846 research outputs found

    Coping strategies as mediators within the relationship between emotion-regulation and perceived stress in teachers

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    The aim of the present study was to examine whether different coping strategies (focus on positive, support coping, active coping and evasive coping) mediate the relationship between emotion-regulation (i.e., emotion acceptance skills, emotion resilience skills and emotion regulation skills) and perceived stress in physical education (PE) teachers. The sample consisted of 457 PE pre-service teachers. Results show that evasive coping strategies partly negatively mediate the relationship between emotion resilience skills and emotion regulation and perceived stress. Therefore, emotion-regulation might protect against using evasive coping strategies, which have been found to be related to higher stress in previous studies.peer-reviewe

    Lattice design of a transfer line for ultra-short bunches from FLUTE to cSTART

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    This Master’s Thesis discusses the lattice design of a transfer line for ultra short bunches from FLUTE to cSTART. The compact Storage ring for Accelerator Research and Technology cSTART is a test facility for novel techniques of storing ultra short bunches. The goal of cSTART is to develop a new generation of compact light sources which combine the benefits of linear and circular accelerator facilities, the radiation of short light pulses with a high repetition rate. The Ferninfrarot Linac- und Test-Experiment FLUTE serves as a full energy injector for cSTART, providing bunches with a length of only a few femtoseconds and stable beam parameters. As a consequence of the spatial arrangement of injector and storage ring, a transfer line is required which deflects the bunches in both transverse planes. The unavoidable dispersion affects the path length for off-energy particles and consequentially increases the bunch length. A concept for guiding the FLUTE bunches and avoiding the longitudinal spreading is developed in this thesis, taking into account the technical limitations, coupled transverse optics and non-linear longitudinal beam dynamics. In addition, tracking simulations including radiation effects prove the compression performance of the transfer line

    Dependence of aptamer activity on opposed terminal extensions : improvement of light-regulation efficiency

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    Aptamers that can be regulated with light allow precise control of protein activity in space and time and hence of biological function in general. In a previous study, we showed that the activity of the thrombin-binding aptamer HD1 can be turned off by irradiation using a light activatable "caged" intramolecular antisense-domain. However, the activity of the presented aptamer in its ON state was only mediocre. Here we studied the nature of this loss in activity in detail and found that switching from 5'- to 3'-extensions affords aptamers that are even more potent than the unmodified HD1. In particular we arrived at derivatives that are now more active than the aptamer NU172 that is currently in phase 2 clinical trials as an anticoagulant. As a result, we present light-regulatable aptamers with a superior activity in their ON state and an almost digital ON/OFF behavior upon irradiation

    On Endogenous Fissility of Argillites within Carbonous Deposits Of Donbass

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    Based on direct numerical simulations of forced turbulence, shear turbulence, decaying turbulence, a turbulent channel flow as well as a Kolmogorov flow with Taylor-based Reynolds numbers Reλ between 69 and 295, the normalized probability density function of the length distribution P(l) of dissipation elements, the conditional mean scalar difference Δkl at the extreme points as well as the scaling of the two-point velocity difference along gradient trajectories Δun are studied. Using the field of the instantaneous turbulent kinetic energy k as a scalar, we find good agreement between the model equation for P(l) as proposed by Wang and Peters (2008 J. Fluid Mech. 608 113–38) and the results obtained in the different direct numerical simulation cases. This confirms the independence of the model solution from both the Reynolds number and the type of turbulent flow, so that it can be considered universally valid. In addition, we show a 2/3 scaling for the mean conditional scalar difference. In the second part of the paper, we examine the scaling of the conditional two-point velocity difference along gradient trajectories. In particular, we compare the linear s/τ scaling, where τ denotes an integral time scale and s the separation arclength along a gradient trajectory in the inertial range as derived by Wang (2009 Phys. Rev. E 79 046325) with the sa∞ scaling, where a∞ denotes the asymptotic value of the conditional mean strain rate of large dissipation elements

    Time-resolved Emission Spectroscopy of Impact Plasma

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    AbstractOne phenomenon observed at hypervelocity impacts (HVI) is the generation of plasma with a very short lifetime of a few microseconds. Due to this short lifetime, characteristic plasma parameters such as the electron density and the electron temperature of the expanding plasma were not investigated thoroughly in the past. This paper will present a method to measure these parameters with a time-resolution of 500 ns for the full period of impact plasma expansion and discuss results gained in impact experiments.At the Fraunhofer EMI, impact experiments on solar panels were performed using a two-stage light-gas gun to accelerate aluminum spheres with a diameter of a few millimeters up to a speed of 8 km/s. A measurement system consisting of a spectrograph and a streak camera was applied for time-resolved spectroscopy of the impact plasma.To derive plasma properties, the recorded streak image was evaluated using different methods for different expansion states of the plasma cloud. The spectra show strong self-absorption lines in the first microseconds of expansion. In the present work, these features are explained by the electron density and temperature gradient in the plasma. For the determination of electron temperature and density, a one-dimensional radiative transfer model was adapted to the measured spectra. After 2 μs of expansion, the plasma is optically thin and emission lines can be observed. For this expansion state, the electron temperature was determined by the ratio of line to continuum radiation, whereas the electron density was determined through the line broadening due to the Stark effect.Using these methods, it was found that the electron temperature decreases in the first 3 μs of propagation from 45,000 K to 2,000 K in the experiments performed. The electron density decreases from 1019 cm-3 to 1017 cm-3

    Genetic algorithm for the optimization of vision acquisition for on-the-fly position measurement of individual layers in fuel cell stack assembly

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    Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells consist of hundreds of stacked individual layers. As misplacement can lead to product-malfunctions the positioning accuracy plays a crucial role during assembly. Thus, to increase accuracy and to lower the cycle time, this paper presents a camera-integrated gripper for single layer handling of fuel cell components. The overlapping of suction holes within a gripper system is used for position measurement of fuel cell layers. The hole pattern is optimized applying a genetic algorithm to precisely measure the position of individual layers

    Biomechanische Untersuchungen am Fesselgelenk (Articulatio metacarpophalangea) des Pferdes

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    The fetlock joint (articulatio metacarpophalangea) plays an exceptional role within the limb, as it is the only joint which is in hyperextension in the standing horse. It is therefore exposed to special loading situations compared to other joints. The objective of this study is to describe in a detailed way the morphological parameters of loading in the equine fetlock joint (metacarpophalangeal articulation). 45 specimens of 26 horses of different breeds and sizes, male and female were examined. Their age ranged from foal to 30 years. Using Computertomographic Osteoabsorptiometry (CT-OAM) and Chondrocrassometry (CT-CCM) the distribution of the subchondral bone density and the cartilage thickness were determined topographically in the 3D reconstruction of the joint. Generally the subchondral bone density increases in all bones forming the fetlock joint with increasing age of the horses. Up to the age of 2 years no significant increase in the subchondral bone density can be stated. From the age of 3 years onward a distinct increase can be measured until it comes to stagnation in horses older than 13 years of age. In most cases the areas with homogeneous subchondral bone density extend within the articular surface. In the dorso-distal area of the trochlea a broad transversal band of high bone density can be observed, which at the angle of stance corresponds to a respectively dense part of the phalangeal articular surface. The dorsal and palmar area at the edge of the trochlea, as well as the palmar edge of the fovea articularis show low bone density. Altough the lateral edges of the trochlea and the fovea articularis show a higher density. The method of split lines showed no definite preferential orientation of the collagen fibres in the subchondral bone of the fetlock joint. Therefore it is not possible to draw any conclusions concerning physiological incongruence of this articulation. In animals from 3 months to 2 years of age a change in the trochlear profile can be observed from a cylindrical condyle to a concave - convex shape in abaxial direction. This could be related to the results described above. Surfaces of the trochlea (palmar area) and the sesamoid bones articulating in the standing horse show a higher subchondral density. In contrast to the subchondral bone density the cartilage thickness generally decreases in older horses. After the period of maximum growth in horses the decrease of cartilage thickness stagnates at the age of 3 to 4 years. Articular surfaces in the trochlea, the proximal phalanx and the sesamoid bones which are in contact during stance show low cartilage thickness. It seems that areas which are loaded more statically way are covered by a thinner cartilage layer while areas loaded more dynamically are covered by a thicker cartilage layer. Generally speaking the tendency towards a negative correlation between subchondral bone density and cartilage thickness can be observed in the fetlock joint of the horse. An exception to this rule is the vertex area in the sagittal groove, where both a high density and a high cartilage thickness can be found.Das Fesselgelenk (Articulatio metacarpophalangea) nimmt eine besondere Stellung im anatomischen Zusammenhang der Gliedmaße ein, da es sich als einziges Gelenk bei stützender Gliedmaße in Hyperextensionsstellung befindet und somit besonderen Belastungen ausgesetzt ist. Das Ziel dieser Studie besteht darin, die bisher noch wenig beachteten morphologischen Parameter der mechanischen Beanspruchung am Fesselgelenk (Articulatio metacarpophalangea) des Pferdes näher zu beschreiben. Zur Untersuchung kamen 45 Fesselgelenkspräparate von 26 Pferden verschiedener Rassen und Größe, beiderlei Geschlechts, vom Fohlenalter bis zum 30. Lebensjahr. Mit Hilfe der Computertomographischen Osteoabsorptiometrie (CT-OAM) und der Chondrocrassometrie (CT-CCM) wurde die subchondrale Knochendichte und die Knorpeldicke an den Gelenkflächen in topographischer Verteilung an der dreidimensionalen Gelenkrekonstruktion bestimmt. Im Allgemeinen nimmt die subchondrale Knochendichte in allen am Fesselgelenk beteiligten Knochen im Altersgang zu. Bis zu einem Alter von 2 Jahren kann keine deutliche Zunahme der Knochendichte festgestellt werden. Ab einem Alter von 3 Jahren kommt es zu einem deutlichen Anstieg, ab den 13-Jährigen stagniert die Knochendichte. Meist dehnen sich bei diesen die homogen hochdichten Bereiche innerhalb der Gelenkflächen weiter aus. An der Trochlea ist im dorso-distalen Bereich ein breiter transversaler Streifen hoher Dichte zu beobachten, der im Standwinkel mit einem entsprechend dichten Abschnitt des Fesselbeines korrespondiert. Der dorsale und palmare Randbereich der Trochlea sowie der palmare Rand der Fovea articularis sind weniger mineralisiert. Die Seitenränder der Gelenkwalze und der Fovea articularis sind dagegen deutlich dichter. Die Spaltlinienmethode ergab keine eindeutige Vorzugsrichtung der Kollagenfasern im subchondralen Knochen des Fesselgelenkes. Dadurch sind Rückschlüsse auf eine physiologische Inkongruenz nicht möglich. Die Änderung des Profils der Trochlea metacarpi im Alter von 3 Monaten bis 2 Jahre von einer zylinderförmigen Walze zu einer nach abaxial konkav-konvex geschwungenen Form kann hier einen Zusammenhang darstellen. Auch die bei stützender Gliedmaße artikulierenden Gelenkflächenanteile der Trochlea (Palmarseite) und Gleichbeine weisen eine hohe subchondrale Verdichtung auf. Die Knorpeldicke nimmt im Gegensatz zur Entwicklung der subchondralen Knochendichte im Altersverlauf allgemein ab. Nach der Hauptwachstumsphase der Pferde stagniert ab einem Alter von 3 bis 4 Jahren die Abnahme der Knorpeldicke. Die im Standwinkel korrespondierenden Gelenkflächen an der Trochlea, am Fesselbein wie auch an den Gleichbeinen weisen eine geringe Knorpeldicke auf. Demnach scheinen mehr statisch belastete Bereiche der Gelenkfläche einen dünnen Knorpel zu tragen, während mehr dynamisch beanspruchte Zonen eher mit einem dickeren Knorpel behaftet sind. Im Allgemeinen zeigt sich im Fesselgelenk die Tendenz einer negativen Korrelation zwischen subchondraler Knochendichte und Knorpeldicke. Eine Ausnahme bildet der Scheitelbereich der Sagittalrinne, der neben einer hohen Dichte auch eine relativ hohe Knorpeldicke aufweist

    Radiotherapy in langerhans cell histiocytosis : a rare indication in a rare disease

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    Introduction: Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) represents a rare benign disorder, previously designated as "Histiocytosis X", "Type II Histiocytosis" or "Langerhans Cell Granulomatosis". Clinical presentation includes osteolysis, ulcerations of skin and soft tissues but also involvement of the CNS is described.Because treatment concepts are not well defined the German Cooperative Group on Radiotherapy for Benign Diseases performed a retrospective analysis. Methods and material: Eight closely cooperating centres collected patients' data of the past 45 years. As study endpoints disease free survival, recurrent disease, death and therapy related side effects were defined. Results: A total of 80 patients with histologically proven LCH were irradiated within the past 45 years. According to the LCH classification of Greenberger et al. 37 patients had stage Ia, 21 patients stage Ib, 13 patients stage II and 9 patients stage IIIb and the median age was 29 years. The median Follow up was 54 months (range 9-134 months). A total of 39 patients had a surgical intervention and 23 patients a chemotherapy regimen.Radiation treatment was carried out with a median total dose of 15 Gy (range 3-50.4 Gy). The median single fraction was 2 Gy (range 1.8-3 Gy).Overall, 77% patients achieved a complete remission and 12.5% achieved a partial remission. The long-term control rate reached 80%. Within an actuarial overall 5-year survival of 90% no radiogenic side and late effects ≥EORTC/RTOG II° were observed. Conclusion: In the present study a large collective of irradiated patients was analysed. Radiotherapy (RT) is a very effective and safe treatment option and even low RT doses show sufficient local control

    An SU(5) x A5 Golden Ratio Flavour Model

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    In this paper we study an SU(5) x A5 flavour model which exhibits a neutrino mass sum rule and golden ratio mixing in the neutrino sector which is corrected from the charged lepton Yukawa couplings. We give the full renormalizable superpotential for the model which breaks SU(5) and A5 after integrating out heavy messenger fields and minimising the scalar potential. The mass sum rule allows for both mass orderings but we will show that inverted ordering is not valid in this setup. For normal ordering we find the lightest neutrino to have a mass of about 10-50 meV, and all leptonic mixing angles in agreement with experiment.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures; version published in Nucl. Phys.