16,006 research outputs found

    Connectivity-Driven Coherence in Complex Networks

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    We study the emergence of coherence in complex networks of mutually coupled non-identical elements. We uncover the precise dependence of the dynamical coherence on the network connectivity, on the isolated dynamics of the elements and the coupling function. These findings predict that in random graphs, the enhancement of coherence is proportional to the mean degree. In locally connected networks, coherence is no longer controlled by the mean degree, but rather on how the mean degree scales with the network size. In these networks, even when the coherence is absent, adding a fraction s of random connections leads to an enhancement of coherence proportional to s. Our results provide a way to control the emergent properties by the manipulation of the dynamics of the elements and the network connectivity.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Continuous Hawking-Page transitions in Einstein-scalar gravity

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    We investigate continuous Hawking-Page transitions in Einstein's gravity coupled to a scalar field with an arbitrary potential in the weak gravity limit. We show that this is only possible in a singular limit where the black-hole horizon marginally traps a curvature singularity. Depending on the subleading terms in the potential, a rich variety of continuous phase transitions arise. Our examples include second and higher order, including the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless type. In the case when the scalar is dilaton, the condition for a continuous phase transition lead to (asymptotically) linear-dilaton background. We obtain the scaling laws of thermodynamic functions, as well as the viscosity coefficients near the transition. In the limit of weak gravitational interactions, the bulk viscosity asymptotes to a universal constant, independent of the details of the scalar potential. As a byproduct of our analysis we obtain a one-parameter family of kink solutions in arbitrary dimension d that interpolate between AdS near the boundary and linear-dilaton background in the deep interior. The continuous Hawking-Page transitions found here serve as holographic models for normal-to superfluid transitions.Comment: 35 pages + appendice

    Stellar mass functions of galaxies at 4<z<7 from an IRAC-selected sample in COSMOS/UltraVISTA: limits on the abundance of very massive galaxies

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    We build a Spitzer IRAC complete catalog of objects, obtained by complementing the KsK_\mathrm{s}-band selected UltraVISTA catalog with objects detected in IRAC only. With the aim of identifying massive (i.e., log(M/M)>11\log(M_*/M_\odot)>11) galaxies at 4<z<74<z<7, we consider the systematic effects on the measured photometric redshifts from the introduction of an old and dusty SED template and from the introduction of a bayesian prior taking into account the brightness of the objects, as well as the systematic effects from different star formation histories (SFHs) and from nebular emission lines in the recovery of stellar population parameters. We show that our results are most affected by the bayesian luminosity prior, while nebular emission lines and SFHs only introduce a small dispersion in the measurements. Specifically, the number of 4<z<74<z<7 galaxies ranges from 52 to 382 depending on the adopted configuration. Using these results we investigate, for the first time, the evolution of the massive end of the stellar mass functions (SMFs) at 4<z<74<z<7. Given the rarity of very massive galaxies in the early universe, major contributions to the total error budget come from cosmic variance and poisson noise. The SMF obtained without the introduction of the bayesian luminosity prior does not show any evolution from z6.5z\sim6.5 to z3.5z\sim 3.5, implying that massive galaxies could already be present when the Universe was 0.9\sim0.9~Gyr old. However, the introduction of the bayesian luminosity prior reduces the number of z>4z>4 galaxies with best fit masses log(M/M)>11\log(M_*/M_\odot)>11 by 83%, implying a rapid growth of very massive galaxies in the first 1.5 Gyr of cosmic history. From the stellar-mass complete sample, we identify one candidate of a very massive (log(M/M)11.5\log(M_*/M_\odot)\sim11.5), quiescent galaxy at z5.4z\sim5.4, with MIPS 24μ24\mum detection suggesting the presence of a powerful obscured AGN.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures. ApJ accepte

    Critical behavior of a one-dimensional monomer-dimer reaction model with lateral interactions

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    A monomer-dimer reaction lattice model with lateral repulsion among the same species is studied using a mean-field analysis and Monte Carlo simulations. For weak repulsions, the model exhibits a first-order irreversible phase transition between two absorbing states saturated by each different species. Increasing the repulsion, a reactive stationary state appears in addition to the saturated states. The irreversible phase transitions from the reactive phase to any of the saturated states are continuous and belong to the directed percolation universality class. However, a different critical behavior is found at the point where the directed percolation phase boundaries meet. The values of the critical exponents calculated at the bicritical point are in good agreement with the exponents corresponding to the parity-conserving universality class. Since the adsorption-reaction processes does not lead to a non-trivial local parity-conserving dynamics, this result confirms that the twofold symmetry between absorbing states plays a relevant role in determining the universality class. The value of the exponent δ2\delta_2, which characterizes the fluctuations of an interface at the bicritical point, supports the Bassler-Brown's conjecture which states that this is a new exponent in the parity-conserving universality class.Comment: 19 pages, 22 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev

    Star formation in galaxies at z~4-5 from the SMUVS survey: a clear starburst/main-sequence bimodality for Halpha emitters on the SFR-M* plane

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    We study a large galaxy sample from the Spitzer Matching Survey of the UltraVISTA ultra-deep Stripes (SMUVS) to search for sources with enhanced 3.6 micron fluxes indicative of strong Halpha emission at z=3.9-4.9. We find that the percentage of "Halpha excess" sources reaches 37-40% for galaxies with stellar masses log10(M*/Msun) ~ 9-10, and decreases to <20% at log10(M*/Msun) ~ 10.7. At higher stellar masses, however, the trend reverses, although this is likely due to AGN contamination. We derive star formation rates (SFR) and specific SFR (sSFR) from the inferred Halpha equivalent widths (EW) of our "Halpha excess" galaxies. We show, for the first time, that the "Halpha excess" galaxies clearly have a bimodal distribution on the SFR-M* plane: they lie on the main sequence of star formation (with log10(sSFR/yr^{-1})<-8.05) or in a starburst cloud (with log10(sSFR/yr^{-1}) >-7.60). The latter contains ~15% of all the objects in our sample and accounts for >50% of the cosmic SFR density at z=3.9-4.9, for which we derive a robust lower limit of 0.066 Msun yr^{-1} Mpc^{-3}. Finally, we identify an unusual >50sigma overdensity of z=3.9-4.9 galaxies within a 0.20 x 0.20 sq. arcmin region. We conclude that the SMUVS unique combination of area and depth at mid-IR wavelengths provides an unprecedented level of statistics and dynamic range which are fundamental to reveal new aspects of galaxy evolution in the young Universe.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, 1 table. Re-submitted to the ApJ, after addressing referee report. Main changes with respect to v1: a new section and a new appendix have been added to investigate further the origin and robustness of the sSFR bimodality. No conclusion change

    Restricted random walk model as a new testing ground for the applicability of q-statistics

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    We present exact results obtained from Master Equations for the probability function P(y,T) of sums y=t=1Txty=\sum_{t=1}^T x_t of the positions x_t of a discrete random walker restricted to the set of integers between -L and L. We study the asymptotic properties for large values of L and T. For a set of position dependent transition probabilities the functional form of P(y,T) is with very high precision represented by q-Gaussians when T assumes a certain value TL2T^*\propto L^2. The domain of y values for which the q-Gaussian apply diverges with L. The fit to a q-Gaussian remains of very high quality even when the exponent aa of the transition probability g(x)=|x/L|^a+p with 0<p<<1 is different from 1, all though weak, but essential, deviation from the q-Gaussian does occur for a1a\neq1. To assess the role of correlations we compare the T dependence of P(y,T) for the restricted random walker case with the equivalent dependence for a sum y of uncorrelated variables x each distributed according to 1/g(x).Comment: 5 pages, 7 figs, EPL (2011), in pres

    Exact Periodic Solutions of Shells Models of Turbulence

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    We derive exact analytical solutions of the GOY shell model of turbulence. In the absence of forcing and viscosity we obtain closed form solutions in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions. With three shells the model is integrable. In the case of many shells, we derive exact recursion relations for the amplitudes of the Jacobi functions relating the different shells and we obtain a Kolmogorov solution in the limit of infinitely many shells. For the special case of six and nine shells, these recursions relations are solved giving specific analytic solutions. Some of these solutions are stable whereas others are unstable. All our predictions are substantiated by numerical simulations of the GOY shell model. From these simulations we also identify cases where the models exhibits transitions to chaotic states lying on strange attractors or ergodic energy surfaces.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Diffusive Ionization of Relativistic Hydrogen-Like Atom

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    Stochastic ionization of highly excited relativistic hydrogenlike atom in the monochromatic field is investigated. A theoretical analisis of chaotic dynamics of the relativistic electron based on Chirikov criterion is given for the cases of one- and three-dimensional atoms. Critical value of the external field is evaluated analitically. The diffusion coefficient and ionization time are calculated.Comment: 13 pages, latex, no figures, submitted to PR

    Schwarzschild black hole with global monopole charge

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    We derive the metric for a Schwarzschild black hole with global monopole charge by relaxing asymptotic flatness of the Schwarzschild field. We then study the effect of global monopole charge on particle orbits and the Hawking radiation. It turns out that existence, boundedness and stability of circular orbits scale up by (18πη2)1(1-8 \pi\eta^2)^{-1}, and the perihelion shift and the light bending by (18πη2)3/2(1-8 \pi\eta^2)^{-3/2}, while the Hawking temperature scales down by (18πη2)2(1 - 8 \pi \eta^2)^2 the Schwarzschild values. Here η\eta is the global charge.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX versio

    Macroscopic control parameter for avalanche models for bursty transport

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    Similarity analysis is used to identify the control parameter RA for the subset of avalanching systems that can exhibit self-organized criticality (SOC). This parameter expresses the ratio of driving to dissipation. The transition to SOC, when the number of excited degrees of freedom is maximal, is found to occur when RA-->0. This is in the opposite sense to (Kolmogorov) turbulence, thus identifying a deep distinction between turbulence and SOC and suggesting an observable property that could distinguish them. A corollary of this similarity analysis is that SOC phenomenology, that is, power law scaling of avalanches, can persist for finite RA with the same RA-->0 exponent if the system supports a sufficiently large range of lengthscales, necessary for SOC to be a candidate for physical (RA finite) systems