31 research outputs found

    Child nutrition in countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States: time to redirect strategies?

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    Abstract Background Countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States made little progress in child nutrition and mortality between 1990 and 2005. The present paper assesses the nutritional status of children <5 years of age and discusses possible strategies for improvement. Methods Data on low birth weight, infant and young child feeding, underweight, overweight and micronutrient deficiencies were compiled from available reports and databases, complemented through questionnaires to UNICEF Country Offices, and analysed by country, age, gender, urban/rural residence, maternal education and wealth quintiles. Results Exclusive breast-feeding in the first 6 months and continuing breast-feeding up to 2 years fall short of WHO and UNICEF recommendations. Complementary foods are introduced too early and may be poor in protein and micronutrients. Stunting and underweight are prevalent, especially in children aged 12 to 35 months; overweight is even more prevalent. Vitamin A and I deficiencies are still present in some countries, despite current control efforts. Anaemia ranges between 20 % and 40 %. Higher rates of malnutrition are found in rural areas, children of less educated mothers and lower-income families. Discussion Current public health strategies should be redirected to address: (i) overall protection, promotion and support of infant and young child feeding, in addition to breast-feeding; (ii) overweight, in addition to underweight and stunting; and (iii) malnutrition as a whole, in addition to micronutrient deficiencies. An equity lens should be used in developing policies and plans and implementing and monitoring programmes. Capacity building, cross-sectoral action, improved data collection within adequate legal frameworks and community engagement should be the pillars of redirected strategie

    Impact of a quality improvement intervention on neonatal mortality in a regional hospital in Burkina Faso

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    The neonatal period is the most vulnerable time in terms of a child's survival, with mortality during this period accounting for approximately half of the deaths before the age of 5 years. The Neonatal Essential Survival Technology (NEST) project is a program aiming to reduce mortality by improving the quality of neonatal care in sub-Saharan Africa. This study presents the evaluation of the first phase of the NEST intervention program at Saint Camille Hospital Ouagadougou (HOSCO), Burkina Faso, in terms of the reduction in neonatal mortality.This is a retrospective analysis, based on "pre-intervention" data collected in 2015, and "post-intervention" data collected in 2018, including all infants admitted to the neonatal unit of HOSCO. The intervention period (2016 and 2017) comprised a structured quality improvement process conducted by a multidisciplinary working group that focused on improving infrastructure, equipment, training and use of clinical protocols, team working within the neonatal unit and with other hospital departments, and communication with referring healthcare facilities. Mortality data were compared pre- vs. post-intervention using a logistic regression model.The analysis included 1427 infants in the pre-intervention period, and 819 post-intervention. In both time periods, more than 75% of admissions were infants with low birth weight, and nearly 50% were very low birth weight. Post-intervention, while there was a decrease in overall admission, the proportion of multiple births increased from 20% to 24% (The first phase of the NEST quality improvement program was associated with a decrease in mortality in outborn infants admitted to the neonatal unit at HOSCO. Long-term assessment is expected to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of the program in a low-income setting

    Longitudinal Growth and Body Composition of Twins versus Singletons in the First Month of Life

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    Background. Although twin gestation is well recognized to be associated with impaired fetal and postnatal growth, specific data about body composition of twins in the first month of life are scarce. Objective. The aim of this study was to compare the body composition of twins, evaluated with air-displacement plethysmography, to that of singletons of similar gestational age and adequacy of growth, during the first month of life. We tested the hypothesis that the quality of growth would be similar. Methods. Anthropometric and air-displacement plethysmography measurements were performed in 18 pairs of twins and in 36 singleton neonates, longitudinally, from birth to the 30th day of life. Each twin was matched to a singleton infant of similar gestational age and birth weight z-score. Results. With regard to anthropometric measures, the only difference was a lower weight in twins versus singletons on the 15th day of life. With regard to body composition, we did not find any difference between groups at any time point. Fat mass increased significantly from day 1 to day 30 in both twins and singletons. Conclusion. In terms of body composition, twins do not differ from singletons of similar gestational age and weight, either at birth or in early postnatal life

    Parental Stress, Depression, and Participation in Care Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Prospective Observational Study in an Italian Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

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    Background: Recent studies reported, during the COVID-19 pandemic, increased mental distress among the general population and among women around the childbirth period. COVID-19 pandemic may undermine the vulnerable well-being of parents in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). Objective: Our study aimed to explore whether parental stress, depression, and participation in care in an Italian NICU changed significantly over three periods: pre-pandemic (T0), low (T1), and high COVID-19 incidence (T2). Methods: Enrolled parents were assessed with the Parental Stressor Scale in the NICU (PSS:NICU), Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), and Index of Parental Participation (IPP). Stress was the study primary outcome. A sample of 108 parents, 34 for each time period, was estimated to be adequate to detect a difference in PSS:NICU stress occurrence level score (SOL) of 1.25 points between time periods. To estimate score differences among the three study periods a non-parametric analysis was performed. Correlation among scores was assessed with Spearman rank coefficient. Results: Overall, 152 parents were included in the study (62 in T0, 56 in T1, and 34 in T2). No significant differences in the median PSS:NICU, EPDS, and IPP scores were observed over the three periods, except for a slight increase in the PSS:NICU parental role sub-score in T2 (T0 3.3 [2.3-4.1] vs. T2 3.9 [3.1-4.3]; p = 0.038). In particular, the question regarding the separation from the infant resulted the most stressful aspect during T2 (T0 4.0 [4.0-5.0] vs. T2 5.0 [4.0-5.0], p = 0.008). The correlation between participation and stress scores (r = 0.19-022), and between participation and depression scores (r = 0.27) were weak, while among depression and stress, a moderate positive correlation was found (r = 0.45-0.48). Conclusions: This study suggests that parental stress and depression may be contained during the COVID-19 pandemic, while participation may be ensured

    Secondary prevention of early-onset sepsis: A less invasive Italian approach for managing neonates at risk

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    Strategies to prevent early-onset sepsis (EOS) have led to a substantial decline in many countries. However, one of the most controversial topics in neonatology is the management of asymptomatic full-term and late preterm neonates at risk for EOS, and guidelines lack substantial consensus regarding this issue. A strategy for managing neonates, entirely based on serial physical examinations, has been developed in two Italian regions. This strategy seems safe, while reducing laboratory tests and unnecessary antibiotics. In the current commentary we provide area-based data concerning the prevention of EOS in 2 northern Italian regions, and we detail the results of their strategy for managing healthy-appearing newborns at risk for EOS

    Secondary prevention of early-onset sepsis: A less invasive Italian approach for managing neonates at risk

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    Strategies to prevent early-onset sepsis (EOS) have led to a substantial decline in many countries. However, one of the most controversial topics in neonatology is the management of asymptomatic full-term and late preterm neonates at risk for EOS, and guidelines lack substantial consensus regarding this issue. A strategy for managing neonates, entirely based on serial physical examinations, has been developed in two Italian regions. This strategy seems safe, while reducing laboratory tests and unnecessary antibiotics. In the current commentary we provide area-based data concerning the prevention of EOS in 2 northern Italian regions, and we detail the results of their strategy for managing healthy-appearing newborns at risk for EOS

    Management of cryptorchidism: a survey of clinical practice in Italy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An evidence-based Consensus on the treatment of undescended testis (UT) was recently published, recommending to perform orchidopexy between 6 and 12 months of age, or upon diagnosis and to avoid the use of hormones. In Italy, current practices on UT management are little known. Our aim was to describe the current management of UT in a cohort of Italian children in comparison with the Consensus guidelines. As management of retractile testis (RT) differs, RT cases were described separately.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ours is a retrospective, multicenter descriptive study. An online questionnaire was filled in by 140 Italian Family Paediatricians (FP) from <it>Associazione Culturale Pediatri </it>(ACP), a national professional association of FP. The questionnaire requested information on all children with cryptorchidism born between 1/01/2004 and 1/01/2006. Data on 169 children were obtained. Analyses were descriptive.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall 24% of children were diagnosed with RT, 76% with UT. Among the latter, cryptorchidism resolved spontaneously in 10% of cases at a mean age of 21.6 months. Overall 70% of UT cases underwent orchidopexy at a mean age of 22.8 months (SD 10.8, range 1.2-56.4), 13% of whom before 1 year. The intervention was performed by a paediatric surgeon in 90% of cases, with a success rate of 91%. Orchidopexy was the first line treatment in 82% of cases, while preceded by hormonal treatment in the remaining 18%. Hormonal treatment was used as first line therapy in 23% of UT cases with a reported success rate of 25%. Overall, 13 children did not undergo any intervention (mean age at last follow up 39.6 months). We analyzed the data from the 5 Italian Regions with the largest number of children enrolled and found a statistically significant regional difference in the use of hormonal therapy, and in the use of and age at orchidopexy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study showed an important delay in orchidopexy. A quarter of children with cryptorchidism was treated with hormonal therapy. In line with the Consensus guidelines, surgery was carried out by a paediatric surgeon in the majority of cases, with a high success rate.</p

    La gestione del bambino con testicolo ritenuto: dalla pratica clinica all\u2019applicazione delle linee guida. Protocollo di studio

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    Undescended testis is a common finding in boys, with a prevalence at birth between 2-8%. Its treatment has been matter of debate for several years. Recently, a consensus among specialists from the Nordic countries on the state-of-the-art in the treatment of undescended testicles has been reached and published. In the light of these clear guidelines, we decided to conduct a study with the aim of describing the current management of cryptorchidism among Italian family paediatricians and of detecting any difference from the recommended guidelines. After this first retrospective descriptive phase of the study, a second prospective phase is planned in order to assess undescended testis management after the diffusion of the current guidelines. The detailed protocol of the study is presented

    Manuale di pediatria d'urgenza - Pediatric Emergency Card

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    MANUALE DI PEDIATRIA D\u2019URGENZA Per affrontare efficacemente una emergenza il pediatra deve possedere una larga serie di requisiti otre a una solida cultura medica di base. E, di certo, deve, prima di tutto, essere capace di nconoscere che di emergenza si tratta individuando i probleli (\u201cle bandierine rosse\u201d) che richiedono di essere affrontati per primi (magari anche prima che una diagnosi precisa sia stata fatta). Ma non basta. Occorre anche che, affrontando un bambino critico, il pediatra sappia chiedere aiuto tempestivamente al consulente giusto, sappia predisporre senza incertezze la scaletta dere procedure diagnosliche da attuare e dei parametri clinici da monitorare, abbia infine ben chiara, oltre alla lista delle cose pi\uf9 importanti da fare, la lista dei possibili errori, delle cose che non vanno fatte. Bene, questo libro Pr\ueat-\ue0-porter, \ue8 stato scritto per offrire al pediatra una guida sintetica, facile da consultare e assolutamente pratica per aiutarlo ad agire al meglio a fronte di una serie di quaranta emergenze. Non \ue8 un trattato. E\u2019 una serie di pro memoria e di messaggi chiave, facili da leggere ma al contempo ben motivati, che servono a ricordare meglio quello che, magari, gi\ue0 sapevamo. Una successione di richiami e sottolineature che ci aiutano ad agire secondo logica evitando gli errori pi\uf9 comuni. Un insieme di sintetiche linee guida che certamente costituiscono la base per l\u2019aggiunta di note e appunti, di \u201ctrucchi del mestiere\u201d, derivanti dalla esperienza concreta che ognuno di noi accumula con il tempo. Questo manuale nasce come base ai corsi promossi dalla SIMEUP per l\u2019acquisizione della \u201cpaediatric emergency card\u201d e certamente risulter\ue0 estremamente utile per seguire le lezioni teorico pratiche di questi stessi corsi. E\u2019 indubbio che, al contempo, questo stesso manuale (che richiama tra l\u2019altro, per ogni argomento trattato, una regola d\u2019oro di comportamento) rlsuiter\ue0 estremamente utile ad ogni pediatra che voglia mettere un po\u2019 in ordine le sue conoscenze e le sue abilit\ue0 pratiche nel campo della pediatria d\u2019urgenza. Magari, soltanto con una \u201cregola d\u2019oro\u201d al giorno\u202