16 research outputs found

    Undernutrition Under Attention: The Changing Approach of the UK Department for International Development to Nutrition

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    DFID is paying attention to undernutrition. This is due to the global lack of progress on the nutrition indicator in Millennium Development Goal 1, the urgency of the situation created by the food price spike of 2008–09 and an increasing understanding within DFID about our potential added value. This article outlines the changing response within DFID globally and in India and reflects on the triggers for the changes and how the changes can be sustained

    Non-maternal mortality, women of reproductive age, Nepal.

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    <p>Data source: Nepal demographic and health surveys 1996 and 2006.</p>a<p>Timing of the estimates is 3.5 years prior to the dates of the surveys.</p><p>*Denotes statistical significance of difference at less than 5%.</p

    Trend in Nepal's national estimate of maternal mortality rate, adjusted for respondent characteristics using Poisson regression.

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    <p>Data source: Nepal demographic and health surveys 1996 and 2006.</p>a<p>maternal mortality rate from the later survey was used as the reference, so the incidence rate ratio in the earlier survey was 2.69 times greater.</p><p>**denotes statistical significance at p<0.001;</p><p>*p<0.01.</p

    Associations between maternal mortality rate or ratio and potential drivers of variation, Nepal.

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    <p>Data source: Maternal mortality and morbidity survey, 2008 weighted by number of live births. β is the slope of the regression line and R<sup>2</sup> the coefficient of determination.</p><p>**Denotes statistical significance of difference at less than 1%.</p>a<p>Drivers are of district variation unless stated otherwise, depending on availability of data.</p