heart rate. Early clinical prediction is typically based on manually calculated screening metrics that simply weigh these parameters, such as Early Warning Scores (EWS). The predictive performance of EWSs yields a tradeoff between sensitivity and specificity that can lead to negative outcomes for the patient. Previous work on EHR-trained AI systems offers promising results with high levels of predictive performance in relation to the early, real-time prediction of acute critical illness. However, without insight into the complex decisions by such system, clinical translation is hindered. In this letter, we present our xAI-EWS system, which potentiates clinical translation by accompanying a prediction with information on the EHR data explaining it

    Association between Variants in the OCA2-HERC2 Region and Blue Eye Colour in HERC2 rs12913832 AA and AG Individuals

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    The OCA2-HERC2 region is strongly associated with human pigmentation, especially eye colour. The HERC2 SNP rs12913832 is currently the best-known predictor for blue and brown eye colour. However, in a previous study we found that 43 of 166 Norwegians with the brown eye colour genotype rs12913832:AA or AG, did not have the expected brown eye colour. In this study, we carried out massively parallel sequencing of a ~500 kbp HERC2-OCA2 region in 94 rs12913832:AA and AG Norwegians (43 blue-eyed and 51 brown-eyed) to search for novel blue eye colour variants. The new candidate variants were subsequently typed in a Norwegian biobank population (total n = 519) for population specific association analysis. We identified five new variants, rs74409036:A, rs78544415:T, rs72714116:T, rs191109490:C and rs551217952:C, to be the most promising candidates for explaining blue eye colour in individuals with the rs12913832:AA and AG genotype. Additionally, we confirmed the association of the missense variants rs74653330:T and rs121918166:T with blue eye colour, and observed lighter skin colour in rs74653330:T individuals. In total, 37 (86%) of the 43 blue-eyed rs12913832:AA and AG Norwegians could potentially be explained by these seven variants, and we suggest including them in future prediction models

    Reproducibility of the Infinium methylationEPIC BeadChip assay using low DNA amounts

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    The Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip (EPIC) is a reliable method for measuring the DNA methylation of more than 850,000 CpG positions. In clinical and forensic settings, it is critical to be able to work with low DNA amounts without risking reduced reproducibility. We evaluated the EPIC for a range of DNA amounts using two-fold serial dilutions investigated on two different days. While the β-value distributions were generally unaffected by decreasing DNA amounts, the median squared Pearson’s correlation coefficient (R(2)) of between-days β-value comparisons decreased from 0.994 (500 ng DNA) to 0.957 (16 ng DNA). The median standard deviation of the β-values was 0.005 and up to 0.017 (median of medians: 0.014) for β-values around 0.6–0.7. With decreasing amounts of DNA from 500 ng to 16 ng, the percentage of probes with standard deviations ≤ 0.1 decreased from 99.9% to 99.4%. This study showed that high reproducibility results are obtained with DNA amounts in the range 125–500 ng DNA, while DNA amounts equal to 63 ng or below gave less reproducible results

    Prediction of Eye Colour in Scandinavians Using the EyeColour 11 (EC11) SNP Set

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    Description of a perpetrator’s eye colour can be an important investigative lead in a forensic case with no apparent suspects. Herein, we present 11 SNPs (Eye Colour 11-EC11) that are important for eye colour prediction and eye colour prediction models for a two-category reporting system (blue and brown) and a three-category system (blue, intermediate, and brown). The EC11 SNPs were carefully selected from 44 pigmentary variants in seven genes previously found to be associated with eye colours in 757 Europeans (Danes, Swedes, and Italians). Mathematical models using three different reporting systems: a quantitative system (PIE-score), a two-category system (blue and brown), and a three-category system (blue, intermediate, brown) were used to rank the variants. SNPs with a sufficient mean variable importance (above 0.3%) were selected for EC11. Eye colour prediction models using the EC11 SNPs were developed using leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) in an independent data set of 523 Norwegian individuals. Performance of the EC11 models for the two- and three-category system was compared with models based on the IrisPlex SNPs and the most important eye colour locus, rs12913832. We also compared model performances with the IrisPlex online tool (IrisPlex Web). The EC11 eye colour prediction models performed slightly better than the IrisPlex and rs12913832 models in all reporting systems and better than the IrisPlex Web in the three-category system. Three important points to consider prior to the implementation of eye colour prediction in a forensic genetic setting are discussed: (1) the reference population, (2) the SNP set, and (3) the reporting strategy
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