762 research outputs found

    Clinical utility of moral injury in a treatment-seeking military-Veteran mental health population

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    Moral injury (MI) can be defined as a diverse set of outcomes associated with actions that transgress one’s moral beliefs or values. MI can be distressing for an individual at the interpersonal level (e.g., shifting relationships, feelings of betrayal) and the intrapersonal level (e.g., internalized guilt and shame). Indeed, these transgressions of moral beliefs and values have been associated with a high prevalence of mental illnesses, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. Although various forms of assessment exist to identify MI in the individual, treatments for MI are often interlinked or embedded in evidence-based treatments for PTSD and depression. As such, unique contributions of MI as a target of treatment remain largely unclear. In this article, the authors explore existing treatments that may be used to treat MI as a distinct mental health construct and examine their utility in reducing symptoms of MI in military and Veteran populations

    Hubungan Kepercayaan Diri Dengan Komunikasi Interpersonal Pada Mahasiswa Angkatan 2013 Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Sam Ratulagi Manado

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    : Background In the interpersonal communication, confidence is needed because the recognition and appreciation of communication we will have if we have the confidence..Purpose to know The Relationship Between Interpersonal Communication with Confidence for Student class 2013 at Nursing Department, Sam Ratulangi University Manado. Design is observational analytic with approach cross sectional. Population entire student class of 2013 at Nursing Department, Sam Ratulangi University, with number 109 students and Sample use purposive sampling, with number 57 students. The data collected were processed using SPSS computer assistance (Statistical Programme For Social Science) version 20 using the chi-square test at 95% significance level (á 0.05).Result obtained value of P =0,152 more than á = 0,05 (p 0,05).Conclusion there is not relationship between interpersonal communication with confidence for student class 2013 at Nursing Department, Sam Ratulangi University Manado. Suggestion consideration for the department as teaching materials for courses Psychiatric Nursing, and the student is expected to improve the knowledge about confidence and interpersonal communication

    Faculty-Wide Peer-Support Program During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Design and Preliminary Results

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    Background: Physicians experience higher rates of burnout relative to the general population. Concerns of confidentiality, stigma, and professional identities as health care providers act as barriers to seeking and receiving appropriate support. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, factors that contribute to burnout and barriers to seeking support have been amplified, elevating the overall risks of mental distress and burnout for physicians. Objective: This paper aimed to describe the rapid development and implementation of a peer support program within a health care organization located in London, Ontario, Canada. Methods: A peer support program leveraging existing infrastructures within the health care organization was developed and launched in April 2020. The “Peers for Peers” program drew from the work of Shapiro and Galowitz in identifying key components within hospital settings that contributed to burnout. The program design was derived from a combination of the peer support frameworks from the Airline Pilot Assistance Program and the Canadian Patient Safety Institute. Results: Data gathered over 2 waves of peer leadership training and program evaluations highlighted a diversity of topics covered through the peer support program. Further, enrollment continued to increase in size and scope over the 2 waves of program deployments into 2023. Conclusions: Findings suggest that the peer support program is acceptable to physicians and can be easily and feasibly implemented within a health care organization. The structured program development and implementation can be adopted by other organizations in support of emerging needs and challenge

    G2A Attenuates Propionibacterium acnes Induction of Inflammatory Cytokines in Human Monocytes.

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    Background:Acne vulgaris is a disease of the pilosebaceous unit characterized by increased sebum production, hyperkeratinization, and immune responses to Propionibacterium acnes (PA). Here, we explore a possible mechanism by which a lipid receptor, G2A, regulates immune responses to a commensal bacterium. Objective:To elucidate the inflammatory properties of G2A in monocytes in response to PA stimulation. Furthermore, our study sought to investigate pathways by which lipids modulate immune responses in response to PA. Methods:Our studies focused on monocytes collected from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, the monocytic cell line THP-1, and a lab strain of PA. Our studies involved the use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent, Western blot, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, small interfering RNA (siRNA), and microarray analysis of human acne lesions in the measurements of inflammatory markers. Results:G2A gene expression is higher in acne lesions compared to normal skin and is inducible by the acne therapeutic, 13-cis-retinoic acid. In vitro, PA induces both the Toll-like receptor 2-dependent expression of G2A as well as the production of the G2A ligand, 9-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid, from human monocytes. G2A gene knockdown through siRNA enhances PA stimulation of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, and IL-1β possibly through increased activation of the ERK1/2 MAP kinase and nuclear factor kappa B p65 pathways. Conclusion:G2A may play a role in quelling inflammatory cytokine response to PA, revealing G2A as a potential attenuator of inflammatory response in a disease associated with a commensal bacterium

    The roles of personality and resilience in associations between combat experiences and posttraumatic stress disorder among Canadian Armed Forces Veterans

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    Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veterans encounter unique challenges associated with their service. Exposure to service-related traumatic events places them at risk for developing adverse mental health outcomes, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Our research aimed to assess whether the HEXACO personality model and resilience impacted associations between combat experiences and PTSD symptomatology in CAF Veterans in the past month. We recruited a sample of 245 CAF Veterans (81 % men; Mage = 48.47, SDage = 10.34) to complete a battery of questionnaires. PTSD symptoms were significantly associated with more combat experience, lower resilience, lower extraversion, higher emotionality, and lower agreeableness. However, personality traits did not moderate the relationship between combat experiences and PTSD symptoms. Overall, this research can be used to enhance researchers\u27 and clinicians\u27 understanding of personality traits as risk and protective factors for PTSD symptoms

    Physical and psychological challenges faced by military, medical and public safety personnel relief workers supporting natural disaster operations: a systematic review

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    Natural disasters, including floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes, result in devastating consequences at the individual and community levels. To date, much of the research reflecting the consequences of natural disasters focuses heavily on victims, with little attention paid to the personnel responding to such disasters. We conducted a systematic review of the challenges faced by military, medical and public safety personnel supporting natural disaster relief operations. Specifically, we report on the current evidence reflecting challenges faced, as well as positive outcomes experienced by military, medical and public safety personnel following deployment to natural disasters. The review included 382 studies. A large proportion of the studies documented experiences of medical workers, followed by volunteers from humanitarian organizations and military personnel. The most frequently reported challenges across the studies were structural (i.e., interactions with the infrastructure or structural institutions), followed by resource limitations, psychological, physical, and social challenges. Over 60% of the articles reviewed documented positive or transformative outcomes following engagement in relief work (e.g., the provision of additional resources, support, and training), as well as self-growth and fulfillment. The current results emphasize the importance of pre-deployment training to better prepare relief workers to manage expected challenges, as well as post-deployment supportive services to mitigate adverse outcomes and support relief workers’ well-being

    Exposure to moral stressors and associated outcomes in healthcare workers:Prevalence, correlates, and impact on job attrition

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    Introduction: Healthcare workers (HCWs) often experience morally challenging situations in their workplaces that may contribute to job turnover and compromised well-being. This study aimed to characterize the nature and frequency of moral stressors experienced by HCWs during the COVID-19 pandemic, examine their influence on psychosocial-spiritual factors, and capture the impact of such factors and related moral stressors on HCWs’ self-reported job attrition intentions.Methods: A sample of 1204 Canadian HCWs were included in the analysis through a web-based survey platform whereby work-related factors (e.g. years spent working as HCW, providing care to COVID-19 patients), moral distress (captured by MMD-HP), moral injury (captured by MIOS), mental health symptomatology, and job turnover due to moral distress were assessed.Results: Moral stressors with the highest reported frequency and distress ratings included patient care requirements that exceeded the capacity HCWs felt safe/comfortable managing, reported lack of resource availability, and belief that administration was not addressing issues that compromised patient care. Participants who considered leaving their jobs (44%; N = 517) demonstrated greater moral distress and injury scores. Logistic regression highlighted burnout (AOR = 1.59; p &lt; .001), moral distress (AOR = 1.83; p &lt; .001), and moral injury due to trust violation (AOR = 1.30; p = .022) as significant predictors of the intention to leave one’s job.Conclusion: While it is impossible to fully eliminate moral stressors from healthcare, especially during exceptional and critical scenarios like a global pandemic, it is crucial to recognize the detrimental impacts on HCWs. This underscores the urgent need for additional research to identify protective factors that can mitigate the impact of these stressors.Introducción: Los trabajadores de la salud (TS) a menudo experimentan situaciones moralmente desafiantes en sus lugares de trabajo que pueden contribuir a la rotación laboral y comprometer su bienestar. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la naturaleza y frecuencia de los estresores morales experimentados por los TS durante la pandemia por COVID-19, examinar su influencia en los factores psicosociales-espirituales y capturar el impacto de dichos factores y los estresores morales relacionados a las intenciones de abandono laboral de los TS.Métodos: Se incluyó en el análisis una muestra de 1.204 TS canadienses a través de una encuesta en plataforma web en la que se analizaron factores relacionados con el trabajo (p. ej., años trabajados como TS, brindando atención a pacientes con COVID-19), angustia moral (evaluado con MMD-HP), daño moral (evaluado con MIOS), sintomatología de salud mental y rotación laboral debido a angustia moral.Resultados: Los estresores morales con mayor frecuencia reportados y tasas de angustia incluyeron requerimientos de atención al paciente que excedieron la capacidad en la que los TS se sentían seguros/cómodos de manejarlos, falta de disponibilidad de recursos y la creencia de que la administración no estaba abordando los problemas que comprometían la atención al paciente. Los participantes que consideraron dejar sus trabajos (44%; N = 517) demostraron mayores puntuaciones de angustia y daño moral. La regresión logística destacó el burnout (AOR = 1,59; p &lt; 0,001), la angustia moral (AOR = 1,83; p &lt; 0,001) y el daño moral debido a la violación de la confianza (AOR = 1,30; p = 0,022) como predictores significativos asociados a la intención de dejar el trabajo.Conclusión: Si bien, es imposible eliminar por completo los estresores morales de la atención sanitaria, especialmente durante escenarios críticos y excepcionales como una pandemia global, es crucial reconocer los impactos perjudiciales para los TS. Esto subraya la necesidad urgente de realizar investigaciones adicionales para identificar factores protectores que puedan mitigar el impacto de estos factores estresantes.</div

    Exposure to moral stressors and associated outcomes in healthcare workers:Prevalence, correlates, and impact on job attrition

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    Introduction: Healthcare workers (HCWs) often experience morally challenging situations in their workplaces that may contribute to job turnover and compromised well-being. This study aimed to characterize the nature and frequency of moral stressors experienced by HCWs during the COVID-19 pandemic, examine their influence on psychosocial-spiritual factors, and capture the impact of such factors and related moral stressors on HCWs’ self-reported job attrition intentions.Methods: A sample of 1204 Canadian HCWs were included in the analysis through a web-based survey platform whereby work-related factors (e.g. years spent working as HCW, providing care to COVID-19 patients), moral distress (captured by MMD-HP), moral injury (captured by MIOS), mental health symptomatology, and job turnover due to moral distress were assessed.Results: Moral stressors with the highest reported frequency and distress ratings included patient care requirements that exceeded the capacity HCWs felt safe/comfortable managing, reported lack of resource availability, and belief that administration was not addressing issues that compromised patient care. Participants who considered leaving their jobs (44%; N = 517) demonstrated greater moral distress and injury scores. Logistic regression highlighted burnout (AOR = 1.59; p &lt; .001), moral distress (AOR = 1.83; p &lt; .001), and moral injury due to trust violation (AOR = 1.30; p = .022) as significant predictors of the intention to leave one’s job.Conclusion: While it is impossible to fully eliminate moral stressors from healthcare, especially during exceptional and critical scenarios like a global pandemic, it is crucial to recognize the detrimental impacts on HCWs. This underscores the urgent need for additional research to identify protective factors that can mitigate the impact of these stressors.Introducción: Los trabajadores de la salud (TS) a menudo experimentan situaciones moralmente desafiantes en sus lugares de trabajo que pueden contribuir a la rotación laboral y comprometer su bienestar. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la naturaleza y frecuencia de los estresores morales experimentados por los TS durante la pandemia por COVID-19, examinar su influencia en los factores psicosociales-espirituales y capturar el impacto de dichos factores y los estresores morales relacionados a las intenciones de abandono laboral de los TS.Métodos: Se incluyó en el análisis una muestra de 1.204 TS canadienses a través de una encuesta en plataforma web en la que se analizaron factores relacionados con el trabajo (p. ej., años trabajados como TS, brindando atención a pacientes con COVID-19), angustia moral (evaluado con MMD-HP), daño moral (evaluado con MIOS), sintomatología de salud mental y rotación laboral debido a angustia moral.Resultados: Los estresores morales con mayor frecuencia reportados y tasas de angustia incluyeron requerimientos de atención al paciente que excedieron la capacidad en la que los TS se sentían seguros/cómodos de manejarlos, falta de disponibilidad de recursos y la creencia de que la administración no estaba abordando los problemas que comprometían la atención al paciente. Los participantes que consideraron dejar sus trabajos (44%; N = 517) demostraron mayores puntuaciones de angustia y daño moral. La regresión logística destacó el burnout (AOR = 1,59; p &lt; 0,001), la angustia moral (AOR = 1,83; p &lt; 0,001) y el daño moral debido a la violación de la confianza (AOR = 1,30; p = 0,022) como predictores significativos asociados a la intención de dejar el trabajo.Conclusión: Si bien, es imposible eliminar por completo los estresores morales de la atención sanitaria, especialmente durante escenarios críticos y excepcionales como una pandemia global, es crucial reconocer los impactos perjudiciales para los TS. Esto subraya la necesidad urgente de realizar investigaciones adicionales para identificar factores protectores que puedan mitigar el impacto de estos factores estresantes.</div

    The potentially morally injurious nature of encountering children during military deployments: A call for research

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    Armed forces personnel are a population at risk for exposure to potentially traumatic and morally injurious events because of the high-risk nature of military operations. One potentially morally injurious event (PMIE) could be when military personnel encounter children during deployment. These encounters may lead to acute and chronic psychological, behavioural, and social consequences, culminating in moral injury and other adverse mental health problems. According to anecdotal evidence, military personnel reported feeling torn, morally and ethically, in their decisionmaking when they encounter children in the line of duty. The decision to engage or kill a child may be difficult to reconcile with one’s moral and ethical code, and decisions may have deadly consequences for oneself and others. To date, however, no reliable data exist as to the impact that encountering children during deployment may have on psychosocial and spiritual well-being. In this article, additional research into this domain is encouraged by providing a rationale for studying encounters with children during deployment through the lens of a PMIE, as well as r

    Four decades of military posttraumatic stress:Protocol for a meta-analysis and systematic review of treatment approaches and efficacy

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    Background: Over 85% of active members of the Canadian Armed Forces have been exposed to potentially traumatic events linked to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). At the time of transition to civilian life, as high as 1 in 8 veterans may be diagnosed with PTSD. Given the high prevalence of PTSD in military and veteran populations, the provision of effective treatment considering their unique challenges and experiences is critical for mental health support and the well-being of these populations. Objective: This paper presents the protocol for a meta-analysis and systematic review that will examine the effectiveness of treatment approaches for military-related PTSD. Methods: This PROSPERO-preregistered meta-analysis is being conducted in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) and Cochrane guidelines. A comprehensive search of the literature wasconducted using the databases PsycInfo, Medline, Embase, CINAHL, and ProQuest Dissertation &amp; Theses. Effect sizes will be computed based on changes in PTSD symptom scores over time across studies using validated PTSD scales. A multilevel meta-analysis will examine the overall effects, between-study effects, and within-study effects of available evidence for PTSD treatments in military populations. Effect sizes will be compared between pharmacotherapeutic, psychotherapeutic, and alternative/emerging treatment interventions. Finally, meta-regression and subgroup analyses will explore the moderating roles of clinical characteristics (eg, PTSD symptom clusters), treatment approaches (eg, therapeutic orientations in psychotherapy and alternative therapies and classifications of drugs in pharmacotherapy), as well as treatment characteristics (eg, length of intervention) on treatment outcomes. Results: The literature search was completed on April 14, 2021. After the removal of duplicates, a total of 12, 002 studies were screened for inclusion. As of July 2021, title and abstract screening has been completed, with 1469 out of 12, 002 (12.23%) studies included for full-text review. Full review is expected to be completed in the summer of 2021, with initial results expected for publication by early winter of 2021. Conclusions: This meta-analysis will provide information on the current state of evidence on the efficacy and effectiveness of various treatment approaches for military-related PTSD and identify factors that may influence treatment outcomes. The results will inform clinical decision-making for service providers and service users. Finally, the findings will provide insights into future treatment development and practice recommendations to better support the well-being of military and veteran populations.</p