4 research outputs found

    Influence of design and media amendments on the performance of stormwater biofilters

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    Biofiltration systems are a promising retrofit option for site-constrained urban areas due to the vertical arrangement of treatment stages that leads to a relatively compact footprint. Existing knowledge about the influence of their design and configuration on hydrological, stormwater pollutant removal and long-term performance is limited and this has been identified as a barrier to their widespread uptake. Long-term simulations of lined and unlined biofiltration systems in four contrasting UK climatic regimes were used to assess the influence of climate, ponding depth, biofilter to drainage area ratio and infiltration rate on hydrological performance. The results showed that local differences in climate have a significant impact on performance and that infiltration rates as low as 0·36 mm/h are not suitable for locations in the UK with high rainfall unless the biofilter to drainage area ratio is greater than 10%. However, with higher infiltration rates (72 mm/h) a biofilter occupying only 3% of the impermeable catchment area would be capable of infiltrating 97% of annual rainfall in central England. Preliminary results of adsorption and column tests to assess the effectiveness of media amendments, specifically zeolite and granular activated carbon, for dissolved copper and phosphate removal are presented in this paper

    Policy monitoring in the EU: The impact of institutions, implementation, and quality

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    Policy monitoring is often seen as a crucial ingredient of policy evaluation, but theoretically informed empirical analyses of real-world policy monitoring practices are still rare. This paper addresses this gap by focusing on climate policy monitoring in the European Union, which has a relatively stringent system of greenhouse gas monitoring but a much less demanding approach to monitoring policies. It explores how institutional settings, policy implementation, and the quality of information may impact the practices and politics of policy monitoring. Drawing on quantitative regression models and qualitative interviews, it demonstrates that policy monitoring has evolved over time and is itself subject to implementation pressures, but also exhibits learning effects that improve its quality. In further developing both everyday policy monitoring practices and academic understanding of them, there is a need to pay attention to their design—specifically, the impact of any overarching rules, the institutional support for implementation, and the criteria governing the quality of the information they deliver. In short, policy monitoring should be treated as a governance activity in its own right, raising many different design challenges

    Plant Nutrition: From Liquid Medium to Micro-farm

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