30 research outputs found

    Student Recital: Voice 5

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    Kemp Recital Hall Thursday Evening October 13, 1994 8:00p.m

    A connection between stress and development in the multicelular prokaryote Streptomyces coelicolor

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    Morphological changes leading to aerial mycelium formation and sporulation in the mycelial bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor rely on establishing distinct patterns of gene expression in separate regions of the colony. sH was identified previously as one of three paralogous sigma factors associated with stress responses in S. coelicolor. Here, we show that sigH and the upstream gene prsH (encoding a putative antisigma factor of sH) form an operon transcribed from two developmentally regulated promoters, sigHp1 and sigHp2. While sigHp1 activity is confined to the early phase of growth, transcription of sigHp2 is dramatically induced at the time of aerial hyphae formation. Localization of sigHp2 activity using a transcriptional fusion to the green fluorescent protein reporter gene (sigHp2–egfp) showed that sigHp2 transcription is spatially restricted to sporulating aerial hyphae in wild-type S. coelicolor. However, analysis of mutants unable to form aerial hyphae (bld mutants) showed that sigHp2 transcription and sH protein levels are dramatically upregulated in a bldD mutant, and that the sigHp2–egfp fusion was expressed ectopically in the substrate mycelium in the bldD background. Finally, a protein possessing sigHp2 promoter-binding activity was purified to homogeneity from crude mycelial extracts of S. coelicolor and shown to be BldD. The BldD binding site in the sigHp2 promoter was defined by DNase I footprinting. These data show that expression of sH is subject to temporal and spatial regulation during colony development, that this tissue-specific regulation is mediated directly by the developmental transcription factor BldD and suggest that stress and developmental programmes may be intimately connected in Streptomyces morphogenesis

    Microevolution of Serial Clinical Isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii and C.Β gattii

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    We thank the Broad Institute Sequencing Platform for generating the Illumina sequences. We thank Chen-Hsin Yu for helping on the data processing of the phenotypic tests. We acknowledge the South African National Institute for Communicable Diseases’ GERMS-SA surveillance network through which these isolates were originally collected. This project has been funded in whole or in part by the following U.S. Health and Human Services grants from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: U19 AI110818 (Broad Institute), R01 AI93257 (J.R.P.), R01 AI73896 (J.R.P.), and R01 AI025783 (T.G.M.). R.A.F. was supported by the Wellcome Trust. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The content is solely our responsibility and does not necessarily represent the official views of the funders. The use of product names in this manuscript does not imply their endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The findings and conclusions in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the CDC.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Cryptococcus neoformans trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (tps1) promotes organ-specific virulence and fungal protection against multiple lines of host defenses

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    Trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS1) was identified as a virulence factor for Cryptococcus neoformans and a promising therapeutic target. This study reveals previously unknown roles of TPS1 in evasion of host defenses during pulmonary and disseminated phases of infection. In the pulmonary infection model, TPS1-deleted (tps1Ξ”) Cryptococci are rapidly cleared by mouse lungs whereas TPS1-sufficent WT (H99) and revertant (tps1Ξ”:TPS1) strains expand in the lungs and disseminate, causing 100% mortality. Rapid pulmonary clearance of tps1Ξ” mutant is T-cell independent and relies on its susceptibility to lung resident factors and innate immune factors, exemplified by tps1Ξ” but not H99 inhibition in a coculture with dispersed lung cells and its rapid clearance coinciding with innate leukocyte infiltration. In the disseminated model of infection, which bypasses initial lung–fungus interactions, tps1Ξ” strain remains highly attenuated. Specifically, tps1Ξ” mutant is unable to colonize the lungs from the bloodstream or expand in spleens but is capable of crossing into the brain, where it remains controlled even in the absence of T cells. In contrast, strains H99 and tps1Ξ”:TPS1 rapidly expand in all studied organs, leading to rapid death of the infected mice. Since the rapid pulmonary clearance of tps1Ξ” mutant resembles a response to acapsular strains, the effect of tps1 deletion on capsule formation in vitro and in vivo was examined. Tps1Ξ” cryptococci form capsules but with a substantially reduced size. In conclusion, TPS1 is an important virulence factor, allowing C. neoformans evasion of resident pulmonary and innate defense mechanisms, most likely via its role in cryptococcal capsule formation

    Efficacy of APX2039 in a Rabbit Model of Cryptococcal Meningitis

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    Cryptococcal Meningitis (CM) is uniformly fatal if not treated, and treatment options are limited. We previously reported on the activity of APX2096, the prodrug of the novel Gwt1 inhibitor APX2039, in a mouse model of CM. Here, we investigated the efficacy of APX2039 in mouse and rabbit models of CM. In the mouse model, the controls had a mean lung fungal burden of 5.95 log10 CFU/g, whereas those in the fluconazole-, amphotericin B-, and APX2039-treated mice were 3.56, 4.59, and 1.50 log10 CFU/g, respectively. In the brain, the control mean fungal burden was 7.97 log10 CFU/g, while the burdens were 4.64, 7.16, and 1.44 log10 CFU/g for treatment with fluconazole, amphotericin B, and APX2039, respectively. In the rabbit model of CM, the oral administration of APX2039 at 50 mg/kg of body weight twice a day (BID) resulted in a rapid decrease in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fungal burden, and the burden was below the limit of detection by day 10 postinfection. The effective fungicidal activity (EFA) was -0.66 log10 CFU/mL/day, decreasing from an average of 4.75 log10 CFU/mL to 0 CFU/mL, over 8 days of therapy, comparing favorably with good clinical outcomes in humans associated with reductions of the CSF fungal burden of -0.4 log10 CFU/mL/day, and, remarkably, 2-fold the EFA of amphotericin B deoxycholate in this model (-0.33 log10 CFU/mL/day). A total drug exposure of the area under the concentration-time curve from 0 to 24 h (AUC0-24) of 25 to 50 mg Β· h/L of APX2039 resulted in near-maximal antifungal activity. These data support the further preclinical and clinical evaluation of APX2039 as a new oral fungicidal monotherapy for the treatment of CM. IMPORTANCE Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) is a fungal disease with significant global morbidity and mortality. The gepix Gwt1 inhibitors are a new class of antifungal drugs. Here, we demonstrated the efficacy of APX2039, the second member of the gepix class, in rabbit and mouse models of cryptococcal meningitis. We also analyzed the drug levels in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid in the highly predictive rabbit model and built a mathematical model to describe the behavior of the drug with respect to the elimination of the fungal pathogen. We demonstrated that the oral administration of APX2039 resulted in a rapid decrease in the CSF fungal burden, with an effective fungicidal activity of -0.66 log10 CFU/mL/day, comparing favorably with good clinical outcomes in humans associated with reductions of -0.4 log10 CFU/mL/day. The drug APX2039 had good penetration of the central nervous system and is an excellent candidate for future clinical testing in humans for the treatment of CM

    Pleiotropic Effects of Deubiquitinating Enzyme Ubp5 on Growth and Pathogenesis of Cryptococcus neoformans

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    Ubiquitination is a reversible protein modification that influences various cellular processes in eukaryotic cells. Deubiquitinating enzymes remove ubiquitin, maintain ubiquitin homeostasis and regulate protein degradation via the ubiquitination pathway. Cryptococcus neoformans is an important basidiomycete pathogen that causes life-threatening meningoencephalitis primarily in the immunocompromised population. In order to understand the possible influence deubiquitinases have on growth and virulence of the model pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neoformans, we generated deletion mutants of seven putative deubiquitinase genes. Compared to other deubiquitinating enzyme mutants, a ubp5Ξ” mutant exhibited severely attenuated virulence and many distinct phenotypes, including decreased capsule formation, hypomelanization, defective sporulation, and elevated sensitivity to several external stressors (such as high temperature, oxidative and nitrosative stresses, high salts, and antifungal agents). Ubp5 is likely the major deubiquitinating enzyme for stress responses in C. neoformans, which further delineates the evolutionary divergence of Cryptococcus from the model yeast S. cerevisiae, and provides an important paradigm for understanding the potential role of deubiquitination in virulence by other pathogenic fungi. Other putative deubiquitinase mutants (doa4Ξ” and ubp13Ξ”) share some phenotypes with the ubp5Ξ” mutant, illustrating functional overlap among deubiquitinating enzymes in C. neoformans. Therefore, deubiquitinating enzymes (especially Ubp5) are essential for the virulence composite of C. neoformans and provide an additional yeast survival and propagation advantage in the host